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New Years Roof Resolutions

oc roofing companies 2015Orange County Roofing Company

Want to resolve something besides “lose weight” and “pay off debt” this New Year? In 2015, make some New Year’s Resolutions for your roof. These five resolutions can save you money in the long run by keeping your roof in great condition. Here are five resolutions SoCal residents should make about their roofs:

1. Install a clay tile roof

 There’s a reason clay tile roofs are ubiquitous in the Southern California area: they’re incredibly energy efficient. The curve of the clay tiles creates a space for air between the tile and the roof. This air space creates a natural thermal barrier, so that less heat transfers from the roof tiles to the inside of the home. 

When less heat transfers into your home, it makes your home easier and more affordable to cool. So check with your local Orange County roofing company to get a quote for installing a clay tile roof in 2015.

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