Orange County

Welcome to our Orange County Roofing Company Blog. Our goal is to not only offer you the highest quality roofing solutions in Orange County, but also to educate you on best practices, offer roofing contractor tips and inside secrets that only a professional roofer would know. We hope you find this information helpful and invite you to comment and ask questions.

Leak Prevention Starts With This

When Orange County Roofers conduct roof inspections, they may discover one or more problems affecting performance. One of the most common problems is a clogged rain gutter.  An integral part of every roofing system, a gutter is a drainage channel with a twofold purpose – to prevent water accumulation on the rooftop and to direct rainwater away from the home and onto the ground. When this channel gets clogged, rainwater has no place to go. So, it may gather on the rooftop, forming small pools. But don’t expect the water to stay put. Often, it will leak into your home and cause significant damage.

How does a gutter get clogged? The typical way is for leaves and other debris to find their way into the channel. If enough of the material gets inside, water will damn up, form small pools, and eventually overflow. This can happen to the best maintained gutter. And it almost certainly will happen to a damaged one. If a gutter is damaged in any way, performance will be compromised, leaving the channel more vulnerable to overflow. In that case, your Orange County Roofing Company may need to replace the gutters. Unless you prefer leaks.  

Fortunately, homeowners frequently can improve gutter performance without a full-scale replacement. One way to do this is by installing special gutter guards, which fit over the channels. Should you prefer professional assistance, Orange County Roofers can carry out the installation. Of course, homeowners must decide which type of gutter guards are most suitable for their roofs. That’s right. Currently, you can choose from among three different types. Here are the options presently available.

Let's start with mesh gutter guards, which are perforated metal coverings running over the channel. The tiny holes in the mesh covering have a dual function – keep debris from entering the channel and allow water to flow freely into the channel. If you go with this option, it’s important to know that this component doesn’t care for itself. Which means, you must maintain these hardworking guards regularly to optimize performance. Fear not -- the job is relatively simple. Just clean the guards periodically with a brush. That’s it.

Surface tension gutter guards also utilize mesh coverings. But with these components, rainwater collects on the mesh before entering the channel. As for leaves and debris, these simply drop from the guard. All this sounds relatively simple. Yet, surface tension guards do have a unique requirement – they must be installed to align with a roof’s slope. Exactly why you want professional Orange County Roofers for this job.  

Foam gutter guards, the third entry on the list, utilize porous blocks that function as sponges. These sponge blocks absorb and hold any incoming debris while permitting rainwater to filter through the membrane and into the gutter.

All this, of course, is just scratching the surface. To really dive into this topic, you’ll need extensive expert input. And you’ll get that by contacting a local professional. For instance, if you reside in Newport Beach, just reach out to Newport Beach Roofer. The people there will be happy to schedule a complimentary consultation and answer all your questions.

If you have questions about gutter guards, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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How Do Roofers Get the Job Done Right? Here’s Their First Step to Smooth Sailing

Servicing a roof is no piece of cake. In fact, it can be a formidably complex affair, hinging on factors such as slope, size, etc.  For this reason, the process must be tightly organized. Which is why the very best Orange County Roofers carry out their work in a series of carefully laid out steps. This proven method allows them to smooth sail their way to success-- while keeping the details in focus. Doesn’t matter if the job is a basic repair or roof replacement. A step-by-step procedure is imperative. On that score, roofing professionals are similar to many other professionals. It’s all about laying the groundwork to reach your goals.

So, what’s the first step of a roof service? An Orange County Roofing Company begins at the beginning – with a complete and thorough evaluation. The aim of this analytical phase is to fully grasp the situation at hand,  With this in mind, contractors make preliminary projections regarding project duration, materials, cost, and other relevant factors. The goal is to provide an acceptable picture for homeowners – a picture that minimizes uncertainties and eliminates surprises.

