Orange County

Welcome to our Orange County Roofing Company Blog. Our goal is to not only offer you the highest quality roofing solutions in Orange County, but also to educate you on best practices, offer roofing contractor tips and inside secrets that only a professional roofer would know. We hope you find this information helpful and invite you to comment and ask questions.

We work hard to bring you the best Orange County Roofing service possible. We offer the latest products and some of the best warranties in the business. That coupled with our expert installation ensures a roof you can count on!

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Roof Repairs, Roof Replacement, Roofing Materials

Unlock Your Home’s Potential

Owners employ a variety of measures to promote energy efficiency in their homes.  Much of their effort focuses on retaining maximum warmth, particularly during the colder winter months. While these energy-saving efforts, such as upgrading insulation, certainly contribute to warmer in-home environments, they also can present certain drawbacks. In many cases, warmth-preservation solutions prevent air from escaping the home. This, of course, helps to maintain existing temperatures. But locked-in air often can cause other problems, most notably moisture buildup. This is the result of insufficient air circulation. Fortunately, an Orange County roofer can help provide the ventilation required to minimize moisture buildup.

To provide proper ventilation, a qualified professional likely will focus on your attic (assuming you have one).  Insulation and other energy-saving measures often restrict the circulation of air, continuously recycling the flow. This goes on for months and months. Over time, condensation will form, causing wood deterioration and quite possibly mold. An Orange County roofing company can address the issue by installing an attic vent system. This system utilizes intake vents to draw in cooler air and eliminate excessive heat.

Dormer vents are among the most popular roof ventilation systems an Orange County roofer can install. Their popularity stems from two features. First, they work superbly, providing efficient air circulation for your home. This freely-circulating air helps minimize internal moisture and enhance the durability of your roof, thereby saving you from substantial replacement costs. Secondly, dormer vents are unobtrusive – typically, they are installed on the backside of a roof, far from view. But whether you choose this or any other type of vent, one thing is certain – your roof and home will be a lot better off.

If you have questions about roof ventilation, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Laguna Hills and neighboring cities, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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  965 Hits

Could This Be the Perfect Metal for Your Home?

What pops into your head when you think of a metal roof? If you’re like many people, the image that appears isn’t pretty. Instead of shingles, you see a long sheet of metal spanning the top of an industrial building. Well, such an image might have been right on the money years ago. But today, an Orange County roofer can install a metal roof that gives an entirely different impression. Instead of looking like a factory covering, it will resemble something eminently suburban. Credit for this transformation goes to bold innovations in design and construction. What once was excruciatingly humdrum and plain now can be undeniably eye-catching.

In addition to improved appearance, other advantages make the new metal roof attractive to homeowners. For instance, when an Orange County roofing company installs a meal roof, you can expect it to last for years and years. Given the material used, this durability shouldn’t be surprising in the least. What may be surprising, however, is just how far this durability extends. In general, a metal roof will last anywhere from 30-50 years. In most cases, roof replacement is something homeowners never will have to think or worry about.

Money savings is another advantage offered by metal roofing. Typically, an Orange County roofer can install one for less than the cost of a conventional roof. The comparatively lower installation cost is a windfall derived from the time savings associated with metal roofs. This has to do with their weight. Because they’re lighter than ordinary shingles, the metal variety is more quickly carried and handled by crews. Thus, fewer hours are required to complete the job.   

If you have questions about meatal roofing, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Buena Park, Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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A Better Rain Gutter

Sure, the rainy season is over … presumably. But advance preparation is still a good idea. Sturdy rain gutters, of course, are the cornerstone of said preparation. You simply can’t be careless when it comes to these crucial drainage channels. Because, you never know when the next cloudburst will erupt.  Given this unpredictability, a rain gutter inspection could prove advantageous. If you don’t feel up to task, a qualified Orange County roofing company can tackle the assignment. These professionals will muster up finely-honed skills to uncover rust, corrosion, and other signs of wear and tear. If these tarnishes turn up, gutter replacement may necessary.

If you’re facing gutter replacement, an Orange County roofing contractor can offer a choice of materials. Nowadays, you’re not limited to metal. In fact, one of the most popular of the current gutter materials is vinyl. Gutters constructed of this sturdy plastic offer several advantages. One advantage is their proven resistance to dents, corrosion, and rust. You’ll just never see these problems with vinyl gutters.

