Orange County

Welcome to our Orange County Roofing Company Blog. Our goal is to not only offer you the highest quality roofing solutions in Orange County, but also to educate you on best practices, offer roofing contractor tips and inside secrets that only a professional roofer would know. We hope you find this information helpful and invite you to comment and ask questions.

We work hard to bring you the best Orange County Roofing service possible. We offer the latest products and some of the best warranties in the business. That coupled with our expert installation ensures a roof you can count on!

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Moldy Roof - What to Do...

The state of your roof can tell you a lot about your home, in general. Water stains may mean that you have backed-up gutters, for instance. And a roof that is waving or denting in places may have storm damage or underlying structural issues. One other thing your roof can tell you about: mold.

Mold under the roof is a less common issue in SoCal than in wetter areas of the country, but that doesn’t mean it never happens. After all, it only takes a little water damage for mold to crop up in otherwise sheltered areas.

So what should you look for to tell if there’s mold happening on or just under your roof? And when should you call an Orange County roofing contractor to take care of the problem? Here’s what you need to know about finding, dealing with, and preventing mold on your roof.

Signs to Look For

First, it’s always important as a homeowner to know what signs to look for as a problem might arise. When it comes to mold in or around your roof, you might notice actual visible stains and streaks that seem to spread on your roof, for instance. If your roof is poorly ventilated, mold can actually grow on top of the roof or just under the shingles, causing discoloration that seems to get worse as time goes by.

It’s more likely, though, that mold signs will be visible inside your home. For instance, you might notice cracked or peeling paint on your ceilings, or even water stains coming through to the ceilings. If you notice signs like these, you either have recent water damage or, potentially, mold.

Also, you should always be on the lookout for worrying physical symptoms in yourself, your children, or your pets. Symptoms of mold reaction can be subtle, and may look like cold, flu, or seasonal allergy symptoms to begin with. But if you notice family members who have increased respiratory issues, itchy skin, runny nose, sneezing, coughing, or sore throat on an ongoing basis, it’s a good idea to look for mold. Other mold exposure symptoms include rashes, headaches, or chest tightness.

If these symptoms are ongoing and out of the ordinary, you’ll want to talk to a doctor, of course. But you may also want to talk to an Orange County roofing contractor who can thoroughly check the top of your home for mold. This is especially true if you notice these symptoms in connection with other physical signs of mold around or outside of your home.

Dealing with Mold on Your Roof

When it comes to dealing with mold on your roof, it’s really best left to the professionals. Mold and mildew growth on the outside of your roof, such as between your tiles, is less likely to cause serious health problems for your family. However, you’ll want to have contractors take care of this unsightly problem before it does further damage to the roofing underlayment.

Usually, contractors will clean the roof thoroughly if exterior mold is the problem. They may use a bleach solution to kill the mold growth, and they may need to replace some of the more affected tiles or shingles, if necessary.

Mold growing under the roof can be a larger problem to deal with, and you may need to talk with a contractor who specializes in mold remediation.

Mold growing in the attic may be harmless cosmetic mold that can be scrubbed off or even left alone. But if the mold variety is potentially hazardous, you’ll have to decide whether to clean it up or actually replace the roofing underlayment.

Replacing underlayment is a costly venture, but could be more efficient than trying to scrub mold off of the wood, treat it, and then keep mold from coming back. Again, though, this is a question for an experienced contractor, and you’ll need to have them come to your home to scope out the problem in order to get a feel for this particular issue.

If you do decide to replace the underlayment, be sure to find out what was likely the cause of the mold growth in the first place. Take steps to prevent such an expensive issue from cropping up again in the future!

Preventing Mold on Your Roof

Preventing mold on and under your roof comes down to two things: design and maintenance.

Design is important because you’ll want to be sure that your attic has enough ventilation. Lack of ventilation traps humid air near the roofing underlayment, which can encourage mold growth. But too much ventilation can also be a bad thing for the health of your home, in general. This is why it’s important to consult with a professional when deciding on the layout of your roof and its ventilation system.

Maintenance is also important. The major cause of mold in and under roofs is leaks, which are often caused by lack of proper maintenance. If your roof isn’t maintained properly, it’s more likely to crack and have leaks, which can, in turn, allow for mold growth.

