Orange County

Welcome to our Orange County Roofing Company Blog. Our goal is to not only offer you the highest quality roofing solutions in Orange County, but also to educate you on best practices, offer roofing contractor tips and inside secrets that only a professional roofer would know. We hope you find this information helpful and invite you to comment and ask questions.

We work hard to bring you the best Orange County Roofing service possible. We offer the latest products and some of the best warranties in the business. That coupled with our expert installation ensures a roof you can count on!

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Roof Repairs, Roof Replacement, Roofing Materials

The Digital Dimension of Roofing

With virtually every part of the world impacted directly or indirectly by digital technology, it’s only natural that the roofing industry follow suit. And to a large degree, it has. Chances are, no matter what roofing service you require, your chosen Orange County Roofers will utilize digital solutions to facilitate optimum job performance. The welcome result, assuming all goes according to plan, is enhanced accuracy and minimized delays. Also likely to result will be widespread smiling among legions of satisfied customers.

How does digital technology enter the roofing picture? Consider, for instance, that ubiquitous element of every roofing project – the estimate and quote. These days, an Orange County Roofing Company needn’t start with cumbersome manual measurements. Various software options can digitally calculate relevant dimensions with lightning speed. Right off the bat, precise measurements are delivered in record time. It all adds up to a comforting assurance of reliability for homeowners.

But the advantages don’t end there. Roofing software can convert measurement data into meaningful price quotes matching the input. Should the quote be unsatisfactory, digitally equipped Orange County Roofers can explore an array of roofing options until a suitable price match is found. A manual exploration of options would eat up considerably more time and leave the process open to inaccuracies.

Could you be wondering about how all of this relates to your situation? Don’t speculate. Simply ask a local pro to shed some light on the subject. Let’s say you reside in Irvine. OK, just consult an Irvine Roofer about the topic. It’ll be time very well spent.

If you have questions about the use of digital technology in the roofing industry, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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What to Know Before Selecting an Orange County Roofer

It's one thing to feel good about an Orange County Roofer after a job is completed. In that case, the evidence is clear. The magnificent work meets all your expectations, and a major improvement is obvious to everyone.

Far more difficult is feeling good before services commence. For that, you must qualify prospective contractors in advance – before the hammers start pounding. Consider this phase an important first step of hiring a roofer.

Generally, homeowners can carry out the pre-qualifying process by asking a battery of pertinent questions. You might start the interrogation by asking prospects exactly why you should hire them in the first place. Fair question. Any contractor who doesn’t respond with clear, relevant reasons probably can’t think of any – a true warning sign if ever there was one. Clearly, this person isn’t for you. Move on. And above all, don’t be hasty. Your roof can wait. Make no decisions until the right Orange County Roofing Company enters the picture. When this one comes along, you can bet all its representatives will exude confidence, as well as integrity.

While confidence and integrity levels are difficult to quantify, homeowners can ascertain many measurable facts about their roofing candidates. For instance, there’s the matter of experience. To gauge this important metric, ask a prospective Orange County Roofer about years in service. The more time in the field, the more probable a satisfactory result.

No doubt, all this has raised major questions in the minds of many. Completely understandable. But don’t fret. You can get satisfactory answers from virtually any local provider. You might, for instance, reside in San Juan Capistrano. OK, just consult a San Juan Capistrano Roofer on this matter. It’ll be one of your great educational experiences.

If you have questions about hiring a roofer, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Could Your Chimney Be a Leak Zone?

For homes with fireplaces, chimneys are indispensable providers of needed ventilation. And when made of bricks, chimneys also are recognized for their astounding endurance. It may come as a surprise, however, to learn that Orange County Roofers occasionally discover something not generally known about these rooftop protrusions. What they discover is that brick chimneys can and do develop leaks. Understandably, this is the one area people seldom suspect as a leak zone. Nevertheless, brick chimneys see their share of unwanted openings that rainwater can enter.

It's important to remember that an Orange County Roofing Company almost never discovers leaks in the bricks themselves. These invariably stand the test of time. No, the openings generally appear in the eroding cement that holds these sturdy blocks together.

Weather conditions are the typical cause of cement erosion. As the years pass, rain, wind, and other elements can grind away at the material, causing gradual deterioration. With enough grinding, the deteriorating material will develop tiny openings. Uncorrected, these will be prime entry points for rainwater. The results soon will become apparent inside your once-dry home.

