Orange County

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Why Your Home Needs This Valley

You’ve probably seen those metal channels running across certain parts of your roof, typically forming a ‘V’ shape. Known as roof valleys, they’ve been installed by an Orange Count roofer for a very good reason -- they help drain excess water away from the roof. Along with other components of a roofing system, these vital channels help minimize water buildup, leakage, and resulting damage to your home’s interior. Yes, they’re important. And being important, they should be in tip-top shape. When they aren’t, performance levels drop and the risk of leakage rises.

What are the signs of roof valleys that have seen better days.? One of the main ones is corrosion, a problem often developing over the years. If the corrosion (including rust) is extensive, you should select reliable Orange County roofers to replace the channels. Too much effort, you say? OK, then expect the problem to get worse – much worse. Before long, you could see unmistakable evidence of a malfunctioning valley – water stains on your ceiling, just below the damaged channel. That’s right … you’ve got a nasty roof leak.

Leaf and twig buildup also can compromise valley performance. The debris, when tightly packed, creates a kind of miniature dam that does its best to obstruct normal water flow. The backed-up water eventually may spill over the channel walls and worse -- find its way into your happy home. You can guess what happens next. The best move is to enlist the services of an Orange County roofing company to remove the debris – before the rainclouds arrive.

Itching to know more? Consult a local pro for the best answers to your questions. Maybe you hang your hat in Laguna Hills. No problem. Just direct your inquiries to a qualified Laguna Hills roofer. The effort could save you from trouble, stress, and heavy expense down the road.

If you have questions about roof valleys, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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