Orange County

Welcome to our Orange County Roofing Company Blog. Our goal is to not only offer you the highest quality roofing solutions in Orange County, but also to educate you on best practices, offer roofing contractor tips and inside secrets that only a professional roofer would know. We hope you find this information helpful and invite you to comment and ask questions.

We work hard to bring you the best Orange County Roofing service possible. We offer the latest products and some of the best warranties in the business. That coupled with our expert installation ensures a roof you can count on!

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Roof Repairs, Roof Replacement, Roofing Materials

Roof Rain Gutters - 5 Things

5 Things to Know About Your Roof Rain Gutters by an Orange County Roofing Professional

If you’re working with an Orange County roofing contractor to repair or replace your roof, you may consider having your contractor check out your gutters, as well. Though you might assume they’re in great shape, new gutters can work wonders for the efficacy of your roof and the overall look and feel of your home.

When it comes to gutters, most homeowners don’t think about them until something is going terribly wrong--like they’re starting to fall off the house. But the right gutters can protect your home during a deluge, and can even add to the overall style of your home.

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  2072 Hits

Still Think Asphalt Shingles Look Like This?

What if you had a home in San Juan Capistrano, and you wanted a new roof? In that case, you’d likely call in a San Capistrano roofer to learn about your options. In the course of the conversation, your chosen Orange County roofing company no doubt would make mention of asphalt shingles – with good reason. Asphalt shingles offer homeowners a number of distinct advantages.

One of the primary advantages asphalt shingles bring to the table is affordability.  Your Orange County roofing contractor can offer asphalt shingles at considerably lower cost than that associated with competing materials such as tile, metal, and wood shake.

Despite their relative low cost, asphalt shingles offer remarkable durability. Once installed by an Orange County roofing company, these shingles can last anywhere from 20 to 50 years, making them an excellent long-term investment.

But the advantages don’t end there. Along with asphalt’s affordability and durability is its relative ease of installation. In fact, it’s one of the simplest materials a commercial roofing contractor can possibly install. Being easy to set in place, asphalt shingles require less installation time and therefore carry lower labor costs, allowing your Orange County roofing contractor to pass the savings on to you.

Asphalt also offers certain aesthetic advantages – always important to homeowners, particularly if they’re contemplating attracting buyers when it’s time to sell their home. Your Orange County roofing company can install asphalt shingles in a variety of textures and looks, ranging from a wood finish to tile and other popular materials. Complementing this range of looks is asphalt’s equally diverse selection of stylish colors.

If you have questions about asphalt shingles, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. Among the long-established Orange County roofing companies, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in San Juan Capistrano, Mission Viejo or anywhere else in OC, Luke Roofing is an Orange County roofing company you can count on.

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More About Conquering Roof Moss

A recent post introduced the issue of roof moss and some general solutions for eliminating this unwanted addition to your home. For people in an Orange County city such as Newport Beach, roof moss is something that can crop up any time. Newport Beach roofers routinely deal with the issue, particularly in damp coastal areas. This post delves a bit deeper into the problem, revealing a highly effective solution backed by most Orange County roofers.

The earlier post pointed out that moss thrives best in shady conditions. Therefore, removing or reducing as much roof shade as possible is crucial. How do you achieve this all-important objective? The easiest and most efficient way is by grabbing your favorite gardening implements, utilizing them to clip overhanging tree limbs and other sunlight-blocking foliage.

Admittedly, this is a tough decision -- especially if you reside in a sunny climate. Those scorching summer months in particular can be beastly, making any heat-controlling elements, such as shade, exceedingly welcome. (We hard-working Orange County roofers know the value of shade as much as anyone). Moreover, shade contributes wonderfully to lower air conditioning bills.  That’s a couple of solid plusses. Still, shade must be eliminated or reduced if you’re besieged by roof moss. It certainly won’t leave on its own.  

