Orange County

Welcome to our Orange County Roofing Company Blog. Our goal is to not only offer you the highest quality roofing solutions in Orange County, but also to educate you on best practices, offer roofing contractor tips and inside secrets that only a professional roofer would know. We hope you find this information helpful and invite you to comment and ask questions.

We work hard to bring you the best Orange County Roofing service possible. We offer the latest products and some of the best warranties in the business. That coupled with our expert installation ensures a roof you can count on!

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Roof Repairs, Roof Replacement, Roofing Materials

Fiberglass Shingles Deserve a Thumbs Up

OK, you finally realize the obvious – your home needs new shingles. Realization, however, is the easy part. What’s really challenging is deciding which type of shingles to get. If you’ve scanned the options, you already know how challenging this is. Saying there are many possibilities would be an understatement. And even if you’ve narrowed down the possibilities to one, variations still might present themselves. Fortunately, a qualified Orange County Roofer can help you navigate this complex landscape. Which is why you should seek the assistance of a roofing pro at the first opportunity.  

Asphalt shingles are one type that offers variations – two of them, in fact. The first kind is the basic model, which is constructed of several asphalt layers. The second type, fiberglass shingles, is a hybrid. Since fiberglass shingles offer several distinct advantages, an Orange County Roofing Company often will advise homeowners to give it strong consideration. Before we explore some of those advantages, however, it’s important to understand what a fiberglass shingle is.

Given the name, you might have guessed this type contains glass fibers and plastic. And you’d be right. Each shingle uses two layers of fiberglass, the layers bonded together by a special sealant. As a final touch, the layers receive an asphalt coating. Why bother with multiple layers? Simple. The layering adds weight and strength to the assembly. Because of this strengthening, the shingles are comparatively longer lasting than lighter types. Clearly, if endurance is a priority to you, this material deserves your attention.  

This acclaimed endurance is clearly reflected in the weather resistant qualities of fiberglass shingles. When discussing the matter with an Orange County Roofer, the professional will go into all the necessary specifics. For now, just know that the material can withstand the scorching summer sun with flying colors. And since they’re reliably waterproof, fiberglass shingles also perform admirably when the rains pour down.  So, if you’re concerned about the damaging effects of sun, wind, or rain, don’t be. With fiberglass shingles on the job, your home will be well protected from the harshest of elements.   

Because of the above advantages, there’s a good chance your Orange County Roofing Company will give fiberglass shingles a major vote of confidence. But they’re not the only ones who’ll back this material. In many cases, the shingle manufacturers themselves will show their support by offering, generous long-term product warranties.

Naturally, homeowners will want to explore this topic in greater depth before taking that all important next step – deciding which shingles to get. To help with the decision-making process, many professionals are ready, willing, and able to answer all questions pertaining to asphalt shingles. It’s simply a matter of reaching out to a qualified local provider. For instance, if you reside in San Clemente, just consult a San Clemente Roofer. The professionals there will be happy to shed some light on the topic and help you make a satisfactory decision that fits your needs and budget. All you need to do is make the effort. So what are you waiting for?

If you have questions about fiberglass shingles, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Why Asphalt Shingles Can Be a Bright Idea

Have you recently looked at your roof and concluded it’s seen better days? Possibly the shingles appear unacceptably worn. Or maybe you simply want something more aesthetically pleasing. Either way, you’ve decided to replace your roof. Most likely, your next move will be to contact qualified Orange County Roofers to discuss the options. As you might expect, these professionals will present an assortment of available shingle styles and materials. Among them will be asphalt.    

Are you thinking asphalt is too ordinary? Well, perhaps you should reconsider. Asphalt shingles offer homeowners many advantages. For starters, this material is comparatively affordable. If you’re budget conscious, this benefit will be most welcome. One reason for the affordability is the wholesale price. An Orange County Roofing Company can obtain asphalt shingles for a considerably lower cost than competing materials such as wood shake, metal, and tile. Of course, you might have set your sites on these alternate options. In that case, just be aware they come with a heftier price tag.

