Orange County

Welcome to our Orange County Roofing Company Blog. Our goal is to not only offer you the highest quality roofing solutions in Orange County, but also to educate you on best practices, offer roofing contractor tips and inside secrets that only a professional roofer would know. We hope you find this information helpful and invite you to comment and ask questions.

Good as Copper

A qualified Orange County roofer certainly can have an impact on roof performance. This expert’s contribution, of course, typically comes in the form of repair or replacement. But a roofer also can make an aesthetic contribution to your dwelling. One of the most common ways is by installing copper rain gutters. Sturdy and efficient, copper gutters are undeniably eye-catching.  Will they improve drainage? Not significantly. Rain water flows just as smoothly through any garden variety gutter. Copper, however, goes one better by lending a strikingly stylish accent to a home’s exterior. The site of a house trimmed in copper can be quite impressive. In terms of impact, the metal is right up there with stunning landscaping and wood accents.

Remember, copper rain gutters needn’t be limited to residential structures. Many is the commercial building utilizing this option. Therefore, copper rain gutters may be provided by both a residential roofer and commercial roofer. No matter what type of building is to be serviced, a qualified Orange County roofing company can offer a suitable solution in line with budgetary parameters.  

Is there any special maintenance required by copper rain gutters? Not a great deal. There is one issue, however, that both homeowners and business owners will have to address. That is the issue of oxidation. This process invariably impacts copper, giving the meatal a greenish hue. Some homeowners don’t mind the alteration, as the color change jibes with the antique look of their house. If, however, you prefer a pure metallic sheen, an Orange County roofer can protect copper rain gutters with a special sealant.

If you have questions about copper rain gutters, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in La Habra and surrounding areas, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Reflect on These Savings

A qualified Orange County roofer strives to maximize roof effectiveness. Therefore, this professional often will make timely recommendations to homeowners. A roofing expert, for example, may advise homeowners to convert their conventional roof to a ‘cool roof’.  No, this isn’t a nod to the trendy, chic, or stylish. The cool in this case refers to comfortable, in-home temperatures. A cool roof can help minimize heat penetration – a form of defense especially welcome during the hot summer months. During the summer stretch, a constant barrage of incoming heat can make things mighty uncomfortable for household occupants – not to mention send their energy bills soaring.

A cool roof combats excessive temperatures by repelling sunlight and other heat sources. It does so with reflective paint, tiles, shingles, and sheets. Since virtually any kind of structure can benefit from this reflective power, cool roof service may be provided by both a residential roofer and commercial roofer. Whether you’re a business owner or homeowner, your commercial building or house will see improved climate control when protected by an energy-efficient cool roof.

How big an impact can a cool roof make? Well, consider the heat accumulating on a rooftop during the blistering summer months. Subjected to a constant barrage of sunlight, temperatures on those tiles and shingles can climb to well over a hundred degrees. The reflective defense of a cool roof can reduce those numbers by fifty degrees. That’s a substantial comfort boost.

Naturally, an Orange County roofer can advise you regarding the reflective elements best suited to your home. But no matter which options you implement, a cool roof will increase both your comfort level and energy savings.

If you have questions about cool roofs, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Costa Mesa and surrounding areas, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Helping Your Shingles Stand the Test of Time

You probably practice preventative maintenance on your car as well as on yourself. A qualified Orange County roofer can do likewise for your roof. As with changing engine oil and eating wholesome foods, the preventative maintenance of your shingles offers many benefits.

The biggest of these benefits is extended roof durability. The longer those shingles remain sound and strong, the longer they do their job -- protect against the intrusion of external elements and help regulate internal temperatures. This extended duty translates to fewer roof replacements. Thus, the added longevity will save you a tidy sum over the years.

When an Orange County roofer performs roof maintenance, this professional typically focuses on common problem zones. Various forms of debris, constant sunlight, strong winds, and pouring rain all vie to wear down shingles and compromise their integrity. For both residential roofers and commercial roofers, roof maintenance involves the thorough inspection of shingles for these causes of deterioration.

If problems reveal themselves, your Orange County roofer generally will recommend some sort of action.  Don’t worry. The recommended action doesn’t necessarily bode astronomical expense. In fact, proposed solutions typically involve minor, relatively inexpensive repairs and adjustments. For instance, the Orange County roofing company simply may need to remove a clump of debris wearing down asphalt granules. These granules, of course, form the protective layer that inhibits moisture and other intrusive elements.

An Orange County roofing company usually takes inspections beyond the realm of shingles. Also looked at during these critical examinations are roof system components such as flashings, gutters, and downspouts. These can exhibit various forms of damage, including leak-inviting holes. Should action such as debris removal be necessary, a qualified professional can handle it without a hitch.

If you have questions about roof maintenance, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Huntington Beach, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Before You Open Your Wallet …

When you’re a dedicated Orange County roofer, you have a great appreciation for the quality of a home’s rooftop. It’s integrity, structure, material composition, and reliability all take center stage in the eyes of professionals.

