Orange County

Welcome to our Orange County Roofing Company Blog. Our goal is to not only offer you the highest quality roofing solutions in Orange County, but also to educate you on best practices, offer roofing contractor tips and inside secrets that only a professional roofer would know. We hope you find this information helpful and invite you to comment and ask questions.

To Leave or Not to Leave During a Roof Replacement – Part II

As mentioned in the previous post, roof replacement is a rather noisy endeavor. Even if you, the homeowner, are fine with the increased decibels as well as the general activity and other variables, chances are you have other household members to consider. And these occupants aren’t necessarily human. Yes, like it or not, pet owners must take into consideration the sensitivities of their resident canines, felines, fish, and fowl while Orange County Roofers are hard at work. Depending on a pet's personality and preferences, each will have a different tolerance level for the noise and disruptions. If you have any doubts about their coping abilities, it might be best to re-locate your pets during the noisy stretch.  

On the other hand, if you're sure those furry occupants can handle the disruption, by all means keep them on-site. As you might expect, your chosen Orange County Roofing Company will understand and expend maximum effort to minimize the intrusions.

Of course, you’ll want to give children the same level of attention. Make sure the little tykes remain in specific areas, away from the action. Playing outdoors near the home is something you definitely don’t want them doing. Again, as with pets, if you think elevated noise levels will be intolerable to the kids, it’s best to relocate them until the job is done. You know that neighbor or family member who owes you a favor? The one with the nice, roomy house. Yeah, that’s the one. This could be a good time to touch them for repayment.

When preparing for the arrival of your Orange County Roofers, there’s another important step homeowners can take. You can clean up all outdoor areas in the work zone. Which probably is the entire perimeter of the house. And you thought only the crew would  be working. Sorry to disappoint. Owners must put in some work hours, too. What you’ll be doing is moving all the beautiful outdoor furniture and other cherished property to a safe location. Which makes sense. You don’t want your patio table sitting where it can be plunked by falling roof debris. You can bet there’ll be plenty of it collecting up there. Therefore, the chances are almost zero that none of it will slip off the rooftop. It happens. Be prepared.

Now, you might be wondering if members of the roofing crew will enter your home during the replacement process. If you have an attic, the answer is without question ‘yes’. As part of the general work plan, the workers must inspect this space beneath the roof.  However, this inspection typically is carried out at the beginning of the project. Your best bet is getting all the details up front. To that end, discuss the work process with your chosen professionals. Going this route will allow you to plan ahead.

Have questions about roof replacements? Your ideal move is to reach out to local professionals, who’ll answer them to your complete satisfaction. You might, for instance, reside in Laguna Beach. In that case, just contact a Laguna Beach Roofer and set up a consultation. Your questions will be answered in full, and you’ll be well prepared to make the optimum decisions regarding your home.  

If you have questions about getting a roof replacement, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Roof Cleaning Done Right

One of the world’s great debates focuses on this question – should you or should you not clean the roof of your house? Well, it’s always a good idea to keep the top of your home in the best possible condition. However, as with virtually all other important endeavors, there’s a right way to go about it. If you think you can clean it yourself, great! Go for it.  On the other hand, if you feel professional assistance is the best way to go, then absolutely assign the job to qualified Orange County Roofers. As you can probably guess, these experts know exactly what to do. For your edification, here are the steps they’ll take (and the steps you should take if you’re going the DIY route): 

Before the actual work begins, an Orange County Roofing Company will get a weather report for the start date. Dry conditions are a must. Obviously, a steady downpour can put a crimp in their efforts, no matter how skilled the crew. Therefore, if wet weather is forecast, expect a rescheduling. Not such a concern during the spring and summer months. But definitely a consideration throughout the colder, wetter seasons. Bottom line – be prepared for scheduling changes.

Once the job begins, professionals will kick things off by clearing away all roof debris. This includes accumulations of dry Autum leaves, broken tree branches, and other unsightly clutter. To carry out this mission, the crew will use a roof rake or a leaf blower – or both. The purpose of all this pre-cleaning is to prepare the area for a deeper cleanse. Sort of like preparing a wall for a coat of paint. To protect valuable property, homeowners should remove all belongings such as furniture and toys from the perimeter of the house. This precautionary measure prevents damage from falling debris.  

