Orange County

Welcome to our Orange County Roofing Company Blog. Our goal is to not only offer you the highest quality roofing solutions in Orange County, but also to educate you on best practices, offer roofing contractor tips and inside secrets that only a professional roofer would know. We hope you find this information helpful and invite you to comment and ask questions.

We work hard to bring you the best Orange County Roofing service possible. We offer the latest products and some of the best warranties in the business. That coupled with our expert installation ensures a roof you can count on!

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Roof Repairs, Roof Replacement, Roofing Materials

Can a Roof Be a Good Investment?

Getting a new roof isn’t just a way to improve the condition of your property. It’s also a way to tap into a good investment. How so? Well, when an Orange County roofer installs a new roof, that new house covering often will provide many years of high performance. And the longer it last, the longer you, the homeowner, can go without calling for repairs or even replacement. Of course, some roofs last longer than others, extending their investment value over time. One of these highly durable types is the slate roof. Popular because of its pleasing appearance and extreme durability, slate has been known to last for a century or more. Now that’s endurance.

Bear in mind, slate’s natural high-performance carries an above average price tag. But in the long run, the material’s extraordinary durability will more than compensate for its higher cost. Naturally, household budgets will dictate spending limits for a new roof. So slate may not be for everyone. You can gain more insights from talking the matter over with a representative of any prospective Orange County roofing company. Whether you go with slate or not, the discussion will help you make a sound decision. And that’s a big head start.

If you’re committed to slate as a roofing material, be sure to learn about it from a local provider. It’s easy. For instance, if you live in Irvine, simply contact an Irvine roofer to get the full story of slate. You won’t be an expert afterward, but you'll be much more confident in whatever decision you eventually make.

If you have questions about slate roofs, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Will Your Orange County Roofer Achieve Goal #2?

It’s one thing to do a fantastic roofing job. This, of course, is goal #1. It’s quite another matter, however, to achieve goal #2 -- leaving a property clean and mess-free afterward. A qualified Orange County roofer will achieve both. On one hand, the company will work wonders with your roof -- whether doing repair, replacement, or any other type of improvement. On the other hand, it will expend great effort to leave your place spotless.

Regarding this second point, many homeowners fail to consider cleanliness when selecting a professional roofing contractor. They should reconsider. When the work is done, the last thing a homeowner wants is a beastly mess to clean. It’s been known to happen.

Why is cleanliness so important? Well, think about it. Whether repairing or replacing, the typical Orange County roofing company creates a certain amount of debris. It’s a natural part of the process. The debris may consist of removed nails, old shingles, and many other discarded items. Would you want this littering your property? A conscientious roofer will make sure it doesn’t.

How can you know if an Orange County roofer will achieve the cleanliness goal? After all, you won’t see results until the job is done. Well, unless you have a crystal ball, the best way is to ask about the company’s clean-up process. A qualified local provider will be happy to fill you in. For instance, if you live in Costa Mesa, simply ask any prospective Costa Mesa roofer about the company’s clean-up policy. The answers will provide a good indication of the firm’s professionalism and reliability.

If you have questions about property clean-up during a roofing project, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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What to Ask an Orange County Roofer

If you’re a homeowner, you’ll probably need to replace your roof eventually. Don’t think you’re one of the exceptions. Virtually every roof wears out. And when it does, you’ll need an Orange County roofer to install a new one. How do you choose a qualified professional for the job? While there’s no etched-in-stone criteria to rely on, homeowners can take certain steps to ensure a sound decision. Perhaps the most important step is the asking of questions. This is only natural. No doubt, you’ll want to know about any prospective candidate. You may not know the first thing about roofing. But whatever your knowledge level, useful questions often help lay the groundwork for good decisions.

For the typical Orange County roofing company, the likely first question will be ‘what will the job cost?’ Understandably, homeowners want to know how a project will affect the household budget. Not surprisingly, pricing quotes may vary, depending on the contractor.

But don’t automatically use cost as the sole criteria. Low price might mean the contractor plans to take some shortcuts. Therefore, homeowners should be sure to get other important information. This includes finding out what exactly the contractor will do, and what portion of the roof will be replaced (this can vary depending on condition).

