Orange County

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Two Advantages for Every Roof

Somewhere, sometime, a wise person arrived at this conclusion – good things come in pairs. Well, that may not be true in all instances, but the wisdom certainly applies to the benefits of roof eaves. Two very definite advantages are offered by these overhangs. When an Orange County roofer installs a roof with eaves, this professional automatically provides these benefits -- along with a great addition to the house. Homeowners, however, aren’t always aware of the advantages intrinsic to the overhangs. Therefore, to provide some insight and a deeper appreciation of the sometimes-neglected eave, here is an overview of what they bring to the table. 

First, is their aesthetic appeal. An Orange County roofer that installs a roof with eaves is providing a house covering that universally is appreciated. People the world over typically enjoy the stylish look they lend to a home of any size. In their minds, fans of these overhangs see a roofing choice that makes a home look more like a, well, home. The alternative, of course, is a roof that comes to a stop flush with the exterior wall. This alignment gives homes a boxy, geometric appearance. Naturally, preferences are a personal matter. But if a ‘homey’ residence is your heart’s desire, eaves are the way to go.  

The other benefit offered by eaves is comfort, particularly during the blistering summer months. If you own a home in a sunny locale, these overhangs are a true blessing. Why? Because they provide welcome shade to a home’s exterior. Anyone who owns a home in a sunny community such as Irvine will appreciate the shady comfort they supply. Those considering a new roof in this city (or any other city) may want to consult an Irvine roofer to learn more about the advantages of the stylish, shade-providing eave. 

If you have questions about roof eaves, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.


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