Orange County

Welcome to our Orange County Roofing Company Blog. Our goal is to not only offer you the highest quality roofing solutions in Orange County, but also to educate you on best practices, offer roofing contractor tips and inside secrets that only a professional roofer would know. We hope you find this information helpful and invite you to comment and ask questions.

We work hard to bring you the best Orange County Roofing service possible. We offer the latest products and some of the best warranties in the business. That coupled with our expert installation ensures a roof you can count on!

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Roof Repairs, Roof Replacement, Roofing Materials

So You Want to Paint Your Roof

A qualified Orange County roofer can do much to improve your roof. The list of possibilities includes everything from minor touch-ups to complete roof replacement. But one improvement that seldom gets mentioned is painting. That’s right. It’s entirely possible to improve the aesthetic appeal of your rooftop by giving it a coat of paint. If up to the task and feel especially artistic, homeowners can do the job themselves. Often, this is done with the assistance of family and friends susceptible to pleas for help. Or homeowners can bring professionals on board to carry out the mission. Either way, the results can be quite pleasing.

Whether you do the job yourself, hire an Orange County roofing company, or call in professional painters, you’ll likely have questions about the process. One of these is: will paint have any negative impact on my roof? In most cases, the answer would be ‘no’.  Paint has very little impact on shingles. In fact, many an Orange County roofer would say that paint provides a protective coating that enables shingles to last longer. It’s important to remember, however, that not just any type of paint will serve the purpose. The recommend kind for rooftops is latex-based.

The great thing about painting your roof is that the improvement is suitable for virtually any type of roof in any type of community. But no matter where you live, it’s beneficial to get professional advice early-on. If, for example, you reside in Anaheim, consult with a qualified Anaheim roofer about the painting process. The professionals there will offer top-flight guidance that can help you make the very best decision.

If you have questions about painting your roof, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Solid Solution for Low Sloping Roofs

Often, low can be good thing for your household. Low energy usage, low grocery bills, low interest rates. All add up to more money in your pocket, wallet, or wherever you stash the cash. Low is not necessarily a good thing, however, when it applies to the slope of your roof. Many homes have what are known as low sloping roofs. How do you know if your roof is classified as such? It will take an Orange County roofing company to determine for sure.  But as a rule, a roof with this designation has a 4” vertical rise for each foot of horizontal space covered. 
What’s the big issue with low sloping roofs? Why should there be concern over the angle of a house covering?  Well, the biggest problem associated with these roofs is potential weather damage. The lower the roof angle, the more blistering direct sunlight hits those all-too-vulnerable shingles. Over the years, this incessant assault on roofing materials can take its toll, causing accelerated deterioration to your beautiful rooftop. Moreover, the low angle invites more unwanted water entry – rain simply doesn’t run off as well at a flatter angle. 
Low sloping roofs also are vulnerable to snow and other climatic phenomenon, but likely the little white crystals won’t be a factor to residents of Orange County. 
Orange County locals nevertheless can get protection for homes with low sloping roofs. Perhaps you have one of these houses in a city such as San Clemente. If you’re getting a new roof, a San Clemente roofing company can apply a multi-layer shingles during installation. This will minimize unwanted water entry and help your roof last longer. 
If you have questions about low sloping roofs, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.
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Star Power for Your Shingles

With abundant attention justifiably focused on solar panels, another rooftop environmentally-friendly element generally is overlooked. That element is the shingle. That’s right. When an Orange County roofer installs a shingle, this professional might be installing environmental friendliness atop your home. How so? Well, take the asphalt shingle as an example. Without much effort, these layerings protect your home from brutal elements such as direct sunlight. With sun heat minimized, so is the need to crank up the air conditioning. That, in turn, is a major positive for both the environment and your available funds.  

Interestingly, an Orange County roofing company may be able to go one better by installing shingles with the popular ENERGY STAR™ rating. Shingles with this certification provide some of the same benefits offered by household appliances bearing the same rating. Perhaps you’re wondering how a simple shingle qualifies for this designation? After all, it doesn’t produce or use energy per se. True. But shingles nowadays are available with a reflective coating. If the shingle meets the minimum solar reflectance requirement, it may qualify for the rating. By reflecting sunlight, rooftops made of this material significantly lower indoor temperatures and ultimately save energy. Thus, the ENERGY STAR™ rating. Additionally, this certification can provide certain tax advantages, depending on where you live.

