Orange County

Welcome to our Orange County Roofing Company Blog. Our goal is to not only offer you the highest quality roofing solutions in Orange County, but also to educate you on best practices, offer roofing contractor tips and inside secrets that only a professional roofer would know. We hope you find this information helpful and invite you to comment and ask questions.

Funding a Commercial Roof Replacement

Business owners and managers face many decisions. One of the most common pertains to the replacement of worn-out structural elements. If that element is the roof of a building, a qualified Orange County commercial roofer will be needed.

When decision-makers choose from the available Orange County roofers, a major consideration will be cost. Cost estimates either will fit the budget or they won’t. But cost-matching isn’t the end of the story. Owners and managers also must secure funding.

When covering the costs of an Orange County commercial roofer, various sources can be tapped. One of these is a company’s internal funds. This assume the availability of adequate cash reserves. If these fall short, businesses have other options, such as a loan. In this low-interest environment, the timing couldn’t be better.

Additionally, owners and decision-makers may be eligible for government grants. These are available for a variety of concerns, particularly small businesses. And let’s not forget another potential windfall from Uncle Sam – tax credits. Depending on the size and nature of your business, generous reductions may be in the offing thanks to 2018 tax reform.

Determining the best funding choice will hinge on various factors and circumstances. Therefore, owners and managers must give the matter thorough consideration. But why go it alone when you can hash things out with a local roofing expert. For instance, if your business operates in San Clemente, consult a San Clemente roofer about the matter. Not only will the experience help clarify your thinking; it also will save you a staggering amount of time.

If you have questions about funding a commercial roof replacement, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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A Cleaner Roof

Every homeowner on the planet knows what heavy rains can do to a roof, particularly if those fine asphalt shingles develop a leak or two. But other meteorological phenomena also can make an impact on the average rooftop. Consider, for instance, the issue of humidity. Along with making things mighty uncomfortable for a variety of life forms, humidity can promote the growth of algae on once-pristine shingles. Don’t worry. Algae likely won’t damage your roof. But it could damage property values. After all, prominent green-blue stains seldom are aesthetically-pleasing to onlookers. The good news is, these blights on your rooftop can be removed fairly easily by an Orange County roofing company. Or, if you dare, by yourself or a friend. The main point is, the problem is easily dealt with.

Whether you opt to go with an Orange County roofing contractor or your own self, the person performing the algae purge will require several cleansing agents. Various stain-removing products are available to homeowners, residential roofing contractors, and commercial roofing contractors. Also highly effective is a homemade mixture of ordinary bleach, trisodium phosphate (TSP), and water. Do-it-yourselfers take note: you’ll need a pump sprayer, goggles, gloves, and several other items in order to pull this off. And be sure not to overdo. Repeated barrages of pressurized spray can wear away the protective elements layering shingles. So perform this operation sparingly.  

Of course, an Orange County roofing company can eliminate the time-consuming cleansing process altogether. Currently available are algae-resistant shingles, which utilize copper granules to prevent this unwanted growth.

If you have questions about removing algae from your roof, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Brea and surrounding cities, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Your Roof, Your Choice

It can be mind-boggling. You’ve received roofing proposals from more than one Orange County roofing company.  All of them appear satisfactory. So how do you know which contractor to go with?

Yours is not an easy decision, to be sure. All of the proposals seemingly offer excellent service at a good price. And yet, there are certain items that you don’t understand. If you’re befuddled by some of these mystery items, your first step is simple – ask for clarifications. Grill the Orange County roofing contractor if you must. But by all means, get the answers you need.  

Even after questions are duly answered by a prospective Orange County roofing company, you may still feel somewhat uncertain. You’ve got seemingly sound proposals, and still there are lingering doubts. Well, you’re not alone. This is a common reaction among many homeowners considering roofing services. And one of the best ways to overcome your doubts is to make sure every proposal is clearly organized. This means, the document is sufficiently detailed, with all items listed line by line. By seeing everything laid out in plain sight, you get a definite sense of the fairness and accuracy of the quoted price.

What are some of the proposal items that must be clearly indicated? The list is relatively extensive and may vary, depending on the type of services required. Some of the items you’ll want spelled out are: the roofing materials to be utilized; the manufacturer of those materials; and which existing roof components will be re-used.

