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Roof Moss Removal Made Easy

With springtime here, many Orange County homeowners are enjoying the inspiring site of beautiful landscaping in full bloom. Prominent among the foliage will be trees of every description. Along with the visual appeal, those oaks and elms will help to cool your house by providing abundant shade. While this might sound ideal during the warmer months, any Orange County Roofer will tell you there’s one major drawback to this situation. That drawback is moss. That’s right. Moss thrives in the kind of coolness supplied by shade. All the green stuff needs is a bit of moisture, and bingo – it’s ready to spread far and wide across your rooftop.

Should you see patches of moss marring your rooftop, don’t worry. The problem can be eliminated with comparative ease. You can choose to enlist the services of a qualified Orange County Roofing Company to get the job done. Or you can carry out the task yourself, utilizing items easily purchased at the local hardware store.

Remember, a roofing contractor is thoroughly familiar with moss intrusions. They know the green stuff, having dealt with it on many prior occasions. Therefore, this professional understands exactly how to eliminate the problem. If you’re planning to tackle the issue solo, it behooves you to know some of what the pros know. For your edification, here's what they think is important.

The first fact you should know is that moss essentially is a kind of plant. Like most plants, it requires some level of moisture. Unlike most plants, however, it lacks those important extensions known as roots. No matter. Moss has its own method for hydrating itself – it absorbs moisture from the air.

You might be saying, wait a minute. There’s very little rainfall this time of year … usually. What can supply moss with the necessary dampness? Well, there's plenty in the Orange County atmosphere. Yes, being comparatively close to the seashore, Orange County receives its fair share of ocean moisture. And, as you can imagine, the nearer to the shore you are, the more saturated the atmosphere will be. It’s no surprise, then, that the typical Orange County Roofer sees more moss-removal action in a city such as Laguna Beach than in a region further from the shore. But virtually all communities have some atmosphereic dampness. Now, once you factor in shady conditions, which reduce moisture-drying sunshine, you’ve got the perfect conditions for moss development.

As a primary recommendation, an Orange County Roofing Company would instruct homeowners to remove all sources of shade. The removal process applies particularly to overhanging tree limbs, the world’s leading source of exterior shade. You might balk at the idea of removing foliage, especially if it’s adorned with stunning flora. Nevertheless, the task must be done.  

To supplement this solution, homeowners should make certain there’s no water source near the rooftop. And if you just happen to be knowledgeable about chemistry, you can create a localized acidic environment – a natural moss inhibiter if ever there was one.

Having taken in this introductory information, you probably have some questions in need of answers. No problem. Just consult a local expert. For instance, if you call Laguna Beach home, simply reach out to a Laguna Beach Roofer. The professionals there will be delighted to help in every way possible.

If you have questions about roof moss, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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