Homeowners contemplating a roof replacement shouldn’t rely on guesswork. When considering professionals serving your community, be sure to learn what you need to know. If, for instance, you reside in Aliso Viejo, question every Aliso Viejo roofer on your candidate list. Then carefully evaluate the answers before selecting a contractor.

If you have questions about selecting a contractor for roof replacement, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Built to Stand the Test of Time

Perhaps the idea of roof replacement doesn’t exactly appeal to you. At the top of your wish list is this: you’d like to discover a roofing material that can last well beyond the average time span. If this is your heart’s desire, consider one of the most durable of roofing materials on the planet – slate. For a roof that scores big in the longevity department, nothing tops slate. Just ask any qualified Orange County roofer. You’ll quickly discover that the material is built to last and last.

Consider, for instance, how slate stacks up against the typical wood roof. Slate can perform admirably for a century, or longer. Wood, on the other hand, generally lasts no more than 30 years. Even steel doesn’t hold a candle to slate when it comes to durability.

Not only is slate strong; it is extremely resilient. When an Orange County roofing company installs a slate roof, it installs a material capable of withstanding the harshest weather conditions. Wind and rain are just child’s play for this material. Even hail and snow won’t inflict damage. Not that hail and snow will be an issue in Orange County. Still, it’s reassuring to know that slate is strong enough for the worst.

As a natural consequence of slate’s strength and resilience, the material seldom needs repairing. Thus, your initial investment will pay off handsomely in the long run. Repair bills? You probably won’t see any of those.

Maybe you’d like to know more about slate roofing. It’s easy to do your own research, starting with a call to your local professional. Say you live in Costa Mesa. No problem. Simply present your questions to a qualified Costa Mesa roofer. It’s a great way to get the ball rolling.

If you have questions about slate roofs, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Keep Your Roof in the Best Possible Shape

How do homeowners preserve the looks and performance of their rooftops? Periodic maintenance is the key. You can do the job yourself if so inclined. Or you can select a qualified Orange County roofer to carry out the task. Either way, you’ll be taking a positive step. It doesn’t matter how durable you think your rooftop is. Research demonstrates that wear and tear will take their toll on virtually any roof. Most materials simply deteriorate over time, especially when subjected to harsh conditions such as rain and wind. Homeowners, however, can combat these elements and increase durability with sensible maintenance.

Whether you handle the task yourself or secure the services of an Orange County roofing company, rooftop maintenance should top your list of tasks. At minimum, some basic steps should be taken. One of these steps is this: examine rooftop and rain gutters for debris. Common forms of debris are broken branches and leaves. If discovered, these should be removed immediately, as they can obstruct proper water drainage. The obstruction, in turn, can lead to water accumulation and the growth of moss and algae.

Speaking of moss and algae, homeowners should make sure this is absent from their rooftop. These will detract from the appearance of any roof -- and consequently lower overall curb appeal and ultimately home value. Often, a professional can remove moss and algae with a simple power wash.

Homeowners are advised to consult a local professional for more info about roof maintenance. If, for example, you live in Anaheim, contact a qualified Anaheim roofer for answers to any of your questions. It’ll be time well spent.

If you have questions about rooftop maintenance, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Have You Considered This Material for Your Roof?

If you plan to have an Orange County roofer replace your roof sometime soon, you’ve probably considered a variety of roofing materials. Standard asphalt, of course, is still a popular and practical choice. And maybe that’s what you’ll be going with. But you should know that newer materials are gaining both attention and acceptance. One of these, believe it or not, is rubber. Already in use for flat roofs, the material is becoming more prevalent for the pitched rooftop. The reason for rubber’s growing popularity is its variety of advantages. There are many.

To begin with, rubber is relatively lightweight. For an Orange County roofing company, that means comparatively easy installation. Bingo! The pros spend less time installing, and you spend less money for installation work. You’ll probably see this compelling advantage reflected in the initial cost estimate.

Once installed, the rubber roof displays more advantages. For instance, the material is world-famous for its ability to resist wind and cold temperatures – always a plus this time of year. When the sun shines brighter, light-colored rubber roofing reflects UV rays away from the home. This re-routing of rays minimizes sun damage and overheating.