Don’t be misled by the comparatively lower price of asphalt shingles. Despite their relatively modest cost, they offer outstanding performance on every level. In fact, asphalt shingles are acclaimed for their exceptional durability. After Orange County Roofers replace your roof with these rugged shingles, you can expect them to last for 20-50 years. True, that’s a wide timespan. But even if they last for the minimum, you’re still getting great mileage out of the material. As a long-term investment for your home, they’re pretty hard to beat.

Affordability and durability, however, are only two of the material’s advantages. Another major benefit is ease of installation. No question about it. In the world of roofing materials, it is one of the easiest to work with. As a result, asphalt shingles require comparatively less time to install and therefore entail fewer labor hours.  The good news is – homeowners automatically gain a windfall from this. Fewer labor hours mean lower labor costs, which will help reduce the overall price of a roofing project. Combined with the comparatively low material costs, minimal labor costs can add up to major savings.

While basic advantages such as affordability and durability are universally welcome, homeowners also will appreciate another benefit of asphalt shingles – the aesthetic one. Currently available are asphalt shingles with a variety of textures. Among the popular textures are tile finish and wood finish. But there are more.

Plus, it might surprise you to learn that asphalt shingles offer one more aesthetic benefit – they’re available in a variety of eye-catching colors. Orange County Roofers will be happy to discuss the possibilities and help you select the one most suitable for you. It’s all part of the first-rate service they provide.

Eager to learn more about the advantages of asphalt shingles? A local professional is ready to answer any questions you have. Let’s say you hang your hat in Irvine. OK. Just reach out to an Irvine Roofer to explore the topic further. The team will enlighten you to your complete satisfaction.

If you have questions about asphalt shingles, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Roof Moss Removal Made Easy

With springtime here, many Orange County homeowners are enjoying the inspiring site of beautiful landscaping in full bloom. Prominent among the foliage will be trees of every description. Along with the visual appeal, those oaks and elms will help to cool your house by providing abundant shade. While this might sound ideal during the warmer months, any Orange County Roofer will tell you there’s one major drawback to this situation. That drawback is moss. That’s right. Moss thrives in the kind of coolness supplied by shade. All the green stuff needs is a bit of moisture, and bingo – it’s ready to spread far and wide across your rooftop.

Should you see patches of moss marring your rooftop, don’t worry. The problem can be eliminated with comparative ease. You can choose to enlist the services of a qualified Orange County Roofing Company to get the job done. Or you can carry out the task yourself, utilizing items easily purchased at the local hardware store.

Remember, a roofing contractor is thoroughly familiar with moss intrusions. They know the green stuff, having dealt with it on many prior occasions. Therefore, this professional understands exactly how to eliminate the problem. If you’re planning to tackle the issue solo, it behooves you to know some of what the pros know. For your edification, here's what they think is important.

The first fact you should know is that moss essentially is a kind of plant. Like most plants, it requires some level of moisture. Unlike most plants, however, it lacks those important extensions known as roots. No matter. Moss has its own method for hydrating itself – it absorbs moisture from the air.

You might be saying, wait a minute. There’s very little rainfall this time of year … usually. What can supply moss with the necessary dampness? Well, there's plenty in the Orange County atmosphere. Yes, being comparatively close to the seashore, Orange County receives its fair share of ocean moisture. And, as you can imagine, the nearer to the shore you are, the more saturated the atmosphere will be. It’s no surprise, then, that the typical Orange County Roofer sees more moss-removal action in a city such as Laguna Beach than in a region further from the shore. But virtually all communities have some atmosphereic dampness. Now, once you factor in shady conditions, which reduce moisture-drying sunshine, you’ve got the perfect conditions for moss development.

As a primary recommendation, an Orange County Roofing Company would instruct homeowners to remove all sources of shade. The removal process applies particularly to overhanging tree limbs, the world’s leading source of exterior shade. You might balk at the idea of removing foliage, especially if it’s adorned with stunning flora. Nevertheless, the task must be done.  

To supplement this solution, homeowners should make certain there’s no water source near the rooftop. And if you just happen to be knowledgeable about chemistry, you can create a localized acidic environment – a natural moss inhibiter if ever there was one.

Having taken in this introductory information, you probably have some questions in need of answers. No problem. Just consult a local expert. For instance, if you call Laguna Beach home, simply reach out to a Laguna Beach Roofer. The professionals there will be delighted to help in every way possible.

