Orange County

Welcome to our Orange County Roofing Company Blog. Our goal is to not only offer you the highest quality roofing solutions in Orange County, but also to educate you on best practices, offer roofing contractor tips and inside secrets that only a professional roofer would know. We hope you find this information helpful and invite you to comment and ask questions.

Two Important Checkpoints

Are you getting roof inspection? It’s important to know that during this process, an Orange County roofer will examine many critical areas of your roof. Two of the most important of these are your rain gutters and your flashing. As many homeowners know, gutters channel rainwater, leaves, and branches away from your roof and safely down to the ground. The problem is, sometimes these channels get clogged with various forms of debris, effectively creating a damn that obstructs water flow. When this happens, rainwater can overflow and cause damage to different parts of your home.

Among the most commonly effected areas are doors and windows. But that’s not the extent of it. Overflowing water also can leak through your rooftop and drain straight into your favorite rooms and onto your favorite carpets. Fortunately, a roof inspection by qualified Orange County roofers can help identify potential gutter problems before they sneak up and wreak havoc. So, get those gutters looked at before the storm clouds arrive.

While an inspection is underway, your chosen experts also will be examining another important checkpoint -- flashing. Homeowners generally aren’t as familiar with this as they are with gutters. Nevertheless, flashing provides important protection to your home. Essentially, it creates a seal around certain vulnerable zones, such as the perimeter of chimneys and skylights. Should new flashing be needed, an Orange County roofing company easily can get the job done. Homeowners have some options here – flashing can be made of copper, sheet metal, or aluminum.

A local professional can help you choose the right flashing, as well as answer any of your questions. It’s easy to get the process started. Let’s say you reside in Costa Mesa. OK, just reach out to a Costa Mesa roofer. You’ll get the answers your need in no time.

If you have questions about flashing or rain gutters , Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Roof Tips for Serious Home Sellers

If you’re a home seller, never neglect potential problems -- especially where your rooftop is concerned. Except in the rarest of instances, buyers prefer fully functional roofs in good condition. A qualified Orange County roofer can help you meet their expectations. By conducting a preliminary roofing inspection, contractors can uncover hidden flaws. It’s a good thing – these flaws often reduce a home’s desirability. Among the imperfections are worn shingles, deteriorated flashing, and compromised underlayment.

Don’t wait until a home inspector makes these discoveries. At that stage of the game, the flaws are a complete surprise. And surprises typically throw big monkey wrenches into the selling or negotiating process. The likely outcome will be frustrating delays for both sides – and possibly a failed sale.

Should Orange County roofers discover problems, sellers needn’t shoulder the entire repair burden – or any of it, for that matter. Depending on circumstances, buyers may opt to cover all or part of the costs. They will, however, work these little expenses into the final purchase prices. In this instance, expect buyers to request a discount and/or other concessions as compensation. It’s all part of the process. As they say, anything is negotiable. And that viewpoint clearly applies to the home selling process.

Once an Orange County roofing company identifies a roofing problem or problems, homeowners will receive a report detailing the findings. With this information in hand, sellers should discuss the report with their realtor. As an Orange County roofer does with roofing matters, a real estate professional can offer valuable advice to determine the best next steps.

No doubt, this topic raises questions in the minds of certain home sellers. It’s best, in that case, to consult a community expert. You may, for instance, reside in Laguna Beach. Fine. Just direct your inquiries to a qualified Laguna Beach roofer. You’ll be fully enlightened in no time.

If you have questions about roof inspections for home sellers, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.



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Can I Do My Own Roof Inspection?

Many Orange County homeowners wonder if they can do their own roof inspections. The answer is yes. Most experts, however, recommend the job be done in conjunction with a qualified Orange County roofer. If you are still determined to conduct a DIY inspection, it’s best to know exactly what to look for. By recognizing the telltale signs of pending or existing problems, you can act quickly to resolve them. This quick response, in turn, helps minimize any further problems. Homeowners who don’t feel comfortable going it alone unquestionably should consult an expert for assistance.

One of the first signs of an existing issue is curling shingles. Should you notice this obvious evidence of deterioration, heed the warning without delay. The misshapen shingle is sending a clear message that it has seen much better days. Deterioration has set in, making this crucial rooftop element far less effective. Curling, however, is not the only warning sign. Missing granules is another important bit of evidence revealed by shingles. Should you notice this or the curl, it’s time for input from qualified Orange County roofers. These professionals are best equipped and informed to recommend proper remedial action.

Flashing is another element that must be carefully examined. This is the metal sealing strip wrapped around the bottom portions of pipes and chimneys. Should flashing appear damaged, worn, or loose, consult an Orange County roofing company as soon as possible. When such conditions are present, these areas are dangerously vulnerable to leaks.

No matter where you live, roof problems can occur. Which is why you consult a local contractor about inspections. Maybe you live in Dana Point. OK. Just contact a Dana Point roofer for further insights. It’ll be time well spent.