There’s also another culprit to be considered. This is the metal flashing that wraps around a chimney bottom, creating an important, impenetrable seal. When this metal loosens, as it can over time, an unwanted opening may result.

The good news is, you needn’t be confused by any of this. A local professional easily can respond to your questions. Say you live in Anaheim. OK, just reach out to an Anaheim Roofer for the answers you need. The experts there will be happy to assist you.

If you have questions about chimney leaks, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Worried About Roof Leaks? Here’s What an Orange County Roofer Will Do for You

Roof leaks generally aren’t big news during the sunny summer months. After all, homeowners have plenty of time before the rains roar in. A little procrastination won’t do any harm. OK, but sooner or later you’ll want the problem corrected by a qualified Orange County Roofer. Unless you’re one of these people who prefer soaked floors.

Once on board, a professional will create a repair plan. This blueprint is designed specifically for your roof. That’s right. Roofs may look similar to the casual observer. But each has its own unique features, depending on age, composition of materials, condition, and other variables. An Orange County Roofing Company will take these factors into account to formulate the right plan.

A repair plan encompasses several stages. During the first stage, a contractor pinpoints all leak locations. Then comes the decision phase which answers this question - repair or replace? This isn’t a snap judgement. Decisions are made only after careful evaluation. Rest assured, if shingles can be salvaged, an Orange County Roofer will see that they are. Otherwise, it’s replacement time.

In extreme cases, an entire roof section must be replaced. Not surprisingly, a job of this magnitude can deflate the household budget. Homeowners, however, can minimize the risk of extreme damage by exercising periodic vigilance. Every so often, get your favorite binoculars and give your roof a thorough scan. You’ll see a great deal of the rooftop, and you'll do it all from the comfort of ground level.

Inquiries about any of this can be directed to a local professional. You might, for instance, call Mission Viejo your home. In that case, just discuss the topic with a Mission Viejo Roofer. You’ll be surprised at how much you’ll learn.

If you have questions about roof leaks, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Three Great Choices for Asphalt Shingles

You're moving forward with a roof replacement, and you’ve decided that asphalt shingles will be installed by your chosen Orange County Roofers. Alright, but now you’ve got to decide which type. Oh yes, there actually are three types of asphalt shingles to choose from. Each has its own set of characteristics and price tag.

The style you pick will, of course, depend on your needs, tastes, and situation. Whichever one you select, however, will provide excellent performance and meet your expectations when installed by qualified professionals. On that you can rely.

The least expensive type of asphalt shingle is the three-tab variety. Once installed by an Orange County Roofing Company, these can be expected to last anywhere from 10 to 20 years. In rare cases, they’ve provided acceptable performance for up to 30 years. Generally, three-tab asphalt works best in mild climates, as extreme winds have been known to tear them away from rooftops.

A step up the ladder are architectural asphalt shingles. Thicker than three-tab, they are stronger and more durable. On average, they provide excellent performance for between fifteen and 25 years.

Homeowners who desire the most durable asphalt shingles will want their Orange County Roofers to install premium asphalt shingles. These last about twenty years, but in certain cases can go all the way to thirty-five years. This type is even thicker than architectural asphalt, a fact that explains their extraordinary durability.

Lots to think about. Which is why you should consult a local expert. For instance, homeowners who live in Laguna Hills can discuss the various asphalt shingle options with a Laguna Hills Roofer. You’ll be well educated in short order.

If you have questions about the various types of asphalt shingles, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Why Dormers Could Be Great for Your Roof

Is your roof looking frighteningly bland? Could it stand a bit more curb appeal? Well, the good news is -- you don’t require a complete roof replacement by an Orange County Roofer. This professional can enhance a roof’s visual appeal in a variety of other ways.

An Orange County Roofing Company can, for example, add dormers to a rooftop. These vertical projections (typically graced by a window) can boost the exterior appeal of virtually any residence. As a bonus, the unique space created by dormers freshens up the appearance of your home’s interior, too. Thus, they provide a double benefit, improving aesthetic appeal both inside and outside of the home.