A sunny area such as Tustin would benefit immensely by reflective shingles. If your home is in that community, you may want to call a qualified Tustin roofing company for more information. The result could be lower air conditioning bills, an ENERGY STAR™ rating, and higher balances in your bank account.

If you have questions about environmentally-friendly shingles, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Correcting the Curl

Homeowners are sticklers for functionality, particularly when it comes to the performance of their roof. The home’s top layer must, to the best of its ability, keep the elements out. But owners also want their rooftops to have an appealing appearance. By conducting regular inspections and maintenance, a qualified Orange County roofing company can go a long way to ensuring both functionality and form are up to standard. However, there are some issues that are beyond their control. One of these issues is the rooftop phenomenon known as ‘fishmouthing’.  
So what is fishmouthing? In a nutshell, fishmouthing occurs when an edge of a shingle curls upward.  It can happen on any of the edges. Generally, the issue is more visible on sloping roofs that are generously illuminated by direct sunlight. 
Fishmouthing may be caused by anything from a piece of foreign material caught under a shingle to a manufacturing defect. You may uncover the cause by enlisting a reliable Orange County roofing contractor to perform an inspection. The important thing to know, however, is that fishmouthing generally won’t hamper a shingle’s longevity, cause leaks, or otherwise negatively impact your roof. Basically, they’re an aesthetic eyesore – and that’s it.   
Should you find the site of shingle curling excruciatingly unbearable, it’s entirely possible to correct the issue. But you’ll want to do it professionally. If, for instance, you own a home in Corona Del Mar, simply call a Corona Del Mar roofing company to help. Their experts usually can press any offending curl flat and hold it firmly in place with a special glue. Problem solved. 
If you have questions about fishmouthing shingles, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.
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What If These Wander Into Your Rain Gutter?

You might need to call an Orange County roofer for any number of problems. Some of these may be serious enough to require days of dedicated work. Still, others might be relative lightweights easily resolved within minutes. It’s all part of the job. But the one issue you needn’t concern yourself with is the presence of tiny granules in your rain gutter. Most likely, nothing is wrong -- and nothing is damaged. The presence of these strange particles is a perfectly natural phenomenon that can appear in any rain gutter, any time of the year.

The unexpected granules being observed by your keen eyes originated on your shingles. Basically, a small quantity of the particles broke free and found their way into your gutter. This isn’t surprising. The granules were probably loose already. This is not a defect nor a sign that your chosen Orange County roofing company got careless and knocked some loose during installation. The loosening probably happened during the manufacturing process. It often does. Nobody was careless here, either. It’s just the result of an overabundance of granules.

Here’s what happens. During the manufacturing process, granules are pressed into all asphalt shingles as protection against sunlight. A small amount of the particles, however, come loose during the normal course of events. They then get packaged with the newly-manufactured shingles. After shingle installation, the loose particles detach and, carried by cool breezes, land in your gutter. There, the tiny intruders lie undetected by you until they're discovered.

Again, there’s no cause for concern. So, if you have a home in an Orange County city such as Laguna Hills, don’t call a Laguna Hills roofer upon sighting a gutter full of particles. Within a couple of years, all those loose granules will have disconnected, putting an end to their ongoing migration.

If you have questions about loose shingle granules, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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A Roof of a Different Color

Oh, the frustration. You’ve gone to great lengths to ensure the aesthetic excellence of your roof. You’ve researched and shopped until you finally discovered the perfect shingles. A qualified Orange County roofing company has installed them with great care. And one day you look up to admire the results and notice some unexpected color variations on your rooftop – dark and light areas interspersed among the shingles. Well, there’s no reason for concern. The phenomenon is quite normal and eventually will go away. What you’re seeing is known in roofing circles as color shading.