Following the preparatory stage, Orange County Roofers will spray the roof with a special cleaning agent. Just to be sure, they’ll likely spot spray a small area to test the cleaner’s effectiveness. Assuming all is good, the crew will then proceed to spray the entire roof.

Following this thorough spraying, they’ll wait for about 20 minutes or so. No, they’re not taking a break. The pause gives the cleaning solution enough time to break down and loosen algae, dirt, and other elements marring your rooftop.

With the unwanted material fully loosened, an Orange County Roofing Company will spray the roof with ordinary water, thereby washing away all the patches of algae and dirt. This can be done with either an ordinary hose or a high-pressure pump.

Occasionally, the crew will discover stubborn algae, moss, and grime clinging to the rooftop after the general rinsing. In these cases, the professionals will hand scrub the leftover material with the cleaning agent. Assuming all goes well, they’ll finally rinse the problem areas. The roof is clean!

Itching to learn more about all this? No problem. Just contact a local professional. Maybe you reside in Laguna Beach. OK, just reach out to a Laguna Beach Roofer for answers to all your questions. You’ll promptly be rewarded with all the info you want.

If you have questions about roof cleaning, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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What Should a Roofing Estimate Include? Here’s Your Checklist

What should homeowners look for when getting roofing estimates from an Orange County Roofer? Surprisingly, the required information is fairly direct and, when presented correctly, easily understood. Bear in mind, however, that estimates generally come in one of two forms. A roofing contractor may choose to email a digital copy to an interested homeowner. Or this professional could opt to provide a printed hard copy. Most people are fine with either version. However, if you have a preference, be sure to let your prospective contractor know.  

Once your estimate is in hand, here’s what you should see in the document. First, a comprehensive estimate will present a clear list of materials designated for the job. Details are important here. Shingles, for instance, should specify the brand, the material composition, and the color. Similar specifics also should be provided for any other materials, such as flashing. You don’t need a lengthy dissertation, mind you. Just enough information to provide clarity. If the picture is in the least bit fuzzy, insist on more details. Don’t be satisfied with anything less.  

Another important item for the estimate is the cleanup process. Once an Orange County Roofing Company completes a project, discarded materials must be dealt with. This means the diligent crew will be plucking abundant debris from the ground. The work, of course, will incur some labor costs, which should be accounted for in the estimate. Other cleanup expenses must be revealed, too. These might include dumpster rental or hauling services. Again, make sure the estimate spells out this batch of costs. Otherwise, the final tally could be a major surprise.

As with many other home improvement projects, a roofing service must comply with certain municipal regulations. A qualified Orange County Roofer, therefore, must obtain applicable permits to demonstrate compliance. Remember, government agencies seldom hand out free permits. So, yeah, you’ll be paying for these permission slips. As with all other service expenses, be sure the estimate includes expected permit acquisition costs. Unless you prefer surprises.

An estimate also should include information about an Orange County Roofing Company’s license and insurance coverage. Both say a great deal about a contractor’s reliability.

Last but not least, a roofing estimate should specify the project’s start and finish date, delineating an expected number of labor hours and a total cost for the work. This info not only gives you a heads up regarding project costs; it also provides ample preparation time for the crew’s arrival. And you will need to prepare for this momentous day.  

These, then, are the basic must-haves of a roofing estimate. But even if the estimate is the ultimate in perfection, you don’t want to stop with just one. At minimum, get several other estimates for comparison purposes. By shopping around, you have an excellent chance of getting the best service at the best price.

Yearning to know more about roofing estimates? Just ask a local professional. For instance, if you reside in Laguna Beach, simply present your questions to a qualified Laguna Beach Roofer. It won’t take long to get all the answers you want – and get all the confidence you need to make the best possible decision.   

If you have questions about roofing estimates, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Roof Moss Removal Made Easy

With springtime here, many Orange County homeowners are enjoying the inspiring site of beautiful landscaping in full bloom. Prominent among the foliage will be trees of every description. Along with the visual appeal, those oaks and elms will help to cool your house by providing abundant shade. While this might sound ideal during the warmer months, any Orange County Roofer will tell you there’s one major drawback to this situation. That drawback is moss. That’s right. Moss thrives in the kind of coolness supplied by shade. All the green stuff needs is a bit of moisture, and bingo – it’s ready to spread far and wide across your rooftop.

