Orange County

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The Sunny Side of a Skylight

When an Orange County Roofer installs a new skylight, this professional is giving you much more than a new source of interior illumination. Along with the extra light, homeowners automatically gain several key benefits by opting for this addition.

The first of these bonus benefits is improved ventilation. Essentially, a skylight functions as a ceiling window. When open, it invites fresh air into the room. What could be better on a fine Spring morning? And let’s not forget the natural air conditioning properties of crisp, cool air flowing into your home – all at no additional cost to you.

By adding a skylight to your roof, an Orange County Roofing Company also sets the stage for lower heating bills. It’s easy to see why. As with a window, a skylight allows direct, overhead sunlight to stream uninterrupted into your home. Depending on the intensity of the illumination, the heat derived therefrom can be considerable. A skylight won’t replace your heater, of course. But it will help supplement the warmth provided for a price by your local utility company. Which means you’ll be using less of theirs and more of nature’s. Hence, lower monthly costs.

To the above benefits, homeowners can add the aesthetic value of a skylight. In most cases, the addition decidedly enhances the look of your home, making it more attractive to the world. As you might have guessed, this advantage will prove particularly welcome should you decide to sell the property.

Got questions on any of this? Totally understandable. And totally answerable by a local expert. You might, for instance, hang your hat in Rancho Santa Margarita. OK, just consult a Rancho Santa Margarita Roofer about this topic. You’ll learn plenty in short order.

If you have questions about skylights, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Why an Orange County Roofer Should Lead Your Skylight Quest

Are you considering a skylight for your home? Good choice. This addition adds both aesthetic and practical value to your property. Selecting the right skylight, however, is no easy matter. Given the challenges, it’s best to secure the assistance of a qualified Orange County roofer. Backed by knowledge and experience, this professional can determine which type of skylight is best for you.

In arriving at a recommendation, a contractor will evaluate many variables. Among these are a prospective skylight’s ventilation capabilities, strength against elements such as wind, durability, and energy-efficiency. All of these are crucial, and all are part of the evaluation process that unfolds when Orange County roofers contemplate skylight installation.

But the evaluation doesn’t end with this list of variables. An Orange County roofing company also must weigh other important factors. For instance, it’s imperative that the team also take a long look at the roof itself. Is a flat skylight suitable for your roof type? Perhaps a ‘sun tunnel’ skylight is more appropriate. The possibilities abound. All must be carefully considered by a roofing professional before any determinations can be make. In the end, this detailed examination will ensure the best and most appropriate skylight is selected for your home.

The good news is, no matter what an evaluation’s results, you’ll likely have many available choices. That’s because in general, skylights are suitable for a variety of roofing materials and shapes. Which leaves open many possibilities.

The real trick is determining the optimum choice for you. Which is why you want a professional in your corner during the selection process. Begin by asking a local expert some preliminary questions. Maybe you reside in Newport Beach. OK, reach out to a Newport Beach roofer for advice. You’ll be so glad for the enlightenment.

If you have questions about getting a skylight for your home, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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5 Things to Know About Skylights, Before Intstallation

Skylights can be a fun, helpful addition to your home. They can bring natural light into areas like bathrooms and closets where regular windows are less than idea. Or they can make rooms seem even larger, with an endless view up into the sky.

However, when not installed properly, skylights can do some real damage to both your roof and the interior of your home. So before you install a skylight, be sure you know these five things:

1.Placement is paramount

When you’re considering where to put a skylight, you should know that you can’t just plop it in wherever seems convenient. Sure, it’d be nice to be able to pick any spot on the inside of your home and stick a skylight there. But you can’t do that!

Skylights come in limited sizes for a reason: they need to fit between beams. You certainly don’t want to cut through your roof’s support beams to put in a skylight.

The easiest way to figure out where you can put a skylight is to look at your home’s official blueprints, which will lay out where all the beams in your home happen to fall. If you have attic access, you can also just look between the roofing supports to determine where your skylight can go.

Not sure where you can put a skylight in your home? Consult with a professional to determine the best course of actions.

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