It’s important to have your roof inspected regularly by an Orange County roofing contractor who can catch small problems before they turn into major issues. During regular inspections, you may find minor issues that the contractors can fix quickly, thus preventing underlayment damage and costly mold problems down the road.

If you have any questions, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Villa Park and surrounding areas, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing need and situation. Wherever and whenever you need roofing services in OC, you definitely can count on Luke Roofing.

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Is It Time for a New Roof?

It’s a question eventually faced by every homeowner residing in Orange County (and the remainder of the world, for that matter).  The question is this: When is it time to call in an Orange County roofing company to replace my roof?  The answer depends on a number of factors. Basic knowledge is key. Much of this basic knowledge pertains to roof shingles. Before calling in an Orange County roofing contractor, you should know this right off the bat about shingles: They generally last about 15-30 years. That’s quite a time span.

But many factors enter the picture to influence shingle longevity. These include quality of shingles and installation, as well as the amount of shade reaching rooftop (typically provided by lush tree foliage). Once you know these preliminary facts, it’s time to examine your roof for telltale signs of excessive wear and tear. Most every commercial roofing contractor would be on the lookout for the following:
Curling, broken, or cracked shingles - never a positive sign. Worn spots on shingles. This indicates a loss of asphalt granulation.

Moisture spots or other evidence of a leaky roof. If you feel the plop of water drops while watching TV, you can bet leaks are too blame.
Shingles missing from the places they formerly occupied. You may find them somewhere on the ground.  

Rusty flashing.

Should you see any of these signs, particularly if your roof is older than fifteen years, get an experts opinion. This is especially important if you live inland in a place such as Mission Viejo, where the summer sun can be merciless to rooftops. In that case, it’s advisable to call in a Mission Viejo roofing company for a complete evaluation.    

If you have any questions about determining when you need a roof replacement, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofing company, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in Mission Viejo or anywhere else in OC, you definitely can count on Luke Roofing.

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New Angle on Roofing

This is not exactly the high roof leak season for the average Orange County roofing company. The skies are clear and dry, and the last thing on anyone’s mind is unwanted moisture penetrating their beloved home. However, the moisture will appear when the rain clouds do. And despite Orange County’s clear, blue skies, those gray masses will make their appearance soon enough. By that time, certain roofs may show their wear and tear in the form of leaks. And certain people will be looking at new water stains on their ceilings and walls. There is an alternative to this unwelcome outcome. Instead of waiting for the moisture to enter the premises, you’ll be far safer getting the opinion of a qualified Orange County roofing contractor. This professional can evaluate the condition of your roof and advise you of any existing or potential leak zones. 
Flat roofs may be particularly vulnerable to leakage. This shape makes it easy for unwanted moisture to accumulate and form pools. Then it’s just a matter of time before the moisture finds its way into your home. But there is a solution -- tapered insulation. This can dramatically reduce the leakage risk associated with flat roofs. Angled at a gradual slope, tapered insulation provides improved drainage for your rooftop. You may want to talk to a qualified Orange County roofing company to get more information about this solution. 
Many Orange County homes are characterized by flat rooftops. Let’s say your home in Tustin has this type of roof. In that case, you definitely should contact a qualified Tustin roofing company to get an evaluation. If the company’s representative determines that you could benefit from tapered insulation, then by all means make the necessary change to your rooftop. You’ll be glad when the rainclouds finally make their appearance.   
If you have any questions about tapered insulation for your roof, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County Roofing company, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in Tustin or anywhere else in OC, you definitely can count on Luke Roofing.  
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Is Your Roof Vulnerable to Humidity?