Once installed by an Orange County Roofer, dormers offer many other benefits, as well. Consider, for instance, the abundant sunlight invited indoors through a dormer’s window. Completely natural and cost-free, the golden light can illuminate any upper room. Thanks to the incoming sunlight, the once drab room now takes on a beautifully cheerful atmosphere. As natural sunlight pours indoors, electrical power usage is reduced accordingly – and so, by the way, is your power bill.

And let’s not forget the improved ventilation for the room, thanks to the cool air flowing through the window whenever it’s opened. Which likely will be quite often.

Naturally, homeowners will have questions about all this. You can get them answered faithfully by a local provider. Let’s say you reside in Dana Point. OK, just reach out to a Dana Point Roofer to acquire any desired info. It’s that easy to get all the answers you want – when you want them.

If you have questions about dormers, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Color Coordinate Your Roof

Whether you seek ultimate curb appeal or simply the best look for your home, Orange County Roofers can help you achieve your goal. These professionals will do this by selecting the optimum shingle color when planning the installation of a new roof. The primary objective is to coordinate the coloring with various features of your home, the two most important being the siding and the shutters. These features should mesh seamlessly with roof coloration to achieve the pleasing appearance so important to most homeowners.

When evaluating a roofing project, an Orange County Roofing Company will give careful consideration to the shutters and siding. Should these be a basic gray, brown, or black, the professionals will suggest shingles with blended colors. This arrangement helps to create an appealing contrast that gives your home a striking appearance.

The opposite is true if your siding and shutters are on the more colorful side. In that case, Orange County Roofers likely will suggest shingles with basic colorization. As is obvious, the overriding principle here is contrast that brings out the most in your home’s exterior appearance.

Understandably, it’s not always easy to make aesthetic choices, especially when those choices will have a long-term impact on your home -- as shingle coloration will. Clearly, it’s too late to remove a new roof once it’s up, no matter how disagreeable you find the color. So, it’s best to know what to expect well in advance. To do this, consult a local professional on the matter. For instance, if you reside in Irvine, discuss the aesthetic options with a qualified Irvine Roofer. Their insights will be a major help.

If you have questions about roof color, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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A Homework Assignment for Homeowners

Sure, you’re mighty busy these days. But if you plan to use the services of an Orange County Roofer, be sure to reserve some time for a bit of homework. Your assignment? – Learn something about the roofing materials that may be used on your house. You can choose from two basic info-gathering methods: contact a local supplier or do some online research. Maybe both.

During the investigative process, you’ll acquire in-depth knowledge about many integral roofing components such as shingles and rain gutters. Ultimately, you’ll know how the various types stack up in different departments – wind resistance, strength, durability, energy efficiency, etc.

Imbued with this knowledge, you’ll effortlessly compare and contrast the different possibilities as you discuss the options with your Orange County Roofing Company. Equally important, you’ll be familiar with the pricing of prospective materials, ensuring the best bang for your buck.

The effort probably won't transform you into a roofing genius. You will, however, possess the insights necessary to engage your roofing professional in meaningful conversations about the proposed work. Think about how much better your judgement will be. Instead of nodding absently at the contractor’s every word, you’ll grasp each proposal with uncommon understanding.

Bear in mind, your education isn’t solely for personal benefit. In most cases, an Orange County Roofer will appreciate your wisdom. Thanks to your knowledge, discussions will be productive and efficient, meaning less time wasted by lengthy explanations. Good for all. 

Once you’re ready, contact a local professional to get the process started. Maybe you hang your hat in Laguna Beach. OK, just consult a Laguna Beach Roofer. It promises to be a very interesting discussion.

If you have questions about roofing materials, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Does Your Prospective Orange County Roofer Project Confidence?

Confidence is an asset possessed by a wide range of professionals. It indicates a belief in one’s abilities, usually with good reason. A prospective Orange County roofer should communicate such confidence prior to being selected for a job. After all, it’s relatively easy to list your accomplishments. But only somebody with a strong track record can project a convincing confidence. Basically, genuine self-assurance from a prospect imbues homeowners with their own confidence, which is vital to the selection process. After all, everyone wants to feel comfortable with their choices, especially when contemplating a major home improvement.