Remember, these proposal guidelines apply to business owners as well homeowners. If you’re considering proposals from a commercial roofing contractor, be sure all the important details are covered in a well-organized fashion.  

If you have questions about proposals for roofing services, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Fountain Valley, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Two Rewards for One Roof

Receiving a reward of any kind typically proves a very positive experience. But when you engage an Orange County roofing company to install a new roof, you’re rewarded twice. The first of the two is something of a personal benefit – an overwhelmingly good feeling. New shingles just have that effect on homeowners. For good reason. Not only do they radiate beauty before your eyes. The presence of crisp new shingles atop you home also eliminates many burdensome worries. Seldom do people stress about leaks and other problems once a roof is replaced by a qualified Orange County roofing company.

The second reward you’ll enjoy is an increase in your home’s worth. Any Orange County roofing contractor who installs a new roof provides a significant improvement to the residence. Such an improvement typically adds immensely to the property’s market value. This value-boost certainly is a welcome benefit at any point. But at selling time, it gains considerably in importance. Understandably, prospective buyers are just as leak-conscious as current residents are. And they’re generally willing to pay a premium for the privilege of guaranteed dryness. Indeed, a new roof is a very sound investment.

Commercial roofing contractors provide the same two rewards to the owners of business structures. Whether a building houses a sprawling company that occupies multiple floors or a group of modestly-sized offices, a new roof is a major plus. As with homeowners, building owners often are rewarded with lower stress levels and higher property values. You can take that to the bank.

If you have questions about the benefits of roof replacement, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Garden Grove, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Something You’ll Feel Comfortable With

The comfort and protection of any home begins with its roof. For this reason, a qualified Orange County roofing company takes great pains to provide the very best service possible. Whether this involves roof replacement, repair, or simple maintenance, the work they perform must be unfailingly effective.

What many people don’t realize, however, is that roof protection typically requires more than well-installed shingles and efficient rain gutters. In fact, one of the most important contributors to roof protection lies beneath the shingles. That contributor is something familiar to most people - insulation. Effective insulation tremendously adds to the protective value of any work performed by your Orange County roofing company.

Insulation, of course, helps regulate interior temperatures, thereby enhancing the comfort of your home. The protective material also helps lower energy costs and reduce wear and tear on HVAC systems. For these reasons, proper insulation should supplement any repair or replacement work performed by your Orange County roofing contractor.

While homeowners can choose from various insulation options, radiant barriers currently are among the most promising.  In contrast to conventional fiberglass insulation, a radiant barrier reflects heat energy rather than absorbs it. Another plus of this insulation is that it resists humidity and associated problems such as mildew.

Naturally, a new roof installed by a commercial roofing contractor will require more extensive insulation than a residential structure. There’s simply more space to cover in a commercial environment. But not matter what the square footage involved, radiant barriers (or any other insulation) are enormously cost-effective in the long run.

If you have questions about roof insulation, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in La Palma, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Your Roof Still Has a Long Way to Go

Don’t worry just because you notice signs of cracking and blistering on your roof. You needn’t call an Orange County Roofing Company for an urgent repair or replacement estimate. Most likely, the imperfections you’ve seen all are evidence of normal wear and tear. Cracks, blisters, granule loss, and similar signs are commonplace in the world of roofs. In fact, they can appear as soon as a month following the installation of a new roof. They don’t, by any stretch of the imagination, indicate that your shingles are vulnerable to moisture penetration. Buckets of rainwater will not be flooding into your living room any time soon. Not through the roof, anyway.  

This is not to say that things don’t happen to your shingles as time passes. They most certainly do. However, unless your roof has been in service for decades, it probably has a long way to go. Still, be aware that deterioration can and will take place. You or a qualified Orange County roofing contractor should have a look at those shingles now and again. Intermittent inspections such as these can reveal unexpected problems. Yes, sometimes, despite the best construction and craftsmanship, problems show up. Shingles, like everything else, aren’t perfect.  

Generally, climatic or environmental conditions are the cause of both expected wear and tear, as well as unexpected problems. Even in Orange County, land of moderate weather, shingles are susceptible to environmental elements.  In warmer regions, commercial roofing contractors and residential roofing contractors see the greatest impact made by phenomena such ultraviolet rays, wind, and accumulated moisture in poorly-ventilated areas of a home.

