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2 minutes reading time (313 words)

Shingle Shade Matters


Did you know that the shade of your shingles can help regulate the temperature of your home? That’s right. As with clothing, lighter-color shingles better reflect sunlight than darker hues. This means if you’re contemplating new shingles for your roof, you should discuss lighter-shade options with your chosen Orange County roofer. This professional will have the necessary information and expertise to determine the shingle shade best suited to your needs. Once the right color is chosen, you can be confident that the new, sun-reflecting shingles will help keep your home as cool as possible. You’ll be more comfortable while automatically lowering your home's air-conditioning bill.

While light-hued shingles help minimize internal heat, that important advantage is not the end of the story. For instance, lighter tones make your home look larger. Good way to improve curb appeal.

Shingles also can and should contribute to your home’s aesthetic appeal – or at least they should remain neutral and not clash with its outer appearance. That’s why you’ll also want to give due consideration to color coordinating this part of your roof with the general exterior appearance of your property. Again, qualified Orange County roofers can help in this area. True, they’re not professional decorators. Nevertheless, they have enough experience and expertise to help you make the right aesthetic choice.

Virtually any Orange County roofing company can assist you with questions regarding shingle coloration. Just call one of your local providers for the answers you need. Let’s say you reside in Yorba Linda. Then simply contact a qualified Yorba Linda roofer for enlightenment. How easy is that?

If you have questions about choosing a shingle color, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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John A. on Friday, 30 August 2019 22:16

So true! I actually got sample roof tiles and put them all outside in the sun side by side. I then took my meat thermometer and proceeded to test the temperature of each. While this is definitely not a scientific method of measuring the heat of roof tiles, it still gives you an idea of the difference. The dark gray tiles were about 14 degrees different from the lighter ones. Doesn't sound like much, but it is.

So true! I actually got sample roof tiles and put them all outside in the sun side by side. I then took my meat thermometer and proceeded to test the temperature of each. While this is definitely not a scientific method of measuring the heat of roof tiles, it still gives you an idea of the difference. The dark gray tiles were about 14 degrees different from the lighter ones. Doesn't sound like much, but it is.