Orange County

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Could This Be the Best Way to Brighten Your Home?

With springtime here and summertime just around the corner, many Californians are getting ready to enjoy the seasonal sun. Not surprisingly, most of them are planning to enjoy it in the great outdoors. There is, however, one convenient way to capture some of that sunlight and bring it into the great indoors. And a reliable Orange County Roofer can help you do it. They’ll do it with a rooftop window known as a skylight. True, this illuminating experience isn’t quite the same as a day at the beach. Or a hike in the scenic hills. Nevertheless, a skylight can brighten any home in a way that offers many advantages to residents.

How can an Orange County Roofing Company help you enjoy the pleasures of this rooftop window? First, one of the services offered by roofing professionals is skylight installation. But before any of the services is ever performed, the pros will provide another important service – getting you acquainted with the various types of skylights currently available on the market. That’s right. Homeowners can choose from a selection of different skylights, each with its own unique design and features. By familiarizing yourself with the various options, you’ll have enough information to make a decision that best meets your needs, circumstances, and tastes.

In the interest of starting the familiarization process, what follows is a brief overview of the skylight types - - fixed, ventilating, and tubular. With this information at your disposal, you’ll be better prepared to explore this important topic with your chosen professional.

Fixed Skylights, the first kind, win the popularity contest hands down. Perhaps it’s because they’re so easy to care for. In fact, you really don’t need to lift a finger when these grace your home. You see, fixed skylights are permanently closed. Hence the name. While this type can function beautifully in any part of your residence, they’re most commonly installed in attics and stairwells. Naturally, their location is a matter to be discussed with your chosen Orange County Roofer.

Ventilating Skylights, on the other hand, are the kind you open and shut as your mood dictates. While open, this rooftop window brings more than illumination into your home; it also invites plenty of fresh air into your residence. As a rule, you’ll find ventilating skylights in kitchens and bathrooms. There’s a very practical reason for this. The circulating air that passes through the opening helps eliminate the kind of moisture that typically accumulates in these locations. For your convenience, ventilating skylights can be opened in two ways – by hand crank or with a handy remote-control device.

Tubular Skylights are the newest addition to the group. They’re also the most compact. For installation in tight spaces, you simply can’t beat this type. Which is why you’ll often see them in tight spaces such as hallways and closets. Because these skylights are so compact, an Orange County Roofing Company generally can install them more quickly than the other types.

Clearly, homeowners have three excellent choices when it comes to skylights, each of which provides a unique and cheery illumination that ordinary lighting simply cannot match. For those who are interested, it’s easy to learn more about this option. Just contact a local expert. For instance, if you reside in Irvine, reach out to an Irvine Roofer at your earliest convenience. The experts there will be happy to assist you.

If you have questions about skylights, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Why a Skylight is Something to Smile About

Alright, you’re the proud owner of a stunning roof that’s in mint condition. What else could it possibly need? Believe it or not, an Orange County roofer can make that roof even better. It can accomplish this feat by enhancing it with a skylight.

A skylight offers homeowners several key advantages. The first is its built-in ability to invite glorious, natural sunlight into your residence. This illumination is advantageous for two reasons: First, natural light is a known mood-improver, infusing rooms with a bright, feel-good atmosphere. Second, that solar illumination supplies supplementary heat to your home – a welcome benefit once the winter months arrive. And remember, that light is free of charge, a factor that will help lower heating costs through the colder seasons.

A skylight installed by Orange County roofers also invites crisp fresh air indoors. Not only does this inflow have an invigorating effect, it also helps lower air conditioning costs when the summer months arrive. In two ways, then, this ‘ceiling window’ offers an efficient means of keeping energy costs down – more heat in the winter; more fresh cool air in the summer.

Energy cost reduction, however, isn't the only monetary advantage of skylights.. Thanks to their generally accepted aesthetic appeal, they often will boost the resale value of your home. Owners, therefore, win on a number of levels, from the functional to the aesthetic.

What about potential defects, such as leaks? Are these an issue with a skylight? To minimize leak risk, an Orange County roofing company can install a leak-proof unit protected by laminated glass.

Does all this interest you? You can find out more about skylights by asking a local expert. For instance, if you live in San Clemente, simply discuss the subject with a San Clemente roofer. It’s that easy.

If you have questions about skylights, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Why Skylights

If you appreciate the warmth and cheer of natural sunlight in your home, a qualified Orange County roofing company can help provide that benefit. This professional team will do so by installing a skylight on your roof. As its name implies, a skylight invites beautiful natural sunlight into your residence. For anyone seeking happier living spaces, this option clearly is the right move. Bright, cheerful sunlight is a proven mood-elevator.  Without stepping outdoors or even flicking a switch, you can enjoy the mood-enhancing light of our nearest star, easily and comfortably. There are, however, other benefits derived from skylight illumination.

The first of these benefits is the obvious one -- lower electric bills. Yes, with the sun supplying abundant illumination, the need for electric power is proportionately reduced. So is the need to get up from a comfortable position to flick on the nearest lamp. With solar illumination shining throughout your living space, you can stay put. And let’s not forget about all that wonderful fresh air flowing into your home, along with the sunshine. An open skylight installed by an Orange County roofer is a great way to improve ventilation.

Bear in mind that, depending on your geographical location, the installation of a skylight also may entitle you to certain energy-related tax savings. Clearly, residents of Orange County should investigate available tax-saving programs associated with such an installation. This could be great news for people living in a sunny locale such as San Clemente. If things seem to work out in your favor, ask a qualified San Clemente roofer about available skylight options.

If you have questions about installing a skylight in your home, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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