To the professional Orange County roofer, the rubber roofing material is known as ethylene propylene diene monomer. But the average homeowner needn’t bother with such details. You just want to know if it’s right for your home. To acquire this knowledge, simply contact your local professional. For example, if you reside in Dana Point, reach out to a Dana Point roofer for info. You’ll soon be getting a first-rate education on the topic.

If you have questions about rubber roofs, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Getting the Best Estimate from an Orange County Roofer

You’ve made the crucial decision; you’ve elected to replace that worn-out roof with a brand new one that will do your home proud. Perhaps it was the loose shingles steadily dropping into the rose garden. Maybe it was the leaking raindrops plopping onto your forehead. Whatever the reason, the decision had to be made. And now another decision looms – which Orange County roofer will you select for the job? Many criteria will come into play as you ponder potential candidates. Among these criteria will be the estimate you receive. You may be surprised by the range of possible numbers – from high to low to everything in between. But no matter. You must select the one price that’s right for you.

When pursuing this goal, you needn’t look at every Orange County roofing company under the sun. That only complicates matters. Your best course is to narrow down the choices. Start with a small group of candidates and work your way through the group. This expedites the selection process beautifully. At this juncture, budget takes center stage. Does the estimate fit your wallet? Can you stretch the budget enough to win a highly-desirable candidate? Run through the different scenarios to see how things stack up.

Remember, numbers alone don’t make the estimate. Also crucial is the value offered by a prospective candidate. After all, low price and low quality is hardly a bargain. The solution? Check out the qualifications of local candidates. For instance, if you hang your hat in Tustin, investigate the qualifications of every Tustin roofer on your candidate list. This is the best way to narrow down the choices.

If you have questions about roofing estimates, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Roof Maintenance: Keep the Rain Outdoors

The typical Orange County roofer sees more action as temperatures dip. More service calls, more maintenance jobs, more repairs. Winter weather just seems to create a greater need for assistance. If you’d like to prepare yourself for the season, listen to the experts – especially when it comes to rain gutters. These vital channels carry water away from your roof and other regions of the home, thereby reducing leak risk. As any roofing expert will tell you, gutter pathways must be wide open and clear. Otherwise, stranded debris can cause major water clogs, backup, and overflow. Such problems substantially raise the odds of rain leaks.

If so inclined, you can clean rain gutters yourself. Or you can secure the assistance of an Orange County roofing company. When tasked with this assignment, professionals typically start by clearing gutters of leaves, twigs, and other obstructions. As an extra precaution, they’ll check out corners and other tight spots – known gathering spots for debris. Roofing experts also will make sure there are no openings in gutter seams or on the anchors that connect gutters to exterior surfaces.

Additionally, an Orange County roofer will check out all downspouts – prime areas for clogged leaves and twigs. Downspout debris is relatively easy to eliminate with a good spray from a water hose.

No matter where you live in Orange County, clean rain gutters are a must. Just ask you local professional for details. For instance, if you live in Anaheim, consult an Anaheim roofer. They’ll be glad to help.

If you have questions about rain gutter maintenance, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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How to Beat Time When It Comes to Your Roof

When an Orange County roofer replaces a roof, worn-out shingles or other types of deterioration typically are the reasons why. It can’t be helped. Over time, roof performance deteriorates as wear and tear take their toll. But there is some good news in all this. Homeowners can expand the useful years of their roofs. All it takes is some precautionary steps. Bear in mind, the steps don’t offer a permanent solution. By taking them, however, homeowners most likely will get more mileage out of their rooftops. That, of course, means a longer time before roof replacement or damage repair is required. It also means less money spent on these remedial measures.

Homeowners have many ways to extend the durability of their roofs. If you have an attic, many an Orange County roofing company would recommend starting there. Make sure your attic insulation is adequate and fully-functional. Any insulation shortcomings likely will create a temperature imbalance – too hot or too cold, depending on the time of year and other factors. Either way, temperature imbalances can accelerate shingle deterioration. Consider it damage from below.

Homeowners also should check for hidden weaknesses. These includes not-so-obvious problems such as loose flashing or skylight leaks. Issues such as these can allow water intrusion and ultimately will lead to shingle deterioration.

While solutions such as these are beneficial, they aren’t permanent. For a rooftop that lasts a long, long time – like 40-60 years, metal is the only answer. If a metal roof interests you, consult an Orange County roofer for more info.