Should you see patches of moss marring your rooftop, don’t worry. The problem can be eliminated with comparative ease. You can choose to enlist the services of a qualified Orange County Roofing Company to get the job done. Or you can carry out the task yourself, utilizing items easily purchased at the local hardware store.

Remember, a roofing contractor is thoroughly familiar with moss intrusions. They know the green stuff, having dealt with it on many prior occasions. Therefore, this professional understands exactly how to eliminate the problem. If you’re planning to tackle the issue solo, it behooves you to know some of what the pros know. For your edification, here's what they think is important.

The first fact you should know is that moss essentially is a kind of plant. Like most plants, it requires some level of moisture. Unlike most plants, however, it lacks those important extensions known as roots. No matter. Moss has its own method for hydrating itself – it absorbs moisture from the air.

You might be saying, wait a minute. There’s very little rainfall this time of year … usually. What can supply moss with the necessary dampness? Well, there's plenty in the Orange County atmosphere. Yes, being comparatively close to the seashore, Orange County receives its fair share of ocean moisture. And, as you can imagine, the nearer to the shore you are, the more saturated the atmosphere will be. It’s no surprise, then, that the typical Orange County Roofer sees more moss-removal action in a city such as Laguna Beach than in a region further from the shore. But virtually all communities have some atmosphereic dampness. Now, once you factor in shady conditions, which reduce moisture-drying sunshine, you’ve got the perfect conditions for moss development.

As a primary recommendation, an Orange County Roofing Company would instruct homeowners to remove all sources of shade. The removal process applies particularly to overhanging tree limbs, the world’s leading source of exterior shade. You might balk at the idea of removing foliage, especially if it’s adorned with stunning flora. Nevertheless, the task must be done.  

To supplement this solution, homeowners should make certain there’s no water source near the rooftop. And if you just happen to be knowledgeable about chemistry, you can create a localized acidic environment – a natural moss inhibiter if ever there was one.

Having taken in this introductory information, you probably have some questions in need of answers. No problem. Just consult a local expert. For instance, if you call Laguna Beach home, simply reach out to a Laguna Beach Roofer. The professionals there will be delighted to help in every way possible.

If you have questions about roof moss, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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The Winner of the Popularity Contest

Are you considering or perhaps getting a roof replacement? If so, you have some important decisions to make. For instance -- choosing the right covering. Don’t fret about this. Orange County Roofers offer a variety of worthy choices. And even though the selection is vast, one type consistently proves the most popular. Who is the winner of this popularity contest? That would be shingles.

Why are shingles so popular? There are many reasons for the widespread appeal. One of the main ones is affordability. No question about it. When compared with the list of alternatives, shingles generally come in with the lowest price. Always welcome news to budget-conscious homeowners.

Affordability, however, isn’t the only benefit of shingles. Also advantageous is the acclaimed durability of this covering. When an Orange County Roofing Company installs a layer of shingles, you can bet they’ll function superbly for years and years.

And let’s not forget the relative ease of shingle installation. Because of this simplicity, roofing crews generally can lay down a layer of shingles in less than a day. (Although certain jobs will require more time. The upshot of this, of course, is that Orange County Roofers will expend less time on the job, thereby reducing labor costs – and presumably your bill.

Naturally, this is just a brief introduction to the many benefits of shingles. Fortunately, you can get more details by consulting a local expert. For instance, you might hang your hat in Laguna Beach. OK. In that case, just discuss the topic with a qualified Laguna Beach Roofer. You’re sure to be enlightened to your complete satisfaction.

If you have questions about the benefits of shingles, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Getting New Roof Tiles? Don’t Skip This Important Step

You’ve selected a team of qualified Orange County Roofers to install new roof tiles. Great. A fresh layer of tiles adds both value and aesthetic appeal to your home. But do you know which ones are best for your home? Presently, the marketplace offers a diversity of tile styles and materials, each with its own characteristics. Given this wealth of possibilities, it behooves you to know what they are. After all, you want to make the best choice – and the best impression, right? OK, then you need to get clued in. The following introduction will help you take this important step.

Concrete is among the most popular tile materials an Orange County Roofing Company can install. As you might expect, this material offers incomparable durability. But it matches this characteristic with another important feature – affordability. You might say concrete beautifully balances these two advantages. And to these you can add another – aesthetic appeal. That’s right. Concrete tiles can simulate the look of wood, slate, and other materials.

