Selecting the right color for roof shingles is similar to choosing hues for other parts of your home. You should consider many factors before making a decision. In our experience as an Orange County Roofer, we see three factors as particularly important when it comes to selecting shingle shade. We strongly recommend you keep them in mind before settling on a roof color.
The Safe Choice. You almost never can go wrong by selecting a muted shade for shingles. (emphasis on ‘almost never’.) The reason? As with clothing, your basic grays and blacks go with just about anything. Dark colors seldom clash with siding and landscape. Remember, however, to consider neighboring properties. If light-shaded shingles are the rule, going dark could make your home stand out like a sore thumb.
Some Things Never Change. Sure, siding is one of the standout features of your happy home. Nevertheless, you should consider the other influencers of roof color, such as your home’s more permanent features. Case in point is brickwork, which likely won’t be changing any time soon. A shingle shade that matches brick décor could be your most sensible, aesthetically-pleasing choice.
Natural Selection. OK, you’ve considered all the color options. Deliberated the possibilities with your family members until you’re bleary-eyed. And you still can’t settle on a shingle shade. If you’re stuck in the mud like this, this commercial roofer strongly advises you look to nature for inspiration. Check out your surroundings and take note of the trees and other landscaping. What color is all that flora? Matching roof shingles to your natural surroundings might be your answer.
If you have questions about roof color or are considering roof repairs or upgrades, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established commercial roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Offering roofing services from Midway City to Dana Point, Luke Roofing is your trusted Orange County roofing contractor.