Does location matter when aiming to expand the useful years of your roof? Probably not a great deal. Still, conditions in each area might affect shingles in unique ways. Therefore, it’s best to consult somebody who knows your locale. For instance, if you live in San Clemente, consult a San Clemente roofer about the issue. You’ll be enlightened and ready to make the right decision in no time.

If you have questions about increasing the useful years of your roof, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Two Steps to a Cleaner Roof

Have you noticed huge patches of moss and algae growing on your roof? Not exactly an encouraging sight. The good news is you can clean it off. In fact, you can clean it yourself. Or you can get professional assistance from an Orange County roofer. Either way, you’ll be making a great improvement.

Let’s face it. Moss and algae growth are not exactly boosting your home’s aesthetic appeal. Therefore, you probably would like to do something about the issue. You may not have the ability to eliminate the conditions that cause this problem (typically moisture collecting in cool or shady places). But you certainly can make the moss and algae vanish … and keep it away for a long time.

How does a homeowner or Orange County roofing company eliminate moss and algae? The initial solution is to rinse it off. This sounds relatively simple. But it works. Rinsing off those shingles can wash away a certain amount of moss and algae. A garden hose and ordinary water will do the trick. Whatever you do, don’t use any kind of pressure wash for the job. High-pressure water streams can damage shingles. Stick to a run-of-the-mill hose, and you’ll be fine.

Once the initial rinsing phase has concluded, you’re ready to apply a cleaning solution to your roof. This finishes off the job nicely. Your local hardware dealer presumably stocks a selection of suitable cleansing agents. Or, as mentioned before, an Orange County roofer can do the job.

No matter you live, it’s important to rid your roof of moss and algae. If you’re wondering about how to go about it, or if you have additional concerns, consult a qualified professional. Maybe you reside in Costa Mesa. OK, just reach out to a Costa Mesa roofer to get your questions answered. Then relax. You’ll soon be enjoying a cleaner rooftop.

If you have questions about ridding your roof of moss and algae, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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When Will an Orange County Roofer Finish?

When hiring an Orange County roofer to install a new roof, homeowners likely will have many questions. One of the first and most common to be asked is: How long will it take? There is no easy answer to this inquiry. Installation times vary, depending on various factors and circumstances. Variables such as roof shape and condition all help determine completion times. And then there’s the contractor. Every person and company in this field is unique. Work style, attention to detail, and level of preparation all will affect project duration. So, the best answer to the question is: “It all depends.” The following are some of the factors it could depend on.

The roof’s square footage is one obvious influencer of completion times. The more shingle space involved, the longer an Orange County roofing company will require to complete the job (all things being equal, of course). It’s inescapable: larger areas simply require longer completion times. There’s just more to do.

Also impacting completion times is roof pitch. The steeper the angle, the more hours required for installation. The Cape Cod and A-frame roof types are two examples of the steeper variety. Yes, these offer considerable aesthetic appeal. Nevertheless, when it comes time for replacement, the job will stretch for more than average duration.

No matter where you live in OC, you’ll probably want to know the time required for roof replacement. While there’s no definitive answer, estimates can be had. You just need to ask a reputable professional for an opinion. For instance, perhaps your home is in Dana Point. OK, just ask a qualified Dana Point roofer for an estimate. While the number probably won’t be accurate to the second, it will give you a good idea of what to expect.

If you have questions about roof replacement, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Can an Orange County Roofer Help You Relax?

A qualified Orange County roofer can make things better in so many ways. From repairing leaks to installing shingles, the benefits they offer are numerous. These, of course, are obvious contributions to the betterment of your home. But did you know that a dedicated roofing professional can help create a more relaxing environment for you? It’s true. One of the roofing profession’s primary services can help homeowners eliminate a bundle of stress in a hurry. This service is the roof inspection. Performed annually, a thorough inspection may uncover problems hidden among the shingles. Spotting the problems early, a seasoned pro can recommend practical solutions – before matters worsen.

