Orange County

Welcome to our Orange County Roofing Company Blog. Our goal is to not only offer you the highest quality roofing solutions in Orange County, but also to educate you on best practices, offer roofing contractor tips and inside secrets that only a professional roofer would know. We hope you find this information helpful and invite you to comment and ask questions.

Protecting Your Home from Top to Top

Once you decide to enlist the services of an Orange County roofer to inspect your roof, you’ve taken an important and beneficial step. A professional evaluation of your roof’s overall condition can reveal potential or existing problems, which easily can prove quite costly down the road. Leaks, for instance, might be forming or already marring your roof, without you being any the wiser. An inspection can unveil these hidden issues well before problems such as penetrating rain drops ruin your evening. But don’t expect a professional look-see to limit itself to the exterior. A full roof inspection is performed on the inside and out.

During an interior roof inspection, an Orange County roofing company will take a close look at potential problem zones, such as your attic. What the professionals will be searching for are evidence of leaks and deterioration. Sunlight streaming through the roof is one of the telltale signs of an unwanted opening. During this phase, the question of insulation also may come up. If your home lacks this protective material, or if it is unacceptably worn, an Orange County roofing contractor likely will advise the acquisition or replacement of insulation, as the situation demands.

Once the interior phase is completed, an Orange County roofing company will shift to the roof’s exterior. Again, the professionals will be looking for leaks, and their causes – such as missing shingles. Even if you live in a sunny, rain-limited region such as Aliso Viejo, don’t dismiss the value of an inspection. If leaks are present, it takes only a single rainfall to create floor puddles. It’s best to call an Aliso Viejo roofer to check things out.

If you have questions about roof inspections, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Correcting the Curl

Homeowners are sticklers for functionality, particularly when it comes to the performance of their roof. The home’s top layer must, to the best of its ability, keep the elements out. But owners also want their rooftops to have an appealing appearance. By conducting regular inspections and maintenance, a qualified Orange County roofing company can go a long way to ensuring both functionality and form are up to standard. However, there are some issues that are beyond their control. One of these issues is the rooftop phenomenon known as ‘fishmouthing’.  
So what is fishmouthing? In a nutshell, fishmouthing occurs when an edge of a shingle curls upward.  It can happen on any of the edges. Generally, the issue is more visible on sloping roofs that are generously illuminated by direct sunlight. 
Fishmouthing may be caused by anything from a piece of foreign material caught under a shingle to a manufacturing defect. You may uncover the cause by enlisting a reliable Orange County roofing contractor to perform an inspection. The important thing to know, however, is that fishmouthing generally won’t hamper a shingle’s longevity, cause leaks, or otherwise negatively impact your roof. Basically, they’re an aesthetic eyesore – and that’s it.   
Should you find the site of shingle curling excruciatingly unbearable, it’s entirely possible to correct the issue. But you’ll want to do it professionally. If, for instance, you own a home in Corona Del Mar, simply call a Corona Del Mar roofing company to help. Their experts usually can press any offending curl flat and hold it firmly in place with a special glue. Problem solved. 
If you have questions about fishmouthing shingles, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.
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Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late

Procrastination … It’s only natural that many of us would utilize this delaying tactic when convenient. But the practice can be costly, especially where your roof is concerned. Don’t fall into this trap. Far better to confront a situation early on than face negative consequences down the road. As far as your roof goes, this means looking for signs of roof damage and deterioration. If you’d rather not take on this responsibility, a qualified Orange County roofing company will be ready, willing, and able to tackle the assignment. Either way, it must be done.

When surveying for roof damage and/or deterioration, an Orange County roofing contractor will look for the obvious signs first. These include cracked (or missing) shingles, worn flashings, and loose shingle granules. If any of these telltale signs are detected, you likely will need to either repair or replace your roof. As a rule, the longer you wait to uncover these problems, the worse they’ll get. And consequently, the more you’ll have to pay to undo the damage. Ignoring and procrastinating until rainwater leaks into your home clearly is not the preferable route.