You don’t have to be an Orange County roofer, however, to take a deep and abiding interest in rooftops. A healthy interest is particularly important if you’re a homebuyer. As such, you’ve likely had your eye on the finer details of all prospective properties. You’ve looked at the walls, the sinks, the paint, the landscaping, and a million other details.

During this process, you’ll also want to give rooftops the attention they deserve. After all, they have an extremely vital role to play in the protection and comfort of your living space.

Given the importance of your roof, home shoppers must make certain theirs is in passable shape. Therefore, before opening your wallet to make a purchase, buyers should inspect their prospective home’s rooftop. Enlisting a residential roofer is advisable if you feel out of your element. By the way, the same holds true if you’re buying a business property. If inspections are beyond your capacity, get the help of a qualified commercial roofer.

During a roof inspection, many criteria come into play. Three of the most important are:

Roof Composition – Determine the material composition of shingles. Some are more durable than others.

Roof Age – Depending on its material, roofs will become less effective over the years. Bear in mind, however, that durability varies among different materials.

Current Condition – A professional Orange County roofer can detect obvious as well as hidden problems.

If you have questions about roof inspections, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Laguna Niguel and surrounding areas, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Roof Protection for Holiday Decorators

As a dedicated Orange County roofer, we’re trained to help with a wide range of roofing needs. But there is one issue we hope never to deal with. That issue is damage resulting from the installation of rooftop Christmas lights and decorations. Oh yes, this can happen … more than you’d think. Many an Orange County roofer can attest to that.

Private residences aren’t the only structures vulnerable to error-prone humanity. Commercial buildings, too, can experience damage when decorations are hung from the rooftop with care. Fortunately, do-it-yourself holiday decorators can take certain precautionary steps. These will reduce the risk of rooftop damage. As a result, you’ll be less likely to require the intervention of a commercial roofer or residential roofer. Here are some of those steps:

First and foremost, don’t connect holiday decorations directly to shingles. Big mistake. The installation can create small holes in those shingles. The openings, in turn, will readily admit unwanted dampness into your home. Yes, tiny holes don’t seem all that serious. But don’t be fooled. The punctures can admit enough moisture to cause plenty of internal rotting. Your best bet is to attach decorations using clips connected to eaves or gutters.

Secondly, if you must move a strand of lights or other decorations, don’t yank the entire batch. Instead, disconnect the ornamentation one clip at a time. Abrupt pulling can damage shingles and gutters. Then you’ll be calling an Orange County roofing company to make some very unseasonal repairs.

If you really feel out of your element, summons a professional decorator. This acknowledged expert will take a load off your shoulders. And you’ll be free to roast many more chestnuts over that open fire.

So please do yourself a favor. Take the foregoing steps to heart and faithfully carry them out. Doing so will help prevent costly damage … and keep your Orange County roofer home for the holidays.

If you have questions about safely installing holiday decorations on your rooftop, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Lake Forest and surrounding cities, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Keep the Downpour Outdoors

If rainwater or other moisture is trickling into your happy home. If droplets plop onto your head as you dig into a bowl of granola, then you’ve likely got a leaky roof. In which case, you’ll need to contact an Orange County roofer to solve this little problem. Of course, chances are good you could have avoided the problem altogether with a few precautionary steps. Among these steps, one of the most important is checking out two key problem areas – shingles and flashing.

Depending on what type of structure you’re dealing with, it’s a good idea to call in a commercial roofer or residential roofer to have a look at your shingles. Tapping into their expert abilities and experience, they can identify shingles that are well past their prime. This condition is usually evidenced by shingles that are badly worn, curled, cracked, or split. Once these signs are noticeable, shingles are no longer effective barriers to moisture. Compromised in this way, they allow rainwater to penetrate their outer surface. They can even be torn away by wind gusts. Either way, water will be entering your home uninvited.

Equally important to the dryness of your home are flashings. These are sheets of material placed at strategic points to guard against moisture penetration. A qualified Orange County roofer can examine your roof flashings, ensuring every one of them provides a tight seal around chimneys, vents, skylights, and other vulnerable zones. These inspections should take place two times each year. By taking this simple precautionary step, you'll uncover potential problems well before they become major headaches.

If you have questions about faulty shingles and flashings, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Midway City and surrounding areas, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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The Roof That Stands Strong

If your rooftop if of the flat variety, or is something so low-sloping that it appears to be flat, you may be interested in a particular kind of roofing material. That material is reliable, sturdy metal. An experienced Orange County roofer will know whether or not this material is right for your rooftop. But don’t count yourself out if your roof is on the steep side. While metal shingles generally are utilized for flatter angles, they’re sometimes employed for those that are considerably sharper. Again, your Orange County roofer will be the best judge of whether or not this material is right for you.