What about scratches and scrapes? Are vinyl gutters susceptible to these defects? Yes, these can happen to the plastic variety. But when they do, they’re not nearly as visible as those marring metal gutters. For all practical purposes, scratches and scrapes are not a factor with vinyl construction.

Plastic rain gutters also offer a cost advantage. Because these drainage channels are lightweight, they’re easier to carry and handle. Thus, an Orange County roofing company generally can install them at a cost substantially lower than that of metal.

If you have questions about vinyl rain gutters, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Aliso Viejo, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Could This Be the Right Solution for Your Roof?

You want to protect the exterior of your home. But sometimes you neglect one important area. It’s easy to do. The area in question, of course, is your roof. Elevated and often out of your field of vision, a rooftop generally doesn’t get the level of attention often lavished on the patio or garden. But it needs this attention just the same. Any Orange County roofer will tell you that. All too often, these professionals see the results of long-term roof neglect. And usually it’s not pretty. What are some of the possible results of neglect? One of the most common is roof deterioration.

Roof deterioration happens over time, typically during a long stretch of years. There are many causes of deterioration, but the most destructive is a steady barrage of sunlight and other elements. An Orange County roofing company can check for damage by conducting periodic roof inspections. These qualified experts also can take preventative measures if you so desire. Among the newest preventatives on the list is the composite roof. As the term implies, this type of roof incorporates a blend of materials in its composition. Shingles might be made of fiberglass, wood, polyester, or fiberglass. Other materials may be used, as well. The point is that the right combination can provide excellent protection against sunlight, as well as dependable water-proofing.

Is a composite roof right for you? That all depends. Often, the combined materials absorb and retain heat more readily than non-composites. Good news in the winter time, particularly if your heating bills are sky high. This retention, however, can be a disadvantage during the hotter summer months. Light colors can help in this regard. Composite roofs might also prove beneficial if you live in a windy canyon. Shingles made of the blend are excellent at standing up to powerful gusts.  

If you have questions about composite roofs, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established, Anaheim, Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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  1002 Hits

Listen to Your Attic

A reliable Orange County roofing company has many options when evaluating the condition of your roof shingles. The most typical and effective option is, of course, examining the roof from one end to the other. This investigative process reveals cracks, holes, and other problems that can cause homeowners major headaches if ignored. An Orange County roofing contractor, however, also can learn a great deal by examining roof condition from the inside. This is commonly accomplished thorough investigation of the attic. You wouldn’t believe the things this hidden space can say about shingles.

How will an attic communicate information about shingle condition? Through any number of signs. For example, an Orange County roofer may discover thin beams of light streaming through the attic ceiling. These beams are clear-cut evidence that the shingles above are underperforming. Perhaps they’ve been marred by small holes formed over the years.  Or possibly there are issues with roof flashing. During a rainfall, these holes provide easy entry points for unwanted water drops. If rainwater already has leaked into the attic, the evidence will be unmistakable – typically water stains blemishing the walls and ceiling.   

Should an Orange County roofing company detect any of these warning signs, you likely will be given one of two options. Choice #1 -- Correct the issues with professional intervention. Choice #2 - If damage is irreparable, replace the roof. No matter which scenario looms, it’s best to discuss the matter with a qualified Orange County roofing contractor. An expert of this caliber can help you make the best decision and avoid further headaches down the road. 

If you have questions about checking your attic for roof issues, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Irvine and surrounding cities, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Good as Copper

A qualified Orange County roofer certainly can have an impact on roof performance. This expert’s contribution, of course, typically comes in the form of repair or replacement. But a roofer also can make an aesthetic contribution to your dwelling. One of the most common ways is by installing copper rain gutters. Sturdy and efficient, copper gutters are undeniably eye-catching.  Will they improve drainage? Not significantly. Rain water flows just as smoothly through any garden variety gutter. Copper, however, goes one better by lending a strikingly stylish accent to a home’s exterior. The site of a house trimmed in copper can be quite impressive. In terms of impact, the metal is right up there with stunning landscaping and wood accents.