Once you or your chosen Orange County roofing company completes the inspection, you’ll likely be facing one of two choices. Either you must replace the roof entirely or recover it with a second layer of shingles. If you’ve already done the latter, this option may not be open to you. Certain municipal codes limit homeowners to a one-time recover. The codes can vary by city. But don’t worry. A local professional can determine where you stand on the matter.  Let’s say, for instance, you own a home in Irvine. An Irvine roofing company will know the codes and how they apply to your situation.  

If you have questions about roof deterioration or damage, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Aesthetic Appeal Starts at the Top

Who says you must begin at the bottom and progress upward? When it comes to your home’s aesthetic appeal, the top is an excellent starting point. Indeed, a roof can add tremendously to your property’s visual allure.  For more information, consult with a qualified Orange County roofing company. An experienced professional can give you a complete rundown of the available options.  In the interim, however, here are some highlights.

If you’d want to unleash a roof’s aesthetic potential, begin with the shingles. Yes, gutter and other trimmings make a visual statement. But these are secondary considerations. Shingles are the headliner. There’s a good reason for this. Shingles are what you and the rest of the world sees. If they’re cracked, broken, or damaged, aesthetic appeal decreases. Equally concerning, so does their ability to keep rainwater and other elements from entering your home. Moisture easily finds its way through those cracks and other openings. If you’re uncertain about the condition of your shingles, request an inspection from an Orange County roofing contractor. In the event flaws are discovered, these professionals can take the right action.

Should an inspection mandate a new roof, don’t limit yourself to functionality. Often, homeowners ignore the roof when it comes to design. They shouldn’t. Nowadays, roof tiles are available in a variety of unique colors. If you have a home in a city such as Dana Point, you may want to consult a Dana Point roofing company about the available color options. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by the impact of a well-chosen hue.  

If you have questions about creating aesthetic appeal with your roof, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Easy Solution

If only you could make those rooftop stains vanish with a wave of your hand. But unless you possess some special powers, the intervention of an ordinary human will be required. Certainly, you can call for the assistance of an Orange County roofing company to remove the stains, mildew, and other imperfections caused by the passage of time. (Very few old roofs are without them.) Or you can take care of the matter yourself. Either way, the task must be performed. Not only are those unattractive blemishes offensive to your aesthetic sense; they very likely are lowering your home’s market value.  

In most cases, the imperfections you notice are signs of mildew or fungus. Whether you opt for the help of an Orange County roofing contractor or the do-it-yourself method, the problem probably can be solved by a very common household item – bleach.  What you’ll be doing with this handy liquid is creating a cleaning solution capable of removing the blemishes. Ideally, you’ll want the solution to consist of 25% bleach and 75% water.

Once you’re done mixing your solution, fill a garden pump sprayer with the liquid and focus the spray on the mildew, fungus, and other stains. Naturally, you’ll want to aim accurately.  Misaimed bleach that strikes surrounding plants can do them a great deal of damage.  For maximum protection, it’s a good idea to cover nearby foliage.  Also, make sure no errant spray touches other parts of the roof.  

To really be certain the cleansing is done right, consider a professional for the job. If you live in Newport Beach, for example, a qualified Newport Beach roofing company can ensure safe, reliable stain removal.

If you have questions about removing roof stains, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Where Shingle Layering Loses Points

It’s only natural … homeowners want to correct any discovered roof deficiencies, whether they be missing shingles, clogged rain gutters, or any of the other million and one possible problems. But they also want to save money. So if possible, rather than enlist an Orange County roofing company to replace their roof, money-conscious homeowners understandably will opt for a new layer of shingles. Basically, this solution leaves the old shingles in place and covers them over with brand-new, just-purchased replacement shingles. Easy as pie and so good to the wallet, right?

Well, yes. That part is correct – if all goes well. However, there are definite problems associated with this rooftop cover-up. For an in-depth analysis of the potential issues, schedule a consultation with a qualified Orange County roofing contractor. In the meantime, you can get a sense of what’s in store from the following overview.  

First and foremost, you must deal with curling shingles. If you’re current layer is lying good and flat, then you’re in the clear on this matter. But if they’re curling up from the rooftop, they’ll push up mightily against any new layer. Can you imagine your reaction as you gaze with pride upon your ‘new’ roof, only to see unexpected rises here and there? Not too flattering.