While Southern California is known for a generally dry climate, humidity can become a factor from time to time. Excessive moisture can do more than make people uncomfortable and send them running for the air conditioning thermostat. Humidity actually can cause damage to rooftops.  An Orange County roofer typically can spot the damage caused by humid conditions. It’s the same kind that develops when any other type of moisture penetrates the premises. Once the problems start, homeowners will be compelled to call in a commercial roofer to set things right and prevent problems from compounding. 
Often, unwanted moisture can accumulate as a result of improper rooftop ventilation. If you have a home near the coast, say in Newport Beach, you might have seen the results of moisture penetrating poorly ventilated areas. Most likely this intrusion will take the form of mildew splotches on ceilings and walls. Essentially, any area subject to limited air flow is vulnerable to moisture issues. Should you reside in a coastal region such as Newport Beach, you definitely should have a Newport Beach roofer inspect your home. You may require a ventilation system for the roof, particularly if there’s an attic below. These regions are particularly vulnerable to humidity problems -- problems that may go unnoticed for a long time.  A qualified commercial roofer can evaluate your needs and recommend a suitable remedy should this expert discover roof and attic damage caused by humidity.  
If humidity is causing damage to your rooftop, attic, or any area below the roof, the inspecting Orange County roofing contractor may recommend additional vents. Often, large attics and other spaces simply don’t have enough vents to cover the square footage involved.  Once the openings are installed, excessive moisture no longer will be a problem.  
If you have any questions about protecting your roof from humidity damage, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County Roofing company, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in San Juan Capistrano or anywhere else in OC, you definitely can count on Luke Roofing.  
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Think Before You Tackle

The moment an Orange County Roofing company begins servicing a roof, the team invariably knows whether or not someone else has been there first. And that someone usually is a homeowner intent on solving a problem without the assistance of an Orange County roofing contractor.  Not necessarily a bad move – provided said do-it-yourselfer has the requisite skill, knowledge, and time to do a creditable job. If this sounds like an accurate description of you, then, depending on the complexity of your roofing needs, you might be qualified for a DIY job – like cleaning leaves out of a rain gutter.  Anything more complex than that really does require the skills of a commercial roofing contractor.

Think about the investment you’ve made in your beautiful Orange County home, say in San Juan Capistrano. Would you really want to risk jeopardizing the investment by tearing into the roof, relying on your wits alone? Doesn’t it make more sense to call in a San Juan Capistrano roofer to tackle the assignment? In most cases, the answer will be a resounding ‘yes’.   
It’s not unusual for an Orange County roofing company to be summonsed for a roof rescue. These typically occur when homeowners have started something they couldn’t finish – at least, couldn't finish without risking their safety or the future performance of their roof tiles. The dollars these homeowners had hoped to save now will spent in increasing amounts, mainly to cover any damage caused by their efforts, as well as service costs. In the long run, DIY roofing services likely will set you back more than originally anticipated.

So think before you tackle a roofing assignment. Because, in all likelihood, you’ll pay tomorrow for whatever mistakes you make today.

If you have any questions about doing your own roof servicing, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County Roofing company, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in Brea or anywhere else in OC, you definitely can count on Luke Roofing.

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Protect Your Roof from the Summer Sun

When an Orange County roofer takes part in roof repairs, the crew usually deals with common, ordinary leaks. Like it or not, leaks happen. And it’s imperative to get them taken care of in order to prevent serious water damage. But in sunny Orange County, particularly during the blistering summer months, we Orange County roofers often deal with another rooftop enemy – the sun. Sure sunlight is necessary and beneficial in many cases. Nevertheless, too much of a good thing can and usually will cause problems. And that’s certainly the case when harsh sunlight smacks your rooftop day after day during the balmy summer months.     
Ask any commercial roofer about summer damage to rooftops, and they’ll probably mention UV rays as the number one culprit. Yes, ultraviolet light can cause severe drying to a variety of roof surfaces, asphalt being the most vulnerable.  Once the damage begins, huge cracks can spread across asphalt and other rooftop surfaces. What happens is this – UV rays oxidize the oils contained in various roof surfaces, causing brittleness and a loss of roof thickness. Ultimately, the severely strained material will weaken and crack. In essence, your once-beautiful roof is breaking down during the course of the relentlessly hot summer. 
When you live in OC, your roof definitely is at risk for UV damage. You might be thinking -- if only rooftops could be protected by sunblock. Well, in a very real sense, they can. An Orange County roofer can treat your roof with a special coating that forms a reflective membrane on the surface and blocks harmful UV rays.  
Perhaps you have a home in Anaheim, where temperatures can soar in the summer. In that case, you’d simply call an Anaheim roofer to get an estimate for the cost of coating services. Once everything meets your approval, the Anaheim roofing company will send a crew to your home to begin the coating process. It doesn’t take long. And when it’s done, you’ll be able to relax and enjoy the summer free from worry.  
If you have any questions about protecting your roof from sunlight, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in Anaheim or anywhere else in OC, you definitely can count on Luke Roofing.  
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Farm on a Rooftop