Remember, copper rain gutters needn’t be limited to residential structures. Many is the commercial building utilizing this option. Therefore, copper rain gutters may be provided by both a residential roofer and commercial roofer. No matter what type of building is to be serviced, a qualified Orange County roofing company can offer a suitable solution in line with budgetary parameters.  

Is there any special maintenance required by copper rain gutters? Not a great deal. There is one issue, however, that both homeowners and business owners will have to address. That is the issue of oxidation. This process invariably impacts copper, giving the meatal a greenish hue. Some homeowners don’t mind the alteration, as the color change jibes with the antique look of their house. If, however, you prefer a pure metallic sheen, an Orange County roofer can protect copper rain gutters with a special sealant.

If you have questions about copper rain gutters, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in La Habra and surrounding areas, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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  1084 Hits

A Cleaner Roof

Every homeowner on the planet knows what heavy rains can do to a roof, particularly if those fine asphalt shingles develop a leak or two. But other meteorological phenomena also can make an impact on the average rooftop. Consider, for instance, the issue of humidity. Along with making things mighty uncomfortable for a variety of life forms, humidity can promote the growth of algae on once-pristine shingles. Don’t worry. Algae likely won’t damage your roof. But it could damage property values. After all, prominent green-blue stains seldom are aesthetically-pleasing to onlookers. The good news is, these blights on your rooftop can be removed fairly easily by an Orange County roofing company. Or, if you dare, by yourself or a friend. The main point is, the problem is easily dealt with.

Whether you opt to go with an Orange County roofing contractor or your own self, the person performing the algae purge will require several cleansing agents. Various stain-removing products are available to homeowners, residential roofing contractors, and commercial roofing contractors. Also highly effective is a homemade mixture of ordinary bleach, trisodium phosphate (TSP), and water. Do-it-yourselfers take note: you’ll need a pump sprayer, goggles, gloves, and several other items in order to pull this off. And be sure not to overdo. Repeated barrages of pressurized spray can wear away the protective elements layering shingles. So perform this operation sparingly.  

Of course, an Orange County roofing company can eliminate the time-consuming cleansing process altogether. Currently available are algae-resistant shingles, which utilize copper granules to prevent this unwanted growth.

If you have questions about removing algae from your roof, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Brea and surrounding cities, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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One More Use for Your Roof

If you’re a natural-born entertainer, an Orange County roofer may prove extremely valuable. No, they won’t play host to your lively get-togethers. (Although many have sparkling personalities well-suited to the task). Nor will they provide music, dancing, or games. But they may have the ability to create and install a private entertainment space atop your roof.  Otherwise known as a rooftop deck, the space offers you and your guests a very special vantage point conducive to breathtaking views and a unique perspective on surrounding scenery. Not only will the deck provide constant enjoyment; it will increase your popularity by leaps and bounds. Yes, a rooftop deck is the height of entertainment in more ways than one.

As previously mentioned, a rooftop deck offers occupants exhilarating views of the local environment. So the last thing you want is an obstruction blocking the show. If commissioned to install such a deck, an Orange County residential roofer will take this potential problem into account. One obstruction they commonly deal with is the overhanging tree. Don’t worry. The roofers probably won’t recommend the uprooting or extreme trimming of your favorite sycamore. But they will give strong consideration to nearby trees before installation begins.

In many cases, an Orange County roofer may recommend placing a deck near an overhanging tree. There are two reasons for this positioning. First, those limbs and branches provide comforting shade, an undeniable advantage during the scorching summer months. Secondly, the extensions offer a certain amount of privacy. Thus, trees can complement a rooftop deck very nicely. So long as they don’t get in the way.

If you have questions about rooftop decks, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Capistrano Beach and surrounding areas, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Better Than a Bucket

In one sense, sloping roofs have it made. Because of their angled position, they allow water and other forms of moisture to run straight down their sides. Thus, water damage is minimized. Unfortunately, this form of water defense is not an option for the flat or slightly-sloped roof. The positioning of these roofs creates little opportunity for effective drainage. Instead of running off, water tends to puddle on the shingles. If you have one of these roofs, there is a solution. A reliable Orange County roofing company can address the deficiency by installing a built-up roof. Not addressing the issue leaves your home vulnerable to shingle deterioration and leaking caused by accumulated water.
A built-up roof is one that utilizes a layering system to prevent moisture accumulation and penetration. An Orange County roofing contractor will install it in four basic layers. Base sheets form the first layer. This is followed in succession by roofing felts, cap sheets, and a top layer of asphalt.