While shade removal or reduction is a highly effective strategy, you could be thwarted by one factor -- overcast weather. If gray skies are common in your community, nature is providing miles and miles of irreversible shade. And nothing will alter those conditions until the sun makes its appearance. If your overcast lasts and lasts, you’ll likely require the intervention of a reputable commercial roofer to conquer the moss.

If you have questions about removing roof moss, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. Among the long-established Orange County roofers, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in Newport Beach or anywhere else in OC, Luke Roofing is an Orange County roofing company you can count on.

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  1428 Hits

Roof Moss 101

With all the trees beautifying Orange County, shade naturally comes with the territory. So if you have a home in say Aliso Viejo, chances are you’re getting a great deal of complimentary air conditioning courtesy of all those spreading limbs and branches. Shade, however, also brings an unwelcome addition to your  home – roof moss. If you see masses of this green stuff on your rooftop, you needn’t call in your local Aliso Viejo roofing contractor to deal with the issue. You can personally eliminate the problem with the right resources. But before you launch your moss assault, this Orange County roofing company suggests that you get slightly acquainted with your foe.

In a nutshell, moss is a kind of plant that thrives in moist regions. Dampness is necessary because it lacks roots, the typical water intake system for vegetation. For a busy Orange County roofing contractor, moss is a common sight. As previously mentioned, the abundant tree cover so common in OC provides the shady conditions so vital to its growth.  Once you add in a dose of moisture, particularly common in coastal areas, you’ve set the stage perfectly for the future appearance of moss.

As any commercial roofing contractor will tell you, there are three basic ways to eliminate roof moss.

•    Remove the shade that is promoting the growth of rooftop moss.
•    Create a highly acidic environment for moss. Or convert it into a base environment (these exceed 7 pH levels).
•    Remove all water and other forms of moisture from the vicinity.

Luke Roofing will elaborate on these solutions in a future post. So stay connected.

If you have questions about removing roof moss, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofing company, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in Orange or anywhere else in OC, Luke Roofing is an Orange County roofing company you can count on.

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  1778 Hits

Upkeep for Flat Roofs

Perhaps you have one of those flat-roofed homes in Laguna Beach or another OC city. In that case, you already know that the level position of your rooftop demands more care than the sloping type. When maintenance is needed, a Laguna Beach roofing company can provide suitable assistance. If you prefer to go it alone, however, here’s what this Orange County roofer recommends. 
Since commercial roofers see leaks on a constant basis, most would advise homeowners to do anything and everything possible to avoid these watery intrusions. The best course of action in this regard is to ensure drains are free and clear. Drain stoppages create excellent water traps, which eventually will send rain and other moisture into unwanted places -- such as your dining room in the midst of a dinner party. 
With springtime just around the corner, it’s hard for homeowners to shift attention to the falling-leaf months of autumn. Nevertheless, this Orange County roofer recommends having this season in the back of your mind so you’ll be prepared well in advance of those shedding trees.  When autumn arrives, you’ll want to grab a ladder and sweep accumulated leaves from the rooftop. Expect plenty to sweep – it’s much easier for leaves and other debris to collect on a flat roof than on a sloped one. 
Those trees beautifying your property are another potential problem if close to your home. Many a commercial roofer has had to repair damage caused by low-lying branches scraping rooftops. Over time, that scraping can cause damage that requires professional intervention. It’s far easier and less expensive to clip those branches before they scratch and scrape.  
If you have questions about upkeep for a flat roof, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in Placentia or anywhere else in OC, Luke Roofing is an Orange County roofing company you can count on.  
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  1388 Hits

Replacement Roof Tax Credits

Interested in New Roof Tax Credits in Orange County?

Are you considering replacing or repairing your roof in 2016? Or did you make some improvements in 2017? If so, you might qualify for tax credits from either your federal or state income taxes.

Not all home improvements are eligible for tax deductions or credits, but many that make your home more energy efficient are. Here’s what you need to know about possible roofing related tax credits if you’re considering hiring an Orange County roofing contractor to make energy-efficient roofing improvements this year.