You’ll be glad to know that you have a choice of two types of metal roofing materials.  Commercial roofers or residential roofers can install metal shingles or metal panels. The one you select entirely depends upon your taste and temperament. For a more traditional look, metal shingles are the way to go. These do a good job of mimicking the appearance of conventional roof coverings such as often-used wood shakes, shingles, and tile.

While metal shingles offer the aesthetic appeal of the traditional variety, they also offer some additional advantages. Endurance is probably the most obvious of these advantages. As you might have guessed, sturdy metal simply outlasts the competing materials. Being naturally sturdy, it also stands up to the elements much more reliably than other types of roof coverings. Whether or not you finally go with metal is, of course, a decision best made after consulting with a reliable Orange County roofer.

If you have questions about metal rooftops, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Newport Coast and surrounding cities, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Looking for Something Different in a Rooftop?

Your average Orange County roofer installs roofs made from a variety of excellent materials. The one professionals install most often, however, is the roof made of asphalt. Indeed, asphalt shingles long have been the popular favorite among homeowners and many business owners alike.

The reasons for asphalt’s long-standing popularity are many, the number one being its durability. According to most people inside and outside the roofing industry, nothing lasts like asphalt shingles. Still, you may want to go against the grain and get something decidedly unique for your rooftop. If this is the case, your Orange County roofer definitely can accommodate you with a variety of options. Here are some of the alternative roofing materials you may be able to choose from.

Wood Shingles – Generally composed of cedar, redwood, or pine, these display a refreshingly natural look. This nod to nature gets its most ardent support in regions such as California, as well as areas of the Northwest and Midwest.

Tile or Clay Shingles – Scoring very high on the durability chart, shingles made of this material often are found on rooftops styled with a Spanish or Mission flair.  English and French styling also may be incorporated. Tile or clay shingles are anything but dull and drab – your Orange County roofer typically can offer them in a diversity of colors and finishes.

Slate – The mightiest of the mighty, slate can stand up to virtually any force and remain intact. The major drawback of this material is its price, which generally is higher than that of other roofing materials. Shingles made of slate also present special installation challenges, demanding the utmost skills of a commercial roofer or residential roofer.

If you have questions about roofing materials, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Placentia and surrounding areas, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Take This Easy Step to a Leak-Proof Roof

By the time an Orange County roofer arrives to make repairs, the damage often is done. Maybe water galore has leaked through the roof tiles, turning once-comfortable rooms into damp, drippy swamps. To your dismay, those buckets and rags aren't doing much to stem the tide.

Fortunately, there’s hope on the horizon. Your Orange County roofer can implement several solutions to prevent further damage. The first is a basic roof repair. The second, less-welcome option is a complete roof replacement.

Now don't stress unduly. In many cases, you can take a preventative step to nip many problems in the bud. That step is known as a roof inspection. 

Most residential roofers and commercial roofers recommend conducting a roof inspection twice yearly. This may sound excessive to many ears. Such frequency, however, ensures that the main causes of roof leaks are spotted and controlled well before they become monsters.

What are some of these causes? Shingle problems are among the primary ones. During an inspection, your Orange County roofer will try to uncover shingles that are cracked, worn, loose, or missing. This professional also will be on the lookout for loose seams, badly worn flashings, and a buildup of surface granules in rain gutters and downspouts. All of these telltale signs are clear evidence that something is amiss. Fortunately, a thorough inspection will bring them to light long before they wreak havoc on your home. Clearly, this preventative step is preferable to facing a costly roof repair or an even-more-costly roof replacement.

If you have any questions about roof inspections, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in San Juan Capistrano, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing need and situation. Wherever you live in OC, you definitely can count on Luke Roofing.

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What Does an Orange County Roofer Install?

One function of an Orange County roofer, of course, is to install roofs. This job, however, requires more than laying down a few tiles. In fact, when an Orange County roofer installs a new roof, this professional must deal with a variety of components.

Whether a residential roofer or commercial roofer is on the job, these components remain fairly consistent. The first of them is the visible layer familiar to everyone, the roof covering. The material selected to cover and shield your rooftop is available in variety of styles and textures. The most common covering is shingles. Seen almost everywhere, these may be of the tile, slate, or metal variety. The choice depends on your personal preferences and objectives.  

Naturally, your chosen roof covering requires support. In roofing circles, that support is known as sheathing. This foundation typically is a board made of a sturdy material such as plywood. An Orange County roofer connects this board to your rafters, thereby supporting shingles or other covering.

Sheathing, in turn, requires its own support. That’s the job of rafters and trusses.  The first of these, rafters, are beams that run from the eaves to the roof peak. Consider it the basic framework of a roof. Similar to rafters, trusses provide support in the form of posts and struts.

The final component an Orange County roofer deals with is flashing. This is critical for preventing water from seeping into your home during inclement weather. Typically constructed of sheet metal, flashing is installed into roof joints and valleys.

If you have any questions about what an Orange County roofer installs in a roofing system, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential or commercial roofing need and situation. From roofing services in Fullerton to roofing services in Laguna Beach, Luke Roofing has Orange County covered.

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