If you have questions about roof moss, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Your Home Will Be Happier with This

What does every home need? Needs vary, of course. But the most important of them could be this – periodic roof inspections. Whether performed by Orange County Roofers or industrious homeowners, a roof inspection offers a variety of benefits.

Among the primary benefits is damage prevention. How is this achieved? Simple. During a rooftop scan, inspectors look for tiny holes and cracks. Eventually, these gaps can and often will enlarge into gaping holes that rainwater can enter.  Naturally, those drops must go somewhere – typically onto your walls, floors, and furniture. In most cases, a good soaking won’t exactly improve the condition of these parts of your home. A thorough inspection reveals potential leak zones before damage results.

But damage prevention is only one benefit derived from an inspection. Remember, water-soaked areas must be repaired. Which means you’ve got another problem on your hands – repair costs. Therefore, along with damage prevention, an inspection provides the parallel benefit of cost savings.

But even more cost savings can be yours when an Orange County Roofing Company conducts an inspection. You see, while scanning for cracks and holes, crews also check the condition of insulation. Should the material prove substandard, it can be replaced by new insulation that promotes greater heat retention. With more heat lingering between your walls, your home is warmer during the winter months, a welcome result that saves energy and lowers heating costs.

Yearning to know more about the benefits of roof inspections? No problem. You can acquire a wealth of knowledge by consulting a local expert. You might, for instance, reside in Newport Beach. OK, in that case, just reach out to a Newport Beach Roofer. The professionals there will be delighted to help.  

If you have questions about roof inspections, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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This Solution Works Like Magic to Prevent Water Damage

Throughout the course of a year, the typical Orange County Roofer provides a wide range of services to homeowners. One of the most common services is water damage repair. Fortunately, there’s an easy way to prevent or at least minimize this problem – regularly clean your rain gutters.

Designed to channel water away from the rooftop, gutters protect your home from a variety of problems. For instance, when gutters send rain away from your rooftop, the risk of mold and algae growth is greatly reduced. So are the chances of water entering your home through unseen openings.   

Homeowners have two choices when it comes to rain gutter cleaning. They can select an Orange County Roofing Company to do the job. Or they can do it themselves. Either way, accumulated leaves and other debris must be cleared from the gutters to create an unobstructed path that permits smooth water flow.

So, what happens if debris is left alone? Just what you’d expect -- it will form tiny dams in the channels, allowing rainwater to pool up and finally overflow. And guess where much of the overflow could go? That’s right. Onto your roof and/or through your walls. Unstopped, the flow may find its way into your home in the form of leakage.  

Once leaking water penetrates your home and walls, the resulting damage can be considerable – and considerably expensive. Why wait until you’re forced to call an Orange County Roofer to correct the problem? It’s far better simply to clean the gutters before issues emerge.

Chances are, you’d like to explore this topic further. And the best people to join you in this pursuit are local experts. It’s easy to connect with them. For instance, if you reside in Dana Point, just reach out to a Dana Point Roofer. The professionals there will be happy to help.  

If you have questions about rain gutter cleaning, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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What Winter Weather Can Do to Your Roof

During the winter months, Orange County homes rarely find themselves covered with snow. Nevertheless, local residences are still vulnerable to other types of winter weather. Particularly vulnerable is the rooftop. Depending on conditions, this area can develop various kinds of weather-related damage that in some cases can become quite severe. Fortunately, winter roof damage easily can be corrected by qualified Orange County Roofers. It’s important to remember, however, that promptness is essential. The longer you wait to address a problem, the worse it likely will get. And that seldom results in lower repair costs.   

What problems is winter weather likely to cause? The most common is water damage resulting from heavy rainfall. This can happen in various ways, most typically by rainwater entering a home through openings created by curled shingles or rooftop punctures. Be aware, these vulnerabilities aren’t always easy to see from ground level. But they can be detected during a thorough roof inspection conducted by an Orange County Roofing Company. At minimum, get one of these annually to ensure your roof is winter ready.

