Orange County

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Professional Chimney Repair at a Glance

Because of the recent spate of cold weather, many fireplaces saw substantial action during these past months. Sometimes, however, an important part of the fireplace system can spring a leak. That part, of course, is the chimney. Fortunately, qualified Orange County Roofers are very adept at repairing those bothersome chimney leaks. To do so, they carry out a series of important steps. The following is a quick overview of the process.

The first step in this process is a full inspection of the chimney perimeter. Crews will be looking for and clearing away leaves and other debris blocking their view of the chimney base and flashing. They’ll also be looking for missing pieces. These will be replaced as needed.

Once the inspection concludes, an Orange County Roofing Company will prepare the area by removing old cement and worn-out sealant from the chimney base. This readies the region for the next stage in the process – application of new cement and flashing sealant. These materials are necessary to create a solid adhesive bond between new flashing and the rooftop -- and to create a water-tight seal around the chimney base.

With these preliminaries completed, Orange County Roofers will attach new flashing to the chimney perimeter. For this step, they’ll use screws or nails. But the job still isn’t complete. The crew must wait for the adhesive to dry, then conduct a test to ensure there are zero chimney leaks. They’ll do this by running water over the chimney, a task that usually takes a few minutes. If everything checks out, the job is done.

This was just a quick overview of the chimney leak repair process. Understandably, you might want a few more details. To get these, simply contact a local expert. You might, for instance, reside in Irvine. OK, the next step is easy -- just consult an Irvine Roofer. You’ll soon be enriched by a wealth of new knowledge.

If you have questions about chimney leaks, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Is Your Chimney a Leak Zone?

A chimney might look great on your rooftop. Nevertheless, this fixture can be a source of significant leakage requiring corrective action from Orange County Roofers. How is this possible when chimneys are made of rock-solid brick or stone? Yes, they are. But the problems don’t develop in the chimney itself – they develop in the flashing or sealant. These elements create an airtight seal around the chimney base. When damaged, loosened, or worn out, cracks and holes can form. And in those holes and cracks can go a certain amount of rainwater.

When possible, an Orange County Roofing Company will use a special calk or cement to repair those cracks and holes. In extreme cases, replacement will be necessary. Either way, the corrective action will be relatively easy on your wallet. So don’t worry about cost. Just get the problem corrected before it does become a costly one.

At first glance, you might wonder how flashing can develop problems. After all, this element generally is made of durable galvanized steel. True enough. Over time, however, extreme weather can be brutal, causing significant deterioration to the material. The deterioration will be visible as cracks and holes, popular entryways for rainwater. When the steel degrades to this point, it’s time for Orange County Roofers to intervene.

Would you like to expand your knowledge of this topic? There’s an easy way to do so. Just contact a local professional. Perhaps you live in Dana Point. In this case, promptly reach out to Dana Point Roofers for more information. You’ll soon be enlightened to your complete satisfaction.

If you have questions about chimney leaks, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Could Your Chimney Be a Leak Zone?

For homes with fireplaces, chimneys are indispensable providers of needed ventilation. And when made of bricks, chimneys also are recognized for their astounding endurance. It may come as a surprise, however, to learn that Orange County Roofers occasionally discover something not generally known about these rooftop protrusions. What they discover is that brick chimneys can and do develop leaks. Understandably, this is the one area people seldom suspect as a leak zone. Nevertheless, brick chimneys see their share of unwanted openings that rainwater can enter.

It's important to remember that an Orange County Roofing Company almost never discovers leaks in the bricks themselves. These invariably stand the test of time. No, the openings generally appear in the eroding cement that holds these sturdy blocks together.

Weather conditions are the typical cause of cement erosion. As the years pass, rain, wind, and other elements can grind away at the material, causing gradual deterioration. With enough grinding, the deteriorating material will develop tiny openings. Uncorrected, these will be prime entry points for rainwater. The results soon will become apparent inside your once-dry home.

There’s also another culprit to be considered. This is the metal flashing that wraps around a chimney bottom, creating an important, impenetrable seal. When this metal loosens, as it can over time, an unwanted opening may result.

The good news is, you needn’t be confused by any of this. A local professional easily can respond to your questions. Say you live in Anaheim. OK, just reach out to an Anaheim Roofer for the answers you need. The experts there will be happy to assist you.

If you have questions about chimney leaks, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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