Federal Tax Credits

In 2016, you can claim 10% of costs--up to $500--or a specific amount from $50 to $300 on certain ENERGY STAR products. You must make the repairs or upgrades on your existing home, which must also be your principal residence. Vacation and rental homes, and new construction homes don’t count.

For roofs, the tax rebate applies to metal roofs with certain pigmented coatings, and asphalt roofs with appropriate cooling granules. You can also include costs for items like weather stripping, spray foam, house wrap, and caulk to seal air leaks.

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  1308 Hits

Home Seller’s Dilemma: Roof Certification or Not

If you’re selling a home in San Clemente or any other OC city, chances are you’ll want a San Clemente roofing contractor to issue a roof certification. In a nutshell, a roof certification warranties the soundness of those tiles and shingles. The document can be prepared by an Orange County roofing company of your choosing. Basically, it guarantees that the commercial roofing contractor has inspected and if necessary repaired your roof. The certification also states that the roof in question will last for a specified period of time (typically 3 years). Sometimes the document will stipulate that roof inspections are to take place on a yearly basis. 
Do You Need a Roof Certification?
If the condition of your roof is questionable, lending institutions invariably will require a roof certification prior to approving a mortgage loan. Before an Orange County roofing contractor issues a certification, the company will conduct a thorough roof inspection. Every last detail is covered in the process, as companies must feel 100% confident before committing to an approval. No commercial roofing contractor wants to back a roof and subsequently discover that it’s leaking gallons into the family room. 
When it comes to roof certifications, home sellers must face the facts: if a roof requires complete replacement rather than repairs, compromises are not an option.  You’re investing in a new roof. Fudging on or avoiding a needed replacement almost certainly will jeopardize the sale of your home. Better to enlist the services of a reputable Orange County roofing company than to wait around as your home collects dust in the marketplace. 
If you have questions about roof certifications, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established commercial roofing company, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in San Clemente or anywhere else in OC, Luke Roofing is an Orange County roofing company you can count on.  
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  1318 Hits

The Sale of Your Home Could Depend on a Roofer

Let’s say you’re selling a home in Irvine. In that case, you might need the assistance of reliable Irvine roofing services. The reason is simple: a faulty roof often is a stumbling block to a sale. Should an appraiser notice you need a new roof, he or she probably will include this in the report: “contingent on roof replacement or acceptable roof certification.”  Which means the buyer likely won’t get a loan until the matter is taken care of. So no matter what OC city you reside in, the sale of your home may depend on the skilled intervention of an Orange County roofer.    

When faced with such a contingency, homeowners obviously need to call in a recognized Orange County roofer to conduct a roof inspection. No matter which commercial roofer you involve, remember that 100 % perfect predictions are impossible.  Estimating the exact moment a roof will be completely worn out and beyond repair is an educated guess. One commercial roofer may say your roof is good for a year. Another may believe it can last two or three more years before leakage commences. Despite the divergent opinions, however, you can count on most estimates to be fairly accurate.

Remember, your Orange County roofer likely will be extremely careful during an inspection, as he or she must be aware of even the subtlest hints of potential problems. In most cases, however, evidence of wear and tear is fairly simple to spot.

If your roof is completely worn out, repairs probably aren’t an option. In that case, you’ll want a dependable Orange County roofer to install a new roof. Don’t expect buyers to foot the bill for the installation. They want neither the expense nor the hassle involved with the job.

If you have questions about roof inspections, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established commercial roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in Irvine or anywhere else in OC, Luke Roofing is an Orange County roofer you can count on.