Rainwater, of course, isn’t the only culprit in the wintertime mix. Wind, for instance, has its own potential for winter roof damage. Depending on the intensity, gusts can loosen shingles, leaving unintended openings in your roof. A good blow also has the power to tear loose tree limbs, which can slam onto your roof and pound punctures into your shingles. And if by chance hail drops from the sky during a good storm, you can bet those stones won’t be kind shingles, either.

Clearly, serious problems can crop up during a good winter storm. Which is why you should explore the topic further with a local expert. You might, for instance, reside in Yorba Linda. OK. In that case, simply consult a Yorba Linda Roofer. The information you receive will be invaluable.

If you have questions about winter roof damage, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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How the Stage is Set for Roof Repairs

When an Orange County Roofer performs roof repairs, this professional sets the stage by carrying out several important steps. The first is a preliminary evaluation of your roof. During this process, your chosen professional will conduct an in-depth inspection and identify all problems requiring attention. Be aware, this is your golden opportunity to ask questions and clarify any uncertainties you might have. So absolutely speak up when you feel the need. By doing so, you’ll know all your options right from the start.

Once an Orange County Roofing Company determines the trouble spots, a cost will be calculated and presented to you, the homeowner. Whatever you do, don’t simply accept an overall figure as the final number. What you’ll want to see is an itemized breakdown of costs for each project component – labor, materials, etc. Knowing these specifics will give you a clearer picture of where your hard-earned money is going.

After you and your Orange County Roofer agree on the numbers, the project can commence. But a professional doesn’t just leap into the repair process. No, before the hammers pound and the shovels tear, the crew will focus their efforts on cleaning the area. Removed will be dirt, mold, algae, and any other rooftop eyesores, clearing the way for repairs to begin.

Has your curiosity been aroused? Are you itching to know more about this important topic? Don’t be left wondering. Enlightenment can be yours simply by reaching out to a local professional. Your might, for instance, reside in San Clemente. OK, in that case just consult a San Clemente Roofer. It just doesn’t get any easier than that.

If you have questions about roof repairs, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Could This Be the Roofing Material You’re Looking For?

When it’s time to get a new roof, homeowners must make many decisions. One of these is – Which type of roofing material should your Orange County Roofers use? If durability is a priority, one of your best options is slate. Made from a rock of the same name, slate roofing can last up to 200 years. The actual timespan depends on which type of the material is used. Soft slate generally endures for between 50-125 years, while hard slate can provide top-notch performance for up to 200 years. Choosing between the two depends on your priorities and objectives.

Slate’s durability is matched by its visual allure. No question about it. When an Orange County Roofing Company installs slate roofing, you’ll be adding tremendously to your home’s aesthetic appeal. Part of the appeal stems from the distinctive, natural rock texture of the material. The other part derives from slate’s organic color variations. In its natural environment, slate appears in a variety of hues, including the ever-popular red, green, and blue. For homeowners, it’s simply a matter of choosing the color best suited to the style and design of your home and community.

As icing on the cake, slate offers homeowners a double-value. First, the material is an excellent investment, as it generally adds to a home’s market value. Second, slate is environmentally friendly. A naturally occurring material, it minimally affects the environment when discarded.

Is slate roofing what you’re looking for? Why not let a local expert help you find the answer. For instance, you might reside in Irvine. In that case, simply consult a qualified Irvine Roofer. The guidance you get will be invaluable.

If you have questions about slate roofing, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Do This Before Selecting an Orange County Roofer

OK, you’ve decided to get your roof serviced by an Orange County Roofer. Good. You’ll be happy you did. But you’ve got some work to do, too. You see, before selecting a roofer, homeowners should take several important steps. By making this effort, you’ll acquire the information necessary to make the best possible decision. You’ll also have peace of mind.

Your first step is to determine a prospect’s level of experience. This can vary from company to company, so conduct some careful probing. When asking your questions, learn both the candidate’s years in service and the roof types handled in the past. This latter point ensures the firm’s familiarity with your roof type.

Next on the list is to provide some of your own vital information to a prospective Orange County Roofing Company. Supply the firm with relevant facts about your roof, such as past problems and unusual characteristics. Doing this enables a candidate to make all necessary preparations. It also allows the prospect to determine if they’re right for the job. If the company isn’t, move on to the next.

