Orange County

Welcome to our Orange County Roofing Company Blog. Our goal is to not only offer you the highest quality roofing solutions in Orange County, but also to educate you on best practices, offer roofing contractor tips and inside secrets that only a professional roofer would know. We hope you find this information helpful and invite you to comment and ask questions.

Giving a Roofing Contractor Your Stamp of Approval

Selecting a qualified Orange County roofer to install a new roof isn’t like choosing a cantaloupe from the produce section. The process requires much more thought and evaluation before the proper decision can be made. So many variables enter the picture, whether you seek a residential roofer or a commercial roofer. Knowing what to look for is absolutely crucial. After all, you’ll be investing a significant amount of your hard-earned money in a new roof. Before you release the funds, you must invest some time to determine the dependability of your prospective roofer. Here’s some of what you should be looking for. 
First of all, you’ll want to verify that the contractor has an established, physical place of business, not a virtual presence on the internet. Their website, of course, should be just an extension of their actual presence in the outer world, not their only point of contact. Speaking of points of contact, you also should verify that the phone number given to you is a permanent one. And don’t forget to check out the contractor’s tax identification number and business license. Regarding the license, states vary on their specific requirements. For those living in Orange County, you’ll definitely want to investigate the requirements set forth by the state of California.  
All of this accumulated information helps build a case for the legitimacy and trustworthiness of the roofing business under consideration. So if you happen to be an Orange County resident who lives in a city such as Yorba Linda, be sure to check things out thoroughly before hiring a Yorba Linda roofer to install a new roof. The time invested in this process, no matter where you reside, could save you from many regrets down the road. 
If you have any questions about qualifying a roofing contractor, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in Yorba Linda or anywhere else in OC, you definitely can count on Luke Roofing.  
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You Could Be Offering a Feast to Roof Termites

As an Orange County roofing company, we know that wooden roof shingles are vulnerable to termite invasion. Once those uninvited guests slip inside, it takes professional experts get them out. Fortunately, homeowners can take several preventative measures to keep termites away. But why take the word of this commercial roofing contractor? Here are first-hand insights straight from the source.
Hi, I’m a termite. I eat wood … anytime, anywhere. And that means all the way up on your roof if that’s where the feast is. Love those wooden roof shingles!  Except when they’re painted. Me and the gang just won’t penetrate painted wood. Never have. Never will. So if you want us out, coat those wooden shingles with paint. And no cracks or peels. Those are open doorways. 
Remember, we’re always scouting for prospects. So the last thing you should do is give us an open invitation. You know, those piles of lumber, firewood, tree branches, and shrubberies sitting in your yard. We’ll be on them in a nanosecond! And once we land, we look for more easy pickins – like wooden roof shingles. 
Oh yeah, if you have an attic, cover all the vents and windows with screens. Never been a termite yet that could penetrate one of those. Well, that’s it for now. Just saw a pile of lumber, and I haven’t had lunch. 
Luckily, these preventative measures can steer termites away from your rooftop. But if they ever do cause damage to your roof, get the advice of a qualified Orange County roofing contractor.  
If you have questions about roof termites or are considering roof repairs or upgrades, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established commercial roofing contractor, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Offering roofing services from Laguna Beach to Yorba Linda, Luke Roofing is your trusted Orange County roofing company.  
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5 Tips for Maintaining Your Asphalt Shingle Roof

asphault-roof-maintenanceAsphalt shingle roofing is one of the most popular options nationwide, and with good reason. It’s cheap, easy to maintain, and simple to repair. But this doesn’t mean you’ll get good results from your asphalt shingle roof - even the high-end kind with a warranty - by leaving it completely alone.

Proper roof maintenance will ensure that your roof lasts as long as possible. So whether your asphalt shingles are brand new or several years old, here are five tips for keeping them in top shape as long as possible:

1. Know your warranty.

This isn’t a maintenance tip, per se, but it’s still essential. The best Orange County roofing company will be up-front about any warranties for your new roof. Hang on to any paperwork surrounding your warranty, so you’ll have it in case a problem arises.

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