There is, however, an even more troubling prospect in store after double-layering a roof. What if, for instance, you have a beautiful home in San Clemente. And low and behold, you notice the effect that curling shingles are having on your new over-layer. You decide to replace the entire roof. Well guess what, your San Clemente roofing company must tear off both layers instead of one before installing the replacement. And all that extra labor and time will cost you. So before you double-layer, think about the consequences. You may not be doing the best thing.  

If you have questions about layering shingles, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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What to Know Before You Buy Those Shingles

Alright, you’ve secured the services of a qualified Orange County roofing company to install new roof shingles. No doubt, there are sound reasons behind this decision. Maybe your tried-and-true shingles are worn and leak-prone. Perhaps you simply want a makeover for your home. All of these are excellent reasons for making the change. Nevertheless, when selecting new shingles, you must take more than style, function, and color into consideration. To ensure a successful installation, homeowners must weigh other factors before committing to a material. Failing to consider these factors could and probably will throw a monkey wrench into your plans mighty quick. This outcome not only will be frustrating; it probably will be very costly.   

Your Orange County roofing contractor will be very familiar with these crucial factors. But if you’re shopping for shingles on your own, you must be equally familiar with them. The first of these important considerations is local building codes. Depending on your community, the number of allowable shingle layers may be limited. If you’re searching for the perfect shingles without professional assistance, you must check the local laws to make certain you’re in compliance with appropriate codes.

You can, of course, put your mind at ease by assigning this task to a qualified professional. If, for instance, you live in an OC city such as Mission Viejo, you may want to get the assistance of a Mission Viejo roofing company. These experts can determine how well your shingle choice complies with local laws.

Roof slope and local climate also can make a difference when it comes to selecting shingles for your roof. Again, a qualified Orange County roofing contractor can best determine the suitability of your choice. After all, the last thing you need is a roofing material not suited to the pitch of your roof or not able to withstand local weather conditions. Far better to know where things stand well in advance.  

If you have questions about what to know before purchasing shingles, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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A Roof Set in Stone

When you select an Orange County roofing company to install a new roof, you’ll have a variety of materials to choose from. But no matter which one you go with, only one of your decisions will be set in stone … literally. The stone referred to is slate. While not the most common roofing material, slate nevertheless has a certain appeal to many homeowners. The reason for the attraction is its clear-cut advantages. There are three that stand out. More than anything, it is these advantages that convince homeowners to select slate tiles for their property.  

The first of these advantages – and the most noticeable – is the physical appearance of slate. When an Orange County roofing contractor installs a roof made of this material, the crew is adding an element of unrivaled beauty to your property. Call it a certain polish and classiness. But the distinguished appearance of slate tiles is hard to beat. For homeowners who want that certain look, this is the material to go with. But don’t expect to be limited to a single kind of slate. Tiles made of this stone may be had in a diversity of colors, thicknesses, and sizes.

Endurance is another major upside of slate roofing. This, of course, is not surprising considering its composition is solid rock. Once an Orange County roofing company installs a slate roof, expect it to be around for a while. Over a hundred years is a very accurate figure for the distance this material will go.   

One other upside of slate tiles is their favorable impact on the environment. Because this material is replaced far less often than other types, old, discarded tiles wind up in landfills far less often. And that’s a big plus for the planet. So, if you live in an Orange County community such as Irvine, you can expect a slate roof to be environmentally friendly. When your Irvine roofer installs a roof made of this material, you’ll be doing good things for your community and the planet.

If you have questions about slate roofing tiles, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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The Undeniable Attraction of a New Roof

At this moment, many people are contemplating the crucial question – should I get a new roof or not. Giving the idea a thumbs-up could prove a good move in many ways. But before you commit to the new shingles, be sure to discuss the matter with a qualified Orange County roofing company. The experts on their team can supply many key insights about the ramifications of re-roofing. Only after everything stacks up to your liking should you green-light an installation. Remember, this outlay will be a major investment – perhaps the biggest one you’ll ever make in the home-improvement department.

