Orange County

Welcome to our Orange County Roofing Company Blog. Our goal is to not only offer you the highest quality roofing solutions in Orange County, but also to educate you on best practices, offer roofing contractor tips and inside secrets that only a professional roofer would know. We hope you find this information helpful and invite you to comment and ask questions.

Why Some Roofs Need a Build-Up

When endurance, strength, and waterproofing are required, an Orange County roofer can implement may solutions during the installation of a roofing system. One of these solutions is known as built up roofing. Also called BUR, built-up roofing creates multiple layers of protection for the roof surface before shingles or other coverings are applied. The layers are called bitumen, which may be composed of asphalt, tar, or other materials. Once stacked atop each other, the bitumen forms a solid membrane that protects the roof from potentially damaging elements. Among these are water, wind, and if you happen to hang your hat in a mountainous region, snow.

How many layers of bitumen do Orange County roofers typically stack atop each other when creating built-up roofing? The recommended minimum is four layers of protection. But there is no hard and fast rule on this number. Roofing contractors may add more layers if conditions call for greater protection.

As with so many decisions made by an Orange County roofing company, the number of layers utilized will depend on need. Rest assured, however, that no matter how many layers are involved, the build up will serve an important purpose. Many advantages will be gained by adding the bitumen protection to a roof.

Among the advantages offered by the bitumen layers are durability, water-resistance, and energy-efficiency (thanks to reflective coatings that help redirect sunlight). Given these benefits, built-up roofing could be the ideal solution for many structures.

For more details, ask a local expert. For example, let’s say you reside in Anaheim. In that case, simply ask an Anaheim roofer to supply more info. You’ll get a great education at zero cost.

If you have questions about built-up roofing, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Do You Need a New Rain Gutter?

You might not notice it, but this basic component of a roofing system is extremely important. It is called a rain gutter. A narrow channel designed to drain water away from the roof, a gutter helps protect your home from unwanted water intrusions and shingle damage. When a gutter is damaged or improperly functioning, it is imperative that it be inspected, and if necessary, replaced by a qualified Orange County roofer.

What are the most likely causes of an improperly functioning rain gutter? One of the most common is the buildup of leaves and other debris in the channel, a problem often seen by Orange County roofers. This buildup acts as a dam, obstructing water flow and preventing proper drainage. With no place to go, the blocked rainwater frequently accumulates in the gutter until if overflows. Much of the overflow will wind up exactly where it should never go – atop the roof. Once there, it can linger long enough to cause shingle damage, Or it immediately can leak through unprotected openings and into the home. Either way, the result isn't good.

When checking the condition of rain gutters, an Orange County roofing company also will look for standing water atop the roof. This is a sure sign of inadequate drainage, the cause of which often is gutter overflow. While standing water can be a big problem for any roof, the two most vulnerable types are low-pitched roofs and flat roofs. Homeowners with these types must be especially vigilant.

With the rainy season rapidly approaching, homeowners understandably may be concerned about the condition of their gutters. If so, it’s best to get all the helpful information possible from a local expert. Maybe you reside in Anaheim. OK, just discuss the matter with a qualified Anaheim roofer. You’ll be very glad you did.

If you have questions about rain gutters, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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How Soffit Strikes the Perfect Balance

An Orange County roofer must incorporate different components into a roofing system. Many of these components have both a functional purpose and an aesthetic. Take, for example, soffit. This is the underside of the eaves or rafters that overhang a home’s outer wall. With soffit in place, this underside area is well-covered and protected from nature’s harsher elements, such as rain. But soffit has another function – facilitating proper ventilation in attics. The soffit used for this purpose typically is ventilated or perforated, permitting the free flow of air into and out of an attic. Thanks to this ventilation, moisture buildup is minimized. And where this is minimized, mold and mildew are less likely to develop.

Orange County roofers can install soffit made of different materials, the most common being wood, steel, aluminum, or fiber. Any of these materials can provide the protection and ventilation needed by the typical home.

In the realm of aesthetics, soffit performs admirably. In fact, the component often enhances a home’s exterior appearance. Being available in several finishes helps in this regard. What’s your pleasure? An Orange County roofing company can install soffit in either a smooth or grain finish.

But the visual options don't stop there. As mentioned earlier, soffit may be vented or unvented. Plus, the component is available in a variety of colors, all designed to blend with the look of your home and community. Clearly, soffit balances aesthetic appeal and functionality in a very satisfying way.