Even though you call Orange County home, at one time or another you may have had an inexplicably strange yearning to live on a farm. Well, you probably won’t find much farmland in this region of California. Not anymore. However, an Orange County roofing company generally can provide the next best thing. It’s called a gambrel. Otherwise known as a barn roof, a gambrel offers a certain rustic feel and appearance that suggests long, languid days on the family farm. We Orange County roofing contractors install and service these unique rooftops from time to time.
Advantages of a Gambrel
Ask any commercial roofing contractor about the advantages of a gambrel, and this professional probably will put spaciousness number one on the list. Indeed, these barn roofs leave plenty of space for areas such as attics or lofts. 
Simplicity also defines the gambrel. And that translates to lower construction and installation costs. During the installation process, an Orange County roofing company would need only two roof beams and some gusset joints to do the job. Essentially, construction materials are kept to a minimum, which does the same for costs. 
Gambrels may be found in OC. So no matter where you live, these roofs wouldn’t exactly be out of place should one appear atop your home. In fact, its unique rustic look might earn you abundant admiration … and even start a neighborhood trend. 
Perhaps you live in Laguna Beach. In that case, you’d merely contact a Laguna Beach roofing company to setup an installation. The work naturally would be preceded by an estimate of costs as well as the completion date.  
If you have any questions about gambrels, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofing company, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in Buena Park or anywhere else in OC, you definitely can count on Luke Roofing.  
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Peak of Perfection

Sometimes they’re known by the illustrious names pitched or peaked roof. But Orange County roofers and their customers typically refer to them as gable. Not surprisingly, gable roofs are among the most popular in the United States. And we Orange County roofing companies certainly deal with our share of them. As with virtually any other type of roof, the gable variety has its advantages and its disadvantages. If you’re considering a home with one of these roof shapes, here’s what you should know:  
Advantages of Gable Roofs
It doesn’t take a seasoned commercial roofer to reveal the most notable advantage of this roof type. One look at its sloping shape will tell you everything you need to know – rainwater, courtesy of gravity, rolls right off of it. Thus, moisture has a more difficult time collecting on a this slanted rooftop. 
Another benefit provided by the gable shape is the abundant space it creates atop your home. With a gable roof, you’ve got plenty of room for an attic or a soaring vaulted ceiling. 
You’ll discover that gable roofs even can reduce housing costs. If, for instance, you were considering purchasing a new home being built in Irvine, any Irvine roofer will tell you that gable roofs are comparatively easy to construct. And that makes them less expensive. 
The primary disadvantage of gable roofs is their vulnerability to intense wind. If a big gust does happen to kick up (not exactly an everyday occurrence in the OC), the force can strip away roofing materials. But this would be a rarity in this part of the world. Nevertheless, an Orange County roofer could reinforce a gable roof if so desired. 
If you have any questions about gable roofs, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in Capistrano Beach or anywhere else in OC, you definitely can count on Luke Roofing.  
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Preventative Maintenance for Your Roof

Every Orange County roofing company understands that you want to keep your roof in good working order and completely leak-free. That is, unless you prefer the pleasure of water droplets steadily plopping your head or possibly on the new sofa. Which is why this Orange County roofing contractor recommends preventative maintenance for your rooftop.

The good news is, you needn’t call in your local commercial roofing contractor to carry out a preliminary preventative maintenance program. Much of the basic work easily can be done by you, members of your family, and if you bribe them sufficiently, perhaps neighbors and friends.

If Orange County is your home, you may not be particularly concerned about roof leaks. So why bother with maintenance? After all, rainfall is minimal in this neck of the woods. True, but when the rains do arrive, you’re roof is as vulnerable as those in the moister regions. So don’t think you’re invulnerable if you live in a place such as San Clemente. You may not have to call in a San Clemente roofer. But you will have to do some looking around … at least, for the preliminary stages.

No matter where you live in Orange County, one of the first places to do your looking is not necessarily on the roofing material itself. No, it’s the chimney (assuming, of course, you have a fireplace.) Believe it or not, chimneys are among the top leak zones. So make sure yours is properly sealed. If not, you’re inviting rainwater into your home. You’ll also want to check out your skylights, as these also are major leak sources. You see, water can get trapped behind skylights. Therefore, make certain the flashing is in good shape. And don’t forget, the skylight material itself can crack or puncture, allowing moisture inside.