If you decide in favor of a new roof, you’ll likely be glad you did. This upgrade holds many attractions for homeowners. The first and most obvious attraction is what the replacement does for home values. If an Orange County roofing contractor installs a new roof, the resale value of your home likely will rise by a robust sum. This may seem trivial if your residence is off market. But if you ever do plan to sell, consider the upgrade a definite price-booster.

Equally attractive will be the appearance of any home crowned by a new roof. Over the years, shingles have become a new breed. The old-school, drab shingle has given way to the new variety enhanced by eye-catching textures and colors. Contemporary shingles are the perfect complement to beautiful landscaping.  

And let’s not forget the undeniable attraction of cooler temperatures. Many contemporary shingles decisively reflect the sun’s heat, defending against the intrusion of warm temperatures. The cooling effect on your inner home will be most welcome, particularly during the summer stretch. Perhaps your home lies in one of the warmer zones of Orange County, such as Coto de Caza. In that case, you might want to contact a Coto de Caza roofer to discuss your options.   

If you have questions about installing a new roof, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Solid Investment

If you’re looking for an excellent investment, you may not need to consult a financial advisor. A great return on your money can be had by selecting one of the strongest types of roof tiles on the planet. The material used for these tiles is concrete. There are many reasons why you should consider concrete roof tiles. For all the details, consult with a qualified Orange County roofing company. The experts on staff can go into depth regarding the known advantages of this material. Even if you don’t go with concrete, a discussion will at the very least give you a better understanding of roof dynamics.

Yes, it’s true that concrete roof tiles likely will have a higher price tag than alternate materials, Nevertheless, the value they provide makes them a smart buy in the long run. Consider, for instance, their undeniable durability. Basically, the material can last for centuries. Thus, if concrete is selected, roof replacement is a service you’ll never need from an Orange County roofing contractor. Even asphalt shingles pale in comparison to the infinite durability of concrete. With the former, you’ll be carrying out a replacement every two or three decades. Concrete will just be getting warmed up.

Complementing the high durability of concrete is its low maintenance requirements. Because of the material’s intrinsic strength, wind, sun, and other natural elements will inflict very little damage to concrete. It’s going to take something much more powerful than these natural occurrences to even put a dent in these tiles. Which leaves you one less problem to worry about. Do you live an in an Orange County city such as Aliso Viejo? Be sure to ask your Aliso Viejo roofer about concrete roof tiles.

If you have questions about concrete roof tiles, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Keep the Drops Out

You just can’t be too careful when it comes to maintaining optimum roof performance. Like any other part of your home, roof components are subject to wear and tear. Ignore even the smallest problem too long, and it can develop into a major and very costly headache. For this reason, it’s advisable to inspect your roof periodically. If up to the task, you can carry out a surface inspection yourself. During this time, it will be possible to spot obvious problems such as missing shingles. For more in-depth evaluations, however, it’s probably best to have a qualified Orange County roofing company carry out the mission. If you live in an Orange County city such as Irvine, you can bet a trusted Irvine roofing company will be well-trained to spot issues that typically go unnoticed by the less experienced.

During a professional inspection, potential leaks will be a prime area of focus for an Orange County roofing contractor. There are many potential leak sources. One of the most common is worn or missing roof flashing. Basically, flashing is a metal strip installed around vulnerable areas such as creases, chimneys, and vents. Often, these zones are susceptible to water intrusion. The flashing strip acts as a guard against moisture penetration, keeping rain where it belongs – on the outside of your home.

Unlike shingles, which overlap to provide added protection, flashing stands alone against the elements. Because it has no additional coverage, the metal strips often are much more vulnerable to damage and wear than shingles. For this reason, periodic inspections of flashing by an Orange County roofing contractor are crucial … preferably well before the commencement of the rainy season. Neglecting this important component puts your home at much higher risk for soaked walls, pooling water, and other consequences of water leakage.

If you have questions about roof flashing, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Variety Rules the Roof

When you call an Orange County roofing company to replace your roof shingles, you may think your choices are limited. What most people envision when they picture shingles is the conventional tile variety. In reality, however, homeowners have a wide range of choices in this department. Your best bet is to survey the territory and see what strikes your fancy. Chances are, you’ll be glad you did – you may discover a shingle style completely unknown to you prior to the search. If you need assistance, consult your residential roofing contractor or commercial roofing contractor (if you’re focused a place of business). This professional can show you a wide range of available choices that may have escaped your notice.