During the evaluation phase, Orange County Roofers also provide a concise picture of themselves. Shared with homeowners will be important information regarding the company’s expertise, experience, special commendations, and any other relevant data that puts the provider in a favorable light. There is, of course, an overriding purpose to this professional transparency – to build trust with and instill confidence in the customer. Without trust, decisions rarely favor the contractor.  

Contractors, however, aren’t the only ones making revelations during this initial phase. Homeowners, too, are encouraged to share relevant info about themselves. These insights supply some of the key building blocks of a servicing plan. Building blocks such as customer goals and concerns, which are duly considered and incorporated to ensure the best possible outcome. Clearly, listening is a big part of a professional’s job.

As icing on the cake, roofers will complete the evaluation phase with a roof inspection. Here’s where an Orange County Roofing Company really gets down to brass tacks, relying on various tools of the trade to make precise calculations. Among these calculations are the measurements that define the dimensions of a service area. These fundamental measurements answer a wide range of  crucial questions. For example, how many shingles are needed for full coverage? Or how many feet of flashing should we pack on the truck? Little stuff like that.   

In summary, all the above are important components of the first step of a roof service – the evaluation phase. It sets the stage for everything that follows. Without this organizational step, the process would be a tangle of guesswork – and anything but smooth sailing.

Want to know more about this very important topic? Your best bet is to contact a local professional and unabashedly share your questions. Maybe you hang your hat in the city of Newport Beach. OK, the mission is simple and straightforward – reach out to a Newport Beach Roofer and request all the info you want.  Bingo! Mission accomplished.

If you have questions about the roof service process, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Your Home Will Be Happier with This

What does every home need? Needs vary, of course. But the most important of them could be this – periodic roof inspections. Whether performed by Orange County Roofers or industrious homeowners, a roof inspection offers a variety of benefits.

Among the primary benefits is damage prevention. How is this achieved? Simple. During a rooftop scan, inspectors look for tiny holes and cracks. Eventually, these gaps can and often will enlarge into gaping holes that rainwater can enter.  Naturally, those drops must go somewhere – typically onto your walls, floors, and furniture. In most cases, a good soaking won’t exactly improve the condition of these parts of your home. A thorough inspection reveals potential leak zones before damage results.

But damage prevention is only one benefit derived from an inspection. Remember, water-soaked areas must be repaired. Which means you’ve got another problem on your hands – repair costs. Therefore, along with damage prevention, an inspection provides the parallel benefit of cost savings.

But even more cost savings can be yours when an Orange County Roofing Company conducts an inspection. You see, while scanning for cracks and holes, crews also check the condition of insulation. Should the material prove substandard, it can be replaced by new insulation that promotes greater heat retention. With more heat lingering between your walls, your home is warmer during the winter months, a welcome result that saves energy and lowers heating costs.

Yearning to know more about the benefits of roof inspections? No problem. You can acquire a wealth of knowledge by consulting a local expert. You might, for instance, reside in Newport Beach. OK, in that case, just reach out to a Newport Beach Roofer. The professionals there will be delighted to help.  

If you have questions about roof inspections, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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The Right Tools for the Job

Sure, a successful roofing service depends on the skills of your selected Orange County Roofers. Nevertheless, these skilled professionals need a little help to perform their duties. That help comes from the collection of roofing tools they’ll bring to the job.

The most important item in their tool collection is a hammer. Using this implement, a roofer drives in those bright shiny nails that hold shingles in place. The nails, of course, must be driven with ultimate precision to ensure shingles stay where they’re supposed to. Thus, there’s a great deal of skill that comes into play.

Along with a hammer, many other tools are held by a tool belt. This puts the entire collection in easy reach, thereby eliminating frequent visits to the tool truck.

Certain roofing tools are meant for cleanup. A shovel is one of these. Yes, with all that tearing and pulling, an Orange County Roofing Company creates abundant roof debris. It can’t be helped. A shovel, therefore, is needed to move or remove the clutter. Professionals also will carry a broom or two for the same purpose.

Naturally, the debris must go somewhere – preferably not in the front yard. For clutter disposal, the crew will have a trash bin at the ready.