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  1524 Hits

More Smiles Per Square Foot

You’ve got a comfortable home in San Juan Capistrano. But somehow, that plush living room doesn’t shine with the brilliance you crave. It could, however, with the help of a San Juan Capistrano roofer. By adding a skylight to your home, an Orange County roofing company will create an open-invitation to abundant room-brightening sunshine. 
A skylight can work on multiple levels. Not only will it bring sunshine indoors. Certain models will bring in fresh air and breezes, as well. Given these advantages, a skylight is a shoe-in to give your home more smiles per square foot. 
Deciding Between the Two Types of Skylights
As with all other important decisions, this Orange County roofing contractor recommends you get somewhat familiar with skylights -- before committing to an installation. The first thing to know as that there are two basic types.  Fixed skylights are a permanently-shut window. If fresh air and cool breezes are your heart’s desire, these probably aren’t the way to go. 
What is the way to go is a ventilated skylight. As mentioned above, these open and close to admit fresh air galore. But, as any commercial roofing contractor would advise, make sure they’re easily accessible. Otherwise, they’ll likely prove more trouble – and more expense -- than they’re worth.   
The other important thing to consider is whether you want tinted glass or clear. If you lean toward a brighter ambience, clear glass is best. That’s because it admits more light indoors. Should you later decide to tone down the illumination, you always can equip your skylight with a shade or screen. 
If you have questions about skylights, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established commercial roofing contractor, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in Seal Beach or anywhere else in OC, Luke Roofing is an Orange County roofing company you can count on.  
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  1659 Hits

Look What the Rain Brought You

Maybe you’ve got a home in Laguna Hills. And right about now, you’re wishing you had called a Laguna Hills roofer a long, long time ago. Because – as predicted by scores of meteorological experts – the rains have arrived full force. And you’ve noticed a very out-of-place puddle soaking your plush living room carpet. Yes, your roof has sprung a leak. You need help. But even a dedicated Orange County roofer like Luke Roofing doesn’t work in the rain. So you’re on your own until the skies are blue. 
Well, let this commercial roofer offer you some sound and simple advice. First of all, you have to limit the damage. So stop worrying, grab a mop, and sop up the moisture. It won’ take long. Then place the first handy container beneath the leak. You may not like the steady plop, plop, plop, but that noisy bucket is providing major damage control. 
With all that water on your mind, it’s easy to forget an important step in the damage-control process – move all nearby property and belongings far away from the leak. Sounds elementary, right? Nevertheless, some people neglect this crucial step. 
An Ounce of Prevention
Procrastinators take heed – don’t wait for those indoor puddles to form. Set up a roof inspection with an Orange County commercial roofer well in advance of the rainy season. Experts recommend a twice yearly inspection – once in the spring and once in the fall. Also, you’ll want to check out the roof after a stretch of windy days. Those gusts can lift and even pull away shingles, which, of course, are your barriers against incoming rain. 
If you have questions about dealing with roof leaks, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established commercial roofing contractor, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in Laguna Hills or anywhere else in OC, Luke Roofing is your trusted Orange County commercial roofer.  
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  1489 Hits

Is Steep Better?

Being a busy Orange County roofing company, Luke Roofing knows that any number of factors will impact the lifespan of your roof. Among the common variables that determine roof longevity are ventilation, type of shingles used, and local climate. 
All of these determinants are important, of course. But no commercial roofing contractor would exclude roof pitch from this important list. Pitch, which defines the slope of a roof, is typically designated as steep or shallow. 
For some reason, many people believe a steep slope takes the bigger toll on roof shingles. We seem to hear this whether we’re providing roofing services in Newport Beach or any other Orange County community. But this is not necessarily the case. Many an Orange County roofing contractor has seen steep pitches outlast the shallower variety. 
When you get right down to it, any commercial roofer will tell you that both types of slopes have their advantages and disadvantages. The major plus of a steep roof is its resistance to debris that may collect on rooftops. Debris, of course, tends to trap dampness. Accumulated dampness, in turn, sets the stage for moss and algae growth.  A steep roof that faces the sun, however, is far more prone to heat damage than is a flat one. 
Remember, pitch isn’t the only factor that impacts roof longevity. For instance, ventilation has a tremendous influence on a roof’s lifespan. Improperly ventilated roofs permit heat to accumulate below its surface. Over time, the high temperatures will cause substantial wear and tear to shingles. 
If you have questions about roof pitch, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established commercial roofing contractor, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in Newport Beach or anywhere else in OC, Luke Roofing is your trusted Orange County commercial roofer.  
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  1655 Hits