A few simple questions help establish the confidence level of prospective Orange County roofers. Naturally, homeowners should create their own inquiries pertinent to specific goals, needs, and situation. Not surprisingly, everyone will have a different set to ask. But no matter what questions are put forward, the answers should exhibit certain characteristics.

First, the responses must be direct and quick. Undue hesitation or confusion could be red flags, which should be taken seriously by homeowners. A confident contractor will have ready, detailed answers based on long-term experience in the field.

Homeowners also must make sure every job candidate sees real value in their services. This sense of value, coupled with pride, should be communicated by each representative of an Orange County roofing company. If it isn’t apparent, skip to the next prospect. You may be dealing with the wrong contractor.

Of course, you must get the ball rolling by speaking to a local provider or providers. Let’s say you live in Tustin. In that case, start talking to every Tustin roofer on your list. Then go with the one who exudes the most confidence. It’s your best bet.

If you have questions about selecting a prospective roofing contractor, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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What to Look for in an Orange County Roofer

You’ve decided to select an Orange County roofer to repair or replace your roof. Understandably, you want a qualified professional for the job. You therefore must look for certain characteristics in all candidates.

One characteristic is experience. Ask you prospective roofers about their years on the job. Have they been at it awhile? Or are they just getting their feet wet? The answer will give you a fairly good idea of the contractor’s proficiency. Obviously, the more time racked up, the more honed the contracting skills likely will be.

It’s also vital to know the license and insurance status of your prospective Orange County roofers. Both forms of documentation provide assurance of the contractor’s capabilities, as well as the basic protections offered to homeowners. Don’t compromise on this -- candidates should, without exception, be licensed and insured. Those who aren’t clearly don’t make the grade. Next!

Once these preliminaries are determined, it’s time to delve a little deeper. This means, see for yourself how good the prospect’s workmanship is. To gain such knowledge, ask to see some work samples. An Orange County roofing company probably has project photos proudly displayed on its website. True, the images can’t compare with an actual rooftop. Nevertheless, these visual records provide a fairly reliable example of professional skill.

Homeowners should start their roofer inquiries as early as possible. Therefore, don’t procrastinate -- not even for a nanosecond. Instead, reach out to a local provider to begin the process. Perhaps you reside in Laguna Beach. OK, just contact a Laguna Beach roofer for the needed information. You’ll soon realize that the effort is an excellent investment of your time.

If you have questions about evaluating a prospective roofing contractor, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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A Time for Every Roof Installation

Ask an Orange County roofer how long a roof installation takes, and this professional will respond – “that depends on the roof.” The fact is, different materials require different installation times.

The difference between asphalt and metal roofing illustrates this point perfectly. Generally, conventional asphalt roofing can be installed in a couple of days, give or take. Metal, on the hand, often requires a week or more for job completion. It needs more time because of the comparative difficulty involved -- the installation of metal roofing is a relatively involved process.

Given the relative difficulty of working with metal, Orange County roofers employ considerably more skill when installing this type than they do with other materials. Let’s start with cutting ability. Always a crucial skill, its importance triples when metal is the material of choice. To ensure a flawless fit, roofers must cut metal sheets into precise panels that eventually form the roof’s surface layer. When properly cut, the panels conform to exact specifications. As part of the process, roofers also fold the panels in designated places. This cut and fold procedure is far more exacting and time-consuming than anything required for asphalt shingles.

Consider also the relatively slipperiness of a metal roof. For the crew of an Orange County roofing company, maneuvering across metal is far more challenging than it is on asphalt shingles -- particularly if the material has been moistened by morning dew. Greater care must be exercised. Invariably, the increased carefulness stretches the time required to complete a job.

Understandably, people contemplating a new roof may wonder about project duration. Don’t worry. It’s simple to get an estimate. Just ask a local provider. You may, for instance, reside in Irvine. OK, just ask an Irvine roofer for an estimate. It’s the best way to be accurately informed, quickly and easily.

If you have questions about roof installation times, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Don’t Be Surprised by Summer

Summer is just around the corner, and rain risk is getting lower by the day. Which means your roof is safe for another year. Well, not quite. As any Orange County roofer can tell you, summertime can bring its own set of rooftop problems.