Finally, before selecting an Orange County Roofer, read pertinent reviews about the firm to ascertain service quality. This process reveals three vital points -- the firm’s performance level, customer service rating, and overall reliability. Always good to know.

Want to learn more about this important topic? You can educate yourself by sharing your questions with a local expert. Let’s say you reside in Mission Viejo. OK, in that case just reach out to a friendly Mission Viejo Roofer. The experts there will be more than happy to help.

If you have questions about selecting a roofer, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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The Winner of the Popularity Contest

Are you considering or perhaps getting a roof replacement? If so, you have some important decisions to make. For instance -- choosing the right covering. Don’t fret about this. Orange County Roofers offer a variety of worthy choices. And even though the selection is vast, one type consistently proves the most popular. Who is the winner of this popularity contest? That would be shingles.

Why are shingles so popular? There are many reasons for the widespread appeal. One of the main ones is affordability. No question about it. When compared with the list of alternatives, shingles generally come in with the lowest price. Always welcome news to budget-conscious homeowners.

Affordability, however, isn’t the only benefit of shingles. Also advantageous is the acclaimed durability of this covering. When an Orange County Roofing Company installs a layer of shingles, you can bet they’ll function superbly for years and years.

And let’s not forget the relative ease of shingle installation. Because of this simplicity, roofing crews generally can lay down a layer of shingles in less than a day. (Although certain jobs will require more time. The upshot of this, of course, is that Orange County Roofers will expend less time on the job, thereby reducing labor costs – and presumably your bill.

Naturally, this is just a brief introduction to the many benefits of shingles. Fortunately, you can get more details by consulting a local expert. For instance, you might hang your hat in Laguna Beach. OK. In that case, just discuss the topic with a qualified Laguna Beach Roofer. You’re sure to be enlightened to your complete satisfaction.

If you have questions about the benefits of shingles, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Make Your Roof as Good as New … Almost

You glance up at your roof and notice an unwelcome sight -- some of the tiles are cracked. Or maybe you see water stains marring the otherwise perfect appearance of your rooftop. These and similar signs are reliable indicators that your roof has sustained some type of damage. Of course, only a thorough investigation can confirm this. The good news is, if damage is confirmed, you probably don’t need a new roof. That’s because in many cases, an Orange County Roofer can correct the issue with a basic roof repair. By doing so, a professional solves the problem while at the same time saves you the expense of getting an entirely new roof. Always a welcome outcome.

What are some problems typically requiring a roof repair from a qualified Orange County Roofing Company? A common one is cracked or missing tiles -- classic signs of water damage. Now you might be shrugging your shoulders, thinking this is no big deal. “My roof needn’t look perfect,” you rationalize. “It just needs to function.”

That might be true. But beneath these ‘cosmetic’ problems, your roof could be wearing away. What’s worse, holes often will form in these worn-out areas, thereby creating openings for rainwater and other forms of moisture. You can bet these leaks will require prompt attention and add tremendously to the repair bill. So, if you’d rather put a lid on costs, do your wallet a favor --get a roof repair to correct any problems -- before they get worse. The sooner, the better.

Itching to know more about this? No problem. Just ask a local professional. For instance, if you hang your hat in Anaheim, simply consult an Anaheim Roofer. You couldn’t ask for a better source of information.

If you have questions about roof repair, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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The Right Tools for the Job

Sure, a successful roofing service depends on the skills of your selected Orange County Roofers. Nevertheless, these skilled professionals need a little help to perform their duties. That help comes from the collection of roofing tools they’ll bring to the job.

The most important item in their tool collection is a hammer. Using this implement, a roofer drives in those bright shiny nails that hold shingles in place. The nails, of course, must be driven with ultimate precision to ensure shingles stay where they’re supposed to. Thus, there’s a great deal of skill that comes into play.

Along with a hammer, many other tools are held by a tool belt. This puts the entire collection in easy reach, thereby eliminating frequent visits to the tool truck.

Certain roofing tools are meant for cleanup. A shovel is one of these. Yes, with all that tearing and pulling, an Orange County Roofing Company creates abundant roof debris. It can’t be helped. A shovel, therefore, is needed to move or remove the clutter. Professionals also will carry a broom or two for the same purpose.