What are some of the shingle types an Orange County roofing contractor can offer you? One of the popular ones these days is the kind made of wood. When it comes to visual attractiveness, wood holds a big advantage over many other types. It also has an edge when it comes to repelling water -- moisture has a hard time penetrating this material. On the down side, wood shingles generally are more expensive to maintain. You must decide if the added beauty and water-protection is worth the cost. For many people, it most certainly is.

Variety also is a characteristic of ceramic shingles. Contrary to popular belief, this type isn’t available in only one shape. Your Orange County roofing company can offer ceramic shingles in a wide range of shapes, including flat, Roman, and ‘s’-shaped.

If you have questions about the different shingle types available for your roof, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Dana Point, Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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A Better Rain Gutter

Sure, the rainy season is over … presumably. But advance preparation is still a good idea. Sturdy rain gutters, of course, are the cornerstone of said preparation. You simply can’t be careless when it comes to these crucial drainage channels. Because, you never know when the next cloudburst will erupt.  Given this unpredictability, a rain gutter inspection could prove advantageous. If you don’t feel up to task, a qualified Orange County roofing company can tackle the assignment. These professionals will muster up finely-honed skills to uncover rust, corrosion, and other signs of wear and tear. If these tarnishes turn up, gutter replacement may necessary.

If you’re facing gutter replacement, an Orange County roofing contractor can offer a choice of materials. Nowadays, you’re not limited to metal. In fact, one of the most popular of the current gutter materials is vinyl. Gutters constructed of this sturdy plastic offer several advantages. One advantage is their proven resistance to dents, corrosion, and rust. You’ll just never see these problems with vinyl gutters.

What about scratches and scrapes? Are vinyl gutters susceptible to these defects? Yes, these can happen to the plastic variety. But when they do, they’re not nearly as visible as those marring metal gutters. For all practical purposes, scratches and scrapes are not a factor with vinyl construction.

Plastic rain gutters also offer a cost advantage. Because these drainage channels are lightweight, they’re easier to carry and handle. Thus, an Orange County roofing company generally can install them at a cost substantially lower than that of metal.

If you have questions about vinyl rain gutters, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Aliso Viejo, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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  1650 Hits

Listen to Your Attic

A reliable Orange County roofing company has many options when evaluating the condition of your roof shingles. The most typical and effective option is, of course, examining the roof from one end to the other. This investigative process reveals cracks, holes, and other problems that can cause homeowners major headaches if ignored. An Orange County roofing contractor, however, also can learn a great deal by examining roof condition from the inside. This is commonly accomplished thorough investigation of the attic. You wouldn’t believe the things this hidden space can say about shingles.

How will an attic communicate information about shingle condition? Through any number of signs. For example, an Orange County roofer may discover thin beams of light streaming through the attic ceiling. These beams are clear-cut evidence that the shingles above are underperforming. Perhaps they’ve been marred by small holes formed over the years.  Or possibly there are issues with roof flashing. During a rainfall, these holes provide easy entry points for unwanted water drops. If rainwater already has leaked into the attic, the evidence will be unmistakable – typically water stains blemishing the walls and ceiling.   

Should an Orange County roofing company detect any of these warning signs, you likely will be given one of two options. Choice #1 -- Correct the issues with professional intervention. Choice #2 - If damage is irreparable, replace the roof. No matter which scenario looms, it’s best to discuss the matter with a qualified Orange County roofing contractor. An expert of this caliber can help you make the best decision and avoid further headaches down the road. 

If you have questions about checking your attic for roof issues, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Irvine and surrounding cities, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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A Cleaner Roof

Every homeowner on the planet knows what heavy rains can do to a roof, particularly if those fine asphalt shingles develop a leak or two. But other meteorological phenomena also can make an impact on the average rooftop. Consider, for instance, the issue of humidity. Along with making things mighty uncomfortable for a variety of life forms, humidity can promote the growth of algae on once-pristine shingles. Don’t worry. Algae likely won’t damage your roof. But it could damage property values. After all, prominent green-blue stains seldom are aesthetically-pleasing to onlookers. The good news is, these blights on your rooftop can be removed fairly easily by an Orange County roofing company. Or, if you dare, by yourself or a friend. The main point is, the problem is easily dealt with.