And what about accuracy? You’ll be pleased to know Orange County Roofers are very accuracy minded. To ensure the desired precision, they typically use a very common item -- a ruler or other straight edge tool.

Curious to know more about this important topic? You can get yourself educated in a hurry by consulting a local professional. For instance, if you hang your hat in Newport Beach, just reach out to a Newport Beach Roofer. Then prepare to be enlightened.

If you have questions about roofing tools, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Where Every Sloping Roof Meets

Maybe you never noticed before, but every sloping roof has a meeting place. No, we’re not talking about a gathering zone for social interactions. What we’re referring to is a point where two angled planes meet on a sloped roof. This connection, appropriately enough, is called a ridge. Exactly what it resembles. Basically, a ridge runs along the length of a rooftop peak, from one edge to the other. When replacing a roof, Orange County Roofers must take very specific steps to construct and secure this connective area. As you can imagine, this job is no routine endeavor. Abundant skill and years of experience come into play when a ridge is constructed.

So, exactly how does an Orange County Roofing Company construct a ridge? Basically, the construction process consists of laying down a series of shingles across the ridge line. The shingles serve as a protective layer for the meeting point.

In many cases, a crew also will install ridge vents near the juntion. These vents allow moist air to flow out of attics or rafter spaces. Very important. Why? Because, the airflow helps minimizes moisture accumulation and consequent mold development in these vulnerable zones.

Remember, each sloping plane extending from a ridge isn’t just making an aesthetic statement. It also has a practical function. Known as a valley, the planes direct rainwater and other moisture downward, away from the roof.

Maybe you’re yearning for more knowledge about this critical rooftop component. And who could blame you? Fortunately, you can get ready answers from a local professional. For instance, you might reside in Newport Beach. If so, just contact a Newport Beach Roofer and share your questions. They’re sure to be answered to your complete satisfaction.

If you have questions about the function of a roof ridge, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Shingle Construction Step by Step

Homeowners understand the hard work performed by an Orange County Roofer when a dedicated crew installs shingles. But many people are not aware of the hard work that goes into the creation of those same shingles. That’s right. Manufacturing these roofing components requires a series of steps that builds them into their finished form, layer by layer.

The foundation and first layer in this unique creation process is a fiberglass mat or sheet. Both sides of this sheet are coated with a layer of asphalt to which certain minerals are added. What’s the purpose of this mineral addition? Primarily to help make the fiberglass material more durable and weather resistant.

The next phase in the creation process is the adding of granules to the asphalt coating. These granules typically are made of ground up rock coated with ceramic. Naturally, these bits of rock have job to do. In fact, they have multiple functions. The first is to provide coloration; the second, to provide protection against sunlight.

Following this stage, a sealant is applied to the shingle sheet. Afterwards, a few more details are attended to, and finally the sheet is cut into the shingles we all recognize. Before going to market, the newly created shingles are packed into bundles and distributed to warehouses as needed.

Clearly, there’s considerable work that goes into the making of shingles -- long before an Orange County Roofing Company begins the process of installing them. Hard work before the hard work, so to speak.

Got questions about this little-known process. Why not ask a local expert? You might, for instance, reside in Newport Beach. Fine. Just discuss this topic with a Newport Beach Roofer. You’ll be educated to your complete satisfaction.

If you have questions about shingle construction, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Why Your Roof Needs a Custom Cut

If you’re considering a rain gutter replacement, you might be giving serious thought to installing pre-cut sectional gutters. After all, they’re conveniently available at virtually any major hardware store – an appealing prospect for the dedicated do-it-yourselfer. And generally they’re modestly priced. When you factor in the disadvantages of going this route, however, you may prefer to get professionally installed gutters from qualified Orange County Roofers. When pros tackle the job, you won’t face the drawbacks associated with self-installed systems. These outweigh the limited advantages of convenience and lower prices.