If you have questions about assessing the condition of your roof, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Laguna Beach and surrounding cities, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Don’t Gamble with Your Roof

It’s a mistake many homeowners make. Once this error is committed, there’s likely no turning back. Your asphalt shingles have been compromised. Your roof is now officially and irrevocably  ruined. You’ll need an Orange County roofing company to perform a total roof replacement. What is the costly mistake that looms so damaging? Pressure washing your roof shingles. So many people do it. And so many people regret it.

The temptation to perform this cleansing act is almost irresistible. Asphalt shingles look so pure and new after a blast of high-pressure spray. The spread of roof-marring moss and algae has miraculously vanished. How then, you ask, can pressure-washing possibly be the bad guy? It seems like a friend.

Make no mistake about it. Pressure washing is an enemy, a foe to be avoided at all costs. Ask any Orange County roofing contractor. Pressure-washing creates more problems than it solves. The problems stem from asphalt composition. Layering every asphalt shingle are tiny granules. Small but powerful, the granules shield shingles from life’s harsher elements such as rain and sun. Pressure washing blasts the particles loose, effectively removing the protective shield. Laid bare, shingles now are vulnerable to the elements. Deterioration and ultimately irreparable roof damage often follow. Eventually the roof will scream ‘replace me.’   

Of course, if you don’t mind exchanging your roof’s longevity for some temporary cleanliness, by all means pressure-wash your roof. Just don’t be surprised if one day you’re requesting a replacement estimate from a residential roofing contractor or commercial roofing contractor. That day will come sooner than you think.

If you have questions about pressure-washing your roof, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Laguna Woods and surrounding cities, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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When is it Time to Change Your Roof?

Approximately twenty years … that’s the average length of time a roof will last. Once two or so decades have gone by, you’ll likely need to call an Orange County roofing company to perform a replacement. Of course, many factors influence the durability of your rooftop. Wind, rainfall, abrasion, and other potential damaging elements can play a critical role in reducing the useful years of even the sturdiest shingles. And speaking of shingles, certain kinds generally outlast the competition. For instance, slate, clay tile, and various metals usually can endure beyond the twenty-year average. If your shingles are composed of these materials, it’ll be quite some time before you call an Orange County roofing company to perform a replacement.

Along with weather conditions and various natural factors, many other variables can impact the durability of a roof. One of these variables is the overall design of your roofing system. Many times an Orange County roofing contractor must replace a roof that suffers from design deficiencies.

Roofing professionals also may be called upon to address problems stemming from poor maintenance. To maintain a roof properly, you must conduct periodic inspections of shingles, flashing, rain gutters, and other critical components. Both commercial roofing contractors and residential roofing contractors recommend performing these vital inspections twice yearly. Neglecting this important step in roof preservation leaves you open to hidden issues that ultimately could reduce the useful years of your shingles. In the long run, discovering problems early will prove far less damaging to both your roof and your wallet.

If you have questions about roof durability, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Los Alamitos and surrounding cities, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Why Branching Out Isn’t Always a Good Thing

Often, Orange County roofing companies must repair damage caused by an unexpected source. The source, believe it or not, is an ordinary tree. That’s right. The front yard Spruce might provide aesthetic appeal. It might even cast a cooling shadow during the summer months. But if it’s anything like the average tree, it also could be inflicting serious harm to your roof. It’s too late once the damage is discovered. You’ll need a qualified Orange County roofing company to set things right. 

The longer the tree limbs, the more likely the roof damage. And the sooner you’ll need the intervention of an Orange County roofing contractor. That’s because lengthy tree limbs can scratch and gouge rooftops.

You may be thinking to yourself, ‘no limbs are touching my roof. I am totally in the clear.”  This is all well and good. But don’t be fooled. If the limbs are close enough (as they commonly are), a few wind gusts will whip those limbs across the sturdiest of shingles. And they’ll definitely leave their mark.

If the wind intensifies, so will your woes. Major gusts snap branches quicker than lightning. Sometimes those snapped branches will plummet to rooftops, puncturing once-pristine shingles. All this points to one, simple solution – trim those trees.

Business owners must be especially careful, as the tree count of a commercial area typically exceeds that of a residential property. Before you summons a commercial roofing contractor to deal with the damage, simply call in a tree trimmer to prevent it.