Essentially, color shading is noticeable as a result of variances in lighting conditions or viewing angles. Look at the shingles from one position, and the shading is apparent. Glance at them from another, and colors seem normal and uniform. The same holds true for lighting. Morning sunlight might produce one effect; late afternoon, another.  Whatever the cause, it’s important to know that the color differentials do not occur during the installation stage. This means, if you own a home in an Orange County city such as Newport Beach, the issue has nothing to do with the techniques and processes of your chosen Newport Beach roofing contractor. What it does have to do with is the manufacturer.

What happens during the manufacturing stage is the development of minor variations in the texture of shingles. It can’t be helped. Because of these textural differences, variations in color shading can result. The darker the hue, the more prone to shading the shingle is. But there’s no cause for alarm.  Shading has no negative impact on the water-repelling capabilities or other performance factors of shingles.

If you have questions about color shading, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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How Far Will It Go?

The question has gnawed at the deepest of thinkers throughout the centuries. And now, ordinary homeowners must wrestle with it. The question is, of course, how long should a roof last. Guesses have been made; calculations, performed. But still no reliable answer has emerged. Not even the most qualified Orange County roofer can provide complete accuracy. Although, one of these professionals most certainly can offer a reliable ballpark figure. When asked, most would answer that a newly-installed roof system should last about 20 years, give or take. Naturally, many variables could influence this time-span. But by and large, this estimate is the most reliable number currently on the market. If your roof goes for two decades, it has lived up to its promise.

When an Orange County roofing company installs a new roof, it can utilize a wide range of materials. This variety of possibilities is important, as material composition can impact roof longevity. Certain types of substances simply last longer. Leading the list of high-endurance materials are slate, clay, tile, and copper. Roofs made of these often will provide first-rate service for well over two decades. Bear in mind, however, that along with longevity, each of these materials has its own advantages and disadvantages. It's best to consult with an Orange County roofer to learn what they are.

Roof durability also is impacted by other variables, including climate and environment. For instance, your home may be in a section of Mission Viejo that receives abundant direct sunlight. Quite possibly, the constant heat barrage is causing shingle damage. To be sure, homeowners should consult with a Mission Viejo roofer for a complete assessment of their situation.

If you have questions about roof durability, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late

Procrastination … It’s only natural that many of us would utilize this delaying tactic when convenient. But the practice can be costly, especially where your roof is concerned. Don’t fall into this trap. Far better to confront a situation early on than face negative consequences down the road. As far as your roof goes, this means looking for signs of roof damage and deterioration. If you’d rather not take on this responsibility, a qualified Orange County roofing company will be ready, willing, and able to tackle the assignment. Either way, it must be done.

When surveying for roof damage and/or deterioration, an Orange County roofing contractor will look for the obvious signs first. These include cracked (or missing) shingles, worn flashings, and loose shingle granules. If any of these telltale signs are detected, you likely will need to either repair or replace your roof. As a rule, the longer you wait to uncover these problems, the worse they’ll get. And consequently, the more you’ll have to pay to undo the damage. Ignoring and procrastinating until rainwater leaks into your home clearly is not the preferable route.

Once you or your chosen Orange County roofing company completes the inspection, you’ll likely be facing one of two choices. Either you must replace the roof entirely or recover it with a second layer of shingles. If you’ve already done the latter, this option may not be open to you. Certain municipal codes limit homeowners to a one-time recover. The codes can vary by city. But don’t worry. A local professional can determine where you stand on the matter.  Let’s say, for instance, you own a home in Irvine. An Irvine roofing company will know the codes and how they apply to your situation.  

If you have questions about roof deterioration or damage, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Aesthetic Appeal Starts at the Top

Who says you must begin at the bottom and progress upward? When it comes to your home’s aesthetic appeal, the top is an excellent starting point. Indeed, a roof can add tremendously to your property’s visual allure.  For more information, consult with a qualified Orange County roofing company. An experienced professional can give you a complete rundown of the available options.  In the interim, however, here are some highlights.