Naturally, the debris must go somewhere – preferably not in the front yard. For clutter disposal, the crew will have a trash bin at the ready.

And what about accuracy? You’ll be pleased to know Orange County Roofers are very accuracy minded. To ensure the desired precision, they typically use a very common item -- a ruler or other straight edge tool.

Curious to know more about this important topic? You can get yourself educated in a hurry by consulting a local professional. For instance, if you hang your hat in Newport Beach, just reach out to a Newport Beach Roofer. Then prepare to be enlightened.

If you have questions about roofing tools, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Surprise … You’ve Got Some Work to Do, Too

Is an Orange County Roofer scheduled to replace your roof? Well, this might come as a surprise, but these professionals aren’t the only people who’ll be working hard. Homeowners, too, must expend a certain amount of effort and energy preparing for a roof replacement.

When replacement day arrives, your first assignment is to clear your property of obstructions. This task includes moving your car or truck out of the driveway and into the garage or onto the street. Other items such as toys, garden implements, and decorations also should be removed. The clearing process is necessary because roofing crews will be crossing your property during the workday. The last thing they need is a clutter of obstructions slowing them down.

Homeowners also should take steps to protect their property from roof debris. You might, for instance, have fragile or otherwise vulnerable plants that won’t exactly benefit from a barrage of falling trash. Don’t worry. You can protect this susceptible vegetation by covering it with a net or tarp. And if you have vulnerable trees, inform your Orange County Roofing Company. The crew will know they must exercise particular care around them.

Protecting your property applies to the home’s interior, as well. For maximum protection, remove all items that may be loosened by heavy vibrations. You see, an Orange County Roofer does a considerable amount of hammering during a roof replacement. As you can imagine, the impacts will send major vibrations through your walls. Therefore, be sure to remove all easily loosened wall paintings and shelf items, storing them in a safe place.

Want to know more? You can go into this further with a local professional. For instance, if you live in Laguna Hills, simply discuss the matter with a Laguna Hills Roofer. Getting yourself educated couldn’t be easier.

If you have questions about preparing for a roof replacement, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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The Mathematical Side of Roofing

Along with hammering and tearing, Orange County Roofers must do a certain amount of calculating. The calculations are the precise roof measurements taken prior to the commencement of a roof installation. By taking these measurements, professionals determine the number of shingles needed for a job.

An Orange County Roofing Company begins the calculating process by sketching a diagram of the property. The drawing needn’t be a masterpiece – just a simple graphic representation that provides basic information such as home shape and location of front, back, side, etc.

The first actual calculation takes place when a professional measures a home’s perimeter. To arrive at this number, contractors use a tape measure to ascertain the length of all outer walls, as well as any other sections such as the garage.

Once the perimeter is known, Orange County Roofers calculate a roof’s square footage. This measurement, however, is only part 1 of a two-step process. For step 2, roofers convert the square footage into a number known as a ‘roofing square’. What exactly is a roofing square? In a nutshell, this is a 10’ x 10’ area (or 100 square feet) of rooftop. So, if a roof measures 1000 square feet, Orange County Roofers will be covering the equivalent of 10 roofing squares.

For the final calculation, roofers also must measure and factor in a roof’s slope. With this number in hand, they at last can determine the precise number of shingle bundles to order. (Shingles are not sold individually but in bundles.)

Curiosity aroused? Yearning to delve deeper into this topic? It can be done. Just ask a local expert for more info. Let’s say you hang your hat in San Clemente. OK, just consult a San Clemente Roofer. Before you know it, you’ll be thoroughly educated.

If you have questions about roof measurements, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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The Road to a Roofing Career

If you want to become an Orange County Roofer, you can’t just waltz into the job. Before hammering even one nail, you must obtain a roofing license. There is, of course, a process for acquiring this government-issued permit.

Your first step is to get sufficient on-the-job experience – generally as an eager apprentice to an established contractor. There’s plenty of opportunity to go this route. Many contractors are more than happy to give a genuinely interested prospect a chance to get their feet wet. In fact, these contractors probably got their starts in a similar way.