Many of you may wish to expand your knowledge of this topic. And you can. Just reach out to a local professional. Let’s say you live in Anaheim. OK, simply ask an Anaheim roofer whatever you want to know. You’ll get all the info you desire.

If you have questions about soffit, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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How an Orange County Roofer Calculates Cost

What must an Orange County roofer focus on when preparing a work estimate for a roof replacement? Which factors come into play to determine project cost? Many items are considered during this preliminary stage.

The first cost factor is roof size. When assessing this dimension, however, contractors don’t envision an entire roof. Instead, they divide the roof into manageable units. Each unit is called a ‘roofing square’ and measures 10 feet by 10 feet, or 100 square feet. A contractor simply adds the number of squares involved to determine the project scope. This method offers much more ease and accuracy than the alterative -- running a tape measure around a roof’s perimeter.

Orange County roofers also must estimate the time and labor necessary to remove the old roof. Work crews simply don’t throw new shingles over the old. The existing shingles, which likely are worn or damaged, must be pulled off, transported, and properly disposed of. Depending on roof dimensions, such an endeavor can eat up a considerable chunk of time. But the job must be done before even a single new shingle can be installed.

And don’t forget the issue of roof features, such as skylights and chimneys. If these are part of the roofing landscape, an Orange County roofing company will have to work around them. The effort will consume additional time and therefore incur appropriate costs.

It's only natural to have questions about the cost of getting a new roof. Don’t dwell on it or remain mystified. Instead, contact a local provider to get the specifics you need. Let’s say you reside in Anaheim. OK, just talk the matter over with an Anaheim roofer. You’re sure to gain many valuable insights.

If you have questions about roofing estimates, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Guarding Against Autumn Leaves

It’s that time of year again – temperatures soon will be dropping, and so will an assortment of leaves. Many of these could wind up in disadvantageous places – like your rain gutter. A good accumulation of leaves, of course, damns up gutters, causing rainwater to pool. Often, this pooled-up water will leak into your home. Fortunately, an Orange County roofer can help you minimize this unwanted leaf accumulation. How? By installing gutter guards on your existing rain gutters. These protective components shield the water channels from falling leaves and other debris. As a result, fewer leaves get in, -- and fewer gutter cleanings will be necessary.

Orange County roofers can choose from a variety of rain gutter types. For instance, there’ the ‘reverse curve’ guard, which guides rainwater into the gutter while deflecting leaves. The bottle brush guard, on the other hand, uses upright metal bristles as a kind of leaf barrier. Falling leaves and other debris land atop these bristles, where they stay -- effectively blocked from entering the gutter. Falling rain, however, easily enters the channel.

An Orange County roofing company also may choose to install mesh gutter guards. These have small holes, which prevent the intrusion of debris while allowing rainwater to fall into the channel.

Along with the foregoing gutter guard types, an Orange County roofer may choose from several other equally suitable options. Which one gets selected depends on circumstances and customer preferences. To make the optimum choice, consult a local professional. If you live in Anaheim, for instance, talk to a qualified Anaheim roofer about gutter guards. It’s the best way to make the best decision.

If you have questions about gutter guards, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Responding to a Survey from an Orange County Roofer

Unquestionably, a qualified Orange County roofer is the best judge of roofing mechanics and technology. Measurements, installations, materials, and other professional concerns are routine matters for this expert. When it comes to personal wants and tastes, however, someone else stands out as the best judge. That someone is the one doing the buying – the homeowner. Members of this group generally know what they want when it comes to service, style, and other personal matters. Equally important, they translate these wants into purchases for various products and services. A roofing contractor who understands this territory is well-positioned to fulfill customer expectations.

Fortunately, mind-reading isn’t necessary for success. Orange County roofers can rely on customer surveys to uncover homeowner preferences. Homeowners can help them by responding promptly to surveys – if given. The good news is, many are delivered conveniently online. Not only do responses help those on the originating end; the answers generally help homeowners receive better service.

No doubt, some questions will be recognizable -- many inquiries have been standardized and widely used. Among the possibilities are ‘how did you learn about our company?’ ... Sound familiar?

Although simple on the surface, such a question is gold to an Orange County roofer. Answers help the pros identify their standout marketing media – the ones drawing the most visitors. Roofers subsequently can increase content inflow to these prime areas, thereby reaching and helping more customers.

