Orange County

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Have You Considered a Metal Roof?

Are you thinking about hiring an Orange County roofer to install a new roof? If so, you may want to think about selecting metal as your roofing material. There are many reasons why you should consider metal. For starters, have a look at its aesthetic value. Compare the color choices available with conventional materials and those available with metal. The latter would win hands down. The color range is nothing short of spectacular, encompassing everything from muted earth tones to bright hues that command undivided attention. Does your inner artist find this prospect appealing? Then don’t delay -- discuss the matter with a qualified Orange County roofing company. Their consultants will provide a full picture of the possibilities. The rest is up to you.

Besides aesthetic value, colorful metal roofing also offers extraordinary durability. Currently, metal roofs benefit from long-lasting paints specially designed for the material. When an Orange County roofer installs a colorful metal roof, expect the paint coating to last and last. Something else that will last a long time is the material itself. This durability is known by anyone familiar with metal – through the harshest of conditions, the material retains its strength and functionality for decades.

Homes in any community will benefit from the durability and aesthetic advantages of metal roofing. If interested, contact a local professional for valuable insights. For instance, should you reside in Tustin, reach out to a qualified Tustin roofer to discuss the matter. Then prepare to be inspired by all the possibilities.

If you have questions about metal roofs, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Could This Be the Perfect Metal for Your Home?

What pops into your head when you think of a metal roof? If you’re like many people, the image that appears isn’t pretty. Instead of shingles, you see a long sheet of metal spanning the top of an industrial building. Well, such an image might have been right on the money years ago. But today, an Orange County roofer can install a metal roof that gives an entirely different impression. Instead of looking like a factory covering, it will resemble something eminently suburban. Credit for this transformation goes to bold innovations in design and construction. What once was excruciatingly humdrum and plain now can be undeniably eye-catching.

In addition to improved appearance, other advantages make the new metal roof attractive to homeowners. For instance, when an Orange County roofing company installs a meal roof, you can expect it to last for years and years. Given the material used, this durability shouldn’t be surprising in the least. What may be surprising, however, is just how far this durability extends. In general, a metal roof will last anywhere from 30-50 years. In most cases, roof replacement is something homeowners never will have to think or worry about.

Money savings is another advantage offered by metal roofing. Typically, an Orange County roofer can install one for less than the cost of a conventional roof. The comparatively lower installation cost is a windfall derived from the time savings associated with metal roofs. This has to do with their weight. Because they’re lighter than ordinary shingles, the metal variety is more quickly carried and handled by crews. Thus, fewer hours are required to complete the job.   

If you have questions about meatal roofing, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Buena Park, Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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