If you have any questions about preventative roof maintenance, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofing company, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in San Clemente or anywhere else in OC, you definitely can count on Luke Roofing.

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How Long Does a Roof Last?

It’s a question lingering in your mind – should you replace or repair your existing roof. Ask any Orange County roofer this question, and they’ll likely respond with a similar answer – it all depends. The first question to be answered is what material is the roof made of. Once an Orange County roofing company has this information, it’s much easier to provide an accurate answer. That’s because those you’ve asked will have a better idea of the roof’s lifespan. If it’s got some longevity, repairs could well make sense. If its worn beyond saving, repairs will do little good. Replacement becomes the only option. 
Irvine, for example, is one of the many Orange County cities in which the ‘replace or repair’ question is of great relevance. Nestled in the community is a wide variety of homes with roofs of all types and ages. If you noticed roof damage to your home in this city, you’d have to decide whether to repair or replace. In that case, you’d most likely call in an Irvine roofer for an assessment. 
The first thing this commercial roofer would want to know is the composition of the shingles. As previously mentioned, each material has its own life cycle. In general, here’s what you can expect from the different materials:
On sloping roofs, asphalt shingles can endure for between 15 and 40 years, treated wood shingles go for about 30 years, and fiberglass can perform admirably for more than 50 years. 
On the longer-lasting end of the spectrum are steel roofs. These can endure for 40 to 60 years. Even longer-lasting are tile roofs, which run their course between 40 to 100 years. The big winner, however, is the stone roof, which can do its job for more than 100 years. 
If you have any questions about roof longevity, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in Cypress or anywhere else in OC, you definitely can count on Luke Roofing.  
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Look Closely Before You Buy

If you’re considering the purchase of a vintage home in OC, this Orange County roofing company strongly recommends you look closely at the rooftop. Aging roofs may be and probably are severely worn. Unless, of course, a reliable Orange County roofing contractor recently has performed a roof replacement on the residence you’re considering. Then you have little to worry about except the plumbing. But that’s not our department.

Vintage homes abound in Orange County. Laguna Beach definitely has its share. If you’re considering the purchase of classic residence in this community, you’ll want an evaluation from a qualified Laguna Beach roofing company such as Luke Roofing. This will alert you to any potential problems well in advance.

What are some of the possible problems commonly associated with worn roofs? Among the most common encountered by commercial roofing contractors are pest invasions, water damage, and deteriorated insulation.  Should any or all of these issues be discovered after you move in, the price tag for correction and repair will be a small fortune. It’s much wiser to get an advance opinion of a qualified Orange County roofing company.

You may be able to spot some of the telltale signs of roofing problems yourself. Obvious ones are missing or broken shingles, crumbling rooftop cement, bent gutter, ongoing dampness in the attic (assuming the home has one), water spots on walls and carpet, and yes, even a lurking creature or two residing comfortably in the attic. Clearly, it’s best to get a roof inspection than to discover furry uninvited guests after you hang your hat.

If you have any questions about roofing issues associated with vintage homes, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofing company, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in Dana Point or anywhere else in OC, you definitely can count on Luke Roofing.

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Roofing That Stands the Test of Time

When considering an Orange County roofer for the job of installing a new roof, one thing on your mind will be the material utilized.  There is a diversity of roofing materials to choose from, each offering its own benefits. What you ask your Orange County roofer to install will depend largely on your personal preferences.

For durability, nothing stands the test of time like slate shingles. Roofs made of this material are among the longest lasting on the market. Some slate roots are more than a century old. And believe it or not, they’re still doing their job superbly, keeping water out and the heat in as needed.

For certain Orange County residents, slate roofs may be just what they’re looking for. How would you go about getting one? Well, let’s say you lived in Tustin. The first thing you’d do is call in a Tustin roofer to provide an estimate. During this estimate, the commercial roofer will present you with an overview of the roof type, pointing out its advantages.