Built-up roofs often are used for business structures, so commercial roofers commonly are called upon to install them. Many homes, however, have flat or low-slope roofs; therefore, built-up roofs often prove beneficial to them, as well.

As previously stated, the major advantage of a built-up roof is its natural ability to prevent water damage and intrusion. But the benefits don’t stop with waterproofing. Because of its sturdy layering, a built-up roof also defends against the penetration of damaging ultra-violet rays. And busy homeowners certainly will appreciate the low-maintenance requirements of this type of roof. There just isn’t a lot to take care of once it’s in place.

If you have questions about built-up roofs, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Corona Del Mar and surrounding cities, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Reflect on These Savings

A qualified Orange County roofer strives to maximize roof effectiveness. Therefore, this professional often will make timely recommendations to homeowners. A roofing expert, for example, may advise homeowners to convert their conventional roof to a ‘cool roof’.  No, this isn’t a nod to the trendy, chic, or stylish. The cool in this case refers to comfortable, in-home temperatures. A cool roof can help minimize heat penetration – a form of defense especially welcome during the hot summer months. During the summer stretch, a constant barrage of incoming heat can make things mighty uncomfortable for household occupants – not to mention send their energy bills soaring.

A cool roof combats excessive temperatures by repelling sunlight and other heat sources. It does so with reflective paint, tiles, shingles, and sheets. Since virtually any kind of structure can benefit from this reflective power, cool roof service may be provided by both a residential roofer and commercial roofer. Whether you’re a business owner or homeowner, your commercial building or house will see improved climate control when protected by an energy-efficient cool roof.

How big an impact can a cool roof make? Well, consider the heat accumulating on a rooftop during the blistering summer months. Subjected to a constant barrage of sunlight, temperatures on those tiles and shingles can climb to well over a hundred degrees. The reflective defense of a cool roof can reduce those numbers by fifty degrees. That’s a substantial comfort boost.

Naturally, an Orange County roofer can advise you regarding the reflective elements best suited to your home. But no matter which options you implement, a cool roof will increase both your comfort level and energy savings.

If you have questions about cool roofs, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Costa Mesa and surrounding areas, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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How Trees Can Impact Your Roof

Trees do more than beautify your yard and bear fruit; they also protect your roof. The greatest form of protection comes from the shade provided by tree foliage. Shade is a big plus. Many an Orange County roofing company must repair damage caused by excessive sunlight. Over time, solar illumination deteriorates shingles and leaves them vulnerable to leaking. It also leaves your wallet vulnerable to hefty roof repair bills. Shade provided by tree limbs restricts the passage of sunlight, thereby minimizing solar wear and tear.

Be careful, however, not to allow the solution to become the problem. While tree shade supplies an important layer of rooftop protection, your beautiful birch also can be the source of damage. This is most evident in a clogged rain gutter. If close enough, falling twigs and leaves can land and accumulate in the gutter. Rain thereafter gets trapped in the channel and eventually overflows. Most will fall to the ground. But some could flow onto the roof, slip under the shingles, and cause roof beams to rot. Should this intrusion occur, the problem must be corrected by a qualified residential roofing contractor (or commercial roofing contractor if you’re operating a business).  

Bear in mind, the problem is not the trees themselves – it’s overhanging tree limbs lingering above the roof. If large enough, those limbs even can puncture shingles, creating an opening for rain water. Subsequently, you’ll be calling a qualified Orange County roofing contractor to make major repairs.

Is there a solution available to homeowners and business owners? Absolutely -- Trim those tree limbs and periodically clean out rain gutters. These steps will minimize rain gutter debris and help protect your roof throughout the year. It’s that simple.

If you have questions about how trees impact your roof, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Cypress and surrounding areas, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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  1475 Hits

Which Roofing Material Takes the Prize?