What are some drawbacks arising from self-installed rain gutters? The big one is leak risk. That’s right. Sectional gutter pieces, by necessity, are constructed in multiple segments. Each pairing of segments requires a joint to hold them together. The big problem here is that joints don’t create a 100% solid bond. Therefore, rainwater can leak through the connection. When an Orange County Roofing Company installs a custom cut gutter, on the other hand, no such issue arises. Each length of gutter is a solid channel, leaving no openings for dripping water.

And even if the sectional joints don’t leak, they often bend. As is well known, bent joints can cause water to accumulate. In many cases, this pooled up water eventually will spill over the side and land where it shouldn’t – such as walls and shingles. Besides, even to an ardent do-it-yourselfer, installing a gutter system means a great deal of time-consuming trouble. Far less troublesome to get custom cut gutters installed by qualified Orange County Roofers.

Got some questions about all this? Get them answered by a local expert. Maybe you live in Newport Beach. In that case, you just need to consult a Newport Beach Roofer to get yourself educated. It’s that easy.

If you have questions about rain gutters, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Choosing an Orange County Roofer? Get the Full Picture

Choosing the right Orange County Roofer is like selecting anything else of great importance. You’ll want to look at all the important variables, then base your decision on the full picture that emerges. Only then can you make a choice that’s suitable for your situation and needs.

One of the primary variables to consider is quality of work. For this, one of the best informational sources is the company’s customers. This means, you’ll want to access some reviews. Be aware, however, that not all reviews tell a complete story. Some emphasize certain points that skip over the more important factors. Go with the reviews that provide answers to several crucial questions. Among these is – What was the quality of the work performed by the Orange County Roofing Company? Another is – was the project completed as scheduled? And finally, you’ll want to know if the contractor was friendly, understanding, and accommodating. All these traits should be answered in a review, as they give you a real good idea of the provider’s compatibility with your objectives.

But this is only the beginning of your investigation. To really get the full picture of a prospective Orange County Roofer, you should conduct some in-depth research. Start by determining if the candidate has experience dealing with your roof type. If so, the contractor likely has the requisite skills to do first-rate job. And because of their familiarity with the territory, company personnel not only will do it right; they’ll do it in a timely manner.

To further bolster confidence in a roofing candidate, homeowners also should know something about the provider’s insurance and licensing status. Make sure both are up to date and right for the service you’re getting.

Want to know more about this? It’s best to ask a local expert. Maybe you reside in Newport Beach. OK, simply ask a Newport Beach Roofer for more information. You’ll be well educated before you know it.

If you have questions about roofer qualifications, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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The Affordable Roofing Option That Doesn’t Compromise Performance

With costs rising in almost every area, it’s encouraging to know there are still ways for homeowners to save a pretty penny or two. Choosing a budget-friendly roofing material is one of those ways. That’s right. Cost-conscious homeowners can save a considerable sum when an Orange County Roofer installs asphalt shingles. That’s because, by and large, asphalt shingles generally are less expensive than many of the competing materials. But don’t let the material’s enticing price tag fool you. Along with cost-savings, asphalt offers many other advantages to the homeowner.

One of these advantages is asphalt’s well-known durability. Once an Orange County Roofing Company installs these shingles, homeowners can expect them to deliver reliable performance for 20-50 years. Duration, of course, depends on various factors, including local environmental conditions.

Providing asphalt shingles with their enduring powers are two structural elements – waterproof coating and special granules that reflect damaging ultraviolet rays away from the roof. Lending further strength to each asphalt shingle is its base material -- woven fiberglass. For homes in windy areas, dimensional asphalt shingles can provide added protection against those gusts.

Asphalt’s advantages aren’t limited to affordability and endurance. These shingles also offer aesthetic benefits to the mix. Most notable among their aesthetic contribution is variety of color schemes. Currently, asphalt shingles are available in a full spectrum of hues designed to enhance a home’s overall appearance.

Want to know more about this? Just reach out to a local expert. For instance, you might hang your hat in Newport Beach. OK, just explore this topic with a Newport Beach Roofer. It’ll be time well spent.