Great durability also distinguishes clay tiles, which provide exceptional performance decade after decade. This material has a unique rustic appearance, a characteristic that makes it ideally suited to certain home styles and communities.

Orange County Roofers can give your home an even more pronounced rustic appearance by installing synthetic cedar roof tiles. As the name implies, this material has the look of natural cedar. What it doesn’t have is high maintenance requirements. In fact, the material is extraordinarily easy to care for.

This overview, of course, is just an introduction to the topic of tile styles. You can, however, get much more information by consulting a local expert. For instance, if you reside in Laguna Beach, just contact a Laguna Beach Roofer. The experts there will be glad to expand your knowledge.

If you have questions about roof tiles, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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A Good Way to Save Money on Roofing Services

If you have a pending roof repair or replacement, no doubt you want to save money on the job. Fortunately, you can accomplish this goal by doing some preliminary work yourself. While Orange County Roofers wouldn’t recommend performing actual labor, homeowners nevertheless can do some advanced planning to help defray costs. Doing so gives you a ballpark figure of possible costs and allows you to plan your budget accordingly.

So, where’s a good place to start when pursuing this objective? Ideally, you want to kick things off by getting some idea of what materials will be used. Hunt around, whether online or in store, gauging what various materials cost. Here’s where you may have to do some compromising. You might, for example, discover that a preferred material is far more expensive than you had anticipated. In that case, you’ll likely need to consider alternatives. The alternate materials may not be your first choice, but at least they’ll fit the limits of your budget. You can get substantial help in this area by consulting with an Orange County Roofing Company. The professionals there can point out the various pros and cons of the different materials under consideration.

Another important variable to consider is home size. Generally, the larger the home, the more a roof’s square footage – and therefore the more costly a replacement would be.

Once you’ve gathered the important information regarding materials and home size, you’ve performed a certain amount of legwork – legwork that Orange County Roofers won’t need to do. This alone will save you money once the project commences.

Clearly, there’s much to consider when researching roofing costs. But why shoulder the entire burden? You can gain valuable input and guidance by talking to a local professional. You might, for instance, reside in Laguna Beach. In that case, just consult a Laguna Beach Roofer on this matter. It’s that easy to get all the information you need.

If you have questions about saving money on roofing services, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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The Three-Way Protection Every Roof Needs

During any service, a qualified Orange County Roofer will take certain steps to maximize the protection of your rooftop. One of the most common of these steps is the installation of underlayment beneath asphalt shingles. Typically made of felt, underlayment covers the entire roof deck, serving as an important protective barrier. Don’t think of this as single-level protection, however. Once installed by a team of professionals, the material offers three levels of effective protection.

First, underlayment addresses a little-known issue associated with roof decking. The issue is this -- occasionally resins used in roof decking will ooze out of the wood. Underlayment acts as a barrier, preventing the ooze from contacting vulnerable shingles.

Second, the decking itself is safeguarded by any underlayment installed by an Orange County Roofing Company. How so? Again, the material serves as a vital barrier. In this case, the barrier keeps rainwater from contacting the wooden deck. This is crucial, as heavy rain has been known to penetrate shingles. And guess where the invasive water will go. That’s right – straight onto the deck -- unless a barrier is in place to keep the area dry. An option that’s clearly preferable to soaked wood any day of the week.

Finally, there’s the whole question of warranties. Often, shingle manufacturers require the installation of underlayment to validate any warranty.

So there it is. Three excellent reasons why an Orange County Roofer installs underlayment. There are other reasons, of course. And you can learn about them by discussing the matter with a local expert. For instance, if you hang your hat in Laguna Beach, simply reach out to a Laguna Beach Roofer to learn more. It’s that easy.

If you have questions about roofing underlayment, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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When Should Homeowners Consider Other Options?

When a roofing issue arises, many homeowners want immediate solutions. Completely understandable. But despite the apparent urgency of a situation, never rush the selection of an Orange County Roofer. Instead, take ample time to ensure your prospects are sufficiently qualified.

To get this assurance, start by requesting references. Remember, however, that names alone aren’t enough. Homeowners must take the time to discover what some of these customers really thought. You can get their feedback by consulting online reviews, and in certain cases, contacting some of the people on the reference list. Ideally, their responses will prove encouraging. If not, or if no references are available, you’d do well to look elsewhere.

