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Why Asphalt Shingles Can Be a Bright Idea

Have you recently looked at your roof and concluded it’s seen better days? Possibly the shingles appear unacceptably worn. Or maybe you simply want something more aesthetically pleasing. Either way, you’ve decided to replace your roof. Most likely, your next move will be to contact qualified Orange County Roofers to discuss the options. As you might expect, these professionals will present an assortment of available shingle styles and materials. Among them will be asphalt.    

Are you thinking asphalt is too ordinary? Well, perhaps you should reconsider. Asphalt shingles offer homeowners many advantages. For starters, this material is comparatively affordable. If you’re budget conscious, this benefit will be most welcome. One reason for the affordability is the wholesale price. An Orange County Roofing Company can obtain asphalt shingles for a considerably lower cost than competing materials such as wood shake, metal, and tile. Of course, you might have set your sites on these alternate options. In that case, just be aware they come with a heftier price tag.

Don’t be misled by the comparatively lower price of asphalt shingles. Despite their relatively modest cost, they offer outstanding performance on every level. In fact, asphalt shingles are acclaimed for their exceptional durability. After Orange County Roofers replace your roof with these rugged shingles, you can expect them to last for 20-50 years. True, that’s a wide timespan. But even if they last for the minimum, you’re still getting great mileage out of the material. As a long-term investment for your home, they’re pretty hard to beat.

Affordability and durability, however, are only two of the material’s advantages. Another major benefit is ease of installation. No question about it. In the world of roofing materials, it is one of the easiest to work with. As a result, asphalt shingles require comparatively less time to install and therefore entail fewer labor hours.  The good news is – homeowners automatically gain a windfall from this. Fewer labor hours mean lower labor costs, which will help reduce the overall price of a roofing project. Combined with the comparatively low material costs, minimal labor costs can add up to major savings.

While basic advantages such as affordability and durability are universally welcome, homeowners also will appreciate another benefit of asphalt shingles – the aesthetic one. Currently available are asphalt shingles with a variety of textures. Among the popular textures are tile finish and wood finish. But there are more.

Plus, it might surprise you to learn that asphalt shingles offer one more aesthetic benefit – they’re available in a variety of eye-catching colors. Orange County Roofers will be happy to discuss the possibilities and help you select the one most suitable for you. It’s all part of the first-rate service they provide.

Eager to learn more about the advantages of asphalt shingles? A local professional is ready to answer any questions you have. Let’s say you hang your hat in Irvine. OK. Just reach out to an Irvine Roofer to explore the topic further. The team will enlighten you to your complete satisfaction.

If you have questions about asphalt shingles, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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