Don’t Give Pests an Open Invitation

When you’re an Orange County roofing company, clogged rain gutters are a common site. The most frequent problem associated with clogs is, of course, water leakage. But the situation creates another drawback commercial roofing contractors are very familiar with – pests. 
When gutters are packed with leaves and other debris, water naturally accumulates. Over time, this becomes stale, standing water – exactly what mosquitoes and other pests are irresistibly attracted to. For mosquitoes, standing water is an ideal spot for laying eggs. Once free and airborne, the newborn mosquitoes could be carrying any number of viruses. And spreading the microbes to the local human population. 
Fortunately, homeowners can greatly minimize the risk of contamination by doing something incredibly simple – clear your gutters of debris. How do you know if you’re gutter is jam packed with unwanted materials? Well, until technology invents gutter alarms or debris sensors, a visual inspection is your only option.
Naturally, you can conduct the inspection yourself. But you might want to consider a qualified Orange County roofing contractor for the assignment. The reason is simple – trained professionals often spot issues unnoticed by ordinary folk. And besides, you’ve got better things to do, right? At any rate, it’s a personal choice. So go with your instincts when making your decision.    
If you have questions about clearing debris from rain gutters, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established commercial roofing contractor, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in Stanton or anywhere else in OC, Luke Roofing is your trusted Orange County roofer.  
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  1737 Hits

Is Your Roof Ready for El Nino 2016?

Being an Orange County roofer, Luke Roofing deals with countless issues facing homeowners. One of the issues almost certain to crop up this year is the predicted El Nino conditions. According to forecasters, the formidable El Nino will bring heavy storms and above-average rainfall. Many a roof will not be ready. And neither will some Orange County homeowners. That means plenty of repair work for those providing roofing services in Laguna Niguel or anywhere else in Orange County. 
We Orange County roofers definitely have seen our share of water damage resulting from roof leakage. Rainwater penetrating a home can lead to warped dry wall, bulging ceilings, mold, soaked artwork, soggy rugs, and more. Not a good thing.
One Good Way to Get Ready
One of the best protections against storm damage is a clean rain gutter. To ensure proper water flow, inspect your gutter for leaves and other debris. If up to the task, you can grab a handy ladder and do this yourself. If you’d rather leave it in someone else’s hands, summons a professional roofing contractor to conduct the needed inspection. 
Either way, gutters must cleansed of leaves and other debris, as these can cause tremendous water buildup. Once water accumulates, it may be too late -- moisture easily can leak into walls and damage all property in its path. Don’t wait for this crucial moment. 
If you have questions about preparing your roof for rain, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established commercial roofing contractor, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in Laguna Niguel, Sunset Beach or anywhere else in OC, Luke Roofing is your trusted Orange County roofer.  
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  1501 Hits