If you’d want to unleash a roof’s aesthetic potential, begin with the shingles. Yes, gutter and other trimmings make a visual statement. But these are secondary considerations. Shingles are the headliner. There’s a good reason for this. Shingles are what you and the rest of the world sees. If they’re cracked, broken, or damaged, aesthetic appeal decreases. Equally concerning, so does their ability to keep rainwater and other elements from entering your home. Moisture easily finds its way through those cracks and other openings. If you’re uncertain about the condition of your shingles, request an inspection from an Orange County roofing contractor. In the event flaws are discovered, these professionals can take the right action.

Should an inspection mandate a new roof, don’t limit yourself to functionality. Often, homeowners ignore the roof when it comes to design. They shouldn’t. Nowadays, roof tiles are available in a variety of unique colors. If you have a home in a city such as Dana Point, you may want to consult a Dana Point roofing company about the available color options. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by the impact of a well-chosen hue.  

If you have questions about creating aesthetic appeal with your roof, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Easy Solution

If only you could make those rooftop stains vanish with a wave of your hand. But unless you possess some special powers, the intervention of an ordinary human will be required. Certainly, you can call for the assistance of an Orange County roofing company to remove the stains, mildew, and other imperfections caused by the passage of time. (Very few old roofs are without them.) Or you can take care of the matter yourself. Either way, the task must be performed. Not only are those unattractive blemishes offensive to your aesthetic sense; they very likely are lowering your home’s market value.  

In most cases, the imperfections you notice are signs of mildew or fungus. Whether you opt for the help of an Orange County roofing contractor or the do-it-yourself method, the problem probably can be solved by a very common household item – bleach.  What you’ll be doing with this handy liquid is creating a cleaning solution capable of removing the blemishes. Ideally, you’ll want the solution to consist of 25% bleach and 75% water.

Once you’re done mixing your solution, fill a garden pump sprayer with the liquid and focus the spray on the mildew, fungus, and other stains. Naturally, you’ll want to aim accurately.  Misaimed bleach that strikes surrounding plants can do them a great deal of damage.  For maximum protection, it’s a good idea to cover nearby foliage.  Also, make sure no errant spray touches other parts of the roof.  

To really be certain the cleansing is done right, consider a professional for the job. If you live in Newport Beach, for example, a qualified Newport Beach roofing company can ensure safe, reliable stain removal.

If you have questions about removing roof stains, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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More Style Options for Your Home

When an Orange County roofer installs an asphalt shingle roof, you can expect an ordinary layering of gray material. Nothing special; just a functional cover that keeps the rain and other elements at bay. Well, that might be the impression asphalt left in the past. But today, the material is making quite a different mark. And the mark is much more exciting than most people could have imagined. In the option-filled, contemporary world, asphalt shingles are available in a variety of styles. Not just the same old, same old. So, no matter what your taste or temperament, chances are better than excellent that you’ll find something in the asphalt category to tickle your fancy.

Basically, an Orange County roofing company can enhance your roof with three different asphalt options, in addition to the garden variety single shingle.  The first of these is the strip shingle, or as it is otherwise known – the three-tab shingle. The numerical designation is very apt. Each of these shingle strips consists of three tabs that mimic the look of separate shingles. Three shingles in one describes this to a tee.

The laminated shingle has a ‘three-dimensional’ look, being available in different thickness levels. This is one of the most aesthetically-appealing in the asphalt shingle category. Perhaps you have a stylish home in an Orange County city such as Rancho Santa Margarita. In that case, you may want to consult with a Rancho Santa Margarita roofer about improving your home’s visual appeal with laminated shingles.

Interlocking shingles are interconnected for strength and stability. If the wind howls long and strong in your neck of the woods, they can stand up to blows with great success.

If you have questions about asphalt shingle styles, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Where Shingle Layering Loses Points

It’s only natural … homeowners want to correct any discovered roof deficiencies, whether they be missing shingles, clogged rain gutters, or any of the other million and one possible problems. But they also want to save money. So if possible, rather than enlist an Orange County roofing company to replace their roof, money-conscious homeowners understandably will opt for a new layer of shingles. Basically, this solution leaves the old shingles in place and covers them over with brand-new, just-purchased replacement shingles. Easy as pie and so good to the wallet, right?

