Orange County

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So You Want to Paint Your Roof

A qualified Orange County roofer can do much to improve your roof. The list of possibilities includes everything from minor touch-ups to complete roof replacement. But one improvement that seldom gets mentioned is painting. That’s right. It’s entirely possible to improve the aesthetic appeal of your rooftop by giving it a coat of paint. If up to the task and feel especially artistic, homeowners can do the job themselves. Often, this is done with the assistance of family and friends susceptible to pleas for help. Or homeowners can bring professionals on board to carry out the mission. Either way, the results can be quite pleasing.

Whether you do the job yourself, hire an Orange County roofing company, or call in professional painters, you’ll likely have questions about the process. One of these is: will paint have any negative impact on my roof? In most cases, the answer would be ‘no’.  Paint has very little impact on shingles. In fact, many an Orange County roofer would say that paint provides a protective coating that enables shingles to last longer. It’s important to remember, however, that not just any type of paint will serve the purpose. The recommend kind for rooftops is latex-based.

The great thing about painting your roof is that the improvement is suitable for virtually any type of roof in any type of community. But no matter where you live, it’s beneficial to get professional advice early-on. If, for example, you reside in Anaheim, consult with a qualified Anaheim roofer about the painting process. The professionals there will offer top-flight guidance that can help you make the very best decision.

If you have questions about painting your roof, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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