Orange County

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Looking for Something Different in a Rooftop?

Your average Orange County roofer installs roofs made from a variety of excellent materials. The one professionals install most often, however, is the roof made of asphalt. Indeed, asphalt shingles long have been the popular favorite among homeowners and many business owners alike.

The reasons for asphalt’s long-standing popularity are many, the number one being its durability. According to most people inside and outside the roofing industry, nothing lasts like asphalt shingles. Still, you may want to go against the grain and get something decidedly unique for your rooftop. If this is the case, your Orange County roofer definitely can accommodate you with a variety of options. Here are some of the alternative roofing materials you may be able to choose from.

Wood Shingles – Generally composed of cedar, redwood, or pine, these display a refreshingly natural look. This nod to nature gets its most ardent support in regions such as California, as well as areas of the Northwest and Midwest.

Tile or Clay Shingles – Scoring very high on the durability chart, shingles made of this material often are found on rooftops styled with a Spanish or Mission flair.  English and French styling also may be incorporated. Tile or clay shingles are anything but dull and drab – your Orange County roofer typically can offer them in a diversity of colors and finishes.

Slate – The mightiest of the mighty, slate can stand up to virtually any force and remain intact. The major drawback of this material is its price, which generally is higher than that of other roofing materials. Shingles made of slate also present special installation challenges, demanding the utmost skills of a commercial roofer or residential roofer.

If you have questions about roofing materials, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Placentia and surrounding areas, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Upkeep for Flat Roofs

Perhaps you have one of those flat-roofed homes in Laguna Beach or another OC city. In that case, you already know that the level position of your rooftop demands more care than the sloping type. When maintenance is needed, a Laguna Beach roofing company can provide suitable assistance. If you prefer to go it alone, however, here’s what this Orange County roofer recommends. 
Since commercial roofers see leaks on a constant basis, most would advise homeowners to do anything and everything possible to avoid these watery intrusions. The best course of action in this regard is to ensure drains are free and clear. Drain stoppages create excellent water traps, which eventually will send rain and other moisture into unwanted places -- such as your dining room in the midst of a dinner party. 
With springtime just around the corner, it’s hard for homeowners to shift attention to the falling-leaf months of autumn. Nevertheless, this Orange County roofer recommends having this season in the back of your mind so you’ll be prepared well in advance of those shedding trees.  When autumn arrives, you’ll want to grab a ladder and sweep accumulated leaves from the rooftop. Expect plenty to sweep – it’s much easier for leaves and other debris to collect on a flat roof than on a sloped one. 
Those trees beautifying your property are another potential problem if close to your home. Many a commercial roofer has had to repair damage caused by low-lying branches scraping rooftops. Over time, that scraping can cause damage that requires professional intervention. It’s far easier and less expensive to clip those branches before they scratch and scrape.  
If you have questions about upkeep for a flat roof, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in Placentia or anywhere else in OC, Luke Roofing is an Orange County roofing company you can count on.  
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Is Your Roof Right for Solar Energy?

Solar energy systems require more than a daily supply of sunlight. Also needed is the right kind of roof. A premier Orange County roofing company, Luke Roofing frequently evaluates rooftops for solar compatibility. Before beginning a solar installation, our team makes certain the roof in question meets the following criteria. 

Direction. The more sunlight saturating your roof, the more energy solar panels can gather and produce. In California, south-facing roofs are best, as these get the most sunlight. Also receiving many sunlight hours are east and west-facing roofs.  If your roof faces any of these directions, they’re in a position to generate sufficient amounts of solar electricity. North-facing roofs, however, are a different story. These get comparatively little sunlight, making them poor candidates for solar energy panels. 

Room. A roof with abundant space is ideal for an Orange County roofing contractor such as us. With sufficient work room, installers can adequately maneuver and organize solar panels. Rooftop obstacles such as skylights and vents create major challenges, however.  Not only do they hamper maneuverability, they restrict the number of panels that can be installed. Remember, the more panels, the more sun-generated power produced – and the less you must rely on conventional electricity.

Age. Generally, the older the roof, the more difficult and time-consuming the solar panel installation. Among the biggest risks inherent to an aging roof is the possibility of installation damage. Sometimes it’s simply better to hold off on a solar energy system until you replace your old roof.

If you have questions or are considering roof repairs or upgrades, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established commercial roofing contractor, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Offering roofing services from Placentia to Seal Beach, Luke Roofing is your trusted Orange County roofing contractor.  

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