Decisions, decisions. You’ve made up your mind to replace your roof. But you’re still not sure which material is best. There are so many out there. While an Orange County roofer can help you narrow down the selection, the ultimate decision still falls on your shoulders. It’s not like choosing among ice cream flavors. The potential consequences are much more far-reaching. So, you wonder which way to turn. Well, take heart. You can make the task less burdensome by knowing a little something about what’s out there. Once you gain the enlightenment, you’ll have a better idea of what fits your home and your situation. Then it’s just a matter of picking the best match.

Asphalt is one of the most common materials installed by Orange County roofers. In fact, most people select shingles of this type. There’s good reason for the popularity. Asphalt shingles are cost-effective and durable, an unbeatable combination when it comes to roofing materials. This sturdiness is assured by a fiberglass matting reinforced by a coating of granules. You can be certain that a roof covered by asphalt will stand up to weather, debris, and virtually all other harmful elements.

Like homeowners, business owners often prefer asphalt shingles. As a result, many a commercial roofer uses this material when performing a roof replacement.  

Once used almost exclusively for commercial buildings, metal roofing is steadily gaining acceptance by homeowners. Often composed of recycled materials, this type of lightweight roof offers environmental benefits, as well as excellent durability and weather-resistance.

If you have questions about roofing materials, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Foothill Ranch and surrounding cities, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Your Roof, Your Choice

It can be mind-boggling. You’ve received roofing proposals from more than one Orange County roofing company.  All of them appear satisfactory. So how do you know which contractor to go with?

Yours is not an easy decision, to be sure. All of the proposals seemingly offer excellent service at a good price. And yet, there are certain items that you don’t understand. If you’re befuddled by some of these mystery items, your first step is simple – ask for clarifications. Grill the Orange County roofing contractor if you must. But by all means, get the answers you need.  

Even after questions are duly answered by a prospective Orange County roofing company, you may still feel somewhat uncertain. You’ve got seemingly sound proposals, and still there are lingering doubts. Well, you’re not alone. This is a common reaction among many homeowners considering roofing services. And one of the best ways to overcome your doubts is to make sure every proposal is clearly organized. This means, the document is sufficiently detailed, with all items listed line by line. By seeing everything laid out in plain sight, you get a definite sense of the fairness and accuracy of the quoted price.

What are some of the proposal items that must be clearly indicated? The list is relatively extensive and may vary, depending on the type of services required. Some of the items you’ll want spelled out are: the roofing materials to be utilized; the manufacturer of those materials; and which existing roof components will be re-used.

Remember, these proposal guidelines apply to business owners as well homeowners. If you’re considering proposals from a commercial roofing contractor, be sure all the important details are covered in a well-organized fashion.  

If you have questions about proposals for roofing services, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Fountain Valley, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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  1270 Hits

The Scholarly Side of Your Orange County Roofer

A qualified Orange County roofer is an undisputed expert when it comes to installing and repairing roofs. Amazingly, this expertise covers quite an extensive territory. Not only must these professionals possess the skills necessary to evaluate, repair, or replace roofs. They also must understand the properties and capabilities of countless roofing materials. These include asphalt, tar, and metal, just to name a few.  Indeed, roofers must be masters of many arts. But roofing proficiency doesn’t just happen. The necessary skills and depth of knowledge must be honed through intensive training.

Doubtless, you Orange County roofer has received a substantial education in the roofing arts. Many become enlightened through on the job training under the guidance of an experienced master. A certain number of aspiring roofers earn their stripes through formalized apprentice programs. This structured schooling consists of in-classroom instruction bolstered by paid on-site training. During their educational journey, roofing students learn the rudiments of their chosen profession. Among the high-value topics covered are tools, materials, and safety.

After earning the necessary credentials, a roofer trainee typically is ready for work. But recent graduates aren’t thrown to the wolves right off the bat. Some experience must be gained before they’re ready for the big leagues. Generally, newcomers will start off light, perhaps performing tasks such as carrying tools. This applies to both the commercial roofer and the residential roofer. Once proven in the more basic tasks, the newly-trained roofer is at long last ready for major duties.

