Orange County

Welcome to our Orange County Roofing Company Blog. Our goal is to not only offer you the highest quality roofing solutions in Orange County, but also to educate you on best practices, offer roofing contractor tips and inside secrets that only a professional roofer would know. We hope you find this information helpful and invite you to comment and ask questions.

Don’t Be Surprised by Summer

Summer is just around the corner, and rain risk is getting lower by the day. Which means your roof is safe for another year. Well, not quite. As any Orange County roofer can tell you, summertime can bring its own set of rooftop problems.

Consider, for instance, the condition of your shingles. While cooler temperatures alone generally won’t inflict much damage on these components, extreme heat often will. Hot air is infamous for causing shingle deterioration, particularly when the compositional material is asphalt. It’s easy to see when this unfortunate turn of events has occurred. Those once-beautiful asphalt shingles will be curled or otherwise bent out of shape.

As if curling weren’t enough to deal with, summer heat also can cause major cracks in asphalt shingles. Homeowners sometimes will get a double dose of woe – curling and cracking simultaneously. Not a good look for your home.

But that’s not the end of it. Orange County roofers also have seen considerable roof deck deterioration when the temperatures climb. This problem is especially hard to detect since the deck area is hidden beneath a covering of shingles.

The best way to avoid these problems, and others like them, is to get an inspection by a qualified Orange County roofing company. You can start the process by acquiring more information from a local professional, who’ll surely be familiar with the conditions of your community.

You may, for instance, hang your hat in San Clemente. The next step is easy – reach out to a San Clemente roofer and ask this professional whatever questions are on your mind. You’ll get plenty of useful answers in short order.

If you have questions about roof damage caused by summer heat, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Are Your Christmas Decorations Kind to Your Roof?

While an Orange County roofer generally isn’t in the business of hanging Christmas lights and setting up decorations, this professional knows what’s good for your roof. Which is why a qualified contractor can offer abundant advice to roof decorators everywhere.

An expert’s first line of advice probably would be this – be careful. In the context of roof decorating, this wise counsel means – don’t decorate until you identify all vulnerable spots. That’s right. Some roof zones simply can’t handle excess weight – or withstand the onslaught of nail hammering.

Not surprisingly, most Orange County roofers discourage nail usage altogether. And they have the same negative opinion of staples. In either case, avoid whenever possible. Professionals believe light hooks are the optimum way to go when securing bulb strands and other decorations.

If nails are a must, limit their usage to sufficiently sturdy areas. Ignore this advice, and you risk serious damage to your roof. Once that occurs, you’ll almost certainly require the assistance of an Orange County roofing company to make things right.

Roof decorators also should take the feather-light approach when stepping across shingles. Heavy footfalls, even if unintentional, can be brutal to vulnerable spots. As with all other rooftop endeavors, a gentle approach is the safest. Word to the wise: walk lightly when engaged in the decorator’s craft.

Finally, when decoration removal time arrives, be equally careful and safety conscious. You can do so by slowly removing lights and other decorations. A carelessly hard yank of a light strand can rip sizable pieces off of shingles and tiles.

Want to know more? Ask a local expert. For instance, if you're a resident of San Clemente, simply ask a San Clemente roofer about all this. Nothing could be easier.

If you have questions about decorating your roof for Christmas, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Protecting Your Roof After a Storm

Like it or not, the colder months have arrived. And that means rain will be making its appearance as well. Yes, storms can and do occur in sunny California. Consequently, many an Orange County roofer will be busy inspecting roofs after the downpours. The experts will be looking for signs of possible storm damage and other evidence of deterioration. Among the signs they’ll be checking for are damaged shingles, or shingles torn away by the elements, such as wind. When either of these two conditions are discovered, repairs are in order. Compromised or missing shingles make the roof vulnerable to leaks and the potential water damage resulting therefrom.

But shingles aren’t the only possible trouble spot. Orange County roofers will be checking out other roof components such as drip edges. These are metal overhangs running along the edge of a roof. Their purpose is to minimize rainwater pooling and guide water and other moisture safely away from the home.

An Orange County roofing company also will be inspecting the condition of flashing. If this roofing system component is loose, the problem must be rectified in short order. Left unrepaired, the compromised flashing creates another vulnerability to unwanted water intrusion. The same is true of one of the most obvious signs of potential problems – sagging rain gutters. While in this condition, these channels cannot drain water as intended. The possibility for leaks, therefore, is increased greatly.