Rooftop Decorations Done Right

Whether providing roofing services in San Clemente or any other OC city, Luke Roofing consistently gets the job done right. And there’s no reason why homeowners shouldn’t do the same -- particularly with their rooftop holiday decorations. As every Orange County roofing company knows, proper care and planning are necessary to ensure the best result for those twinkling bulbs and dancing Santas. With that in mind, here is a set of tips that will help ensure your rooftop decorations are done right. Not only will these tips make for safer decorating, they’ll help prevent costly damage, as well. 
Proper Attachments
Pop, pop, pop … We commercial roofing contractors see it all the time – homeowners securing rooftop decorations with a staple gun. What these people don’t realize is that staples, and the even more brutal nails, penetrate rooftops and create little holes. Small, yes. But rain and other inclement elements still can pass through those openings. A much safer bet is using clips to attach lights and other decorations to your rooftop. 
Larger Decorations
If you have a ten-foot Frosty the Snowman planted on your rooftop, clips probably won’t do much to hold it steady. Nevertheless, you still can make the big ones safe and secure. This Orange County roofing contractor recommends tying any larger decoration to a chimney (assuming you have one) or fastening a sandbag to its base. 
Before you go through the trouble of installing your holiday lights, scrutinize all cords, sockets, bulbs, and plugs for possible damage. As further insurance, make certain those strands of twinkling wonder have a UL (Underwriters Laboratory) tag. This certification ensures they’ve been expert tested for safety.  
If you have questions about rooftop holiday decorations, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established commercial roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in San Clemente, San Juan Capistrano or anywhere else in OC, Luke Roofing is your trusted Orange County roofing contractor.  
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  1659 Hits

5 Ways to Upgrade Your Roof

Whether you’re replacing or renovating your roof, you might be ready for some upgrades. Roofing upgrades, when installed by a licensed Orange County roofing contractor, can not only add to the value of your home, but also make it more comfortable and energy-efficient. And we don’t just mean spending thousands moving from asphalt shingles to clay tiles. You can actually take smaller steps to upgrade your roof, including these five options:

1.Improve the ventilation

One of the best ways to improve the overall efficiency of your home, especially in warm climates like ours, is to improve the ventilation in your roof. Proper roof ventilation allows heat to escape out of the roof, rather than collecting in your attic and slowly warming the floors below it.

All too often, roofs aren’t properly ventilated when a home is built. This causes the attic to act as a furnace when the weather is warm, adding to your cooling costs. To keep your attic cooler, as your Orange County roofer to add soffit vents. These vents go in the soffits under the eaves, and draw cooler air into the attic. Then a vent in the top of the roof allows hot air at the peak to escape. This ensures airflow through the attic, keeping it at a cooler temperature when the weather gets hot.

2.Add insulation

Another option for adding to the efficiency of your home is to add insulation to your roof or attic. The easiest option here is blown-in insulation - a thick layer of the stuff on the attic floor. Talk to your roofer about other possible ways to add insulation that will keep the attic’s heat from warming up the rest of the house.

One possible caveat here: make sure the insulation doesn’t negate your ventilation efforts. You may need to use shields or ducts to hold back the insulation around vents, so that it doesn’t block up the vents and render them useless.

3.Opt for lower-maintenance gutters

If you’re replacing your roof, why not go ahead and look at the gutters, as well? If your existing gutters aren’t properly aligned or just need a color change and upgrade, opt for a lower-maintenance option. The latest gutters include built-in hoots, which make them practically maintenance-free. With hoods to keep debris out of the gutters, you won’t have to worry about cleaning out your gutters a few times a year.

4.Reflect the sun

In sunny SoCal, one of the best choices you can make is a roof that reflects the sun. Reflective options include galvanized metal and light-colored roofing shingles. These materials bounce the sun’s light back away from your home, helping to keep it cool.

There are a myriad of high-efficiency sun-reflecting options on the market today. Talk to your Orange County roofing professional about the options available for your particular roof. This can be one more step to keep your home cool in the hot summers, which can, in turn, add value to your home as a whole.

5.Add some texture

What if you’re looking for a visual upgrade that will boost your home’s curb appeal? The easiest way to achieve this goal with your roof is to move from a flat surface - like a traditional shingle roof - to a surface with some interesting texture. Again, there are plenty of options that will achieve this goal.