Consider, for instance, the condition of your shingles. While cooler temperatures alone generally won’t inflict much damage on these components, extreme heat often will. Hot air is infamous for causing shingle deterioration, particularly when the compositional material is asphalt. It’s easy to see when this unfortunate turn of events has occurred. Those once-beautiful asphalt shingles will be curled or otherwise bent out of shape.

As if curling weren’t enough to deal with, summer heat also can cause major cracks in asphalt shingles. Homeowners sometimes will get a double dose of woe – curling and cracking simultaneously. Not a good look for your home.

But that’s not the end of it. Orange County roofers also have seen considerable roof deck deterioration when the temperatures climb. This problem is especially hard to detect since the deck area is hidden beneath a covering of shingles.

The best way to avoid these problems, and others like them, is to get an inspection by a qualified Orange County roofing company. You can start the process by acquiring more information from a local professional, who’ll surely be familiar with the conditions of your community.

You may, for instance, hang your hat in San Clemente. The next step is easy – reach out to a San Clemente roofer and ask this professional whatever questions are on your mind. You’ll get plenty of useful answers in short order.

If you have questions about roof damage caused by summer heat, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Solar Energy with Aesthetic Appeal

While solar panels offer obvious energy-saving advantages to homeowners, some people are less than thrilled with the overall appearance of these components. The good news is that an Orange County roofer can offer the best of both worlds with an integrated solar roof. As its name implies, an integrated solar roof combines solar panels and shingles into a functioning whole. Installed directly onto the roof deck, the panels utilized in an integrated roof also serve as shingles. Sort of a two-in-one-deal. To convert sunlight into usable energy, these special shingles have built-in photovoltaic cells, just like ordinary panels. Therefore, they can do pretty much what conventional panels do.

When Orange County roofers install an integrated solar roof, they’re providing the aesthetic appeal generally missing from ordinary solar solutions. This distinct advantage offers homeowners a major improvement when it comes to rooftop appearance. Consequently, it also offers enhanced curb appeal, which is so important if and when the property ever is put on the market. Naturally, along with this added curb appeal will be added marketplace value for the property. Moreover, homeowners will enjoy the energy and cost savings normally associated with solar energy solutions.

A qualified Orange County roofing company can supply you with more details about this relatively new roofing solution. So, talk to your local provider about the benefits of integrated solar roofs. Let’s say you reside in Yorba Linda. OK, just contact a Yorba Linda roofer for more insights about this unique solution. Your efforts will be rewarded with abundant information that will help you make the best possible decision.

If you have questions about integrated solar roofs, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Asphalt or Solar … What an Orange County Roofer Should Tell You

You might be one of the rising number of homeowners confronted by a common dilemma. The crucial choice you’re facing is whether to go with asphalt or solar shingles. If your mind is being wracked by this puzzle, help is close at hand -- your chosen Orange County roofer should, as a matter of course, share certain information with you. Not only does generous info-sharing help you sift through the sticky details during the decision process; it also minimizes unpleasant surprises.

The first item to be shared is installation time. Orange County roofers should make it clear that solar shingles take a might longer than asphalt, which generally can be up and functioning in a few days. Solar, on the other hand, can require weeks. But that may not be the only waiting period. Due to robust demand for the energy-efficient shingles, homeowners could be waiting for months before the project finally can commence.

Bear in mind, not all regions are equally backed up with solar projects. So check with a local provider to ascertain wait times. For instance, if you reside in Newport Beach, consult a qualified Newport Beach roofer to get a reliable start date estimate.

An Orange County roofing company also should level with you about the comparative cost of asphalt and solar shingles. Not surprisingly, the latter is considerably more expensive than the former. Currently, the price tag of solar shingles can be anywhere between twice to eight times the cost of asphalt. Clearly, if household budget is dear to you, as it is to most homeowners, this comparative difference should be weighed carefully before making a decision.

If you have questions about choosing between asphalt and solar shingles, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Should You Upgrade to Laminated Shingles?

Are you planning or contemplating a roof replacement? Your chosen Orange County roofer likely will be using asphalt shingles, the most common material in the residential roofing industry. You, however, will have two important choices when opting for asphalt. An Orange County roofer can use conventional three-tab asphalt shingles. Or this professional can go with the laminated kind.

The laminated type rapidly is becoming the shingle of choice for a growing number of homeowners. This variety also is being seen more and more on newly constructed homes. There’s an excellent reason for this increasing prevalence: Laminated shingles offer many advantages over the three-tab alternative.