Concerned homeowners can learn more about this topic by asking a local professional. For instance, if you hang your hat in San Clemente, just share your questions with a San Clemente roofer. You’re sure to get quick answers on which to base a sound decision.

If you have questions about roof inspections after a rainstorm, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Why a Skylight is Something to Smile About

Alright, you’re the proud owner of a stunning roof that’s in mint condition. What else could it possibly need? Believe it or not, an Orange County roofer can make that roof even better. It can accomplish this feat by enhancing it with a skylight.

A skylight offers homeowners several key advantages. The first is its built-in ability to invite glorious, natural sunlight into your residence. This illumination is advantageous for two reasons: First, natural light is a known mood-improver, infusing rooms with a bright, feel-good atmosphere. Second, that solar illumination supplies supplementary heat to your home – a welcome benefit once the winter months arrive. And remember, that light is free of charge, a factor that will help lower heating costs through the colder seasons.

A skylight installed by Orange County roofers also invites crisp fresh air indoors. Not only does this inflow have an invigorating effect, it also helps lower air conditioning costs when the summer months arrive. In two ways, then, this ‘ceiling window’ offers an efficient means of keeping energy costs down – more heat in the winter; more fresh cool air in the summer.

Energy cost reduction, however, isn't the only monetary advantage of skylights.. Thanks to their generally accepted aesthetic appeal, they often will boost the resale value of your home. Owners, therefore, win on a number of levels, from the functional to the aesthetic.

What about potential defects, such as leaks? Are these an issue with a skylight? To minimize leak risk, an Orange County roofing company can install a leak-proof unit protected by laminated glass.

Does all this interest you? You can find out more about skylights by asking a local expert. For instance, if you live in San Clemente, simply discuss the subject with a San Clemente roofer. It’s that easy.

If you have questions about skylights, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Building a Solid Budget for Your Roofing Project

Whether you need a roof repair, replacement, inspection, or other service, you eventually must calculate the cost. Once this sum is known, you can craft a workable budget for the services soon to be rendered by your Orange County roofer.

Budgeting for a roofing project, no matter what the scope, isn’t something quickly done. You must take several steps to ensure accurate results that align with your needs and financial resources.

The first of these steps is obtaining an estimate; get one from any Orange County roofers you’re considering. The estimate, of course, should be on paper, with all anticipated costs clearly delineated. Should you have any questions about costs, ask the contractor for all needed answers. Any resistance to providing answers should regarded as a red flag and clear indication the roofer is less than an ideal choice. Move on to the next.

As part of your budgetary planning, find out about the payment options available to you. Depending on the Orange County roofing company, payment policies will vary. Some providers are extremely flexible when it comes to their terms, offering the possibility of convenient arrangements to homeowners. Such arrangements can help make things a whole lot easier in the long run.

The same holds true for special discounts that might be offered throughout the year. Seasonal discounts, which may be available during the ‘slow’ periods, can be especially appealing. Homeowners, therefore, should ask about special pricing and deals. Every little bit helps when it comes to preparing your budget.

No matter how meticulously a budget is planned and dollars are saved, however, sooner or later you’ll get the bill. To best deal with this eventuality, create a savings plan and stick to it until the necessary funds are accumulated.

Need to know more? Just consult a local provider. Residents of San Clemente, for instance, should reach out to a San Clemente roofer. You’ll get all the information you need.

If you have questions about creating a budget to cover the cost of roofing service, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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What is the Most Cost-Effective Roof Coating?

When an Orange County roofer applies a roof coating, homeowners get a special kind of protection. A coating can reflect blistering UV rays away from shingles, minimize contraction and expansion, and provide other types of protections.

Many homeowners, of course, will factor in cost when selecting a coating. Ultimately, these people seek a quality material that is cost-effective – and is at the same time reliably functional. Currently, the material that best satisfies this requirement is acrylic. It will give you the most for your money.

An acrylic roof coating offers many advantages to the homeowner. For starters, the material is available in a variety of eye-catching colors, providing great satisfaction to the aesthetically minded. Additionally, Orange County roofers can apply acrylic to many different types of roofs. Consequently, homeowners needn’t wonder if the coating is right for them. It probably is.