A work portfolio also can help homeowners feel comfortable with a prospective Orange County Roofing Company. The perfect complement to customer feedback, a portfolio provides photographic proof of work performed. In certain cases, online videos might be available to do the same. Together with references, this visual evidence offers further assurance to homeowners.

But this still isn’t enough. To do a thorough evaluation, homeowners must further qualify each prospective Orange County Roofer. As a first step, make sure any candidate is adequately insured and licensed. And equally important, make sure you can establish a smooth communication channel with each prospect. This means, the company listens to your concerns and shuns pushiness and high pressure selling.

Should a roofing candidate fail to meet the above criteria, don't settle for uncertainty. Do your due diligence and look for alternatives. It’ll be time well spent.

The good news is, a local expert can shed more light on all this. Let’s say you reside in Laguna Beach. OK. Just reach out to a Laguna Beach Roofer for more info. You’ll be enlightened in short order.

If you have questions about qualifying a roofer, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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There are Two Sides to Every Roofing Warranty

When homeowners order a roofing service, they invariably expect more than a ready work crew; they expect their chosen Orange County Roofers to warranty their work. Totally understandable. Homeowners should know, however, that there are two sides to every warranty. That’s right. Side one is the service provider’s warranty; side two is the manufacturer’s. Each complements the other, spelling out a set of specific protections, terms, and guarantees.

Not surprisingly, the provider’s warranty offers the broadest coverage. Focusing on job performance, it delineates what work is covered -- and for how long. Among the variables covered by this protection is installation. Have the components been properly installed? If not, this warranty provides a remedy.

Sometimes, homeowners consider the coverage time inadequate, preferring more years of protection than the offered amount. Can anything be done? Sometimes. In certain cases, an Orange County Roofing Company may be open to renegotiation. Bear in mind, however, that flexibility sometimes comes with a price, such as a higher service fee. It all depends on the company.

Distinct from the provider’s warranty is that offered by the manufacturer. Instead of the work performance of Orange County Roofers, it focuses on product quality. Generally, this warranty protects against defects in materials or premature product failure.

Homeowners should know that this protection doesn’t cover issues beyond the company’s control. These include damage from extreme weather, installation negligence, and poor maintenance.

Eager to delve deeper into the world of warranties? One of the greatest resources is a local expert. You might, for instance, hang your hat in Laguna Beach. In that case, simply ask a Laguna Beach Roofer for enlightenment. You’ll soon have all the info you need.

If you have questions about roofing warranties, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Why Every Home Needs a Roof Detective

Many homeowners will schedule a roof inspection this year. Which raises an obvious question – what does an Orange County Roofer look for during this process? For starters, these ‘rooftop detectives’ will examine shingles for significant gravel loss. Gravel, of course, is the material covering each shingle, protecting the inner asphalt from harmful elements such as sunlight. On the aesthetic side, the material also gives shingles their unique color.

Bear in mind, virtually all shingles lose gravel over time. Nothing unusual in that. But if roofers discover excessive loss, the shingles probably have deteriorated beyond acceptability. Likely, replacement will be necessary.

During this phase of an inspection, an Orange County Roofing company will examine shingles for overall thickness. A smooth surface indicates they’re in relatively good condition. Irregularities, however, suggest the opposite. Addressing this issue will be necessary.

During an inspection, an Orange County Roofer also looks long and hard at rooftop penetrations. No, these aren’t holes that have formed over time. These penetrations are various built-in elements of a roofing system. Examples include chimneys, pipes, and skylights. Such elements will be checked for proper weather sealing. Should this sealing become compromised, a home is vulnerable to leaks and other weather-related problems.

Beyond all this, roofing contractors will check for shingle adhesion, flashing integrity, and many other indicators of a properly functioning system. As they say, it’s all in a day’s work.

Would you like to know more about this topic? No problem. Just consult a local expert. Maybe you live in Laguna Beach. In that case, reach out to a Laguna Beach Roofer whenever convenient. You’ll get all the info you want in short order.

If you have questions about roofing inspections, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Beyond Shingle Removal

When Orange County Roofers start a roof replacement, one of the first steps they’ll take is shingle removal. For this job, they’ll utilize a variety off tools ideally suited for prying and scraping. Among these implements are shingle strippers and removal shovels, both of which do an excellent job of extracting and tearing the unwanted components from your rooftop.

But the job doesn’t end there. In fact, shingle removal is only part one. What follows is a series of steps intended to clear all unwanted debris and dirt from the top of your home. These steps must be taken before new shingles can be set in place.

