Los Alamitos Roofing Contractors - Orange County

Welcome to our Orange County Roofing Company Blog. Our goal is to not only offer you the highest quality roofing solutions in Orange County, but also to educate you on best practices, offer roofing contractor tips and inside secrets that only a professional roofer would know. We hope you find this information helpful and invite you to comment and ask questions.

When is it Time to Change Your Roof?

Approximately twenty years … that’s the average length of time a roof will last. Once two or so decades have gone by, you’ll likely need to call an Orange County roofing company to perform a replacement. Of course, many factors influence the durability of your rooftop. Wind, rainfall, abrasion, and other potential damaging elements can play a critical role in reducing the useful years of even the sturdiest shingles. And speaking of shingles, certain kinds generally outlast the competition. For instance, slate, clay tile, and various metals usually can endure beyond the twenty-year average. If your shingles are composed of these materials, it’ll be quite some time before you call an Orange County roofing company to perform a replacement.

Along with weather conditions and various natural factors, many other variables can impact the durability of a roof. One of these variables is the overall design of your roofing system. Many times an Orange County roofing contractor must replace a roof that suffers from design deficiencies.

Roofing professionals also may be called upon to address problems stemming from poor maintenance. To maintain a roof properly, you must conduct periodic inspections of shingles, flashing, rain gutters, and other critical components. Both commercial roofing contractors and residential roofing contractors recommend performing these vital inspections twice yearly. Neglecting this important step in roof preservation leaves you open to hidden issues that ultimately could reduce the useful years of your shingles. In the long run, discovering problems early will prove far less damaging to both your roof and your wallet.

If you have questions about roof durability, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Los Alamitos and surrounding cities, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Roof Rain Gutters - 5 Things

5 Things to Know About Your Roof Rain Gutters by an Orange County Roofing Professional

If you’re working with an Orange County roofing contractor to repair or replace your roof, you may consider having your contractor check out your gutters, as well. Though you might assume they’re in great shape, new gutters can work wonders for the efficacy of your roof and the overall look and feel of your home.

When it comes to gutters, most homeowners don’t think about them until something is going terribly wrong--like they’re starting to fall off the house. But the right gutters can protect your home during a deluge, and can even add to the overall style of your home.

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Rooftop Halloween

Why should kids be the only ones with the Halloween look? Homes have a lot to say about the holiday, too. Which means holiday decorations for the home are in order. Lots of good places to plant those pumpkins, witches, and spiders. But if you’re planning rooftop decorations, this Orange County roofer recommends you give those shingles and planks a good checkup. You want everything safe and secure before going to work.

If you feel up to it, grab a ladder and conduct your own roof surveillance. Things to look out for are signs of weakness and excessive wear. Once you’re aloft hanging pumpkin lights, you don’t need surprises. Of course, if you want complete assurance, you might want to call in a commercial roofer. They have the tools and expertise necessary to uncover any and all flaws.

Once you’ve confirmed roof stability, it’s time to get the show on the road. You’ll save precious time by getting the entire load on the roof – tools and decorations – before beginning.  Everything in easy reach. If you’ll be hanging light strings, consider using LED bulbs. These consume a fraction of the energy used by conventional incandescent bulbs. And that can mean major savings, depending on how long those glowing pumpkins stay lit.   

Speaking of lights, consider using a spotlight to illuminate any Halloween scene haunting your rooftop.  People will see it for miles. Who knows what that could do for your standing in the community. Anyway, the main thing is to get creative and have fun. Happy Halloween from Luke Roofing!

If you have questions about preparing your roof for Halloween decorations, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established commercial roofing contractor, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Offering roofing services from San Clemente to Los Alamitos, Luke Roofing is your trusted Orange County roofer.

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