The primary advantage is durability, which stems from the shingle’s unique construction. A laminated shingle is made of multiple layers of fiberglass and asphalt, giving it incomparable strength. Once Orange County roofers install shingles made of this material, your roof will hold up exceptionally well against the harsher elements such as wind and rain.

Complementing the durability of laminated shingles is their aesthetic appeal. This type naturally looks better than the alternative. Some of this aesthetic charm is the result of its unique shape. Unlike the one size, three-tab variety, laminated shingles typically are cut into several different dimensions. This enables an Orange County roofing company to create specific patterns during the installation process.

Of course, there’s much more to know about laminated shingles. Fortunately, you can get a supplemental education from a local expert. You might, for instance, hang your hat in Tustin. Alright, the next step is easy – just ask a Tustin roofer for more information about laminated shingles. You’ll quickly learn everything you need to know … and then some.

If you have questions about laminated shingles, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Is Your Roof Boosting or Busting Your Home’s Curb Appeal?

A beautiful home is the result of many factors. One of these factors, as any Orange County roofer will tell you, is its rooftop. No question about it. A roof can add immeasurably to the overall appearance of your residence -- and therefore to its curb appeal. Homeowners should chew on this fact if they’re considering or are in the process of selling their home. Roofs that have seen better days need immediate attention, as any defects can subtract mightily from sales value. Not exactly an ideal prospect to those hoping for substantial gains in the real estate market.  

Don’t worry if your roof leaves something to be desired. Curb appeal easily can be restored by qualified Orange County roofers. No matter what the issue, these experts can rectify the situation with needed repairs, or when called for, full-scale replacement.

While servicing the roof, your chosen professionals will provide benefits on two levels. First, there’s the aesthetic level. For instance, your roof might be marred by curling shingles. By correcting this type of problem, an Orange County roofing company transforms the overall appearance of your rooftop. Aesthetics has been served.

But this is only one side of the story. Roof servicing also improves functionality and performance, eliminating many nagging issues such as leaks and other problems. Once again, your roof will do what it was meant to – cover and protect.

Wondering how your roof stacks up in the curb appeal department? Find out for sure by consulting a local professional. Maybe you live in Laguna Beach. OK, just ask a Laguna Beach roofer for insights. Rest assured, they’ll have plenty to share.

If you have questions about your roof’s effect on curb appeal, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Which Shingle Wins the Strength Test?

An Orange County roofer can install two basic types of asphalt shingles – 3-tab or architectural. The popular 3-tab frequently gets the call for roofing projects. This popularity is no surprise, given its relatively low cost. Hands down, 3-tab shingles are the less expensive option for homeowners.

When it comes to strength and resilience, however, the architectural variety wins by a country mile. Sure, they’re pricier than the alternative. Nevertheless, these shingles may be worth the added investment for homeowners relying on Orange County roofers to provide a roof with maximum durability. Make no mistake about it. These shingles will last a long time, even in the face of brutal meteorological conditions.

What makes these shingles so astoundingly strong? Primarily, the source of strength is their structure. When an Orange County roofing company installs architectural shingles, they’re covering your roof with rock solid components consisting of two layers bonded together through a process known as lamination. The double layering helps stabilize them against harsher elements such as wind. Also, because of the layering, there’s simply more asphalt per shingle, giving each one a greater mass. As icing on the cake, architectural shingles have a solid fiberglass core. Put these strength enhancers together, and you’ve got one mighty shingle.

Are architectural shingles right for you? An expert will help you find the answers. Simply reach out to a local provider at the first opportunity. Maybe you reside in Laguna Hills. In that case, just take the matter up with a Laguna Hills roofer. A great education will follow.

If you have questions about architectural shingles, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Sure Proof of Shingle Wear

A certain amount of construction goes into every asphalt shingle installed by an Orange County roofer. That’s right. Each one of those beautiful shingles is the result of a painstaking manufacturing process of molding together various materials and layers that ultimately form the final product – a shingle.

This tidbit of info may surprise those who imagine asphalt shingles are cut from a long sheet of material, like a piece of cloth. Not so. There are no ready-made asphalt shingles to be had anywhere. They must, without exception, be crafted and built-up layer by layer. In general, the better the layering, the better the performance. Makes sense.