When it comes to functionality, acrylic coating gets high marks. Versatile and strong, the material offers high performance in a variety of climates. This performance is most evident in its ability to withstand and deflect potentially damaging UV rays.

Homeowners aren’t alone in their appreciation of acrylic. Many an Orange County roofing company likely will favor the material. Why? Because it’s comparatively easy to apply. No hassles. No headaches. Just smooth sailing all the way.

Is an acrylic coating right for your roof? It’s best to ask a local expert. Perhaps you reside in San Clemente. In that case, contact a San Clemente roofer for more info. You’ll learn everything you want to know, and then some.

If you have questions about acrylic roof coating, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Rain Gutters … Something to Think About

Of all the topics on your mind, rain gutters probably don’t top the list. But if you’re concerned about roof performance, you should give gutters at least some thought. Virtually any Orange County roofer would agree. Gutters have an important role to play, channeling rainwater away from the home and sending it safely to the ground. This action minimizes water accumulation and the chance of rainwater leaking into your home. Clearly, you’ll want to ensure your gutters are performing as they should. And there’s only one way to get that assurance – inspect them.

There are two choices here. You can conduct your own gutter inspection. Or you can select qualified Orange County roofers to tackle the job. If you’re shouldering the responsibility, start the process by looking for leaves and other debris clogging the channels. These clogs can cause rainwater to pool up and overflow. And that’s where the real problems begin. Why? Because the overflow can leak into your home.

Fortunately, debris cleanout is a relatively easy solution. And best of all, clogs generally don’t necessitate gutter replacement. On the other hand, sagging or damaged gutters must be replaced. These are extremely vulnerable to leakage. Unless you don’t mind excess water dripping into your home and soaking everything it its path, get the job done as quickly as possible. Fortunately, a reliable Orange County roofing company can address the problem and prevent additional issues from arising.

Are you curious about rain gutters? Wondering if yours are in good working order? Then discuss the subject with a local professional. Maybe you hang your hat in San Clemente. OK. Just share your concerns with a qualified San Clemente roofer. It’s that easy.

If you have questions about rain gutters, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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What’s the Best Roofing Material?

When an Orange County roofer installs a stunning new roof, this professional has a variety of materials from which to choose. What qualities should a roofing material have? Well, the answer, of course, depends on your situation and objectives.

Homeowners often rate durability as the most important quality. If this is your priority, you’ll discover a variety of possible materials. Each of these, however, has its own defining characteristics. To choose the ideal one, homeowners should survey the wide range of options. Here are a few:

When it comes to longevity, slate roofs get the grand prize. Able to hold up well against the toughest weather conditions, slate can provide exceptional performance for a hundred years or more. Orange County roofers who install this material ensure maximum durability for your rooftop.

A step down from slate in the durability department is plastic polymer, which costs slightly less than the former. As with slate, plastic shingles offer excellent protection against inclement weather. Generally, this material lasts up to fifty years.

Metal roofs are on a par with plastic when it comes to durability. Once a metal roof has been installed by an Orange County roofing company, you can expect the material to last for up to fifty years. A step down in price from both slate and plastic, metal offers excellent insulation for your home. Consequently, you can count on the material to help keep your residence cooler when temperatures rise, and warmer when temperatures head South.

Perhaps you’d like more information about all this. If so, just ask a local expert. Let’s say you live in San Clemente. OK, simply consult a San Clemente roofer about the topic. It’s a great way to become well-informed and well prepared to make the best decision.

If you have questions about roofing materials, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Several Roof Myths Debunked

Myths circulate about many topics, including roofs. That’s right. Rumors, misinformation, and assumptions all combine to muddy up the truth about rooftops– the truth known by every Orange County roofer. To set the record straight, here are several of the more prominent myths, with a concise debunking of each.

It's OK to Cover an Old Roof – Although a cover will conceal an old roof and any of its defects, the layer will not solve existing problems. In fact, an untreated problem likely will worsen over time. Homeowners can get a more reliable and lasting solution by selecting qualified Orange County roofers to install a new roof.

A Roof’s Only Function is to Cover a Home – While a roof’s protective covering clearly is its primary function, that’s not its only purpose. A roof also serves as a kind of thermal control, utilizing ventilation to let cool air indoors and hot air out.