Whether you opt to go with an Orange County roofing contractor or your own self, the person performing the algae purge will require several cleansing agents. Various stain-removing products are available to homeowners, residential roofing contractors, and commercial roofing contractors. Also highly effective is a homemade mixture of ordinary bleach, trisodium phosphate (TSP), and water. Do-it-yourselfers take note: you’ll need a pump sprayer, goggles, gloves, and several other items in order to pull this off. And be sure not to overdo. Repeated barrages of pressurized spray can wear away the protective elements layering shingles. So perform this operation sparingly.  

Of course, an Orange County roofing company can eliminate the time-consuming cleansing process altogether. Currently available are algae-resistant shingles, which utilize copper granules to prevent this unwanted growth.

If you have questions about removing algae from your roof, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Brea and surrounding cities, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Better Than a Bucket

In one sense, sloping roofs have it made. Because of their angled position, they allow water and other forms of moisture to run straight down their sides. Thus, water damage is minimized. Unfortunately, this form of water defense is not an option for the flat or slightly-sloped roof. The positioning of these roofs creates little opportunity for effective drainage. Instead of running off, water tends to puddle on the shingles. If you have one of these roofs, there is a solution. A reliable Orange County roofing company can address the deficiency by installing a built-up roof. Not addressing the issue leaves your home vulnerable to shingle deterioration and leaking caused by accumulated water.
A built-up roof is one that utilizes a layering system to prevent moisture accumulation and penetration. An Orange County roofing contractor will install it in four basic layers. Base sheets form the first layer. This is followed in succession by roofing felts, cap sheets, and a top layer of asphalt.

Built-up roofs often are used for business structures, so commercial roofers commonly are called upon to install them. Many homes, however, have flat or low-slope roofs; therefore, built-up roofs often prove beneficial to them, as well.

As previously stated, the major advantage of a built-up roof is its natural ability to prevent water damage and intrusion. But the benefits don’t stop with waterproofing. Because of its sturdy layering, a built-up roof also defends against the penetration of damaging ultra-violet rays. And busy homeowners certainly will appreciate the low-maintenance requirements of this type of roof. There just isn’t a lot to take care of once it’s in place.

If you have questions about built-up roofs, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Corona Del Mar and surrounding cities, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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  1241 Hits

How Trees Can Impact Your Roof

Trees do more than beautify your yard and bear fruit; they also protect your roof. The greatest form of protection comes from the shade provided by tree foliage. Shade is a big plus. Many an Orange County roofing company must repair damage caused by excessive sunlight. Over time, solar illumination deteriorates shingles and leaves them vulnerable to leaking. It also leaves your wallet vulnerable to hefty roof repair bills. Shade provided by tree limbs restricts the passage of sunlight, thereby minimizing solar wear and tear.

Be careful, however, not to allow the solution to become the problem. While tree shade supplies an important layer of rooftop protection, your beautiful birch also can be the source of damage. This is most evident in a clogged rain gutter. If close enough, falling twigs and leaves can land and accumulate in the gutter. Rain thereafter gets trapped in the channel and eventually overflows. Most will fall to the ground. But some could flow onto the roof, slip under the shingles, and cause roof beams to rot. Should this intrusion occur, the problem must be corrected by a qualified residential roofing contractor (or commercial roofing contractor if you’re operating a business).  

Bear in mind, the problem is not the trees themselves – it’s overhanging tree limbs lingering above the roof. If large enough, those limbs even can puncture shingles, creating an opening for rain water. Subsequently, you’ll be calling a qualified Orange County roofing contractor to make major repairs.

Is there a solution available to homeowners and business owners? Absolutely -- Trim those tree limbs and periodically clean out rain gutters. These steps will minimize rain gutter debris and help protect your roof throughout the year. It’s that simple.

If you have questions about how trees impact your roof, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Cypress and surrounding areas, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Your Roof, Your Choice

It can be mind-boggling. You’ve received roofing proposals from more than one Orange County roofing company.  All of them appear satisfactory. So how do you know which contractor to go with?

