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To Leave or Not to Leave During a Roof Replacement – Part II


As mentioned in the previous post, roof replacement is a rather noisy endeavor. Even if you, the homeowner, are fine with the increased decibels as well as the general activity and other variables, chances are you have other household members to consider. And these occupants aren’t necessarily human. Yes, like it or not, pet owners must take into consideration the sensitivities of their resident canines, felines, fish, and fowl while Orange County Roofers are hard at work. Depending on a pet's personality and preferences, each will have a different tolerance level for the noise and disruptions. If you have any doubts about their coping abilities, it might be best to re-locate your pets during the noisy stretch.  

On the other hand, if you're sure those furry occupants can handle the disruption, by all means keep them on-site. As you might expect, your chosen Orange County Roofing Company will understand and expend maximum effort to minimize the intrusions.

Of course, you’ll want to give children the same level of attention. Make sure the little tykes remain in specific areas, away from the action. Playing outdoors near the home is something you definitely don’t want them doing. Again, as with pets, if you think elevated noise levels will be intolerable to the kids, it’s best to relocate them until the job is done. You know that neighbor or family member who owes you a favor? The one with the nice, roomy house. Yeah, that’s the one. This could be a good time to touch them for repayment.

When preparing for the arrival of your Orange County Roofers, there’s another important step homeowners can take. You can clean up all outdoor areas in the work zone. Which probably is the entire perimeter of the house. And you thought only the crew would  be working. Sorry to disappoint. Owners must put in some work hours, too. What you’ll be doing is moving all the beautiful outdoor furniture and other cherished property to a safe location. Which makes sense. You don’t want your patio table sitting where it can be plunked by falling roof debris. You can bet there’ll be plenty of it collecting up there. Therefore, the chances are almost zero that none of it will slip off the rooftop. It happens. Be prepared.

Now, you might be wondering if members of the roofing crew will enter your home during the replacement process. If you have an attic, the answer is without question ‘yes’. As part of the general work plan, the workers must inspect this space beneath the roof.  However, this inspection typically is carried out at the beginning of the project. Your best bet is getting all the details up front. To that end, discuss the work process with your chosen professionals. Going this route will allow you to plan ahead.

Have questions about roof replacements? Your ideal move is to reach out to local professionals, who’ll answer them to your complete satisfaction. You might, for instance, reside in Laguna Beach. In that case, just contact a Laguna Beach Roofer and set up a consultation. Your questions will be answered in full, and you’ll be well prepared to make the optimum decisions regarding your home.  

If you have questions about getting a roof replacement, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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To Leave or Not to Leave During a Roof Replacement

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