A Roof is a Secondary Consideration to Homebuyers – Not true. In fact, roof performance is of prime importance to homebuyers. Leaks or other issues can ruin a sale in short order. If you’re putting your home on the market, get a roof inspection by a reputable Orange County roofing company. Better this professional spot problems before a potential buyer does.

Are you wondering about any other roofing myths, or would you like more clarification of the ones mentioned above? Get the real story from one of your local experts. Maybe you reside in San Clemente. Fine. Simply discuss the topic with a San Clemente roofer. The discussion will clear up everything to your complete satisfaction.

If you have questions about roofs, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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More Simple Steps to Prepare for Your Orange County Roofer

The previous post presented some ways to prepare for the arrival of an Orange County roofer. But there are even more ways to get ready for the arrival. For instance, consider the region below the roofline -- the area seldom seen until it’s time to retrieve some long-forgotten artifact. That area, of course, is the attic. This is one of the most vulnerable zones during the process of roof repair or replacement. That’s because roof work tends to shake things up a bit. And when a place is close to the action, as any attic is, the impact will be the greatest. Which means plenty of dust will sift down and cover the objects stored in that space. Simple solution: Before the work commences, cover all property stored in your attic. Problem solved.

It's also a really good idea to look outside your home for vulnerable zones. One of these zones is the patio. Before your Orange County roofers start pounding and tearing, relocate all your precious patio furniture, barbecues, and other property to areas safely away from falling debris. You can bet there'll be some of this stuff headed groundward – no matter how careful your chosen Orange County roofing company is. It’s best to take precautions.

And let’s not forget the need to keep tree branches away from the roof. Well before your Orange Cunty roofers arrive, trim any trees or vegetation that extend to the general vicinity of your roof. This simple step will keep the work area free and clear.

This is a lot to think about. Therefore, you may well have some questions. You can get them answered by consulting a local expert. Let’s say you reside in San Clemente. In that case, just share your questions with a qualified San Clemente roofer. You’re sure to get all the answers you need.

If you have questions about preparing your home for roof work, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Can Your Roof Take the Heat?

The summertime sun is boosting temperatures throughout Southern California. Which means even the sturdiest roof shingles will be taking some beastly heat during the sweltering season. Invariably, some types of shingles won’t fare as well as others against the onslaught. Are you wondering how yours will stack up against those golden rays? A qualified Orange County roofer can cover the subject with great expertise. By going into detail about the heat-enduring qualities of various shingles, this professional will provide a clear picture of where yours stand. You can then decide what steps, if any, must be taken.

Since Orange County roofers are well-aware of summer conditions throughout the community, they have identified the shingles best able to endure rising temperatures. Among the most heat-ready options are tiles made of concrete or slate. Other effective possibilities include membrane and reflective roofing, which relies on a special coating to reflect sunlight away from the home. Homeowners also can provide additional protection by installing, upgrading, or replacing insulation beneath their roofs. All these options are known to either withstand or redirect solar heat with reliable consistency. Which one is best depends on your situation and needs.

Naturally, cost will be a consideration for many homeowners contemplating the installation of heat-enduring shingles. For those seeking maximum savings, concrete tiles will prove the most cost-effective of available materials. An Orange County roofing company can provide further insight on the viability of this excellent, money-saving rooftop option.

Do you think your roof could be susceptible to heat damage? It’s best to play it safe by contacting a local professional for more details. You might, for instance, reside in San Clemente. Fine. Just reach out to a San Clemente roofer for helpful insights. The information you get will be well worth the effort.

If you have questions about heat-enduring shingles, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Don’t Let Humidity Get the Best of Your Roof


OK, Orange County isn’t exactly located in the deep tropics. Nevertheless, this geographical reality doesn’t preclude the possibility of occasional humidity. When this excessive moisture envelops a community, the droplets can do much more than promote discomfort. They also can inflict serious damage to your beloved roof. If you suspect humidity is doing roof damage, know that remedies are available. A qualified Orange County roofer has the tools and knowledge to deal directly with the issue – and make it go away. Thanks to their thorough training, these professionals can detect even the most subtle humidity damage -- and thereafter take proven, remedial steps.