Well, yes. That part is correct – if all goes well. However, there are definite problems associated with this rooftop cover-up. For an in-depth analysis of the potential issues, schedule a consultation with a qualified Orange County roofing contractor. In the meantime, you can get a sense of what’s in store from the following overview.  

First and foremost, you must deal with curling shingles. If you’re current layer is lying good and flat, then you’re in the clear on this matter. But if they’re curling up from the rooftop, they’ll push up mightily against any new layer. Can you imagine your reaction as you gaze with pride upon your ‘new’ roof, only to see unexpected rises here and there? Not too flattering.

There is, however, an even more troubling prospect in store after double-layering a roof. What if, for instance, you have a beautiful home in San Clemente. And low and behold, you notice the effect that curling shingles are having on your new over-layer. You decide to replace the entire roof. Well guess what, your San Clemente roofing company must tear off both layers instead of one before installing the replacement. And all that extra labor and time will cost you. So before you double-layer, think about the consequences. You may not be doing the best thing.  

If you have questions about layering shingles, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Plastic Power

Plastic is one of the most well-recognized materials in the world. And for good reason …  so much of what we use is made of it. But now, the material has found its way to an unexpected place – the rooftop. Well, at least an important part of the rooftop. That part is the rain gutter. Most people are familiar with these water channels in their metallic form. They are, however, also available in the plastic variety. In fact, the popularity of the plastic kind is rising decisively. Therefore, the average Orange County roofer increasingly is installing this type of gutter.

There are many reasons for the climbing popularity of plastic rain gutters. Perhaps the biggest of these is their inherent resistance to damage. After an Orange County roofing company installs one of these water channels, you can expect it to stand up to the elements like a champion. Rusting and corroding, for example, are two signs of wear you’ll never see with plastic gutters. Also likely to be absent will be unsightly dents. That’s because plastic is flexible enough to resist basic bumps and bruises. Like those that may result from the impact of a wind-snapped tree limb or other debris.   

Plastic also scores big points from an aesthetic point of view.  Gutters made of this material are available in a wide range of shapes and colors easily matched to a home’s exterior. If, for instance, you have a home in Irvine, you can enhance its appearance with color-matched rain gutters. Simply call a qualified Irvine roofing company for more details.

If you have questions about plastic rain gutters, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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What to Know Before You Buy Those Shingles

Alright, you’ve secured the services of a qualified Orange County roofing company to install new roof shingles. No doubt, there are sound reasons behind this decision. Maybe your tried-and-true shingles are worn and leak-prone. Perhaps you simply want a makeover for your home. All of these are excellent reasons for making the change. Nevertheless, when selecting new shingles, you must take more than style, function, and color into consideration. To ensure a successful installation, homeowners must weigh other factors before committing to a material. Failing to consider these factors could and probably will throw a monkey wrench into your plans mighty quick. This outcome not only will be frustrating; it probably will be very costly.   

Your Orange County roofing contractor will be very familiar with these crucial factors. But if you’re shopping for shingles on your own, you must be equally familiar with them. The first of these important considerations is local building codes. Depending on your community, the number of allowable shingle layers may be limited. If you’re searching for the perfect shingles without professional assistance, you must check the local laws to make certain you’re in compliance with appropriate codes.

You can, of course, put your mind at ease by assigning this task to a qualified professional. If, for instance, you live in an OC city such as Mission Viejo, you may want to get the assistance of a Mission Viejo roofing company. These experts can determine how well your shingle choice complies with local laws.

Roof slope and local climate also can make a difference when it comes to selecting shingles for your roof. Again, a qualified Orange County roofing contractor can best determine the suitability of your choice. After all, the last thing you need is a roofing material not suited to the pitch of your roof or not able to withstand local weather conditions. Far better to know where things stand well in advance.  

If you have questions about what to know before purchasing shingles, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Help Your Roof Go Further

Once an Orange County roofer installs a roof, you can count on many years of high-level performance. But no roof is self-maintaining. To keep this important part of your house in the best shape possible, it must be cared for periodically. Not surprisingly, much of the roof care process depends on the roofing material involved. Each one has its own demands. Take asphalt shingles, for instance. The good news is, they typically don’t require much intervention. All it takes to keep them in good order is an occasional inspection performed by a qualified Orange County roofing company. With these periodic examinations, you can expect an asphalt roof to last for decades.