If you have questions about protecting your roof from tree damage, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Mission Viejo and surrounding areas, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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What Looks Good on the Ground Can Harm Your Roof

There’s an enemy ready to invade your rooftop, powerful enough to inflict serious damage. Yet, this damaging invader won’t even get a second glance if seen on the ground. That enemy is moss. If moss settles on your rooftop, the negative consequences likely will require the intervention of a qualified Orange County roofing company. One of the most common of these consequences is the buildup of rooftop moisture. As decreed by nature, moss holds moisture firmly to shingles, particularly those made of wood. Over time, this unwanted dampness causes shingles to rot. Your only recourse then is to call upon a qualified Orange County roofing company to undo the damage.

The good news is, things don’t have to get this far. Long before you reach the stage requiring the assistance of an Orange County roofing contractor, you can take several proven preventative steps. The most important and effective of these steps is minimizing the shade covering your rooftop. Yes, shade helps keep your beloved home cool. But it also creates an environment that promotes the development of moss and moisture.

Begin your shade-abatement mission by taking a good, long look at your rooftop, checking for overhanging trees and bushes shading your rooftop. This surveillance should not be limited to domestic habitats. Commercial buildings also require a healthy looking-over. Any foliage casting lengthy shadows should be trimmed well away from the roof. Whether you perform this task yourself or hand it over to a gardener, it’s a must-do if roof preservation is your goal. Clearly, this simple preventative measure is preferable to the costly intervention of a commercial roofing contractor or residential roofing contractor.

If you have questions about keeping your rooftop moss-free, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Newport Beach and surrounding areas, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Rooftop Adversaries

The intrusion of elements is one of the main reasons that homeowners request the help of an Orange County roofing company. Sure, elements such as rain, wind, and the like all are part of nature’s well-designed plan. But to your rooftop, no matter how durable the material, these natural occurrences often can prove severely damaging. Indeed, rooftop damage is clear-cut proof that it's awfully difficult to fight nature. You certainly, however, can keep your eyes open and do your best to minimize damage. What are the main elements posing a threat to your seemingly invulnerable shingles? In the vast majority of cases, an Orange County roofing company will be dealing with the with impact made by the following:

Sunlight – Yes, the typical Orange County roofing contractor often is summonsed to intervene because of damage caused by those golden rays. It’s inevitable. Over the years, a steady flow of blazing heat and ultraviolet rays will inflict considerable wear and tear on your shingles. You’ll notice the greatest impact on the sides of your roof facing west or south – the directions in which sunlight is the brightest and most direct.

Rain – Commercial roofing contractors and residential roofing contractors frequently will be called upon to repair damage inflicted by ordinary rain water.  It’s not difficult for moisture produced by a cloudburst to invade restricted areas. Typically, the water sneaks in beneath shingles and other parts of the roof. Once rainwater penetrates these forbidden zones, invaded areas are vulnerable to rotting, mildew, and other unsightly damage. But the intrusion doesn’t necessarily stop there. Rain moisture also can penetrate other areas of the house, including walls and ceilings.

Wind – Intense winds can lift the edges of roofing materials such as shingles, allowing the entry of water and other unwanted elements.

If you have questions about natural elements that can cause roof damage, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Orange and surrounding areas, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Dial Before You Do It Yourself

What’s the appropriate course of action when you notice water seeping through the living room ceiling? What’s the first step you should take upon seeing loose shingles falling from the rooftop? If you answered contact a reliable Orange County roofing company, you get the prize. Summonsing a professional provides the best guarantee that the problem will be correctly diagnosed and remedied.

You may, however, be a natural-born risk taker who relishes a dose of danger. In that case, you’ll probably be tempted to carry out your own diagnosis and repair. Unless you’re an expert in these matters, however, you may and likely will be sorry you didn’t request the aid of an Orange County roofing company.

The primary reason for your regret will be unsatisfactory results. No matter how able-minded and dexterous you fancy yourself to be, you simply can’t match the skill-level of a qualified Orange county roofing contractor. No matter how many do-it-yourself home repair videos you’ve consumed, this professional still holds a distinct advantage. For one thing, both residential roofing contractors and commercial roofing contractors are trained in the arts of safety and efficiency. Amateurs, on the other hand, lack this necessary education. As a result, do-it-yourselfers increase the risks of both personal injury and roof damage.