An apprenticeship, however, is only the initial step. A prospect must satisfy a variety of other licensing requirements. Doing so is mandatory for anyone hoping to work for an Orange County Roofing Company. Remember, each state sets its own requirements. Therefore, it’s important to concentrate on those that are relevant to California.

After all preliminary requirements are satisfied, a prospective Orange County Roofer must demonstrate sufficient competency before jumping into action. Thus, a candidate is required to take and pass an approved roofing exam. Assuming the results are good, a prospect will be ready to take the final step. That is -- filling out a roofing license application and submitting it for consideration. As you might expect, every prospect also will be submitting a fee.

Is your curiosity aroused by this topic? Would you relish an opportunity to delve deeper and gain a better understanding of the roofing profession? You can get all the info you crave by presenting your questions to a qualified local professional. You might, for instance, reside in Tustin. In that case, just consult a Tustin Roofer. You’ll get answers to all your questions in short order.

If you have questions about getting a roofing license, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Your Home’s Not-So-Well-Known Protector

When an Orange County Roofer replaces a roof, the roofing system will include a variety of protective components. One of these components is called a drip edge. Basically, a drip edge is a metal strip affixed to the edges of a roof. Its purpose – to direct rainwater and other moisture away from the home and into rain gutters. Without this metal strip, water would have an easier time getting underneath shingle edges, where the moisture could cause severe damage to fascia board. True, a drip edge isn’t as well-known as other protective components, such as gutters. Nevertheless, it unquestionably has a vitally important job to do.

An Orange County Roofing Company can choose from among several different drip edge materials, each with its own advantages. An aluminum drip edge, for instance, is highly rust resistant. Moreover, this material is available in an assortment of colors, making it ideal for aesthetic purposes.

Galvanized steel drip edges, on the other hand, offer unsurpassed strength and durability. As with the aluminum variety, steel is dependably rust resistant.

Copper drip edges have one advantage over the other two – a truly distinctive look. Because of this special look, many appearance-minded homeowners will choose this type.

An Orange County Roofer must take certain steps to ensure drip edges are securely attached. These steps include cutting the metal strips to create a precision fit, and using roofing nails properly spaced to maximize hold.

Chances are, you have some questions about all this. Fortunately, you can get them answered by a local expert. Let’s say you reside in Irvine. OK, then simply contact an Irvine Roofer to get the answers you need. It’s that easy.

If you have questions about drip edges, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Getting New Roof Tiles? Don’t Skip This Important Step

You’ve selected a team of qualified Orange County Roofers to install new roof tiles. Great. A fresh layer of tiles adds both value and aesthetic appeal to your home. But do you know which ones are best for your home? Presently, the marketplace offers a diversity of tile styles and materials, each with its own characteristics. Given this wealth of possibilities, it behooves you to know what they are. After all, you want to make the best choice – and the best impression, right? OK, then you need to get clued in. The following introduction will help you take this important step.

Concrete is among the most popular tile materials an Orange County Roofing Company can install. As you might expect, this material offers incomparable durability. But it matches this characteristic with another important feature – affordability. You might say concrete beautifully balances these two advantages. And to these you can add another – aesthetic appeal. That’s right. Concrete tiles can simulate the look of wood, slate, and other materials.

Great durability also distinguishes clay tiles, which provide exceptional performance decade after decade. This material has a unique rustic appearance, a characteristic that makes it ideally suited to certain home styles and communities.

Orange County Roofers can give your home an even more pronounced rustic appearance by installing synthetic cedar roof tiles. As the name implies, this material has the look of natural cedar. What it doesn’t have is high maintenance requirements. In fact, the material is extraordinarily easy to care for.

This overview, of course, is just an introduction to the topic of tile styles. You can, however, get much more information by consulting a local expert. For instance, if you reside in Laguna Beach, just contact a Laguna Beach Roofer. The experts there will be glad to expand your knowledge.

If you have questions about roof tiles, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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  192 Hits

The Easy Way to Eliminate Algae

You’ve noticed unsightly green splotches atop your roof. Yes, you’ve observed major algae growth. Obviously, you want it gone -- like yesterday. The best option is securing the expert help of a qualified Orange County Roofer. Of course, you could tackle the job yourself. But -- unless you really know the territory, disappointment is likely. Which means you’ll probably contact a professional anyway.