In many cases, an Orange County Roofing company will begin the process by removing all existing flashing. By and large, flashing lasts about as long as shingles do, a fact that necessitates their simultaneous removal.

Once flashing and other leftovers are cleared from the rooftop, dutiful crews will carry out the finishing touches. First, they’ll scour the rooftop for protruding nails, scanning every square inch of the area. Every nail sighted will be removed with one of the many prying tools at a professional’s disposal.

With all debris cleared, Orange County Roofers are ready for the grand finale – the job of sweeping the rooftop clean. Large brooms generally are used for this purpose, enabling workers to cover a large area with each sweep. When the task is completed, your roof is ready for new shingles.

You probably have some questions about the shingle removal process. Understandable. But don’t worry. You can get them answered by a local professional. For instance, if you reside in Laguna Beach, the next step is simple – just consult a Laguna Beach Roofer. Enlightenment soon will follow.

If you have questions about shingle removal, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Why Gutters are Good for Your Roof

When Orange County Roofers install or repair rain gutters, these professionals are doing your home a whole lot of good. Gutters, you see, of great value to your property.

Let’s start with how gutters affect the roof itself. First, they perform the major service of channeling rainwater away from the rooftop. This diversionary function is crucial. Without the channeling, water likely would accumulate on the shingles in excessive amounts. Eventually, the accumulated rainwater could leak into your home, sending droplets down walls and quite possibly onto various items that are best left dry. For instance, carpets and sofas.

By minimizing water accumulation, gutters also help preserve shingles, which tend to deteriorate when excessively damp. Dry shingles simply last longer than the water saturated. The upshot, of course, is that your roof will require less servicing from a local Orange County Roofing Company. And your wallet will see less cash depletion over time.

Cleary, homeowners never should underestimate the importance of rain gutters. The advantages, however, don’t end with roof preservation. A properly functioning rain gutter also provides various aesthetic advantages. Consider, for instance, their stain prevention capabilities. By restricting water overflow, gutters minimize the amount of water dripping onto walls, doors, and other exterior parts of the home. Water stains, therefore, are considerably minimized.

And let’s not forget the aesthetic value of the gutters themselves. Depending on their style and structure, they can complement the overall appearance of your property.

Understandably, you might have questions about this important topic. Luckily, you can get them answered by a local professional. Let’s say you live in Laguna Beach. OK, in that case just consult a Laguna Beach Roofing Company whenever convenient. Enlightenment soon will follow.

If you have questions about rain gutters, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Why Trim Trees are Good for Your Roof

What do trim trees have to do with roof performance? A great deal, as it turns out. You see, branches can cause a considerable amount of shingle damage. This damage occurs when branches either scrape against a rooftop or snap loose, thereby creating a certain amount of rooftop debris. Either way, the unintended shingle contact can have unwelcome results. Once the problems occur, homeowners must get them corrected by a qualified Orange County Roofer. That option, of course, will have a certain cost – a cost that likely could have been eliminated by routine preventative maintenance.

The most common problem caused by branch contact is leaking. The leakage results when scraping or falling branches make hard enough contact to fracture shingles. While the impact probably won’t cause immediate problems, the fractures often widen over time. Once the gaps are wide enough, rainwater can enter the openings. At that point, it will be necessary to enlist the corrective services of an Orange County Roofing Company. Utilizing extensive skills and experience, the crew can repair the leaks, thereby preventing further water intrusions. In certain cases, shingle replacement will be necessary. No matter what the course of action, however, considerable costs could be involved, as mentioned above.

Fortunately, preventative maintenance usually stops the problem before it starts. Prevention begins by trimming all nearby tree branches, keeping them a safe distance from the roof edge. In most cases, this simple measure offers excellent protection to vulnerable shingles.

Want to know more about this? Just ask a local expert. For instance, if you live in Laguna Beach, simply consult a Laguna Beach Roofer about this topic. It’s a great way to get a quick education and a solid foundation for future decision making.

If you have questions about protecting rooftops from tree branch damage, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Don’t Overlook This Review When Rating a Roofer

With Yelp and other digital review services so readily available, homeowners often overlook another important type of rating resource. That resource is a self-review provided by the Orange County Roofers you’re considering. It’s easy to get such a personal assessment from each one. Simply ask your prospective contractors to rate the quality of their work. Then follow up each evaluation with certain questions that help clarify their answers. These follow up inquiries are crucial, as they give you a sense of the quality you can expect. This knowledge, in turn, helps you make the most informed decision possible.