Even if the local climate is humidity-free, homeowners still can encounter the problem. Orange County roofers typically see signs of humidity in poorly ventilated attics, just beneath the roof line. Not surprisingly, coastal regions are the most vulnerable to this intrusion. True, cool, sweet ocean air has its advantages. But when it travels into an unprotected attic, the moist air can be brutal. Wall and ceiling mildew are typical signs of an intrusion. If you spot these unsightly splotches, request a full-scale inspection from qualified professionals. The experts can pinpoint your home’s humidity level -- if any -- and thereafter recommend solutions.

An Orange County roofing company has a wide range of available solutions on hand. One of the most common is the adding of more vents to affected areas, such as attic spaces. Once the new openings are in place, moisture and consequently humidity levels decrease considerably.

Are you concerned about humidity? Just contact a local professional for more information. If you, for instance, reside in San Clemente, consult a San Clemente roofer about the issue. It’ll be time exceptionally well spent.

If you have questions about humidity damage to your roof, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Wood vs. Asphalt … Which One Wins?

Orange County roofers typically offer homeowners many different options. One of these is the choice of shingles to be installed. Currently, shingles may be made from a variety of materials. Two of the popular varieties are wood and asphalt. Is one of these better than the other? Well, the answer all depends. Taste, need, budget, and situation all enter the decision. There are, however, basic characteristics of these materials that are important to everyone, no matter what their situation.

For starters, there’s the question of durability. In this department, wood and asphalt last about the same amount of time. 30 years or so is the average. There is, however, one exception to this parity. Upon request, an Orange County roofer can chemically treat wooden shingles, adding to their durability and years of usage – and putting them ahead of asphalt.

Along with durability, homeowners often want to know the cleaning costs of prospective shingles. Here, asphalt might prove more costly. That’s because this material is more vulnerable to algae formation. Once this green intrusion takes hold, removal will require a good washing with a water and bleach solution. This job is best left to the professional expertise of an Orange County roofing company.

Finally, there’s the question of wind resistance. This might not concern the residents of relatively calm Orange County. Still, it’s better to be prepared for the periodic strong gust. Homeowners desiring maximum shingle strength should select wood, such as cedar. A powerful wind is much more likely to blow asphalt shingles off the rooftop.

Wherever you live in Orange County, you should know the important shingle facts before you commit to a decision. The information is available upon request from any local professional. Maybe you’re comfortably settled in San Clemente. OK, just call a San Clemente roofer to get the lowdown. You’ll be so glad you did.

If you have questions about asphalt or wood shingles, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Funding a Commercial Roof Replacement

Business owners and managers face many decisions. One of the most common pertains to the replacement of worn-out structural elements. If that element is the roof of a building, a qualified Orange County commercial roofer will be needed.

When decision-makers choose from the available Orange County roofers, a major consideration will be cost. Cost estimates either will fit the budget or they won’t. But cost-matching isn’t the end of the story. Owners and managers also must secure funding.

When covering the costs of an Orange County commercial roofer, various sources can be tapped. One of these is a company’s internal funds. This assume the availability of adequate cash reserves. If these fall short, businesses have other options, such as a loan. In this low-interest environment, the timing couldn’t be better.

Additionally, owners and decision-makers may be eligible for government grants. These are available for a variety of concerns, particularly small businesses. And let’s not forget another potential windfall from Uncle Sam – tax credits. Depending on the size and nature of your business, generous reductions may be in the offing thanks to 2018 tax reform.

Determining the best funding choice will hinge on various factors and circumstances. Therefore, owners and managers must give the matter thorough consideration. But why go it alone when you can hash things out with a local roofing expert. For instance, if your business operates in San Clemente, consult a San Clemente roofer about the matter. Not only will the experience help clarify your thinking; it also will save you a staggering amount of time.

If you have questions about funding a commercial roof replacement, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Delay Now, Pay Later

After discovering a leaky roof, a homeowner basically has two choices – fix the problem or ignore it. Selecting an Orange County roofer to correct the problem unquestionably is the better course of action. The reason is simple and obvious. Any kind of delay, even a short one, likely will lead to a worsening situation.

Once matters take a turn for the worse, homeowners will have more problems to deal with. And with more to deal with comes an unwelcome increase in leak-related expenses.

What are some of these additional problems? Three are notably common. The first is insulation damage. Here’s what happens. When water leaks indoors and accumulates in places such as attics, insulation will become soaked, clogged, and ultimately damaged. This over-saturation in turn reduces insulation performance, resulting in reduced energy efficiency. Rising energy bills will be convincing proof. Clearly, it’s far more advantageous to enlist the services of an Orange County roofing company before things reach this critical stage.

