Orange County

Welcome to our Orange County Roofing Company Blog. Our goal is to not only offer you the highest quality roofing solutions in Orange County, but also to educate you on best practices, offer roofing contractor tips and inside secrets that only a professional roofer would know. We hope you find this information helpful and invite you to comment and ask questions.

The Scholarly Side of Your Orange County Roofer

A qualified Orange County roofer is an undisputed expert when it comes to installing and repairing roofs. Amazingly, this expertise covers quite an extensive territory. Not only must these professionals possess the skills necessary to evaluate, repair, or replace roofs. They also must understand the properties and capabilities of countless roofing materials. These include asphalt, tar, and metal, just to name a few.  Indeed, roofers must be masters of many arts. But roofing proficiency doesn’t just happen. The necessary skills and depth of knowledge must be honed through intensive training.

Doubtless, you Orange County roofer has received a substantial education in the roofing arts. Many become enlightened through on the job training under the guidance of an experienced master. A certain number of aspiring roofers earn their stripes through formalized apprentice programs. This structured schooling consists of in-classroom instruction bolstered by paid on-site training. During their educational journey, roofing students learn the rudiments of their chosen profession. Among the high-value topics covered are tools, materials, and safety.

After earning the necessary credentials, a roofer trainee typically is ready for work. But recent graduates aren’t thrown to the wolves right off the bat. Some experience must be gained before they’re ready for the big leagues. Generally, newcomers will start off light, perhaps performing tasks such as carrying tools. This applies to both the commercial roofer and the residential roofer. Once proven in the more basic tasks, the newly-trained roofer is at long last ready for major duties.

If you have questions about training for roofers, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Fullerton, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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What Does an Orange County Roofer Install?

One function of an Orange County roofer, of course, is to install roofs. This job, however, requires more than laying down a few tiles. In fact, when an Orange County roofer installs a new roof, this professional must deal with a variety of components.

Whether a residential roofer or commercial roofer is on the job, these components remain fairly consistent. The first of them is the visible layer familiar to everyone, the roof covering. The material selected to cover and shield your rooftop is available in variety of styles and textures. The most common covering is shingles. Seen almost everywhere, these may be of the tile, slate, or metal variety. The choice depends on your personal preferences and objectives.  

Naturally, your chosen roof covering requires support. In roofing circles, that support is known as sheathing. This foundation typically is a board made of a sturdy material such as plywood. An Orange County roofer connects this board to your rafters, thereby supporting shingles or other covering.

Sheathing, in turn, requires its own support. That’s the job of rafters and trusses.  The first of these, rafters, are beams that run from the eaves to the roof peak. Consider it the basic framework of a roof. Similar to rafters, trusses provide support in the form of posts and struts.

The final component an Orange County roofer deals with is flashing. This is critical for preventing water from seeping into your home during inclement weather. Typically constructed of sheet metal, flashing is installed into roof joints and valleys.

If you have any questions about what an Orange County roofer installs in a roofing system, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential or commercial roofing need and situation. From roofing services in Fullerton to roofing services in Laguna Beach, Luke Roofing has Orange County covered.

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New Roofs Add Curb Appeal

new roof makeoverMost of the time, homeowners think of their home’s roof as nothing more than a utility. It’s just something that has to be replaced once in a while to be functional. But depending on your roofline, your roof could account for nearly half of what people see when they walk or drive past your home. That’s some serious real estate for the eyes, and you want to be sure that it looks great!

Luckily, adding curb appeal with a new roof isn’t that difficult, especially with all of the options on the market today. Here are a few ideas for updating your roof to create more curb appeal:

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