The Advantages of Slate Shingles

As mentioned already, slate shingles are highly durable, with their useful lifespan ranging from 80-100 years. Along with longevity, slate offers tremendous water-resisting power. The reason for this resistance is its position on the water absorption index, which is .4%. Yeah, very little gets past it. Not surprisingly, the material also is exceedingly strong, providing substantial protection should the winds kick up.

On the aesthetic side of things, slate has a very unique appearance that sets it apart from the crowd. If you’re looking for that ‘special look’, slate shingles could be the way to go.

If you have any questions about slate shingles, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in Foothill Ranch or anywhere else in OC, you can definitely count on Luke Roofing.

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Wooden Shingles Could Be Just What You’re Looking For

An Orange County roofing company can install roofs made of many different materials. One of the most overlooked of these materials is wood. Asphalt and other types of shingles seem to be getting the lion’s share of attention. You may, however, want to consider wood shingles when requesting an installation from an Orange County roofing contractor. There are many advantages to going this route. 
One of the main advantages of wood is its durability. Take care of it, and it will take care of you. Once an Orange County roofing company installs a roof made of wooden shingles, it can last up to thirty years. Provided, of course, that you properly maintain it. 
Here’s what a commercial roofing contractor would advise you to consider. Perhaps you have a home in Aliso Viejo that requires a new roof. You like the look of wood and decide this will be the material. So you hire an Aliso Viejo roofing contractor to do the job. You love the results. But is the job over? No, because once that roof is up, you must take care of it from time to time. A little maintenance is all it takes to make these shingles last for decades. In fact, a well-maintained wood roof likely will outlast most if not all of the cheaper types. Therefore, in the long run wood actually is less expensive than the bargain materials. You simply won’t have to replace wooden shingles as often.  
Another advantage of wooden shingles is their appearance. An Orange County roofing company that installs a wood roof is satisfying a certain aesthetic sense shared by many people. In the eyes of these individuals, a wooden roof has a distinctive look that sets it apart. And that alone makes it extremely desirable.   
If you have any questions about wooden shingles, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofing company, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in Aliso Viejo, Fountain Valley or anywhere else in OC, you can definitely count on Luke Roofing.  
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What Does an Orange County Roofer Do?

You know they have something to do with leaks. But Orange County roofers do much more than patch holes. In fact, commercial roofers are known for a wide range of abilities.

What if you lived in Costa Mesa and were considering a new roof. What kind is best for your home, your budget? Can you answer these questions comfortably and accurately? A Costa Mesa roofer certainly could. When you call in one of these Orange County roofing companies, you’re connecting with a group of professionals who know the territory inside and out.

And quite a territory it is. Roofing can be made of any number of materials, with the list growing rapidly as new technologies impact the industry. A commercial roofer must know them all – tar, asphalt, gravel, rubber, thermoplastic, metal, and shingles. The list goes on.

Any one of these materials can safeguard homes and other buildings, making roofs virtually impervious to moisture -- even if it’s raining like a monsoon. Without this protection, water damage would ruin ceilings, walls, and furnishings.

With a proven Orange County roofing company, you get experts who know which of these materials offers the best protection for your home. Equally important, these professionals are trained to recognize subtle signs of deterioration in these materials. When commercial roofers spot these signs on your own roof, they give you advance warning. You’ll know in plenty of time whether you should repair or replace those worn shingles.

In order to practice their craft with acceptable proficiency, many Orange County roofing contractors go through some serious training.  Some receive their education through intensive apprenticeship programs, which include on-the-job training, as well as classroom instruction.

If you have any questions about what Orange County roofers do, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofing company, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in Costa Mesa or anywhere else in OC, you can definitely count on Luke Roofing.

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Good Things Growin’ on the Roof

Orange County roofers know the importance of a well-functioning roof. Of course, sometimes those functions go beyond the typical ones. Indeed, we Orange County roofing contractors are aware that roofs can have a variety of unique uses.

Case in point is the roof garden. Why would you want plants growing atop your home sweet home? Consider this for a moment -- What if you lived in Laguna Beach and craved a larger garden? You step outside the door and realize what you’ve suspected all along – there just isn’t enough room for another crop of lettuce and tomatoes. But you’re far from out of luck. Laguna Beach roofers see a ray of hope headed in your direction. You can farm lettuce, tomatoes, and whatever other plant life your heart desires atop your very own roof.    