Leak repair by an Orange County roofer also will help prevent the possible buildup of mold and mildew. These problems tend to form in leak-moistened areas of ceilings and walls.

And let’s not forget that soaked regions of your roof, particularly the wooden areas, actually can weaken to a point where existing leaks expand and/or new ones form.

Any homeowner who discovers a leak or leaks doesn’t have the luxury of time. At the earliest possible moment, anyone facing this problem should call a local professional for assistance. It doesn’t matter where you live -- help always is close-by. Let’s say you reside in San Clemente. OK, just contact a qualified San Clemente roofer for guidance. This professional’s expertise very likely will save you from dealing with more problems down the road.

If you have questions about roof leaks, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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How to Beat Time When It Comes to Your Roof

When an Orange County roofer replaces a roof, worn-out shingles or other types of deterioration typically are the reasons why. It can’t be helped. Over time, roof performance deteriorates as wear and tear take their toll. But there is some good news in all this. Homeowners can expand the useful years of their roofs. All it takes is some precautionary steps. Bear in mind, the steps don’t offer a permanent solution. By taking them, however, homeowners most likely will get more mileage out of their rooftops. That, of course, means a longer time before roof replacement or damage repair is required. It also means less money spent on these remedial measures.

Homeowners have many ways to extend the durability of their roofs. If you have an attic, many an Orange County roofing company would recommend starting there. Make sure your attic insulation is adequate and fully-functional. Any insulation shortcomings likely will create a temperature imbalance – too hot or too cold, depending on the time of year and other factors. Either way, temperature imbalances can accelerate shingle deterioration. Consider it damage from below.

Homeowners also should check for hidden weaknesses. These includes not-so-obvious problems such as loose flashing or skylight leaks. Issues such as these can allow water intrusion and ultimately will lead to shingle deterioration.

While solutions such as these are beneficial, they aren’t permanent. For a rooftop that lasts a long, long time – like 40-60 years, metal is the only answer. If a metal roof interests you, consult an Orange County roofer for more info.

Does location matter when aiming to expand the useful years of your roof? Probably not a great deal. Still, conditions in each area might affect shingles in unique ways. Therefore, it’s best to consult somebody who knows your locale. For instance, if you live in San Clemente, consult a San Clemente roofer about the issue. You’ll be enlightened and ready to make the right decision in no time.

If you have questions about increasing the useful years of your roof, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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What to Know Before Decorating Your Roof for Halloween

Are you decorating your roof for Halloween? Great! That’s one way to improve that stunning rooftop without the intervention of an Orange County roofer. And it’s a good thing you're content with going solo. You see, exterior decorating is something well beyond the scope of the average roofing professional. We’ve got enough to keep us busy, what with all the replacements and repairs on our schedules. And then there are the many inspections keeping us hopping month after month. So, you’re pretty much on your own when it comes to jazzing up the ol’ rooftop. Still, that doesn’t mean we can’t help the cause in other ways.

For instance, there’s the just-mentioned roof inspection. By checking things out, a qualified Orange County roofing company can confirm your roof is suitable for decorations. These items, of course, can vary in size, shape, and weight. But no matter what a decoration’s dimensions, it potentially can exacerbate existing problems. Therefore, homeowners unquestionably should have a professional verify that none of those problems exist. Among the issues that will be searched for are mold, loose shingles, and other possible damage. If the inspection reveals any of these problems, repairs may be required prior to decorating.

Just as an Orange County roofer knows the value of teamwork, so should the roof-decorating homeowner. True, jazzing up the roof is an opportunity for personal expression. Nevertheless, the participation of others could prove immensely rewarding. Invite friends and family to help plan the rooftop transformation. The combined brainpower very likely will generate wonderfully creative ideas. And once the ideas are implemented, admiration will pour in from all corners of the neighborhood!

No matter you live, it’s important to make good decisions regarding Halloween roof decorations. If you’re wondering about how your chosen decorations might impact your roof, or if you have any other concerns, be sure to consult a local professional. Perhaps you hang your hat in San Clemente. OK, simply contact a San Clemente roofer for more information. Then enjoy the holiday to the fullest.