If you have questions about asphalt shingles, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Your Roof’s Invisible Protector

Everyone knows that asphalt shingles provide needed protection to your rooftop. Fortunately, shingles get some help while performing this job. You see, before Orange County Roofers install a layer of shingles, they cover your roof with a protective barrier. That barrier is called underlayment.

Underlayment is a sturdy membrane that covers the entire rooftop. It may be made of a special felt or a synthetic material. During the installation process, the crew of an Orange County Roofing Company will roll out the material in long sheets and arrange it in overlapping rows atop the roof. Once the rooftop is completely covered, shingles are set down atop the covering, thereby creating a double layer of protection.

How does underlayment provide protection? Primarily by serving as a barrier against moisture. Any rain that slips through the shingle layer will be caught and stopped by this hidden protective barrier.

Now think about this. What if it rains before your chosen Orange County Roofers have completed a shingle installation? Not to worry. Underlayment will be in place, shielding your home from the unwanted moisture.

Of course, that advantage may seem insignificant during the blue-sky summer months. An Orange County Roofing Company, however, typically services local homes all year round. This includes the winter months, when surprise storms have been known to occur. With underlayment in place, these downpours generally won’t be a problem.

Got questions on any of this? Get them answered by a reliable local expert. Maybe you hang your hat in Newport Beach. In that case, simply ask a Newport Beach Roofer to enlighten you. You’ll be so glad you did.

If you have questions about roofing underlayment, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Your Roof’s Secret Protection

Most people don’t know this part of a roofing system is there. Nevertheless, it’s one of the most important components an Orange County Roofer can install. This very important item is called underlayment. As its name implies, underlayment sits beneath the layer of shingles covering your roof, sandwiched between them and the deck. It’s purpose? Prevent water and other unwanted elements from leaking through the deck – and into your home. It would be no exaggeration to say underlayment is a secret protector, working round the clock but never seen.

Underlayment may be made from a variety of materials, including rubberized asphalt. Resembling natural rubber, this type is among the easiest to install. That’s because an Orange County Roofing Company needn’t nail it to the roof. Instead, contractors simply attach it, utilizing a special peel and stick technology. No hammering, no pounding, no noise. Just quick, easy installation. And when it comes to resisting heat, this type of underlayment wins the prize. Expect it to last and last. You should, however, also expect it to have higher price tag than the others. So give careful consideration to your budget before selecting this option.

Don’t worry about making the right choice. An Orange County Roofer can inspect your roof and evaluate your underlayment needs. Nevertheless, you needn’t wait until the professionals arrive to get answers to your questions. Just reach out to a qualified local professional whenever additional information is desired. For instance, if you reside in Newport Beach, discuss the topic with a Newport Beach Roofer. You’ll be enlightened in short order.

If you have questions about roof underlayment, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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When a Roofing Job Really Begins

Are you gracing your home’s rooftop with shiny new shingles? Well, don’t expect an Orange County Roofer just to arrive at your property and start nailing. The service will be doing some major preparations before the first nail is pounded into place. For all intents and purposes, this is when shingle installation really begins.

In most cases, an Orange County Roofing Company prepares long before the crews arrive. You see, roofers have this funny preference for carrying out their duties in dry, un-windy weather. So, they’ll carefully check workday weather conditions. If storm clouds will be gathering, the job is postponed until clear skies prevail. Weather checking, however, is only the first of many professional preparatory steps. Others will be taken on the first day of work.

The most important workday preparation is cleaning debris away from your home. An Orange County Roofer follows this process by doing the same to your rooftop. During this stage, crews rid the roof area of branches, twigs, and other obstructions. For good measure, they often sweep the rooftop clean. Nothing is left to chance. Which is why professionals are so conscientious when it comes to prepping a home for installation work. Not only do these steps create the best possible work conditions; they also give the best assurance of a competent, satisfactory job.

Curiosity got the better of you? Want to know more? Then consult a local pro. Maybe you live in Newport Beach. OK, just contact a Newport Beach Roofer and ask for more info. The company's representatives will be happy to help. And you’ll be happy they did.