Non-professionals, however, may safely get involved with roof maintenance on a certain level. Certainly there is nothing wrong with conducting a periodic roof inspection -- without the presence of an Orange County roofing company. Such an examination is particularly important during Autumn, when fallen leaves and other debris often clog rain gutters.

If you have questions about handling roof damage, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Rancho Santa Margarita, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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A Close Look at Asphalt Shingles

When an Orange County roofing company receives a request to install new shingles, it can offer many different types to customers. Despite the wide variety of available shingles, however, people tend to favor one material in particular. That material is asphalt. The typical Orange County roofing company installs this kind of shingle more often than any other type. So do other roofing companies throughout the U.S. Asphalt definitely is the people’s choice. Much of this popularity stems from the well-known durability of the material. It just seems to last and last.

At first glance, asphalt shingles are nothing more than that – a shingle made of this highly durable material. But there is more to this shingle than meets the eye. In actuality, asphalt shingles are available in two distinct varieties. One kind commonly installed by an Orange County roofing contractor is reinforced with organic felts. In use for a relatively long time, this type has a cellulose-fiber base. Manufacturers fill this base with asphalt and coat it with the fine mineral granules you’ve probably noticed many times.

Despite the proven durability of organic asphalt shingles, a newcomer now rules the marketplace. This newcomer is the fiberglass-reinforced asphalt shingle. For both commercial roofing contractors and residential roofing contractors, this type is requested most often. In terms of its structure, fiberglass shingles consist of a fiberglass mat covered by layers of asphalt and mineral granules.

Are you concerned that the reinforcing material will impact the looks of an asphalt shingle? Dismiss those thoughts immediately. Neither fiberglass nor organic reinforcements will significantly affect the natural appearance of an asphalt shingle. Both types appear smooth and textured thanks to the lamination that is standard for each.

If you have any questions about asphalt shingles, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Santa Ana and surrounding areas, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing need and situation. Wherever and whenever you need roofing services in OC, you definitely can count on Luke Roofing.

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Why Your Roof Needs a Breath of Fresh Air

One of the most important jobs performed by the typical Orange County roofing company has nothing to do with leaks. It's the job of making sure roof ventilation is in good order.

Without some means of channeling air into crucial zones, heat and moisture often accumulate in places like attics. Once those problems take hold, the consequences typically are extremely unwelcome. For instance, moisture-ravaged shingles often buckle. Insulation doesn’t buckle – it just weakens.

A qualified Orange County roofing contractor can help identify barriers to proper roof ventilation. As part of the process, this hawk-eyed professional will make sure common passageways such as louvers, ridge vents, or soffit vents are sufficiently open to allow adequate air flow. Ventilation, of course, is important for both residential roofs and those used on commercial buildings. A qualified residential roofing contractor or commercial roofing contractor can determine if your roof meets the ventilation requirements.

No matter where you live or work in Orange County, proper ventilation is crucial to the effectiveness and durability of your roof. Don’t assume that an inland residence is invulnerable to the ravages of moisture. Dampness is a condition that occurs almost anywhere. If, for instance, you live in Costa Mesa, it’s best to get the opinion of a qualified Costa Mesa roofing company to determine the effectiveness of your current roof ventilation. If a need reveals itself, the company will offer appropriate solutions. This may include installing a vapor retarder beneath the insulation to prevent moisture from penetrating your attic.

If you have any questions about ventilation for your roof, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofing company, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in Costa Mesa or anywhere else in OC, you definitely can count on Luke Roofing.

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  1164 Hits

Got Grime? Call a Pro

There are many instances in which you’ll want to call in a reputable Orange County roofing company. One of these instances obviously is when you need to replace your existing roof with a new one. But you definitely don’t won’t to create a situation that requires you to enlist the services of a residential roofer or commercial roofing contractor unnecessarily. These are the situations that occur when you do something that shouldn’t be done to or on your roof. For example, pressure washing. This might eliminate unsightly grime from your rooftop. But the process also will eliminate things that should be left untouched.