A metal roof is by its very nature the king of endurance. Forget measuring this material in years. Centuries is the length of time that best describes the lasting power of this material. It’s important to remember, however, that there are qualitative differences among metal roofs. Some grades of metal simply perform better than others. If an Orange County roofer is installing a metal roof on your home, be sure to evaluate the range of metal choices. You may well discover a preference for one type over the others.

A wood roof has its own requirements when it comes to maintaining performance. One of the most effective means for protecting this type of material is periodic chemical treatments. If you have a wood-roofed home in an Orange County city such as Laguna Beach, consider having a Laguna Beach roofer treat your wood shingles to maximize durability.

If you have questions about roof maintenance, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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The Undeniable Attraction of a New Roof

At this moment, many people are contemplating the crucial question – should I get a new roof or not. Giving the idea a thumbs-up could prove a good move in many ways. But before you commit to the new shingles, be sure to discuss the matter with a qualified Orange County roofing company. The experts on their team can supply many key insights about the ramifications of re-roofing. Only after everything stacks up to your liking should you green-light an installation. Remember, this outlay will be a major investment – perhaps the biggest one you’ll ever make in the home-improvement department.

If you decide in favor of a new roof, you’ll likely be glad you did. This upgrade holds many attractions for homeowners. The first and most obvious attraction is what the replacement does for home values. If an Orange County roofing contractor installs a new roof, the resale value of your home likely will rise by a robust sum. This may seem trivial if your residence is off market. But if you ever do plan to sell, consider the upgrade a definite price-booster.

Equally attractive will be the appearance of any home crowned by a new roof. Over the years, shingles have become a new breed. The old-school, drab shingle has given way to the new variety enhanced by eye-catching textures and colors. Contemporary shingles are the perfect complement to beautiful landscaping.  

And let’s not forget the undeniable attraction of cooler temperatures. Many contemporary shingles decisively reflect the sun’s heat, defending against the intrusion of warm temperatures. The cooling effect on your inner home will be most welcome, particularly during the summer stretch. Perhaps your home lies in one of the warmer zones of Orange County, such as Coto de Caza. In that case, you might want to contact a Coto de Caza roofer to discuss your options.   

If you have questions about installing a new roof, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Look Before it Leaks

How do you know your roof is set to spring a leak or two? What are the signs of impending water intrusion? Fortunately, there are many warning signs associated with this serious problem. To be sure they’re spotted and properly assessed, homeowners should enlist the services of a qualified Orange County roofer. This professional is trained in the art of leak detection – detection typically carried out with flawless precision.

Obvious or subtle, all leaks have the potential to invite unwanted water into your home. Therefore, it’s best to have an inspection completed with time to spare. Waiting until the rainy season leaves homeowners vulnerable to major moisture.  

What are some of the warning signs of interest to an Orange County roofing company? One of the clearest signals of trouble ahead is missing or damaged shingles. Once this roof covering is compromised, water intrusion and rotting easily can result. Moreover, compromised shingles can have an impact on nearby shingles, leaving them unprotected from the impact of wind. It’s not uncommon for unprotected shingles to be carried away by strong gusts.
But this is not the only way in which shingles can lose their effectiveness. Curling and splitting also can take place in roofing materials such as asphalt. When this happens, shingles are far more vulnerable to the effects of rain.  

Of course, shingles aren’t the only vulnerable rooftop component. Flashing, for instance, also is subject to potential problems. When this metal is rusted or missing, openings are created in the roof. During the inspection of a home in a city such as Mission Viejo, a Mission Viejo roofer will be on the lookout for these telltale signs, as well as all the other signals that indicate the need for action.

If you have questions about identifying the signs of a roof leak, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Solid Investment

If you’re looking for an excellent investment, you may not need to consult a financial advisor. A great return on your money can be had by selecting one of the strongest types of roof tiles on the planet. The material used for these tiles is concrete. There are many reasons why you should consider concrete roof tiles. For all the details, consult with a qualified Orange County roofing company. The experts on staff can go into depth regarding the known advantages of this material. Even if you don’t go with concrete, a discussion will at the very least give you a better understanding of roof dynamics.