If you have questions about Halloween roof decorations, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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  680 Hits

Gutter Guards for Maximum Protection

You don’t want leaves and debris clogging your rain gutters. Apparently, that leaves you with two choices. Either you hire an Orange County roofer to do some gutter cleaning. Or you perform the task yourself. There is, however, a third option. Homeowners can protect these water channels with a rain gutter guard. Generally, this guard is a strip of metal that runs along the top of the gutter. On the strip are small openings large enough for raindrops to pass through, but small enough to prevent leaves from doing the same. If up to the task, homeowners can install the guard themselves. Or they can request the assistance of a qualified Orange County roofing company.

Gutter guards are available in a variety of types. Which one you choose depends on the conditions you’re faced with. Is rainfall plentiful in your neck of the woods? Do trees abound on your property, or are they in short supply? What are the dimensions of your gutters? These are some of the questions to be considered by either you or the Orange County roofer you assign the task to. Don’t overlook important considerations such as these. The effectiveness of your gutter guards will depend on proper selection.

What are some of the gutter types available for your protection? The possibilities include reverse curve guards, slit cover gutters, sponge guards, and metal screens. It’s best to be sure when making your selection. Therefore, no matter where you live in Orange County, get professional assistance. Maybe you reside in San Clemente. In that case, contact a qualified San Clemente roofer and arrange for a consultation. You’re sure to get the right answers and the right solution.

If you have questions about rain gutter guards, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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  841 Hits

Simple Guide to Maintaining a Slate Roof

A qualified Orange County roofer knows the territory and can install a variety of roofing types. Among the current possibilities is the slate shingle. This material has a special appeal to certain Orange County homeowners. A big part of the attraction is its appearance. For fans of the material, slate is the epitome of aesthetic appeal. And not only for a certain kind of home. The material seems to fit a variety of residential styles. Additionally, slate is known for strength and durability. But remember – it isn’t invulnerable. Despite the material’s inherent strength, homeowners must take precautions. Preventative maintenance is the best means of ensuring slate’s acclaimed performance and durability.

If Slate is So Strong, Why Maintain It?

Homeowners might wonder why there’s a need to maintain slate shingles. After all, the material has been known to last beyond a century in some cases. But conditions vary, especially from season to season. And the changed conditions can impact slate in a most negative way, as it would any other roofing material. Basically, it’s best to be sure. Therefore, homeowners will benefit from a routine inspection conducted by a qualified Orange County roofing company. During this look-see, the inspectors may discover shingle problems or potential problems. Naturally, repairs may be needed. But don’t worry. With proper maintenance, slate shingles likely will provide many years of outstanding performance.

Slate is Everywhere

Slate roofs may be found in virtually any Orange County community, including San Clemente. If your San Clemente home has a slate roof, don’t leave yourself vulnerable to roof surprises. Enlist the services of a San Clemente roofer to inspect your shingles. Should the professionals discover serious issues, they’ll have plenty of time to implement early solutions. As is true in many instances, advanced preparation is the best course.

If you have questions about maintaining slate shingles, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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  929 Hits

Why Skylights

If you appreciate the warmth and cheer of natural sunlight in your home, a qualified Orange County roofing company can help provide that benefit. This professional team will do so by installing a skylight on your roof. As its name implies, a skylight invites beautiful natural sunlight into your residence. For anyone seeking happier living spaces, this option clearly is the right move. Bright, cheerful sunlight is a proven mood-elevator.  Without stepping outdoors or even flicking a switch, you can enjoy the mood-enhancing light of our nearest star, easily and comfortably. There are, however, other benefits derived from skylight illumination.

The first of these benefits is the obvious one -- lower electric bills. Yes, with the sun supplying abundant illumination, the need for electric power is proportionately reduced. So is the need to get up from a comfortable position to flick on the nearest lamp. With solar illumination shining throughout your living space, you can stay put. And let’s not forget about all that wonderful fresh air flowing into your home, along with the sunshine. An open skylight installed by an Orange County roofer is a great way to improve ventilation.

Bear in mind that, depending on your geographical location, the installation of a skylight also may entitle you to certain energy-related tax savings. Clearly, residents of Orange County should investigate available tax-saving programs associated with such an installation. This could be great news for people living in a sunny locale such as San Clemente. If things seem to work out in your favor, ask a qualified San Clemente roofer about available skylight options.

If you have questions about installing a skylight in your home, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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  1198 Hits