One of the things that will be eliminated is the layer of asphalt granules protecting shingles. Pressure washing has a tendency to blast them away. Not a good thing. The granules are what shield your roof and therefore home from leaks. Not that you must endure all that grime marring the appearance of your shingles. There’s a right way to go about the task of beautifying your rooftop. And that way is to pick up the phone and contact a dependable Orange County roofing contractor. This professional has the tools and experience to eliminate grime without eliminating the important stuff.

No matter where you live in Orange County, there’s an expert available to provide grime-removable options that won’t damage your roof.  For a community such as Laguna Beach, for example, you’ll gain enormously by talking things over with a Laguna Beach roofing company. Doing otherwise could leave you open to roof damage and force you to make major repairs or get a whole new roof.  

If you have any questions about removing grime from your roof, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofing company, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in Irvine or anywhere else in OC, you definitely can count on Luke Roofing.

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Is It Time for a New Roof?

It’s a question eventually faced by every homeowner residing in Orange County (and the remainder of the world, for that matter).  The question is this: When is it time to call in an Orange County roofing company to replace my roof?  The answer depends on a number of factors. Basic knowledge is key. Much of this basic knowledge pertains to roof shingles. Before calling in an Orange County roofing contractor, you should know this right off the bat about shingles: They generally last about 15-30 years. That’s quite a time span.

But many factors enter the picture to influence shingle longevity. These include quality of shingles and installation, as well as the amount of shade reaching rooftop (typically provided by lush tree foliage). Once you know these preliminary facts, it’s time to examine your roof for telltale signs of excessive wear and tear. Most every commercial roofing contractor would be on the lookout for the following:
Curling, broken, or cracked shingles - never a positive sign. Worn spots on shingles. This indicates a loss of asphalt granulation.

Moisture spots or other evidence of a leaky roof. If you feel the plop of water drops while watching TV, you can bet leaks are too blame.
Shingles missing from the places they formerly occupied. You may find them somewhere on the ground.  

Rusty flashing.

Should you see any of these signs, particularly if your roof is older than fifteen years, get an experts opinion. This is especially important if you live inland in a place such as Mission Viejo, where the summer sun can be merciless to rooftops. In that case, it’s advisable to call in a Mission Viejo roofing company for a complete evaluation.    

If you have any questions about determining when you need a roof replacement, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofing company, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in Mission Viejo or anywhere else in OC, you definitely can count on Luke Roofing.

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New Angle on Roofing

This is not exactly the high roof leak season for the average Orange County roofing company. The skies are clear and dry, and the last thing on anyone’s mind is unwanted moisture penetrating their beloved home. However, the moisture will appear when the rain clouds do. And despite Orange County’s clear, blue skies, those gray masses will make their appearance soon enough. By that time, certain roofs may show their wear and tear in the form of leaks. And certain people will be looking at new water stains on their ceilings and walls. There is an alternative to this unwelcome outcome. Instead of waiting for the moisture to enter the premises, you’ll be far safer getting the opinion of a qualified Orange County roofing contractor. This professional can evaluate the condition of your roof and advise you of any existing or potential leak zones. 
Flat roofs may be particularly vulnerable to leakage. This shape makes it easy for unwanted moisture to accumulate and form pools. Then it’s just a matter of time before the moisture finds its way into your home. But there is a solution -- tapered insulation. This can dramatically reduce the leakage risk associated with flat roofs. Angled at a gradual slope, tapered insulation provides improved drainage for your rooftop. You may want to talk to a qualified Orange County roofing company to get more information about this solution. 
Many Orange County homes are characterized by flat rooftops. Let’s say your home in Tustin has this type of roof. In that case, you definitely should contact a qualified Tustin roofing company to get an evaluation. If the company’s representative determines that you could benefit from tapered insulation, then by all means make the necessary change to your rooftop. You’ll be glad when the rainclouds finally make their appearance.   
If you have any questions about tapered insulation for your roof, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County Roofing company, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in Tustin or anywhere else in OC, you definitely can count on Luke Roofing.  
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Think Before You Tackle

The moment an Orange County Roofing company begins servicing a roof, the team invariably knows whether or not someone else has been there first. And that someone usually is a homeowner intent on solving a problem without the assistance of an Orange County roofing contractor.  Not necessarily a bad move – provided said do-it-yourselfer has the requisite skill, knowledge, and time to do a creditable job. If this sounds like an accurate description of you, then, depending on the complexity of your roofing needs, you might be qualified for a DIY job – like cleaning leaves out of a rain gutter.  Anything more complex than that really does require the skills of a commercial roofing contractor.

