Orange County

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Why an Orange County Roofer Must Nail It Every Time

When an Orange County roofer installs a new roof, this professional must consider many factors. One of these factors is the prevention of sliding shingles. How can this be? These components aren’t supposed to move from their spot. After all, they’re firmly set in place and properly connected. Yes, that’s usually the case. Unless the shingle is improperly installed, Then it can slide away from its designated spot. When this happens, problems are likely to develop. The most serious of these is the gap left by the wandering shingle. This opening can create the perfect entry point for unwanted rainwater.

Orange County roofers generally do their due diligence to prevent shingle sliding. They do so by ensuring these components are properly connected to each other. Here’s how it works: Contemporary shingles actually function as a pair, with one positioned over the other in a specified alignment. The bottom shingle is dubbed the base and the top, the overlap.

To create the necessary connection between these two, an Orange County roofing company will drive nails securely through both. This process establishes a tight seal between the two. All shingles must be fastened in the manner, creating a series of water-tight overlays that collectively form your roof.

Sometimes, however, carelessly driven nails fail to penetrate both shingles, leaving the disconnected one free to slide away. And it sometimes does, resulting in the unwanted opening referred to above. A diligent Orange County roofer will ensure this doesn’t happen. Ever.

Eager to know more about this important topic. Ask a local master. You might, for instance, call Brea your home. OK, just ask a Brea roofer for more info, and you’ll be duly enlightened.

If you have questions about the prevention of shingle sliding, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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