Yes, it’s true that concrete roof tiles likely will have a higher price tag than alternate materials, Nevertheless, the value they provide makes them a smart buy in the long run. Consider, for instance, their undeniable durability. Basically, the material can last for centuries. Thus, if concrete is selected, roof replacement is a service you’ll never need from an Orange County roofing contractor. Even asphalt shingles pale in comparison to the infinite durability of concrete. With the former, you’ll be carrying out a replacement every two or three decades. Concrete will just be getting warmed up.

Complementing the high durability of concrete is its low maintenance requirements. Because of the material’s intrinsic strength, wind, sun, and other natural elements will inflict very little damage to concrete. It’s going to take something much more powerful than these natural occurrences to even put a dent in these tiles. Which leaves you one less problem to worry about. Do you live an in an Orange County city such as Aliso Viejo? Be sure to ask your Aliso Viejo roofer about concrete roof tiles.

If you have questions about concrete roof tiles, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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  1322 Hits

Home Vs. The Elements

Rooftops protect homes in variety of ways.  Most notably, they offer solid defense against the elements, such as rainwater intrusion and blistering heat. But your roof rarely goes it alone. Along with its own protective powers, rooftops benefit from the assistance of various components. One of these components is the rain gutter. This is your roof’s primary drainage system, channeling storm water away from your home’s vulnerable zones. Check yours out. Are they dented or otherwise damaged? A qualified Orange County roofer can install new ones to maximize the protection of your home.

Rain gutters are made of varying materials. Therefore, an Orange County roofing company will present you with the different options, explaining the advantages and disadvantages of each. One of the more popular choices is the aluminum gutter. Given the material they’re made of, these are among the lightest types available. But don’t be fooled by their lightness. These gutters are reliably sturdy and strong. Throw any kind of weather at them, and they’ll stand up to it like champions. Even in the coldest regions, they can resist the damaging effects of weather with relative ease.  

Aluminum also rates highly on the aesthetic scale. This material is eminently rust-proof, maintaining its clean, shiny surface for many years. Moreover, aluminum performs equally well when it comes to preserving its paint job. Cracking, peeling, and general wearing away happen much less frequently to paint that coats aluminum gutters. Perhaps you’re a homeowner in an Orange County city such as San Clemente. If you’re interested in protecting your investment with aluminum rain gutters, simply contact a qualified San Clemente roofer. They’ll take care of the rest.

If you have questions about aluminum rain gutters, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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  1237 Hits

Keep the Drops Out

You just can’t be too careful when it comes to maintaining optimum roof performance. Like any other part of your home, roof components are subject to wear and tear. Ignore even the smallest problem too long, and it can develop into a major and very costly headache. For this reason, it’s advisable to inspect your roof periodically. If up to the task, you can carry out a surface inspection yourself. During this time, it will be possible to spot obvious problems such as missing shingles. For more in-depth evaluations, however, it’s probably best to have a qualified Orange County roofing company carry out the mission. If you live in an Orange County city such as Irvine, you can bet a trusted Irvine roofing company will be well-trained to spot issues that typically go unnoticed by the less experienced.

During a professional inspection, potential leaks will be a prime area of focus for an Orange County roofing contractor. There are many potential leak sources. One of the most common is worn or missing roof flashing. Basically, flashing is a metal strip installed around vulnerable areas such as creases, chimneys, and vents. Often, these zones are susceptible to water intrusion. The flashing strip acts as a guard against moisture penetration, keeping rain where it belongs – on the outside of your home.

Unlike shingles, which overlap to provide added protection, flashing stands alone against the elements. Because it has no additional coverage, the metal strips often are much more vulnerable to damage and wear than shingles. For this reason, periodic inspections of flashing by an Orange County roofing contractor are crucial … preferably well before the commencement of the rainy season. Neglecting this important component puts your home at much higher risk for soaked walls, pooling water, and other consequences of water leakage.

If you have questions about roof flashing, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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  1379 Hits