Orange County

Welcome to our Orange County Roofing Company Blog. Our goal is to not only offer you the highest quality roofing solutions in Orange County, but also to educate you on best practices, offer roofing contractor tips and inside secrets that only a professional roofer would know. We hope you find this information helpful and invite you to comment and ask questions.

Roof Repairs - We work hard to bring you the best Orange County Roofing service possible. We offer the latest products and some of the best warranties in the business. That coupled with our expert installation ensures a roof you can count on!


Most common Orange County Roof Repairs

common-roof-repairs-ocReplacing a roof isn’t cheap. That’s why it’s important to repair your roof - rather than replacing it - whenever possible. Unless the shingles or tiles on your roof are completely worn out, repairs are able to fix many issues you might be having - including leaking. Orange County roof repair often addresses a group of very common problems. Here are some of the most common repairs that we do:

1. Damaged flashing.

Flashing is a piece of metal that adds extra protection to your roof’s extra vulnerable points. It’s found around skylights, around chimneys, and sometimes in the valleys of your roof where two surfaces meet. These areas are more prone to leaks, and are harder to get shingles and tiles into properly.

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6 Cost Factors of Roofing Repairs in Orange County

roof-repair-costIf you’ve been experiencing leaks, or just know that your roof is in need of some TLC, you may be wondering how much the repairs will cost. Who doesn’t want to know the bottom line, right?

Unfortunately, it’s impossible to give an online estimate - even a ballpark - of how much it will cost to repair your roof. It’s easier to give a ballpark cost for roofing replacement, actually. At least then we know we’re starting from the studs up, and can give you a ballpark idea of the cost of replacement per square foot of roof.

But when it comes to roofing repairs in Orange County, there are just too many factors influencing the cost of your repairs to give you a solid idea of your actual costs. What we can do, though, is tell you a bit about the six major factors that will influence the cost of repairs for your roof. That way, you’ll be educated enough to know when you’re getting a great deal with an Orange County roofing contractor.

Here are the six main factors that influence the cost of roof repairs in Orange County:

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5 Tips for Maintaining Your Asphalt Shingle Roof

asphault-roof-maintenanceAsphalt shingle roofing is one of the most popular options nationwide, and with good reason. It’s cheap, easy to maintain, and simple to repair. But this doesn’t mean you’ll get good results from your asphalt shingle roof - even the high-end kind with a warranty - by leaving it completely alone.

Proper roof maintenance will ensure that your roof lasts as long as possible. So whether your asphalt shingles are brand new or several years old, here are five tips for keeping them in top shape as long as possible:

1. Know your warranty.

This isn’t a maintenance tip, per se, but it’s still essential. The best Orange County roofing company will be up-front about any warranties for your new roof. Hang on to any paperwork surrounding your warranty, so you’ll have it in case a problem arises.

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3 Roof Repairs Not to Do Yourself

Roof Repairs in Orange County

Most homeowners prefer to DIY fix at least some of their home repairs. After all, doing simple repairs yourself can save you lots of money. But when it comes to your roof, there are certain repairs you simply shouldn't attempt on your own. 

While you may be able to repair a small leak yourself, here are X common roof repairs in Orange County you should leave to the professionals:

  1. Fixing faulty installation. If your roof was improperly installed in the first place, it’ll be more likely to leak. And the lifespan of your roof could decrease dramatically. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to tell if your roof was installed improperly, or if the problem is more localized. If you suspect your last roofing guys did a number on your roof, call a professional to assess and fix the problem.
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