Also supplied will be an ample number of follow-up questions. Popular choices include ‘did the information help you?’ and ‘how can we make it more helpful? -- or variations thereof.  

Every customer survey, of course, is unique. Different industries and companies have different parameters. Even locality might be a factor. For instance, an Anaheim roofer might utilize surveys uniquely suited to that area. Other localities could do the same. It really depends on the provider.

If you have questions about customer surveys, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Reading the Signs of Accumulated Moisture

Perhaps you’ve noticed some obvious signs of rooftop moisture – greenish or yellowish stains on the shingles. Yes, they mar your home’s appearance. And you’re not happy about the transformation. But all is not lost. The discoloration can be remedied by a qualified Orange County roofer. Once you call for help, however, don’t expect an instant cleansing. The contractor first must assess the problem’s cause. That’s right. Different types of moisture leave different types of marks. Knowing which one applies in your situation is a necessary first-step in the corrective process.

An Orange County roofing company will begin with color assessment. If your roof stain is black or green, micro-organisms such as algae or moss are the likely culprits. A mixture of constant sunlight and standing water is the perfect combination for algae development. The recent California rainstorms certainly supplied generous amounts of one of these ingredients. Which is why many roofs currently are vulnerable to algae and moss development.

Yellow (and sometimes white) water stains are indicative of another form of moisture accumulation – the kind that results from air conditioners and other types of electric coolers. Generally, an Orange County roofer will discover these discolorations in areas just below air-conditioning units.

Do you feel your rooftop is susceptible to water stains? Would you like to know for sure? The best way to get all the right answers is to consult a local expert. For instance, if you live in Anaheim, simply reach out to an Anaheim roofer to get more information. You’ll quickly discover it’s the right step to take.

If you have questions about rooftop water stains, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Keep Your Roof in the Best Possible Shape

How do homeowners preserve the looks and performance of their rooftops? Periodic maintenance is the key. You can do the job yourself if so inclined. Or you can select a qualified Orange County roofer to carry out the task. Either way, you’ll be taking a positive step. It doesn’t matter how durable you think your rooftop is. Research demonstrates that wear and tear will take their toll on virtually any roof. Most materials simply deteriorate over time, especially when subjected to harsh conditions such as rain and wind. Homeowners, however, can combat these elements and increase durability with sensible maintenance.

Whether you handle the task yourself or secure the services of an Orange County roofing company, rooftop maintenance should top your list of tasks. At minimum, some basic steps should be taken. One of these steps is this: examine rooftop and rain gutters for debris. Common forms of debris are broken branches and leaves. If discovered, these should be removed immediately, as they can obstruct proper water drainage. The obstruction, in turn, can lead to water accumulation and the growth of moss and algae.

Speaking of moss and algae, homeowners should make sure this is absent from their rooftop. These will detract from the appearance of any roof -- and consequently lower overall curb appeal and ultimately home value. Often, a professional can remove moss and algae with a simple power wash.

Homeowners are advised to consult a local professional for more info about roof maintenance. If, for example, you live in Anaheim, contact a qualified Anaheim roofer for answers to any of your questions. It’ll be time well spent.

If you have questions about rooftop maintenance, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Roof Maintenance: Keep the Rain Outdoors

The typical Orange County roofer sees more action as temperatures dip. More service calls, more maintenance jobs, more repairs. Winter weather just seems to create a greater need for assistance. If you’d like to prepare yourself for the season, listen to the experts – especially when it comes to rain gutters. These vital channels carry water away from your roof and other regions of the home, thereby reducing leak risk. As any roofing expert will tell you, gutter pathways must be wide open and clear. Otherwise, stranded debris can cause major water clogs, backup, and overflow. Such problems substantially raise the odds of rain leaks.

If so inclined, you can clean rain gutters yourself. Or you can secure the assistance of an Orange County roofing company. When tasked with this assignment, professionals typically start by clearing gutters of leaves, twigs, and other obstructions. As an extra precaution, they’ll check out corners and other tight spots – known gathering spots for debris. Roofing experts also will make sure there are no openings in gutter seams or on the anchors that connect gutters to exterior surfaces.

Additionally, an Orange County roofer will check out all downspouts – prime areas for clogged leaves and twigs. Downspout debris is relatively easy to eliminate with a good spray from a water hose.