Think about the investment you’ve made in your beautiful Orange County home, say in San Juan Capistrano. Would you really want to risk jeopardizing the investment by tearing into the roof, relying on your wits alone? Doesn’t it make more sense to call in a San Juan Capistrano roofer to tackle the assignment? In most cases, the answer will be a resounding ‘yes’.   
It’s not unusual for an Orange County roofing company to be summonsed for a roof rescue. These typically occur when homeowners have started something they couldn’t finish – at least, couldn't finish without risking their safety or the future performance of their roof tiles. The dollars these homeowners had hoped to save now will spent in increasing amounts, mainly to cover any damage caused by their efforts, as well as service costs. In the long run, DIY roofing services likely will set you back more than originally anticipated.

So think before you tackle a roofing assignment. Because, in all likelihood, you’ll pay tomorrow for whatever mistakes you make today.

If you have any questions about doing your own roof servicing, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County Roofing company, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in Brea or anywhere else in OC, you definitely can count on Luke Roofing.

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Farm on a Rooftop

Even though you call Orange County home, at one time or another you may have had an inexplicably strange yearning to live on a farm. Well, you probably won’t find much farmland in this region of California. Not anymore. However, an Orange County roofing company generally can provide the next best thing. It’s called a gambrel. Otherwise known as a barn roof, a gambrel offers a certain rustic feel and appearance that suggests long, languid days on the family farm. We Orange County roofing contractors install and service these unique rooftops from time to time.
Advantages of a Gambrel
Ask any commercial roofing contractor about the advantages of a gambrel, and this professional probably will put spaciousness number one on the list. Indeed, these barn roofs leave plenty of space for areas such as attics or lofts. 
Simplicity also defines the gambrel. And that translates to lower construction and installation costs. During the installation process, an Orange County roofing company would need only two roof beams and some gusset joints to do the job. Essentially, construction materials are kept to a minimum, which does the same for costs. 
Gambrels may be found in OC. So no matter where you live, these roofs wouldn’t exactly be out of place should one appear atop your home. In fact, its unique rustic look might earn you abundant admiration … and even start a neighborhood trend. 
Perhaps you live in Laguna Beach. In that case, you’d merely contact a Laguna Beach roofing company to setup an installation. The work naturally would be preceded by an estimate of costs as well as the completion date.  
If you have any questions about gambrels, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofing company, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in Buena Park or anywhere else in OC, you definitely can count on Luke Roofing.  
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Preventative Maintenance for Your Roof

Every Orange County roofing company understands that you want to keep your roof in good working order and completely leak-free. That is, unless you prefer the pleasure of water droplets steadily plopping your head or possibly on the new sofa. Which is why this Orange County roofing contractor recommends preventative maintenance for your rooftop.

The good news is, you needn’t call in your local commercial roofing contractor to carry out a preliminary preventative maintenance program. Much of the basic work easily can be done by you, members of your family, and if you bribe them sufficiently, perhaps neighbors and friends.

If Orange County is your home, you may not be particularly concerned about roof leaks. So why bother with maintenance? After all, rainfall is minimal in this neck of the woods. True, but when the rains do arrive, you’re roof is as vulnerable as those in the moister regions. So don’t think you’re invulnerable if you live in a place such as San Clemente. You may not have to call in a San Clemente roofer. But you will have to do some looking around … at least, for the preliminary stages.

No matter where you live in Orange County, one of the first places to do your looking is not necessarily on the roofing material itself. No, it’s the chimney (assuming, of course, you have a fireplace.) Believe it or not, chimneys are among the top leak zones. So make sure yours is properly sealed. If not, you’re inviting rainwater into your home. You’ll also want to check out your skylights, as these also are major leak sources. You see, water can get trapped behind skylights. Therefore, make certain the flashing is in good shape. And don’t forget, the skylight material itself can crack or puncture, allowing moisture inside.

If you have any questions about preventative roof maintenance, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofing company, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in San Clemente or anywhere else in OC, you definitely can count on Luke Roofing.

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