An Orange County Roofer often gets called to repair roof damage. It’s what they do. The damage, of course, can have many causes. One of the most common is moss. Generally appearing as large, green patches splotched across shingles, moss growth is unmistakable.
Moss doesn't just appear out of thin air, however. Various factors cause it to develop over time and ultimately take hold of your shingles. When these factors are present, moisture accumulates on shingles and creates prime conditions for rapid moss development.
Shade is one of the primary factors promoting moisture accumulation. If tree limbs are spreading magnificently over your roof, chances are the covering is providing abundant shade. In that case, sunlight is restricted, and therefore moisture evaporation is minimized. The lower the evaporation rate, the greater the moisture retention. When enough dampness accumulates, moss and its counterpart algae will form. Homes situated in rainy or otherwise damp regions are particularly vulnerable to this issue.
Fortunately, the solution is easy. Just trim those limbs and branches to decrease shade and increase sunlight exposure.
When an Orange County Roofing Company repairs moss-compromised shingles, three types of damage may be at work. The first is oil erosion. This happens when moss tears away the oils coating each shingle as a protective layer. Once this coating is stripped away, shingles are sitting ducks for sun damage. You’ll know the sun is taking its toll --shingles will crack and often warp. It’s only a matter of time before functionality dwindles to irreperable levels. Once shingles reach this stage, there's only one solution open to homeowners -- a complete shingle replacement from a qualified Orange County Roofer.
Another source of damage is water absorption. You see, moss is like a sponge, rapidly absorbing rain as it soaks your rooftop. The more water it takes in, the faster moss develops and spreads. A strong, steady rain is a major stimulant of widespread moss development and all resulting damage.
But this isn’t the worst case scenario. No, that honor belongs to sub-shingle infiltration. This results when moss spreads below the surface of shingles and enters your home's wooden structure. You can bet that any damage correction will require the most costly repairs.
Given the above moisture risks, it behooves homeowners to take preventative action. On that score, you’ll want to inspect your roof for damaged shingles, as these are the most vulnerable to moisture penetration. Unable or unwilling to conduct the inspection? No problem. A qualified Orange County Roofer can do it for you. While they're at it, the team can make necessary repairs as issues are discovered.
Remember, if you spot moss and algae marring your roof, don't ignore the issue. Instead, enlist the help of a cleaning service specializing in moss and algae removal. Your mmission -- eliminate the problem ASAP.
Got questions about roof moss? Want to know all you can about this high priority issue? Then by all means, reach out to a local expert. For instance, if you reside in Anaheim, contact an Anaheim roofer at your earliest convenience. The team will be happy to answer all your questions, giving you the expert guidance necessary to make informed and productive decisions.
If you have questions about roof moss, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.