If you have questions about shingle installation, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Where Will They Put It All?

Most homeowners realize that Orange County Roofers won’t show up empty-handed when arriving to work on a residence. Along with the crew, various items will be brought to your property. The arrivals will include a sizeable load of tools, materials, and whatever else is needed for the work at hand. Obviously, the load must be stored someplace while the crew gets down to business. Should homeowners know the exact location of the intended storage zone? Definitely. The load of supplies can take up a great deal of space – space that you would rather see unoccupied.

Maybe you’re not convinced that substantial space will be occupied. OK, consider this – shingles generally are packaged in big, weighty bundles. Depending on the scope of the work, your chosen Orange County Roofing Company likely will require hundreds of shinngles to do a basic roof replacement. Those big bundles will wind up somewhere accessible to workers. So will any other materials, tools, and equipment. If you're like most homeowners, you likely don't want the chosen spot to be front lawn, driveway, or favorite landscaping. Of course, if you’re OK with these areas, the issue is moot.

Don’t worry. It’s easy to know the location of the storage zone. Just ask your Orange County Roofers. Should the area be objectionable, let this fact be known. Any qualified roofer will be happy alter their plans in accordance with your wishes. They’ll also be happy to answer any questions well beforehand. Simply contact a local professional and present your inquiries. For instance, if you live in Newport Beach, just consult a Newport Beach Roofer. Before long, you’ll have all the information you need.

If you have questions about materials storage, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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The Basic Steps of Roof Repair

As with many other important endeavors, an Orange County Roofer generally follows a set of basic steps when repairing a leaky asphalt roof. The first and most obvious of these steps is to locate the problem. In certain cases, the homeowner might have accomplished this task through a visual inspection.

Once the location is known, the roofing crew will, if possible, try to repair the problem shingles. Going this route clearly saves homeowners the most time and money.

Unfortunately, the shingle repair option might not be available in all cases. Should conditions require more extensive action, then shingle replacement will be the next step.

When replacement is necessary, an Orange County Roofing Company first must remove the damaged shingles. For this task, they’ll use special tools designed to strip the pieces away from the rooftop. A variety of excellent implements is available for this purpose. Which ones are used, of course, depends on conditions as well as personal preferences of the contractor.

In certain instances, repairs won’t be sufficient – shingle damage simply is too extensive. That’s when an Orange County Roofer must replace an entire section of the roof.

No matter which repair option applies to you, be sure to get a full breakdown of costs before making a commitment. After all, the more you know, the lower the chances of unpleasant surprises down the road. Which is why it’s never too early to learn what might be in store for you. You can get abundant roof repair information by asking a local expert. Maybe you live in Newport Beach. OK, just consult a qualified Newport Beach Roofer about this matter. You’ll be surprised at how much you'lll learn.

If you have questions about roof leak repair, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Asphalt or Solar … What an Orange County Roofer Should Tell You

You might be one of the rising number of homeowners confronted by a common dilemma. The crucial choice you’re facing is whether to go with asphalt or solar shingles. If your mind is being wracked by this puzzle, help is close at hand -- your chosen Orange County roofer should, as a matter of course, share certain information with you. Not only does generous info-sharing help you sift through the sticky details during the decision process; it also minimizes unpleasant surprises.

The first item to be shared is installation time. Orange County roofers should make it clear that solar shingles take a might longer than asphalt, which generally can be up and functioning in a few days. Solar, on the other hand, can require weeks. But that may not be the only waiting period. Due to robust demand for the energy-efficient shingles, homeowners could be waiting for months before the project finally can commence.

Bear in mind, not all regions are equally backed up with solar projects. So check with a local provider to ascertain wait times. For instance, if you reside in Newport Beach, consult a qualified Newport Beach roofer to get a reliable start date estimate.