Along with a good book, ocean view, and soothing cup of java, roof inspections are among the world’s premier relaxants. Why? Because these examinations give homeowners a jump on common roof issues -- before they deliver the classic surprise punch. During this look-see, an Orange County roofing company may uncover the dreaded roof leak or leaks – and can move quickly with remedial actions. Their efforts will eliminate two major worries right off the bat. First, there’s the fear of leaky rainwater drenching your favorites. Second, there’s the cash drain needed to fund repair work. One good, solid inspection virtually eliminates these concerns.

These worries affect all homeowners, no matter where they live. Perhaps you reside in Laguna Beach. If so, you might want to contact a Laguna Beach roofer about a roof inspection. Whatever problems may be lurking, this step can help them go away – and help you relax in ways you never imagined.

If you have questions about roof inspections, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Roof Got the Curls? Tell an Orange County Roofer

Curvy lines often are employed in architecture for aesthetic purposes. But when they show up in roof shingles, it’s time to contact a qualified Orange County roofer. As this professional knows, curling shingles indicate problems in the making. What once lied flat on the roof is now raised, leaving vulnerable areas less securely protected. There now exists a possible opening for the intrusion of rainwater and other forms of moisture. And that means leaks, many of which can be major. With the rainy season just around the corner, it’s a good idea to check for curling shingles and determine the problem’s cause.

When investigating curling shingles, an Orange County roofing company will look for the most common causes. One of these is poor attic ventilation, which often allows moisture to accumulate and consequently mold to develop – a major shingle curler. Also problematic is faulty shingle installation. Typically, this happens when an insufficient number of nails has been used. As time passes, the nail shortage allows shingles to loosen and eventually raise upward in a curling shape. Such curling also can result if shingles aren’t aligned properly. Even a slight misalignment increases curling risk.

Finally, there’s the issue of basic wear and tear. Over time, shingles will deteriorate. Many roofing experts place an upper limit of 15 years on a roof’s functionality. After that, shingle performance often declines. A qualified Orange County roofer can determine if your shingles are performing adequately, or if it’s time for replacement.

Does geography matter when it comes to curling shingles? No. Every community is equally vulnerable. Therefore, once detected, the problem should be checked out. Let’s say you reside in Tustin. If you spot or suspect curling shingles, consult a Tustin roofer to determine your next move. Chances are good that you’ll be preventing even bigger problems down the road.

If you have questions about curling shingles, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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What to Know Before Decorating Your Roof for Halloween

Are you decorating your roof for Halloween? Great! That’s one way to improve that stunning rooftop without the intervention of an Orange County roofer. And it’s a good thing you're content with going solo. You see, exterior decorating is something well beyond the scope of the average roofing professional. We’ve got enough to keep us busy, what with all the replacements and repairs on our schedules. And then there are the many inspections keeping us hopping month after month. So, you’re pretty much on your own when it comes to jazzing up the ol’ rooftop. Still, that doesn’t mean we can’t help the cause in other ways.

For instance, there’s the just-mentioned roof inspection. By checking things out, a qualified Orange County roofing company can confirm your roof is suitable for decorations. These items, of course, can vary in size, shape, and weight. But no matter what a decoration’s dimensions, it potentially can exacerbate existing problems. Therefore, homeowners unquestionably should have a professional verify that none of those problems exist. Among the issues that will be searched for are mold, loose shingles, and other possible damage. If the inspection reveals any of these problems, repairs may be required prior to decorating.

Just as an Orange County roofer knows the value of teamwork, so should the roof-decorating homeowner. True, jazzing up the roof is an opportunity for personal expression. Nevertheless, the participation of others could prove immensely rewarding. Invite friends and family to help plan the rooftop transformation. The combined brainpower very likely will generate wonderfully creative ideas. And once the ideas are implemented, admiration will pour in from all corners of the neighborhood!

No matter you live, it’s important to make good decisions regarding Halloween roof decorations. If you’re wondering about how your chosen decorations might impact your roof, or if you have any other concerns, be sure to consult a local professional. Perhaps you hang your hat in San Clemente. OK, simply contact a San Clemente roofer for more information. Then enjoy the holiday to the fullest.

If you have questions about Halloween roof decorations, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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What an Orange County Roofer Often Discovers

When an Orange County roofer inspects a rooftop, discoveries often result. One of the most common discoveries is the presence of algae. We’ve all seen this green ‘moss’ splotching shingles. But even if not apparent, algae still may be present. That’s because it sometimes appears as a dark shingle stain.

