San Clemente Roofing Contractors - Orange County

Welcome to our Orange County Roofing Company Blog. Our goal is to not only offer you the highest quality roofing solutions in Orange County, but also to educate you on best practices, offer roofing contractor tips and inside secrets that only a professional roofer would know. We hope you find this information helpful and invite you to comment and ask questions.

Home Vs. The Elements

Rooftops protect homes in variety of ways.  Most notably, they offer solid defense against the elements, such as rainwater intrusion and blistering heat. But your roof rarely goes it alone. Along with its own protective powers, rooftops benefit from the assistance of various components. One of these components is the rain gutter. This is your roof’s primary drainage system, channeling storm water away from your home’s vulnerable zones. Check yours out. Are they dented or otherwise damaged? A qualified Orange County roofer can install new ones to maximize the protection of your home.

Rain gutters are made of varying materials. Therefore, an Orange County roofing company will present you with the different options, explaining the advantages and disadvantages of each. One of the more popular choices is the aluminum gutter. Given the material they’re made of, these are among the lightest types available. But don’t be fooled by their lightness. These gutters are reliably sturdy and strong. Throw any kind of weather at them, and they’ll stand up to it like champions. Even in the coldest regions, they can resist the damaging effects of weather with relative ease.  

Aluminum also rates highly on the aesthetic scale. This material is eminently rust-proof, maintaining its clean, shiny surface for many years. Moreover, aluminum performs equally well when it comes to preserving its paint job. Cracking, peeling, and general wearing away happen much less frequently to paint that coats aluminum gutters. Perhaps you’re a homeowner in an Orange County city such as San Clemente. If you’re interested in protecting your investment with aluminum rain gutters, simply contact a qualified San Clemente roofer. They’ll take care of the rest.

If you have questions about aluminum rain gutters, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Replace Your Roof or Not?

You see water leaking into your home, dripping down walls, and soaking your precious belongings. Does this mean you’ll need an Orange County roofing company to perform a complete roof replacement? The answer is maybe not. Depending on the severity and cause of the problem, you may have other options. The best course of action is to call a reputable Orange County roofing company and request a thorough inspection. In the process of checking out the situation, this professional may well discover other, less-costly causes of the roof leakage.

What are some of the less costly causes of roof leakage? A set of loose flashings is one of the most common ones your Orange County roofing contractor may discover.  A flashing, of course, is a sheet of strategically-placed material that protects homes from water penetration. If one or more of these sheets has come loose, your roof definitely is leaving an opening for unwanted water penetration.

This, however, is not the only issue that may be responsible for roof leaks. A residential roofing contractor or commercial roofing contractor may discover a variety of others. For instance, during an inspection, this professional might notice that only a section of your roof is damaged and vulnerable to water leakage. Should this be the case, repair work likely will be limited to this relatively small area.

You should, however, be prepared for the worst case scenario – the need for a re-roofing. If your Orange County roofing company recommends this option, there are two basic ways to solve the problem – either re-cover your current roof or replace it completely. Only a professional can determine which option is best.

If you have questions about roof replacement, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in San Clemente and surrounding areas, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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The Mighty Hero of Roofing

Every Orange County roofer knows that roofing has a mighty hero. It’s not the crew members, although they certainly do their share of amazing things. And it’s not the people behind the scenes, fielding phone calls and questions . No, this hero is something that’s an important part of your rooftop; yet, it’s seldom noticed by anyone but the keenest observer. The hero in question goes by the name ‘flashing’. Sounds fast. But this hero’s powers have very little to do with speed. The significance of flashing is its protective powers. Without it, people could find themselves battling roof leaks by the dozen.

In a nutshell, flashing is a roll of thin, moisture-resistant metal. Often made of copper, aluminum, lead, or galvanized steel, it serves as a barrier against unwanted water and other elements. Typically, a commercial roofer will install flashing around roof valleys, skylights, and vents.  Bear in mind, installation is no casual affair. Flashing must be precisely placed in order to safeguard vulnerable areas. Once installed, flashing works by collecting pooled water and diverting it away from protected zones.