No matter how well constructed or how meticulously installed by Orange County roofers, asphalt shingles can deteriorate over time. Among the various shingle components, one of the most susceptible to deterioration is the fiberglass intermat. This is an underlayer that is covered with a solid asphalt surface, its thickness determined by the manufacturer. The primary purpose of an intermat is to hold the asphalt together while inhibiting cracks and separation. Over time, however, the asphalt invariably wears away, often revealing a small section of the once unseen intermat.

This revelation ranks high on the importance meter. Why? Because whenever glimpses of fiberglass are available to the general public, no matter how small the section, the revelation is a guaranteed sign that shingles are worn beyond ordinary usefulness. Given this state-of-affairs, it very well may be time to select an Orange County roofing company for a much-needed roof replacement.

Possibly curiosity is getting the better of you, driving you to acquire more knowledge about this topic. Sounds reasonable. You can satisfy the yearning by asking a local expert for some enlightenment. Let’s say you reside in Laguna Beach. In that case, just ask a Laguna Beach roofer for some additional info. You’ll probably get answers by the truckload.

If you have questions about asphalt shingles, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Why Roof Insulation Ranks High on the Priority List

Many components comprise the roofing system installed by an Orange County roofer. One of these is not readily seen but nevertheless should be deeply appreciated by homeowners. That component is insulation. Often made of fiberglass, insulation helps control both roof temperature and moisture buildup. Without this important component, roofs would be unprotected and highly vulnerable to the elements. Problems inevitably will occur – problems that no doubt will saddle homeowners with a wide range of possible expenses when the necessary repairs are made.

Clearly, roof insulation is a serious matter. Given the seriousness of the solution, Orange County roofers must be extremely careful and precise when installing this component. Even a slight miscalculation can lead to problems. Consider, for instance, the vulnerability of the roof deck, which is made of wood. Unprotected or improperly covered, decks are vulnerable to cold temperatures and, when conditions are cold enough, the formation of dew. This form of condensation invariably will cause wood deterioration. Looked at scientifically, when moisture absorption by wood exceeds approximate 30% of its weight, deterioration will commence. Not a great prospect for homeowners.

An Orange County roofing company must be especially careful when securing the edges of the fiberglass material. Any gaps and spaces between it and the roof deck will leave the wood below vulnerable to moisture intrusion. Therefore, be thankful when you have a qualified and conscientious professional working on your behalf. It makes all the difference in the world.

Got some questions about this? Entirely understandable. Rest assured, the answers are readily available. All it takes is a consultation with a local professional. Maybe you reside in Irvine. In that case, discuss the topic with an Irvine roofer of your choosing. The consultation will be an extremely rewarding experience.

If you have questions about roof insulation, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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An Orange County Roofer Must Get it Right

During the process of roof installation, an Orange County roofer must get everything right. From taking proper measurements to conducting a thorough cleanup, a contractor strives to do all tasks as they should be done, leaving no stone unturned.

One area in which this ‘get it right’ principle prevails is the task of shingle layering. As virtually everyone knows, shingles typically are not installed next to each other but over each other. As the setting process proceeds, a certain percentage of each one is left exposed. The exposed portion becomes the visible part of the shingle. Arranged in this way, shingles exhibit a general layered look across the rooftop.

Orange County roofers, however, must expend great effort to ensure proper shingle exposure is established. Should they sit too far away, overexposure results. This means a large part of each shingle is left unprotected, remaining vulnerable to the harsher elements such as wind, rain, and unrelenting sunlight.

On the other hand, if an Orange County roofing company installs shingles too close, aesthetic value is compromised. Basically, an overly compressed, bunched look results, detracting from a roof’s intended appearance.

How does an Orange County roofer determine the right shingle spacing? Generally, the amount of space is correlated to shingle size. No matter what the size, however, homeowners can be confident that a qualified professional will make accurate calculations to ensure the job comes out right.

Should you desire further enlightenment about this important topic, it’s best to ask a local expert. Maybe you reside in Laguna Beach. Fine. Simply direct your inquires to a Laguna Beach roofer, and you’ll be rewarded with a wealth of information.

If you have questions about shingle layering, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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