An Orange County roofing company also should level with you about the comparative cost of asphalt and solar shingles. Not surprisingly, the latter is considerably more expensive than the former. Currently, the price tag of solar shingles can be anywhere between twice to eight times the cost of asphalt. Clearly, if household budget is dear to you, as it is to most homeowners, this comparative difference should be weighed carefully before making a decision.

If you have questions about choosing between asphalt and solar shingles, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Why You Should Trim Those Trees

Homeowners can’t completely protect their rooftops from all damage. Like it or not, ordinary wear and tear will compromise roof performance over time. However, you can minimize the damage by taking several steps. Virtually every Orange County roofer will tell you that the first of these steps should be trimming all tree overhang away from your roof. What possible damage could be caused by the extension of arboreal splendor? Well, those branches might look impressive as they spread out over your rooftop. But when the wind kicks up, the gusts of air will push those branches back and forth across the virtually unprotected shingles.

‘Big deal,’ you say. ‘I can stand some scraping atop my roof – it helps to create atmosphere.’ It also helps to inflict major damage. You see, those swaying branches likely will be grinding and scraping away the asphalt and gravel that forms an important part of your roofing system. Bear in mind, Orange County roofers often must replace shingles because these elements have been brutally scraped from the roofing surface. To avoid this unwelcome outcome, trim those branches before the situation becomes irreversible.

Even if powerful wind isn’t a major factor in your neck of the woods, an Orange County roofing company still may be repairing damage caused by heavy overhang. That’s because the encroaching tree limbs, even when motionless, can put undue weight atop your roof. That pressure often is enough to cause significant surface damage. Which will cause even deeper damage to your wallet.

Would you rather play it safe? Then trim those trees whenever the need become obvious. And if you have questions about all this, ask a local professional. For example, you might hang your hat in Newport Beach. Fine. Just consult a Newport Beach roofer. It’s that easy to get the answers you need.

If you have questions about trimming tree overhang from your roof , Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Know the Qualifications of an Orange County Roofer

Most people are exceedingly careful when they consider purchasing a product. Often, they will conduct thorough research, ask probing questions, and do whatever else is necessary to ensure the quality of a retail merchandise. For optimum results, homeowners should exercise the same level of care when selecting an Orange County roofer. Among the best steps to take is verifying a prospective provider’s credentials. This important information speaks volumes about on-the-job performance, pricing fairness, and overall customer satisfaction. Aside from personal experience with the service being considered, its credentials offer the best indication of expected quality.

Among the most telling credential-verifying information is license status. Qualified Orange County roofers will be duly licensed – evidence of meeting certain governmental standards. Homeowners can ask to see a copy of a provider’s license. Or, if a less direct method is preferred, they can confirm the company’s license status online.

Also revealing is a roofing contractor’s membership in professional and trade organizations. While such memberships don’t guarantee quality service, they do enhance a company’s credibility.

Other factors people may consider are warranties offered by a prospective Orange County roofing company, its membership in the local Better Business Bureau, and customer reviews. While no single indicator tells the entire story, taken together they paint a clear picture of what homeowners can expect.

Of course, you won’t get the full scoop about any of this until you ask local prospects. You might, for instance, hang your hat in Newport Beach. The next step is obvious – just ask a Newport Beach roofer to discuss the company’s credentials. Once informed, don’t make a decision unless you’re completely satisfied with the responses.

If you have questions about confirming roofer credentials, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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When an Orange County Roofer Goes on a Tear

Before an Orange County roofer can install new shingles, this professional must remove the old, worn-out predecessors. During the removal process, workers typically tear the original shingles from the rooftop. With very few exceptions, the tearing isn’t performed bare handed. That minor feat would require strength and skill not normally possessed by roofing contractors. What these professionals do have at their disposal are specialized tools specifically designed for shingle removal. Thanks to the variety of tools available, workers can choose those most suited to their needs and preferences.

One type of popular tearing tool is the pry bar (a.k.a. crowbar). Using one of these heavy-duty tools, Orange County roofers can dig beneath an old shingle, easily loosening, lifting, and removing it.