An Orange County Roofing Company likely will rate itself in one of three ways. If it is described as fast and inexpensive, warning flags should go up. Your next move is to ask the provider if it cuts corners or rushes the job to meet price goals. Any unsatisfactory answer is cause for immediate rejection.

Orange County Roofers who rate themselves in the middle should give you some confidence. Nevertheless, the company still might compromise here and there to keep a lid on costs. For this type of response, you’ll want to ask for a set of references.

Finally, an Orange County Roofing Company that gives itself a grade of ‘A’ for quality is telling you it goes all out. Still, you’ll need some proof. Therefore, ask the company representative for examples of how it does more than the average competitor. The answers should reassure you of their commitment to quality.

You can get much of this information by contacting a local provider and asking some of these questions. It’s easy. For instance, if you reside in Laguna Beach, simply consult a Laguna Beach Roofer about this topic. The answers you get will provide a solid basis for making a sound decision.

If you have questions about evaluating the quality of a roofing service, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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A Homework Assignment for Homeowners

Sure, you’re mighty busy these days. But if you plan to use the services of an Orange County Roofer, be sure to reserve some time for a bit of homework. Your assignment? – Learn something about the roofing materials that may be used on your house. You can choose from two basic info-gathering methods: contact a local supplier or do some online research. Maybe both.

During the investigative process, you’ll acquire in-depth knowledge about many integral roofing components such as shingles and rain gutters. Ultimately, you’ll know how the various types stack up in different departments – wind resistance, strength, durability, energy efficiency, etc.

Imbued with this knowledge, you’ll effortlessly compare and contrast the different possibilities as you discuss the options with your Orange County Roofing Company. Equally important, you’ll be familiar with the pricing of prospective materials, ensuring the best bang for your buck.

The effort probably won't transform you into a roofing genius. You will, however, possess the insights necessary to engage your roofing professional in meaningful conversations about the proposed work. Think about how much better your judgement will be. Instead of nodding absently at the contractor’s every word, you’ll grasp each proposal with uncommon understanding.

Bear in mind, your education isn’t solely for personal benefit. In most cases, an Orange County Roofer will appreciate your wisdom. Thanks to your knowledge, discussions will be productive and efficient, meaning less time wasted by lengthy explanations. Good for all. 

Once you’re ready, contact a local professional to get the process started. Maybe you hang your hat in Laguna Beach. OK, just consult a Laguna Beach Roofer. It promises to be a very interesting discussion.

If you have questions about roofing materials, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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What to Look for in an Orange County Roofer

You’ve decided to select an Orange County roofer to repair or replace your roof. Understandably, you want a qualified professional for the job. You therefore must look for certain characteristics in all candidates.

One characteristic is experience. Ask you prospective roofers about their years on the job. Have they been at it awhile? Or are they just getting their feet wet? The answer will give you a fairly good idea of the contractor’s proficiency. Obviously, the more time racked up, the more honed the contracting skills likely will be.

It’s also vital to know the license and insurance status of your prospective Orange County roofers. Both forms of documentation provide assurance of the contractor’s capabilities, as well as the basic protections offered to homeowners. Don’t compromise on this -- candidates should, without exception, be licensed and insured. Those who aren’t clearly don’t make the grade. Next!

Once these preliminaries are determined, it’s time to delve a little deeper. This means, see for yourself how good the prospect’s workmanship is. To gain such knowledge, ask to see some work samples. An Orange County roofing company probably has project photos proudly displayed on its website. True, the images can’t compare with an actual rooftop. Nevertheless, these visual records provide a fairly reliable example of professional skill.

Homeowners should start their roofer inquiries as early as possible. Therefore, don’t procrastinate -- not even for a nanosecond. Instead, reach out to a local provider to begin the process. Perhaps you reside in Laguna Beach. OK, just contact a Laguna Beach roofer for the needed information. You’ll soon realize that the effort is an excellent investment of your time.

If you have questions about evaluating a prospective roofing contractor, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Is Your Roof Boosting or Busting Your Home’s Curb Appeal?