If you have questions about training for roofers, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Fullerton, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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  721 Hits

Two Rewards for One Roof

Receiving a reward of any kind typically proves a very positive experience. But when you engage an Orange County roofing company to install a new roof, you’re rewarded twice. The first of the two is something of a personal benefit – an overwhelmingly good feeling. New shingles just have that effect on homeowners. For good reason. Not only do they radiate beauty before your eyes. The presence of crisp new shingles atop you home also eliminates many burdensome worries. Seldom do people stress about leaks and other problems once a roof is replaced by a qualified Orange County roofing company.

The second reward you’ll enjoy is an increase in your home’s worth. Any Orange County roofing contractor who installs a new roof provides a significant improvement to the residence. Such an improvement typically adds immensely to the property’s market value. This value-boost certainly is a welcome benefit at any point. But at selling time, it gains considerably in importance. Understandably, prospective buyers are just as leak-conscious as current residents are. And they’re generally willing to pay a premium for the privilege of guaranteed dryness. Indeed, a new roof is a very sound investment.

Commercial roofing contractors provide the same two rewards to the owners of business structures. Whether a building houses a sprawling company that occupies multiple floors or a group of modestly-sized offices, a new roof is a major plus. As with homeowners, building owners often are rewarded with lower stress levels and higher property values. You can take that to the bank.

If you have questions about the benefits of roof replacement, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Garden Grove, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Helping Your Shingles Stand the Test of Time

You probably practice preventative maintenance on your car as well as on yourself. A qualified Orange County roofer can do likewise for your roof. As with changing engine oil and eating wholesome foods, the preventative maintenance of your shingles offers many benefits.

The biggest of these benefits is extended roof durability. The longer those shingles remain sound and strong, the longer they do their job -- protect against the intrusion of external elements and help regulate internal temperatures. This extended duty translates to fewer roof replacements. Thus, the added longevity will save you a tidy sum over the years.

When an Orange County roofer performs roof maintenance, this professional typically focuses on common problem zones. Various forms of debris, constant sunlight, strong winds, and pouring rain all vie to wear down shingles and compromise their integrity. For both residential roofers and commercial roofers, roof maintenance involves the thorough inspection of shingles for these causes of deterioration.

If problems reveal themselves, your Orange County roofer generally will recommend some sort of action.  Don’t worry. The recommended action doesn’t necessarily bode astronomical expense. In fact, proposed solutions typically involve minor, relatively inexpensive repairs and adjustments. For instance, the Orange County roofing company simply may need to remove a clump of debris wearing down asphalt granules. These granules, of course, form the protective layer that inhibits moisture and other intrusive elements.

An Orange County roofing company usually takes inspections beyond the realm of shingles. Also looked at during these critical examinations are roof system components such as flashings, gutters, and downspouts. These can exhibit various forms of damage, including leak-inviting holes. Should action such as debris removal be necessary, a qualified professional can handle it without a hitch.

If you have questions about roof maintenance, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Huntington Beach, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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  1162 Hits

Something You’ll Feel Comfortable With

The comfort and protection of any home begins with its roof. For this reason, a qualified Orange County roofing company takes great pains to provide the very best service possible. Whether this involves roof replacement, repair, or simple maintenance, the work they perform must be unfailingly effective.

What many people don’t realize, however, is that roof protection typically requires more than well-installed shingles and efficient rain gutters. In fact, one of the most important contributors to roof protection lies beneath the shingles. That contributor is something familiar to most people - insulation. Effective insulation tremendously adds to the protective value of any work performed by your Orange County roofing company.

Insulation, of course, helps regulate interior temperatures, thereby enhancing the comfort of your home. The protective material also helps lower energy costs and reduce wear and tear on HVAC systems. For these reasons, proper insulation should supplement any repair or replacement work performed by your Orange County roofing contractor.

While homeowners can choose from various insulation options, radiant barriers currently are among the most promising.  In contrast to conventional fiberglass insulation, a radiant barrier reflects heat energy rather than absorbs it. Another plus of this insulation is that it resists humidity and associated problems such as mildew.

Naturally, a new roof installed by a commercial roofing contractor will require more extensive insulation than a residential structure. There’s simply more space to cover in a commercial environment. But not matter what the square footage involved, radiant barriers (or any other insulation) are enormously cost-effective in the long run.

