Orange County

Welcome to our Orange County Roofing Company Blog. Our goal is to not only offer you the highest quality roofing solutions in Orange County, but also to educate you on best practices, offer roofing contractor tips and inside secrets that only a professional roofer would know. We hope you find this information helpful and invite you to comment and ask questions.

Listen to Your Attic

A reliable Orange County roofing company has many options when evaluating the condition of your roof shingles. The most typical and effective option is, of course, examining the roof from one end to the other. This investigative process reveals cracks, holes, and other problems that can cause homeowners major headaches if ignored. An Orange County roofing contractor, however, also can learn a great deal by examining roof condition from the inside. This is commonly accomplished thorough investigation of the attic. You wouldn’t believe the things this hidden space can say about shingles.

How will an attic communicate information about shingle condition? Through any number of signs. For example, an Orange County roofer may discover thin beams of light streaming through the attic ceiling. These beams are clear-cut evidence that the shingles above are underperforming. Perhaps they’ve been marred by small holes formed over the years.  Or possibly there are issues with roof flashing. During a rainfall, these holes provide easy entry points for unwanted water drops. If rainwater already has leaked into the attic, the evidence will be unmistakable – typically water stains blemishing the walls and ceiling.   

Should an Orange County roofing company detect any of these warning signs, you likely will be given one of two options. Choice #1 -- Correct the issues with professional intervention. Choice #2 - If damage is irreparable, replace the roof. No matter which scenario looms, it’s best to discuss the matter with a qualified Orange County roofing contractor. An expert of this caliber can help you make the best decision and avoid further headaches down the road. 

If you have questions about checking your attic for roof issues, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Irvine and surrounding cities, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Got Grime? Call a Pro

There are many instances in which you’ll want to call in a reputable Orange County roofing company. One of these instances obviously is when you need to replace your existing roof with a new one. But you definitely don’t won’t to create a situation that requires you to enlist the services of a residential roofer or commercial roofing contractor unnecessarily. These are the situations that occur when you do something that shouldn’t be done to or on your roof. For example, pressure washing. This might eliminate unsightly grime from your rooftop. But the process also will eliminate things that should be left untouched.

One of the things that will be eliminated is the layer of asphalt granules protecting shingles. Pressure washing has a tendency to blast them away. Not a good thing. The granules are what shield your roof and therefore home from leaks. Not that you must endure all that grime marring the appearance of your shingles. There’s a right way to go about the task of beautifying your rooftop. And that way is to pick up the phone and contact a dependable Orange County roofing contractor. This professional has the tools and experience to eliminate grime without eliminating the important stuff.

No matter where you live in Orange County, there’s an expert available to provide grime-removable options that won’t damage your roof.  For a community such as Laguna Beach, for example, you’ll gain enormously by talking things over with a Laguna Beach roofing company. Doing otherwise could leave you open to roof damage and force you to make major repairs or get a whole new roof.  

If you have any questions about removing grime from your roof, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofing company, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in Irvine or anywhere else in OC, you definitely can count on Luke Roofing.

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Which Roof Shingles Are Best for High Temperatures?

With Orange County and all of Southern California heating up under the summer sun, many of the community’s rooftops will really take a beating before the season is over and things cool down. Given the harshness of those golden rays, it’s not surprising that extreme temperatures are one of the leading causes of shingle damage. If you wish to prevent or at least minimize the potential for such damage, you may want to have a reliable Orange County roofer install shingles that can withstand the summer sun.

Which kind of shingles work best? Many a commercial roofer would advise homeowners in hot zones such as Orange County to choose from among the following possibilities: slate, terracotta, concrete tiles, reflective roofing, membrane roofing, and photovoltaic shingles.

If cost is a factor shaping your decision, you’ll definitely want to give strong consideration to concrete tiles. While high on quality, these tiles consistently earn the distinction of being the lowest priced option among high-end roofing materials. But no matter what type of material you select, be sure to factor in all costs associated with the installation of new tiles, not just the tiles themselves.

Along with roofing materials, roof coatings also can be an effective means of cooling down your roof and preventing it from heat damage. Coating works like a mirror, reflecting the sun’s blistering rays away from your home. And let’s not forget the effectiveness of what’s beneath the roof -- namely insulation. Proper insulation can go a long way to keeping those high summer temperatures at bay.  

Should you think your roof is vulnerable to heat damage, it’s best to get expert input. For instance, if you live in a sunny community such as Irvine, get the opinion of an Irvine roofer. Being proactive in this manner will help you protect your roof and make your home as cool and comfortable as it can be.

If you have any questions about the best shingles for hot weather, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofing company, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in Irvine, Trabuco Canyon, or anywhere else in OC, you definitely can count on Luke Roofing.

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Roofing Trends to Get Excited About

When you’re an Orange County roofer, you’ve got to be in tune with the roofing trends. Imagine, providing roofing services in Irvine or any other city, and not knowing what the latest and greatest is. Wouldn’t give homeowners much confidence, would it? Fortunately, we at Luke Roofing keep tabs on what’s ahead so we’re always a leader, not a follower. For those who are curious about what’s around the corner in our industry, here are four trends currently on the radar of this commercial roofer.  
Asphalt Shingles Rule
Expect the popularity of asphalt shingles to continue climbing. Topping the list is laminate asphalt, primarily because of its durability. Composite shingles also are proving very popular, particularly those incorporating cooling granules. Though tiny, these granules do a big job of improving the energy efficiency of rooftops. 
Reflect on This
By reflecting sunshine away from a home, reflective roof coatings help minimize heat buildup on roof surfaces. The windfall, of course, is a cooler, more comfortable interior during hot summer months. 
Cool Colors
As with reflective coatings, lighter hues send the sun’s rays away from your roof and keep your home cooler. Among the effective, sun-repelling colors are off white, silver, and light gray. 
Green is Always In
With energy efficiency a top priority these days, Orange County roofers such as Luke Roofing expect more green technology to find its way into roofing materials. Current possibilities include photovoltaic roofing systems, tile solar roofing, solar shingles, and photovoltaic modules.  These materials generally are suitable for both existing rooftops and brand new ones. 
If you have questions about current roofing trends, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established commercial roofing contractor, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in Irvine, Tustin or anywhere else in OC, Luke Roofing is your trusted Orange County roofer.  
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