Also great for shingle removal is the roofing shovel. Having an extended handle, the shovel provides workers with exceptional leverage and strength. Additionally, this tool generally is very lightweight, offering users enhanced convenience for the job ahead.

Of course, shingle installation isn’t all about tearing objects from the rooftop. A certain amount of cutting also comes into play. Depending on the job at hand, an Orange County roofing company must cut the edges and corners of certain shingles, enabling them to align with a roof’s shape and dimensions. For this task, shingle shears often are the tool of choice.

Along with the proper tools, abundant skill and knowledge are necessary for the successful removal and replacement of roof shingles. You can find out exactly what is involved by asking a local professional. Maybe you hang your hat in Newport Beach. OK, just ask a Newport Beach roofer for additional info. You’ll get a great education in no time at all.

If you have questions about roofing tools, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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  498 Hits

Building a Budget for Your Roofing Project

Most homeowners are accustomed to preparing budgets for a variety of needs. If you’ve decided to hire an Orange County roofer for a project, you’ll want to do similar planning to cover the possible costs. Where should you begin? The ideal starting point is the estimate. Any Orange County roofing company under consideration should provide you with a thorough estimate of proposed services. Knowing the anticipated cost helps homeowners develop a solid financial plan well ahead of time. Such knowledge also helps eliminate unwelcome surprises down the road.

Homeowners never should take anything for granted when budgeting for the services of Orange County roofers. Different contractors typically have different payment requirements, depending on the preferred way of running their businesses. The good news is, many of these professionals can help ease your budget demands with convenient payment plans.

Something else that's good news is the possibility of special discounts. It’s not uncommon for an Orange County roofing company to offer price reductions at certain times of the year, especially during their designated off seasons. If you’re a homeowner, be sure to ask any prospective contractor about special deals.

Finally, don’t expect windfalls, charitable donations, or discoveries of hidden treasure to cover your roofing costs. You’ll likely be footing the bill yourself. So, save for the roofing work well ahead of time, and you’ll be in good shape when the project commences.

No doubt you’ll have some questions about all this. Don’t hold back. Tell a local professional what’s on your mind. It doesn’t matter where you hang your hat. Let’s say you reside in Newport Beach. Fine. Just ask a Newport Beach roofer for the info you need. It’ll be an excellent first step in the preparation of your roofing budget.

If you have questions about preparing a roofing budget, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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  527 Hits

Why an Orange County Roofer Should Lead Your Skylight Quest

Are you considering a skylight for your home? Good choice. This addition adds both aesthetic and practical value to your property. Selecting the right skylight, however, is no easy matter. Given the challenges, it’s best to secure the assistance of a qualified Orange County roofer. Backed by knowledge and experience, this professional can determine which type of skylight is best for you.

In arriving at a recommendation, a contractor will evaluate many variables. Among these are a prospective skylight’s ventilation capabilities, strength against elements such as wind, durability, and energy-efficiency. All of these are crucial, and all are part of the evaluation process that unfolds when Orange County roofers contemplate skylight installation.

But the evaluation doesn’t end with this list of variables. An Orange County roofing company also must weigh other important factors. For instance, it’s imperative that the team also take a long look at the roof itself. Is a flat skylight suitable for your roof type? Perhaps a ‘sun tunnel’ skylight is more appropriate. The possibilities abound. All must be carefully considered by a roofing professional before any determinations can be make. In the end, this detailed examination will ensure the best and most appropriate skylight is selected for your home.

The good news is, no matter what an evaluation’s results, you’ll likely have many available choices. That’s because in general, skylights are suitable for a variety of roofing materials and shapes. Which leaves open many possibilities.

The real trick is determining the optimum choice for you. Which is why you want a professional in your corner during the selection process. Begin by asking a local expert some preliminary questions. Maybe you reside in Newport Beach. OK, reach out to a Newport Beach roofer for advice. You’ll be so glad for the enlightenment.

If you have questions about getting a skylight for your home, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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  518 Hits