When protecting a roof valley, for instance, an Orange County roofer will install a strip of flashing beneath the edge of the roof shingles. Any water dripping into the valley will travel down the flashing and into the rain gutter.

Decking is another part of the home that benefits from flashing. For instance, if you owned a beach house in San Clemente, a San Clemente roofer most likely installed these metal strips against the side of the home. This precautionary measure will keep moisture from dripping behind the wooden piece the keeps your deck secured to the house.

If you have any questions about protecting your roof with flashing, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in San Clemente, Westminister or anywhere else in OC, you definitely can count on Luke Roofing.

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Preventative Maintenance for Your Roof

Every Orange County roofing company understands that you want to keep your roof in good working order and completely leak-free. That is, unless you prefer the pleasure of water droplets steadily plopping your head or possibly on the new sofa. Which is why this Orange County roofing contractor recommends preventative maintenance for your rooftop.

The good news is, you needn’t call in your local commercial roofing contractor to carry out a preliminary preventative maintenance program. Much of the basic work easily can be done by you, members of your family, and if you bribe them sufficiently, perhaps neighbors and friends.

If Orange County is your home, you may not be particularly concerned about roof leaks. So why bother with maintenance? After all, rainfall is minimal in this neck of the woods. True, but when the rains do arrive, you’re roof is as vulnerable as those in the moister regions. So don’t think you’re invulnerable if you live in a place such as San Clemente. You may not have to call in a San Clemente roofer. But you will have to do some looking around … at least, for the preliminary stages.

No matter where you live in Orange County, one of the first places to do your looking is not necessarily on the roofing material itself. No, it’s the chimney (assuming, of course, you have a fireplace.) Believe it or not, chimneys are among the top leak zones. So make sure yours is properly sealed. If not, you’re inviting rainwater into your home. You’ll also want to check out your skylights, as these also are major leak sources. You see, water can get trapped behind skylights. Therefore, make certain the flashing is in good shape. And don’t forget, the skylight material itself can crack or puncture, allowing moisture inside.

If you have any questions about preventative roof maintenance, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofing company, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in San Clemente or anywhere else in OC, you definitely can count on Luke Roofing.

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Which Skylight is Best for You?

Considering all the sunshine in Southern California, residents of an Orange County city such as San Clemente may want to bring some rays indoors with a skylight. A reliable San Clemente roofing company can be of great help in this regard. Before you call in an Orange County roofing company to perform the installation, however, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with the types of skylights available. This advance knowledge will help you make the best possible choice.  

Also known as roof windows, skylights are available in three different types -- fixed, ventilating and tubular. No matter which kind your Orange County roofing contractor installs, a skylight will enrich your home with a cheerful brightness. Not only does the entering sunlight create a warm, even flow of illumination throughout a given living space, it brings brightness to formerly dark regions of the home.

Fixed Skylights – The most popular of the three types, fixed skylights are permanently closed. They are ideal for attics and stairwells.

Ventilating Skylights – As the name implies, ventilating skylights can be opened to invite fresh air indoors along with abundant sunshine. They generally are preferred for kitchens and bathrooms, as the entering fresh air helps eliminate unwanted moisture that can accumulate in these rooms. Ventilating skylights can be opened electronically vial remote control or manually by hand crank.

Tubular Skylights – Small and sphere-shaped, tubular skylights are relatively new to the marketplace. Because of their compact size, a commercial roofing contractor has no problem installing them in tight quarters such as hallways, closets, and small living spaces.

If you have any questions about skylights, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. Among the long-established Orange County roofing companies, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in San Clemente, Laguna Hills or anywhere else in OC, you can definitely count on Luke Roofing.