Either way, algae requires moisture.  And where does moisture often develop? If you said, ‘on the roof,’ you get the prize. Shingles, it seems, absorb and hold water for lengthy periods. The accumulating dampness, in turn, creates prime conditions for algae growth.

The next step is obvious – remove the unsightly algae. Fortunately, the job doesn’t require intervention from an Orange County roofing company or other professional service. Many a homeowner has and will perform the task solo. If you opt for the do-it-yourself approach, be sure to stock up on all necessary supplies. Among the needed items are a proven algae-removing cleaning agent, protective gear that prevents contact with skin, and an adequately-sized basin for the cleaning preparation.

Once the cleansing phase is complete, homeowners should grab a hose and spray down all nearby flowers and other foliage. The reason? Typically, rinsed cleaning agent runs off the roof and drains to the ground – where precious plants often sprout. A good flower shower minimizes runoff damage.

Remember, algae can develop virtually anywhere, in any community. So it’s best to ask a local professional about the issue. For instance, if you reside in Laguna Hills, consult a Laguna Hills roofer about the matter. Then prepare for ultimate enlightenment.

If you have questions about removing roof algae, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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A Cooler Home Thanks to Your Orange County Roofer

With winter just around the corner, cooler weather is on the horizon. But, then, this is Southern California – the region of eternal sunshine. Which means, keeping the home cool can be a very real concern all year long. A qualified Orange County roofer can help in this regard. No, this professional doesn't double as an air-conditioning installer. Nor does this person provide special shading solutions. What this professional does do, however, is treat shingles with a special coating that reflects sunlight. This coating is designed to reflect solar rays, which in turn minimizes the amount of heat accumulating on your shingles and penetrating your home. 
By how much can this coating reduce accumulated heat? Current estimates put that amount at around 45-degrees, with possible energy consumption being driven down by as much as 25%.  Do the math. The impact on your budget will be enormous. 
Another advantage provided by roof coatings is their UV-repelling capabilities. As is well known, ultraviolet rays cause roof deterioration. By coating shingles with a protective substance, an Orange County roofing company in effect increases the durability of your roof. 
What type of materials will an Orange County roofer use to coat shingles? Acrylic paint is one of the popular choices. Polyurethane is another. But there are many other possibilities on the list. No matter which is selected, it will work wonders for a roof’s durability and energy-saving powers. 
Would you like to know more about roof coatings? No matter where you live, a local professional can answer your questions. Let’s say you hang your hat in Irvine. Well, just contact an Irvine roofer for more info. You’ll have many answers in short order. 
If you have questions about roof coatings, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.
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How an Orange County Roofer Protects the Peak

If your roof slopes, even at a slight angle, it has a peak. This peak, typically called the ridge line, is the uppermost point where sloping roof planes meet. Even though the planes meet, however, they don’t necessarily create a tight seam along the connecting line. Tiny gaps may exist along the line, leaving an opening for rainwater and other climactic elements. Because of this vulnerability, an Orange County roofer must install protective coverings called ridge caps along the roof seam. As the name implies, these additions cap off the line, forming a linear shield against moisture intrusion.  
Understandably, ridge caps must fit snugly over the connecting line. To ensure this fit, they are cut and shaped to specific dimensions. On an asphalt roof, ridge caps are made of asphalt shingles. Aluminum roofs get aluminum, etc. 
During the installation phase, an Orange County roofer will set down the protective shingles in a row along one side of the ridge line. The capping shingles then are folded over to cover the opposite side of the line. Subsequently, another row of ridge cap shingles is installed over the original, providing an added protective layer. At this point, the double layer of ridge caps is reliably impervious to rainwater, snow, and other elements. 
Ridge caps are an important part of the roofing process. If your roof is getting serviced, you might want to learn something more about them -- no matter where you live. It’s easy to get educated. Perhaps you reside in Newport Beach. OK, simply consult a Newport Beach roofer about the wide world of ridge caps. What you learn may surprise you.    
If you have questions about ridge caps, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.
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Top Priority of an Orange County Roofer

The typical Orange County roofer has many tasks to deal with. From inspecting a roof to repairing leaks, the items on this professional’s job-list could stretch for miles and miles. One of the highest priorities in this catalog of jobs is the sealing of asphalt roof shingles. This task is important for a variety of reasons. For instance, sealing a roof minimizes shingle maintenance. The process also helps prevent the intrusion of water and other elements, as well as enhance overall durability. Because shingle sealing has such a far-reaching impact, the typical residential roofer or commercial roofer exhibits great care when carrying out this duty.