If you have questions about roof insulation, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in La Palma, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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You're Covered

When a qualified Orange County roofer installs a new roof, you can expect this professional to protect your investment with a workmanship warranty. This is an assurance to homeowners that the work performed atop your home meets certain standards. One of these standards pertains to the durability of the newly-installed shingles, which should last and protect a specified number of years. If problems such as leaks occur, your Orange County roofer is contractually bound to rectify the situation. No iffs, ands, or buts.

There is, however, another kind of warranty not provided by a commercial roofer or residential roofer. That warranty is the kind offered by manufacturers of roofing materials.  It doesn’t matter if your shingles are made of asphalt, wood, or cotton candy, reputable manufacturers will cover them with a warranty.

These days, roofing material warranties stretch quite a distance, with the vast majority being a lifetime warranty. Generally speaking, this extensive coverage period applies until you move from your home. Since the average homeowner remains in his or her residence for about seven years, this by definition is the typical period covered by materials warranties.

Bear in mind, however, that warranties of this type invariably include certain exclusions, contingencies, and qualifications. For instance, if a leak develops, some manufacturers cover only the section in which the opening has formed. Additionally, you may need legal training to decipher the clutter of jargon packed into many warranties. Nevertheless, in the long run, manufacturer warranties generally are a great big plus for homeowners 

If you have questions about warranties for roofing materials, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Ladera Ranch and surrounding cities, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Your Roof Still Has a Long Way to Go

Don’t worry just because you notice signs of cracking and blistering on your roof. You needn’t call an Orange County Roofing Company for an urgent repair or replacement estimate. Most likely, the imperfections you’ve seen all are evidence of normal wear and tear. Cracks, blisters, granule loss, and similar signs are commonplace in the world of roofs. In fact, they can appear as soon as a month following the installation of a new roof. They don’t, by any stretch of the imagination, indicate that your shingles are vulnerable to moisture penetration. Buckets of rainwater will not be flooding into your living room any time soon. Not through the roof, anyway.  

This is not to say that things don’t happen to your shingles as time passes. They most certainly do. However, unless your roof has been in service for decades, it probably has a long way to go. Still, be aware that deterioration can and will take place. You or a qualified Orange County roofing contractor should have a look at those shingles now and again. Intermittent inspections such as these can reveal unexpected problems. Yes, sometimes, despite the best construction and craftsmanship, problems show up. Shingles, like everything else, aren’t perfect.  

Generally, climatic or environmental conditions are the cause of both expected wear and tear, as well as unexpected problems. Even in Orange County, land of moderate weather, shingles are susceptible to environmental elements.  In warmer regions, commercial roofing contractors and residential roofing contractors see the greatest impact made by phenomena such ultraviolet rays, wind, and accumulated moisture in poorly-ventilated areas of a home.

If you have questions about assessing the condition of your roof, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Laguna Beach and surrounding cities, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Before You Open Your Wallet …

When you’re a dedicated Orange County roofer, you have a great appreciation for the quality of a home’s rooftop. It’s integrity, structure, material composition, and reliability all take center stage in the eyes of professionals.

You don’t have to be an Orange County roofer, however, to take a deep and abiding interest in rooftops. A healthy interest is particularly important if you’re a homebuyer. As such, you’ve likely had your eye on the finer details of all prospective properties. You’ve looked at the walls, the sinks, the paint, the landscaping, and a million other details.

During this process, you’ll also want to give rooftops the attention they deserve. After all, they have an extremely vital role to play in the protection and comfort of your living space.

Given the importance of your roof, home shoppers must make certain theirs is in passable shape. Therefore, before opening your wallet to make a purchase, buyers should inspect their prospective home’s rooftop. Enlisting a residential roofer is advisable if you feel out of your element. By the way, the same holds true if you’re buying a business property. If inspections are beyond your capacity, get the help of a qualified commercial roofer.

During a roof inspection, many criteria come into play. Three of the most important are:

Roof Composition – Determine the material composition of shingles. Some are more durable than others.

Roof Age – Depending on its material, roofs will become less effective over the years. Bear in mind, however, that durability varies among different materials.

Current Condition – A professional Orange County roofer can detect obvious as well as hidden problems.

If you have questions about roof inspections, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Laguna Niguel and surrounding areas, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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