If you have questions about doing your own roof inspection, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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What to Know About Roof Inspections


If you’ve scheduled a roof inspection with an Orange County Roofer, you can expect a thorough examination of every square inch. From shingle to shingle, no stone will be left unturned. Nevertheless, you may be wondering what will happen during the event – especially if you’re facing the prospect of your very first roof inspection. Well, as often is the case, knowing what to expect in advance will help alleviate many concerns. Therefore, in the interest of shedding light on this important topic, here are some steps Orange County roofers likely will take during an inspection. Taking them helps these professionals accurately determine the condition of your roof.

A key step is attic inspection (assuming your home has one). Expect an Orange County roofing company to scour this area with a fine-tooth comb. A primary focal point will be insulation. Is there sufficient amounts? Is it worn enough to necessitate replacement?

Then there’s the question of attic ventilation. This is crucial, as adequate airflow is needed to prevent the proliferation of moisture-related problems, such as mold.

Taking the inspection to the great outdoors, Orange County roofers will examine all the exterior problem spots. Among these are roof flashing and shingles, both of which can wear out over time. Additionally, the dedicated professional will scour the roof for signs of leakage. Should problems emerge, a roofer has the knowledge and resources to correct them.

Rest assured, wherever you live, inspection info always is close at hand. Let’s say, for example, you reside in Tustin. OK, just grab a phone and contact a qualified Tustin roofer. You’ll soon discover it’s a great way to get the answers you need.

If you have questions about roof inspections, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Can an Orange County Roofer Help You Relax?

A qualified Orange County roofer can make things better in so many ways. From repairing leaks to installing shingles, the benefits they offer are numerous. These, of course, are obvious contributions to the betterment of your home. But did you know that a dedicated roofing professional can help create a more relaxing environment for you? It’s true. One of the roofing profession’s primary services can help homeowners eliminate a bundle of stress in a hurry. This service is the roof inspection. Performed annually, a thorough inspection may uncover problems hidden among the shingles. Spotting the problems early, a seasoned pro can recommend practical solutions – before matters worsen.

Along with a good book, ocean view, and soothing cup of java, roof inspections are among the world’s premier relaxants. Why? Because these examinations give homeowners a jump on common roof issues -- before they deliver the classic surprise punch. During this look-see, an Orange County roofing company may uncover the dreaded roof leak or leaks – and can move quickly with remedial actions. Their efforts will eliminate two major worries right off the bat. First, there’s the fear of leaky rainwater drenching your favorites. Second, there’s the cash drain needed to fund repair work. One good, solid inspection virtually eliminates these concerns.

These worries affect all homeowners, no matter where they live. Perhaps you reside in Laguna Beach. If so, you might want to contact a Laguna Beach roofer about a roof inspection. Whatever problems may be lurking, this step can help them go away – and help you relax in ways you never imagined.

If you have questions about roof inspections, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Protecting Your Home from Top to Top

Once you decide to enlist the services of an Orange County roofer to inspect your roof, you’ve taken an important and beneficial step. A professional evaluation of your roof’s overall condition can reveal potential or existing problems, which easily can prove quite costly down the road. Leaks, for instance, might be forming or already marring your roof, without you being any the wiser. An inspection can unveil these hidden issues well before problems such as penetrating rain drops ruin your evening. But don’t expect a professional look-see to limit itself to the exterior. A full roof inspection is performed on the inside and out.

During an interior roof inspection, an Orange County roofing company will take a close look at potential problem zones, such as your attic. What the professionals will be searching for are evidence of leaks and deterioration. Sunlight streaming through the roof is one of the telltale signs of an unwanted opening. During this phase, the question of insulation also may come up. If your home lacks this protective material, or if it is unacceptably worn, an Orange County roofing contractor likely will advise the acquisition or replacement of insulation, as the situation demands.

Once the interior phase is completed, an Orange County roofing company will shift to the roof’s exterior. Again, the professionals will be looking for leaks, and their causes – such as missing shingles. Even if you live in a sunny, rain-limited region such as Aliso Viejo, don’t dismiss the value of an inspection. If leaks are present, it takes only a single rainfall to create floor puddles. It’s best to call an Aliso Viejo roofer to check things out.

If you have questions about roof inspections, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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New Years Roof Resolutions

oc roofing companies 2015Orange County Roofing Company

Want to resolve something besides “lose weight” and “pay off debt” this New Year? In 2015, make some New Year’s Resolutions for your roof. These five resolutions can save you money in the long run by keeping your roof in great condition. Here are five resolutions SoCal residents should make about their roofs:

1. Install a clay tile roof

 There’s a reason clay tile roofs are ubiquitous in the Southern California area: they’re incredibly energy efficient. The curve of the clay tiles creates a space for air between the tile and the roof. This air space creates a natural thermal barrier, so that less heat transfers from the roof tiles to the inside of the home. 

When less heat transfers into your home, it makes your home easier and more affordable to cool. So check with your local Orange County roofing company to get a quote for installing a clay tile roof in 2015.

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