An Orange County roofing company can choose from different types of asphalt shingle sealants, depending on needs and circumstances. Once the all-important sealant is selected, the professional roofer is ready to tackle the task. It doesn’t matter if the job will take place on a commercial building or a residential structure, the basic process is the same. Essentially, a roofer coats the roof with sealant, utilizing a roller and the utmost finesse and dexterity. A qualified Orange County roofer will take great care at this stage, making sure all shingles are completely coated. Several hours later, the sealant will be dry. But is the job over? No. Typically, a roofer will double-protect the shingles with a second coating – just to be sure

No doubt about it. Well-sealed shingles are important for any home, anywhere. Homeowners curious about the subject should ask a local professional for more info. For instance, residents of Anaheim might do well to consult an Anaheim roofer about shingle sealing. It’s an excellent way to stay well on top of the topic.

If you have questions about sealing roof shingles, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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  606 Hits

Your Roof’s VIP (Very Important Particle)

Very few homeowners realize there are extremely important particles working hard on their roofs. But every Orange County roofer is fully aware of their importance. Known as granules, these particles coat many common types of shingles, providing a protective outer layer.

Granules typically are made of fiberglass, a material that offers both strength and resilience. These two qualities, of course, are exactly what a roof needs to repel both water intrusion and damaging solar rays. Without granules, a shingle is weak and vulnerable – ultimately incapable of performing its protective function.

When performing a roof inspection, an Orange County roofing company will check the condition of shingle granules. If the experts discover any are missing or loose, they often will recommend a roof replacement – depending on how extensive the problem is.

This may sound like an extreme way to deal with some missing granules. But it’s the right way. Missing and loose granules are reliable indicators that a roof is worn beyond full functionality.

Naturally, homeowners can gamble and hope their roof holds out. But this is bucking the odds. Sooner or later, roof performance will dwindle. It will be obvious by the rainwater finding its way indoors, creating pools of liquid as it accents walls and floors with water stains.

If this is all new stuff, don’t worry. As mentioned earlier, many homeowners are unfamiliar with the role played by shingle granules. Luckily, anyone can become more enlightened, no matter where one's home is. Just gather up your questions and run them by a professional. For example, if you live in Corona Del Mar, simply direct your inquiries to a qualified Corona Del Mar roofer. Chances are, you’ll gain a wealth of valuable insights in very short order.

If you have questions about shingle granules, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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  766 Hits

Beyond Shingles: Why an Orange County Roofer is Well-Stocked with Flashing

Shingles excel at repelling water. But shingles alone won’t get the job done. An Orange County roofer relies on many components to prevent roof leaks. One of these components is flashing. Essentially, flashing is a metal strip with one job to do -- prevent water intrusion. These strips typically seal off vulnerable zones near joints or chimneys. Working in tandem with shingles, flashing forms a solid barrier against the elements.

When it comes to flashing, not just any metal will do. It must exhibit all the qualities deemed important by an Orange County roofing company. Among these qualities are strength, durability, and flexibility. And, oh yes, they must be economically-priced.

Copper is one of the chosen metals meeting these requirements. So is galvanized steel. Aluminum does a creditable job at satisfying the standards, too. Together, these form a venerable trio of flashing metals.

Homeowners should remember that roof flashing is a specialized component. An Orange County roofer installs certain kinds for specific types of roofs or roof areas. Consider, for instance, chimney flashing. Obviously, this type provides a seal around – you guessed it -- chimneys. When roofs converge at an angle, valley flashing gets the call. And so forth.

Naturally, you’ll want a thorough grasp of flashing before installation. A qualified Orange County roofing company can enlighten you, no matter where you live. If you reside in San Juan Capistrano, for instance, reach out to a San Juan Capistrano roofer for more info and a slew of fun-facts. Education never was so easy.

If you have questions about roof flashing, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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  711 Hits