A beautiful home is the result of many factors. One of these factors, as any Orange County roofer will tell you, is its rooftop. No question about it. A roof can add immeasurably to the overall appearance of your residence -- and therefore to its curb appeal. Homeowners should chew on this fact if they’re considering or are in the process of selling their home. Roofs that have seen better days need immediate attention, as any defects can subtract mightily from sales value. Not exactly an ideal prospect to those hoping for substantial gains in the real estate market.  

Don’t worry if your roof leaves something to be desired. Curb appeal easily can be restored by qualified Orange County roofers. No matter what the issue, these experts can rectify the situation with needed repairs, or when called for, full-scale replacement.

While servicing the roof, your chosen professionals will provide benefits on two levels. First, there’s the aesthetic level. For instance, your roof might be marred by curling shingles. By correcting this type of problem, an Orange County roofing company transforms the overall appearance of your rooftop. Aesthetics has been served.

But this is only one side of the story. Roof servicing also improves functionality and performance, eliminating many nagging issues such as leaks and other problems. Once again, your roof will do what it was meant to – cover and protect.

Wondering how your roof stacks up in the curb appeal department? Find out for sure by consulting a local professional. Maybe you live in Laguna Beach. OK, just ask a Laguna Beach roofer for insights. Rest assured, they’ll have plenty to share.

If you have questions about your roof’s effect on curb appeal, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Sure Proof of Shingle Wear

A certain amount of construction goes into every asphalt shingle installed by an Orange County roofer. That’s right. Each one of those beautiful shingles is the result of a painstaking manufacturing process of molding together various materials and layers that ultimately form the final product – a shingle.

This tidbit of info may surprise those who imagine asphalt shingles are cut from a long sheet of material, like a piece of cloth. Not so. There are no ready-made asphalt shingles to be had anywhere. They must, without exception, be crafted and built-up layer by layer. In general, the better the layering, the better the performance. Makes sense.

No matter how well constructed or how meticulously installed by Orange County roofers, asphalt shingles can deteriorate over time. Among the various shingle components, one of the most susceptible to deterioration is the fiberglass intermat. This is an underlayer that is covered with a solid asphalt surface, its thickness determined by the manufacturer. The primary purpose of an intermat is to hold the asphalt together while inhibiting cracks and separation. Over time, however, the asphalt invariably wears away, often revealing a small section of the once unseen intermat.

This revelation ranks high on the importance meter. Why? Because whenever glimpses of fiberglass are available to the general public, no matter how small the section, the revelation is a guaranteed sign that shingles are worn beyond ordinary usefulness. Given this state-of-affairs, it very well may be time to select an Orange County roofing company for a much-needed roof replacement.

Possibly curiosity is getting the better of you, driving you to acquire more knowledge about this topic. Sounds reasonable. You can satisfy the yearning by asking a local expert for some enlightenment. Let’s say you reside in Laguna Beach. In that case, just ask a Laguna Beach roofer for some additional info. You’ll probably get answers by the truckload.

If you have questions about asphalt shingles, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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An Orange County Roofer Must Get it Right

During the process of roof installation, an Orange County roofer must get everything right. From taking proper measurements to conducting a thorough cleanup, a contractor strives to do all tasks as they should be done, leaving no stone unturned.

One area in which this ‘get it right’ principle prevails is the task of shingle layering. As virtually everyone knows, shingles typically are not installed next to each other but over each other. As the setting process proceeds, a certain percentage of each one is left exposed. The exposed portion becomes the visible part of the shingle. Arranged in this way, shingles exhibit a general layered look across the rooftop.

Orange County roofers, however, must expend great effort to ensure proper shingle exposure is established. Should they sit too far away, overexposure results. This means a large part of each shingle is left unprotected, remaining vulnerable to the harsher elements such as wind, rain, and unrelenting sunlight.

On the other hand, if an Orange County roofing company installs shingles too close, aesthetic value is compromised. Basically, an overly compressed, bunched look results, detracting from a roof’s intended appearance.

How does an Orange County roofer determine the right shingle spacing? Generally, the amount of space is correlated to shingle size. No matter what the size, however, homeowners can be confident that a qualified professional will make accurate calculations to ensure the job comes out right.

Should you desire further enlightenment about this important topic, it’s best to ask a local expert. Maybe you reside in Laguna Beach. Fine. Simply direct your inquires to a Laguna Beach roofer, and you’ll be rewarded with a wealth of information.

If you have questions about shingle layering, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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