Yours is not an easy decision, to be sure. All of the proposals seemingly offer excellent service at a good price. And yet, there are certain items that you don’t understand. If you’re befuddled by some of these mystery items, your first step is simple – ask for clarifications. Grill the Orange County roofing contractor if you must. But by all means, get the answers you need.  

Even after questions are duly answered by a prospective Orange County roofing company, you may still feel somewhat uncertain. You’ve got seemingly sound proposals, and still there are lingering doubts. Well, you’re not alone. This is a common reaction among many homeowners considering roofing services. And one of the best ways to overcome your doubts is to make sure every proposal is clearly organized. This means, the document is sufficiently detailed, with all items listed line by line. By seeing everything laid out in plain sight, you get a definite sense of the fairness and accuracy of the quoted price.

What are some of the proposal items that must be clearly indicated? The list is relatively extensive and may vary, depending on the type of services required. Some of the items you’ll want spelled out are: the roofing materials to be utilized; the manufacturer of those materials; and which existing roof components will be re-used.

Remember, these proposal guidelines apply to business owners as well homeowners. If you’re considering proposals from a commercial roofing contractor, be sure all the important details are covered in a well-organized fashion.  

If you have questions about proposals for roofing services, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Fountain Valley, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Something You’ll Feel Comfortable With

The comfort and protection of any home begins with its roof. For this reason, a qualified Orange County roofing company takes great pains to provide the very best service possible. Whether this involves roof replacement, repair, or simple maintenance, the work they perform must be unfailingly effective.

What many people don’t realize, however, is that roof protection typically requires more than well-installed shingles and efficient rain gutters. In fact, one of the most important contributors to roof protection lies beneath the shingles. That contributor is something familiar to most people - insulation. Effective insulation tremendously adds to the protective value of any work performed by your Orange County roofing company.

Insulation, of course, helps regulate interior temperatures, thereby enhancing the comfort of your home. The protective material also helps lower energy costs and reduce wear and tear on HVAC systems. For these reasons, proper insulation should supplement any repair or replacement work performed by your Orange County roofing contractor.

While homeowners can choose from various insulation options, radiant barriers currently are among the most promising.  In contrast to conventional fiberglass insulation, a radiant barrier reflects heat energy rather than absorbs it. Another plus of this insulation is that it resists humidity and associated problems such as mildew.

Naturally, a new roof installed by a commercial roofing contractor will require more extensive insulation than a residential structure. There’s simply more space to cover in a commercial environment. But not matter what the square footage involved, radiant barriers (or any other insulation) are enormously cost-effective in the long run.

If you have questions about roof insulation, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in La Palma, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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What Looks Good on the Ground Can Harm Your Roof

There’s an enemy ready to invade your rooftop, powerful enough to inflict serious damage. Yet, this damaging invader won’t even get a second glance if seen on the ground. That enemy is moss. If moss settles on your rooftop, the negative consequences likely will require the intervention of a qualified Orange County roofing company. One of the most common of these consequences is the buildup of rooftop moisture. As decreed by nature, moss holds moisture firmly to shingles, particularly those made of wood. Over time, this unwanted dampness causes shingles to rot. Your only recourse then is to call upon a qualified Orange County roofing company to undo the damage.

The good news is, things don’t have to get this far. Long before you reach the stage requiring the assistance of an Orange County roofing contractor, you can take several proven preventative steps. The most important and effective of these steps is minimizing the shade covering your rooftop. Yes, shade helps keep your beloved home cool. But it also creates an environment that promotes the development of moss and moisture.

Begin your shade-abatement mission by taking a good, long look at your rooftop, checking for overhanging trees and bushes shading your rooftop. This surveillance should not be limited to domestic habitats. Commercial buildings also require a healthy looking-over. Any foliage casting lengthy shadows should be trimmed well away from the roof. Whether you perform this task yourself or hand it over to a gardener, it’s a must-do if roof preservation is your goal. Clearly, this simple preventative measure is preferable to the costly intervention of a commercial roofing contractor or residential roofing contractor.

If you have questions about keeping your rooftop moss-free, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Newport Beach and surrounding areas, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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