Now why risk disappointment when a seasoned pro can solve your algae issues in a snap. This expert has the tools, the know-how, and the experience to make your troubles go away – quickly and easily.

An Orange County Roofing Company begins the algae removal operation at the beginning. That’s right -- with a thorough inspection of your rooftop. As the shingles are scanned, algae formations are examined from one end of the roof to the other. A few calculations later, the crew has an accurate estimate of the workload and equipment necessary to complete the job.

During the clean-up process, the crew sprays affected areas with a bleach-based solution, which destroys algae and inhibits future growth. Does this complete the job? No. Orange County Roofers must rinse the rooftop with ordinary water to wash away the cleaning agent. (They’ll do this about a half hour after spraying.) The result of all this, of course, is the rapid elimination of algae and the return of a pristine roof that’s once again the pride and joy of the community.

Fortunately, you can learn more about this topic, which understandably piques the interest of many homeowners. You just need to contact a local expert and present your questions. It’s easy. For instance, maybe you hang your hat in Aliso Viejo. In that case, just consult an Aliso Viejo Roofer. You’ll be duly educated in short order.

If you have questions about algae removal, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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Where Every Sloping Roof Meets

Maybe you never noticed before, but every sloping roof has a meeting place. No, we’re not talking about a gathering zone for social interactions. What we’re referring to is a point where two angled planes meet on a sloped roof. This connection, appropriately enough, is called a ridge. Exactly what it resembles. Basically, a ridge runs along the length of a rooftop peak, from one edge to the other. When replacing a roof, Orange County Roofers must take very specific steps to construct and secure this connective area. As you can imagine, this job is no routine endeavor. Abundant skill and years of experience come into play when a ridge is constructed.

So, exactly how does an Orange County Roofing Company construct a ridge? Basically, the construction process consists of laying down a series of shingles across the ridge line. The shingles serve as a protective layer for the meeting point.

In many cases, a crew also will install ridge vents near the juntion. These vents allow moist air to flow out of attics or rafter spaces. Very important. Why? Because, the airflow helps minimizes moisture accumulation and consequent mold development in these vulnerable zones.

Remember, each sloping plane extending from a ridge isn’t just making an aesthetic statement. It also has a practical function. Known as a valley, the planes direct rainwater and other moisture downward, away from the roof.

Maybe you’re yearning for more knowledge about this critical rooftop component. And who could blame you? Fortunately, you can get ready answers from a local professional. For instance, you might reside in Newport Beach. If so, just contact a Newport Beach Roofer and share your questions. They’re sure to be answered to your complete satisfaction.

If you have questions about the function of a roof ridge, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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  389 Hits

These Little-Known Roofing System Components Have a Big Job to Do

During a roof replacement, an Orange County Roofer will build an elaborate system consisting of various structural components. Some of these, such as decking and rain gutters, are fairly well-known to homeowners. Others, however, are relatively unfamiliar. Yet despite this relative obscurity, these roofing system components have a mighty big job to do.

One of the unknown components is flashing. A thin sheet of metal, flashing sits at the base of chimneys, vents, and other critical spots. It’s purpose? -- to prevent water leakage during a rainstorm. Always a good idea.

When conducting a roof inspection, an Orange County Roofing Company looks for signs of flashing defects. These signs include bent or darkened shingles, which can result from spreading water. If this evidence is discovered, your flashing may require immediate attention. Professionals, of course, can make that determination.

Drip edges are another of the little-known components. As their name implies, these metal strips help protect roof edges from dripping rainwater.

Of course, no discussion of roofing components would be complete without mentioning fascia. This is a horizontal wooden board installed below rain gutters. The primary job of fascia is to direct water away from the home. As a bonus benefit, it also provides a certain amount of aesthetic appeal.

Yearning to know more about this topic? Fortunately, all your questions easily can be answered by a local expert. You may, for instance, hang your hat in Irvine. In that case, your next step is simple. Just consult an Irvine Roofer. In short order, you’ll be enlightened to your complete satisfaction.

If you have questions about roofing system components, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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  215 Hits