Also known as a green roof, a roof garden is a large raised-bed containing flowers and plants personally selected by you.  These gardens offer various advantages, starting with a certain aesthetic appeal. They just look good up there – assuming thoughtful design has been applied. And depending on what’s being grown, it may taste good, as well. A variety of farmable goodies, including lettuce, tomatoes, and carrots can thrive atop your home.

Getting your roof garden started is fairly straightforward. After your roof has been thoroughly prepared by a qualified commercial roofing contractor, your garden will be ready for planting. Essentially, there are two ways in which this can be accomplished. You can utilize either a modular system consisting of plant trays or you can layer the roof with soil and drop in plants or seeds, just as you would with a ground garden.

If you have any questions about roof improvements such as roof gardens, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofing company, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in La Habra or anywhere else in OC, you can definitely count on Luke Roofing.

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Looking Ahead At Roofing Materials

What will the roof of a house in Anaheim or any other Orange County community look like in the years ahead? What materials might Anaheim roofers utilize for this all important part of a home’s exterior?  While there is no definitive answer to this question, there are a number of innovative roofing possibilities looming on the horizon. More than likely, Orange County roofers will be making one or more of the possibilities part of their game plan.  Among the likely materials that will be worked into the repertoire of Orange County roofers is transparent solar films.   

If adapted in a large-scale capacity, transparent solar films will drastically alter the energy-saving characteristics of roofs. In essence, this material will make solar panels unnecessary.  In place of large, bulky gatherers of sun energy, there will be a roof coating incorporating transparent solar films. The coating could be installed by a commercial roofer, just as with any other kind of material.

Aside from being unobtrusive and essentially invisible, the roof coating described above offers several other huge advantages. First, the material helps block excess heat. The upshot of this, of course, is lower air conditioning bills. 

But the second, far more impressive advantage is the ability of transparent solar films to generate electricity. The coating does so by absorbing light and converting it into electrical power easily used for a variety of applications. Basically, it’s solar panels without the panels. Unlike solar panels, however, transparent solar films absorb only infrared solar light. Since infrared light doesn’t require dark colors for absorption, the roof coating can be clear.  

Transparent solar films promise to have other household applications, as well. In the future, chances are good that we’ll see windows and walls also coated with the electricity-generating material.  

If you have any questions about roofing innovations, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. Among the long-established Orange County roofers, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in Anaheim or anywhere else in OC, you can definitely count on Luke Roofing.

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Which Skylight is Best for You?

Considering all the sunshine in Southern California, residents of an Orange County city such as San Clemente may want to bring some rays indoors with a skylight. A reliable San Clemente roofing company can be of great help in this regard. Before you call in an Orange County roofing company to perform the installation, however, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with the types of skylights available. This advance knowledge will help you make the best possible choice.  

Also known as roof windows, skylights are available in three different types -- fixed, ventilating and tubular. No matter which kind your Orange County roofing contractor installs, a skylight will enrich your home with a cheerful brightness. Not only does the entering sunlight create a warm, even flow of illumination throughout a given living space, it brings brightness to formerly dark regions of the home.

Fixed Skylights – The most popular of the three types, fixed skylights are permanently closed. They are ideal for attics and stairwells.

Ventilating Skylights – As the name implies, ventilating skylights can be opened to invite fresh air indoors along with abundant sunshine. They generally are preferred for kitchens and bathrooms, as the entering fresh air helps eliminate unwanted moisture that can accumulate in these rooms. Ventilating skylights can be opened electronically vial remote control or manually by hand crank.

Tubular Skylights – Small and sphere-shaped, tubular skylights are relatively new to the marketplace. Because of their compact size, a commercial roofing contractor has no problem installing them in tight quarters such as hallways, closets, and small living spaces.

If you have any questions about skylights, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. Among the long-established Orange County roofing companies, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in San Clemente, Laguna Hills or anywhere else in OC, you can definitely count on Luke Roofing.

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When Should You Call an Orange County Roofer?

If you live in an Orange County city, for example Laguna Hills, you probably want to maximize the beauty of your home. Frequently, home improvements will be part of the beautification program. If your own program includes roof improvements, you may be considering a Laguna Hills roofer to provide assistance. Is there a good time to seek the help of an Orange County roofer?