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  1921 Hits

Roofing Trends to Get Excited About

When you’re an Orange County roofer, you’ve got to be in tune with the roofing trends. Imagine, providing roofing services in Irvine or any other city, and not knowing what the latest and greatest is. Wouldn’t give homeowners much confidence, would it? Fortunately, we at Luke Roofing keep tabs on what’s ahead so we’re always a leader, not a follower. For those who are curious about what’s around the corner in our industry, here are four trends currently on the radar of this commercial roofer.  
Asphalt Shingles Rule
Expect the popularity of asphalt shingles to continue climbing. Topping the list is laminate asphalt, primarily because of its durability. Composite shingles also are proving very popular, particularly those incorporating cooling granules. Though tiny, these granules do a big job of improving the energy efficiency of rooftops. 
Reflect on This
By reflecting sunshine away from a home, reflective roof coatings help minimize heat buildup on roof surfaces. The windfall, of course, is a cooler, more comfortable interior during hot summer months. 
Cool Colors
As with reflective coatings, lighter hues send the sun’s rays away from your roof and keep your home cooler. Among the effective, sun-repelling colors are off white, silver, and light gray. 
Green is Always In
With energy efficiency a top priority these days, Orange County roofers such as Luke Roofing expect more green technology to find its way into roofing materials. Current possibilities include photovoltaic roofing systems, tile solar roofing, solar shingles, and photovoltaic modules.  These materials generally are suitable for both existing rooftops and brand new ones. 
If you have questions about current roofing trends, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established commercial roofing contractor, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in Irvine, Tustin or anywhere else in OC, Luke Roofing is your trusted Orange County roofer.  
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  1863 Hits

Turkeys on the Roof

For most of us this Thanksgiving, the next turkey we see will be hot and piping on the dinner table. Some people, however, actually will witness these birds roaming their neighborhood. These are wild turkeys, which more and more are finding their way into suburban communities. Not that Orange County is due for a visit any time soon. Nevertheless, as every Orange County roofing company firmly believes, homeowners should be prepared for everything. So with that in mind, here’s what to do if a pack of wild turkeys ever do roost on your roof. 
The general idea here is to persuade the uninvited turkeys to relocate. First of all, you should know that the average urban turkey tends to select treetops over roofs when it comes to roosting spots. If branch space is limited, however, to the rooftops they may go. Once the birds are atop your home, don’t expect subtlety. Wild turkeys are known noisemakers.
Fortunately, you won’t need a commercial roofing contractor to rid yourself of the trespassers. Wild turkeys might sound fearsome, but they’re actually fairly easy to discourage. A little spray from the garden hose often is enough to send them packing. If that doesn’t work, try again. Eventually, they should get the message. And just in case the water treatment doesn’t do the trick, homeowners can utilize anti-perching devices such as bird wire.
Of course, as earlier stated, wild turkeys probably won’t be roaming the local streets any time soon. But as this Orange County roofing contractor has learned, you never know. Happy Thanksgiving!   
If you have questions about unwanted things on your roof, including wild turkeys, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established commercial roofing contractor, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Offering roofing services from Laguna Beach to Brea and beyond, Luke Roofing is your trusted Orange County roofing contractor.  
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  2211 Hits

Steer Clear of Siding Trouble

Siding makes a huge contribution to a home’s overall appearance. But as this Orange County roofer knows, it also has a more basic function – protecting properties from the unwanted entry of water. Siding, of course, is like any other part of your house – it’s subject to normal wear and tear. Along with lowering your home’s aesthetic appeal, such deterioration invites leakage, especially near windows, doors, and corner moldings. Fortunately, homeowners can steer clear of trouble by conducting their own siding inspection. Here’s what to look for:

Caulk – Time can be brutal to caulk. Check yours for cracks or signs of loosening -- both open invitations to water leakage. If you notice either of these warning signs, re-apply caulk as soon as possible. For best results, choose a warm, dry day. Caulk adheres best when temperatures exceed 65 degrees.

Cracks and Chips – Both are very common with siding that’s past its prime. For wood, telltale signs are chipped or peeling paint, as well as cracks in boards and trim. This applies whether the material is pine, spruce, cedar, redwood, or fir. Equally vulnerable is stucco, which can develop its own cracks and chips over time.