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Home Seller’s Dilemma: Roof Certification or Not

If you’re selling a home in San Clemente or any other OC city, chances are you’ll want a San Clemente roofing contractor to issue a roof certification. In a nutshell, a roof certification warranties the soundness of those tiles and shingles. The document can be prepared by an Orange County roofing company of your choosing. Basically, it guarantees that the commercial roofing contractor has inspected and if necessary repaired your roof. The certification also states that the roof in question will last for a specified period of time (typically 3 years). Sometimes the document will stipulate that roof inspections are to take place on a yearly basis. 
Do You Need a Roof Certification?
If the condition of your roof is questionable, lending institutions invariably will require a roof certification prior to approving a mortgage loan. Before an Orange County roofing contractor issues a certification, the company will conduct a thorough roof inspection. Every last detail is covered in the process, as companies must feel 100% confident before committing to an approval. No commercial roofing contractor wants to back a roof and subsequently discover that it’s leaking gallons into the family room. 
When it comes to roof certifications, home sellers must face the facts: if a roof requires complete replacement rather than repairs, compromises are not an option.  You’re investing in a new roof. Fudging on or avoiding a needed replacement almost certainly will jeopardize the sale of your home. Better to enlist the services of a reputable Orange County roofing company than to wait around as your home collects dust in the marketplace. 
If you have questions about roof certifications, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established commercial roofing company, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in San Clemente or anywhere else in OC, Luke Roofing is an Orange County roofing company you can count on.  
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Rooftop Decorations Done Right

Whether providing roofing services in San Clemente or any other OC city, Luke Roofing consistently gets the job done right. And there’s no reason why homeowners shouldn’t do the same -- particularly with their rooftop holiday decorations. As every Orange County roofing company knows, proper care and planning are necessary to ensure the best result for those twinkling bulbs and dancing Santas. With that in mind, here is a set of tips that will help ensure your rooftop decorations are done right. Not only will these tips make for safer decorating, they’ll help prevent costly damage, as well. 
Proper Attachments
Pop, pop, pop … We commercial roofing contractors see it all the time – homeowners securing rooftop decorations with a staple gun. What these people don’t realize is that staples, and the even more brutal nails, penetrate rooftops and create little holes. Small, yes. But rain and other inclement elements still can pass through those openings. A much safer bet is using clips to attach lights and other decorations to your rooftop. 
Larger Decorations
If you have a ten-foot Frosty the Snowman planted on your rooftop, clips probably won’t do much to hold it steady. Nevertheless, you still can make the big ones safe and secure. This Orange County roofing contractor recommends tying any larger decoration to a chimney (assuming you have one) or fastening a sandbag to its base. 
Before you go through the trouble of installing your holiday lights, scrutinize all cords, sockets, bulbs, and plugs for possible damage. As further insurance, make certain those strands of twinkling wonder have a UL (Underwriters Laboratory) tag. This certification ensures they’ve been expert tested for safety.  
If you have questions about rooftop holiday decorations, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established commercial roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in San Clemente, San Juan Capistrano or anywhere else in OC, Luke Roofing is your trusted Orange County roofing contractor.  
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Rooftop Halloween

Why should kids be the only ones with the Halloween look? Homes have a lot to say about the holiday, too. Which means holiday decorations for the home are in order. Lots of good places to plant those pumpkins, witches, and spiders. But if you’re planning rooftop decorations, this Orange County roofer recommends you give those shingles and planks a good checkup. You want everything safe and secure before going to work.

If you feel up to it, grab a ladder and conduct your own roof surveillance. Things to look out for are signs of weakness and excessive wear. Once you’re aloft hanging pumpkin lights, you don’t need surprises. Of course, if you want complete assurance, you might want to call in a commercial roofer. They have the tools and expertise necessary to uncover any and all flaws.

Once you’ve confirmed roof stability, it’s time to get the show on the road. You’ll save precious time by getting the entire load on the roof – tools and decorations – before beginning.  Everything in easy reach. If you’ll be hanging light strings, consider using LED bulbs. These consume a fraction of the energy used by conventional incandescent bulbs. And that can mean major savings, depending on how long those glowing pumpkins stay lit.   

Speaking of lights, consider using a spotlight to illuminate any Halloween scene haunting your rooftop.  People will see it for miles. Who knows what that could do for your standing in the community. Anyway, the main thing is to get creative and have fun. Happy Halloween from Luke Roofing!

If you have questions about preparing your roof for Halloween decorations, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established commercial roofing contractor, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Offering roofing services from San Clemente to Los Alamitos, Luke Roofing is your trusted Orange County roofer.

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