While the time to summons a commercial roofer can vary, a good rule of thumb is to start with a roof inspection. You needn’t call in a professional Orange County roofer for a first glance. This is a task you can do yourself. A personal roof inspection should be carried out at least twice a year – more if you’ve got a wide open schedule. Yeah, right.

When conducting a self-inspection of your roof, be on the lookout for obvious signs of wear and tear. These include moisture streaks on shingles, curled or buckled shingles, missing granules, or rusted flashings. If you notice any of these tell-tale signs, by all means call in an Orange County roofer for an assessment of the situation.

You’ll also want to conduct an inspection of your attic. If the ceiling or walls are marred by water stains, mold, or moss, you can bet your bottom dollar that moisture has entered the region … very likely unwanted moisture sneaking in through a roof leak. Often this obvious evidence will be accompanied by higher-than-normal energy bills. Should you notice any of these giveaways, absolutely seek the opinion of reputable commercial roofer.

If you have any questions about when to seek the help of an Orange County roofer, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. Among the long-established Orange County roofing companies, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in Laguna Niguel or anywhere else in OC, you can definitely count on Luke Roofing.

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You’ll Be Amazed by the Advantages of Slate Roofs

What if you had a home in Costa Mesa and needed a roof upgrade? Chances are, you’d request the services of a Costa Mesa roofing company to provide assistance, options, and estimates. Responding quickly, your selected Orange County roofing company would make its presentation. And you’d get roofing choices galore. 
Now let’s say asphalt shingles didn’t grab you – you already have that and want something different. Maybe fiberglass shingles didn’t send your spirits soaring, either. The Orange County roofing contractor will no doubt present alternatives. One of these may be roofs made of slate. 
Ask any commercial roofing contractor about slate roofs, and they’ll tell you the material offers amazing advantages. Durability is one of the most notable of these advantages. Slate definitely goes the distance, with some of these roofs known to last eighty, even a hundred years. Install and forget for an entire century.   
Related to slate roof durability is the material’s inherent strength. This strength is of particular value if your community is subject to heavy winds. If anything has a good shot at resisting wind damage, it’s slate. Asphalt shingles, for instance, typically don’t weather the storm nearly as well when gusts kick up. 
For those who prize individuality, slate roofs definitely will tantalize your aesthetic sense. These roofs have an appealingly unique look that easily distinguishes them from the run of the mill.
One of the most common problems facing all Orange County roofing companies is leaky roofs. Again, slate roofs prove themselves top performers in this area. The material has an extremely low water absorption index of .4%, making it exceptionally resistant to moisture. 
If you have questions about slate roofs, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. Among the long-established Orange County roofing companies, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in Costa Mesa, Laguna Woods or anywhere else in OC, Luke Roofing is an Orange County roofing company you can count on.  
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Strength in Fiberglass

Perhaps you’re selling a home in Orange County community such as Tustin. You look the place over, and everything seems fine until … you notice the roof is not what it used to be. In fact, it’s worn out and ready for immediate replacement – clearly a deterrent to a timely home sale. So you call in a Tustin roofer to get an idea of your options – and there are many. One of the possible materials presented by your chosen Orange County roofer will be fiberglass.

Fiberglass is composed of plastic backed by glass fibers – hence, the name. The vast majority of contemporary fiberglass shingles employ two separate layers. Each of these fiberglass layers is bonded with a sealant, then coated with asphalt. The dual material composition of fiberglass shingles gives them comparatively more weight than conventional types. But with this added weight comes greater strength and durability.

As any commercial roofer will tell you, another advantage of fiberglass is its ability resist the scorching heat of the sun. Likewise, the material is extremely waterproof.  So fiberglass covers both extremes quite nicely -- neither rain nor scorching sunshine will make much progress with fiberglass on guard.

A roof made of fiberglass shingles also provides a certain level of security, as the material is more fire resistant than many other types -- particularly the older materials. Consequently, fiberglass shingles frequently receive a class ‘A’ fire rating. The strength and durability of fiberglass shingles is backed by manufacturers. In fact, many offer generous long-term warranties for those on the high-end.

If you have questions about fiberglass shingles, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. Among the long-established Orange County roofing companies, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in Tustin, Midway City or anywhere else in OC, Luke Roofing is an Orange County roofing company you can count on.

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