No matter where you live in Orange County, clean rain gutters are a must. Just ask you local professional for details. For instance, if you live in Anaheim, consult an Anaheim roofer. They’ll be glad to help.

If you have questions about rain gutter maintenance, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Top Priority of an Orange County Roofer

The typical Orange County roofer has many tasks to deal with. From inspecting a roof to repairing leaks, the items on this professional’s job-list could stretch for miles and miles. One of the highest priorities in this catalog of jobs is the sealing of asphalt roof shingles. This task is important for a variety of reasons. For instance, sealing a roof minimizes shingle maintenance. The process also helps prevent the intrusion of water and other elements, as well as enhance overall durability. Because shingle sealing has such a far-reaching impact, the typical residential roofer or commercial roofer exhibits great care when carrying out this duty.

An Orange County roofing company can choose from different types of asphalt shingle sealants, depending on needs and circumstances. Once the all-important sealant is selected, the professional roofer is ready to tackle the task. It doesn’t matter if the job will take place on a commercial building or a residential structure, the basic process is the same. Essentially, a roofer coats the roof with sealant, utilizing a roller and the utmost finesse and dexterity. A qualified Orange County roofer will take great care at this stage, making sure all shingles are completely coated. Several hours later, the sealant will be dry. But is the job over? No. Typically, a roofer will double-protect the shingles with a second coating – just to be sure

No doubt about it. Well-sealed shingles are important for any home, anywhere. Homeowners curious about the subject should ask a local professional for more info. For instance, residents of Anaheim might do well to consult an Anaheim roofer about shingle sealing. It’s an excellent way to stay well on top of the topic.

If you have questions about sealing roof shingles, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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What an Orange County Roofer Can Do for Your Insurance Premiums

Virtually every homeowner would welcome a reduction in property insurance premiums. But few in this group realize that a qualified Orange County roofer can facilitate such a discount. More on this in a moment. But first a look at one of the possible factors insurance companies consider when writing a property insurance policy. Many people would not guess that this important factor is the roof. Yes, those shingles and tiles do more than shield your living room from leaky rain drops; they also influence the price of your premium.

First and foremost, an insurance company will consider a roof’s age. The reason for this is the value an insurer places on risk. The older the tiles and shingles, the greater the risk of leakage – and therefore internal damage. Insurers work in a world of probabilities, examining and calculating every variable. Not surprisingly, the probability of damage increases with every passing year. So, most likely, will the premium required to cover the rising risk. Over time, the added payments can swell to a tidy sum. And now the reason that an Orange County roofer can prevent this brutal surcharge –

A qualified Orange County roofing company can work this bit of magic by either refurbishing or replacing an aging roof. This, in turn, lowers leakage risk. Down go your premiums. An investment, to be sure. But one that almost certainly will pay off in the long run. Do the math. You can start by getting an estimate from a qualified professional. It’s easy, no matter where you live. Maybe you call Anaheim home. Great! Just call a trusted Anaheim roofer to get a detailed estimate. Then crunch the numbers. It’s that simple.  

If you have questions about how the condition of your roof affects property insurance premiums, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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So You Want to Paint Your Roof

A qualified Orange County roofer can do much to improve your roof. The list of possibilities includes everything from minor touch-ups to complete roof replacement. But one improvement that seldom gets mentioned is painting. That’s right. It’s entirely possible to improve the aesthetic appeal of your rooftop by giving it a coat of paint. If up to the task and feel especially artistic, homeowners can do the job themselves. Often, this is done with the assistance of family and friends susceptible to pleas for help. Or homeowners can bring professionals on board to carry out the mission. Either way, the results can be quite pleasing.

Whether you do the job yourself, hire an Orange County roofing company, or call in professional painters, you’ll likely have questions about the process. One of these is: will paint have any negative impact on my roof? In most cases, the answer would be ‘no’.  Paint has very little impact on shingles. In fact, many an Orange County roofer would say that paint provides a protective coating that enables shingles to last longer. It’s important to remember, however, that not just any type of paint will serve the purpose. The recommend kind for rooftops is latex-based.

The great thing about painting your roof is that the improvement is suitable for virtually any type of roof in any type of community. But no matter where you live, it’s beneficial to get professional advice early-on. If, for example, you reside in Anaheim, consult with a qualified Anaheim roofer about the painting process. The professionals there will offer top-flight guidance that can help you make the very best decision.

If you have questions about painting your roof, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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