Brick Siding – The big giveaway here is crumbling mortar joints. If you see evidence of this deterioration, repairs will be necessary.

Good News for Homeowners

A thorough cleaning can help preserve siding, thereby saving homeowners from premature repair and replacement costs. Basic equipment for the job is a bucket of warm, soapy water, and a scrub brush. Once the scrubbing begins, commercial roofers generally recommend going from bottom to top. This prevents streaking. Depending on your siding’s square footage, the cleansing job can take one or two afternoons. So don’t plan on going anywhere for awhile.

If you have questions about home siding, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established commercial roofing contractor, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Offering roofing services from Dana Point to Tustin, Luke Roofing is your trusted Orange County roofer.

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  1849 Hits

Get Smart About Roof Leaks

Perhaps it starts with a steady drip plopping onto your forehead as you settle into your sofa. Or maybe you notice a small, widening puddle soaking your carpet when it rains. (You remember rain, don’t you?).  Whatever the signs, roof leaks spell big trouble. As this Orange County roofer knows, however, you can minimize the trouble if you have advance warning. With that in mind, here are three possible causes of roof leaks to be on the lookout for.   

Missing Shingles

Not too difficult to spot this telltale sign. Just glance at your roof, scan, and look for different-colored patches amidst the shingles. If patches are present, it’s a sure bet shingles used to occupy those spaces. The typical cause of missing shingles is harsh weather, particularly rain and wind.

Open Valleys

On sloping roofs, the place where two planes meet is called a valley.  This meeting point, of course, must be properly sealed. If gaps are present, rainwater can drop right through. Look for any signs of moisture along the roof seams. These indicate improper sealing.

Most often, the open valley problem starts when the original sealing is improperly done.  And it only gets worse from there. Obviously, you want a commercial roofer who gets the job done right from the beginning.

Skylight Gaps

Sometimes skylights can let in moisture along with the sunshine. This can happen as a result of shoddy installation or withering skylight insulation.  If you notice damp spots around the skylight edges, you’re probably looking at leakage. At that point, it’s best to call in a commercial roofer to investigate. Unless you love the steady plunk of water filling a bucket.

If you have questions about roof leaks, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established commercial roofing contractor, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Offering roofing services from Buena Park to Foothill Ranch, Luke Roofing is your trusted Orange County roofer.

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  1943 Hits

Have the Coolest Roof in Town

The recent heat waves remind all of us that hot weather is a year-round fact of life in Southern California. Which means most of us will be looking for ways to keep cool during those hot stretches, even during Fall and Winter.  In our experience as an Orange County Roofer, one of the best places to start is above – your roof.  That’s right. Certain kinds of roofs actually contribute to cooler indoor temperatures.  
Metal roofs, for instance, are excellent temperature controllers. That’s because they have a natural tendency to remain cool. The secret of metal roofs is their ability to reflect sunlight, thereby sending solar heat away from your home. With less heat penetrating your home, the interior temperatures invariably drop. 
While metal roofs are often pricier than those made of other materials, they offer tremendous long term benefits in the form of lower energy bills. They’re also more durable than average, meaning you won’t be replacing them so often. 
Roof color has a similar impact on domestic temperature control. White or light color materials are by far the optimal choice. As with metal roofs, these shades best reflect sunlight and thereby dramatically reduce surface temperatures. For this reason, lighter shade roofs are known as ‘cool roofs’.   
Many a commercial roofer also favors shingles or tiles for keeping roof temperatures cool. It’s not that these materials are naturally low temperature. It’s the special factory coating applied to shingles and tiles. The coating reflects sunlight in a similar way that metal and light colored materials do.  
If you have questions about keeping rooftops cool or are considering roof repairs or upgrades, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established commercial roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Offering roofing services from Laguna Niguel to Anaheim and beyond, Luke Roofing is your trusted Orange County roofing contractor.  
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  2002 Hits